The problem: When the website loads, the background shifts up to incorporate the catfish popup and allow the content to not be masked. This is a cool function, though I don't want this to happen.
Question: How do I stop the website from adjusting up?
(I tried modifying this: catfishheight = 90; // total height of catfish in pixels catfishoverlap = 90; // height of the overlap portion only (semi-transparent)
This does allow the catfish to cover up the content, though the background image still shifts with the catfish load.
I have some javascript code that does some GET and POST requests that are required. Sometimes it doesn't fully execute for the user because they close or click onto another page before the javascript is completely done. Is there anyway I can let all of the javascript load first and slow down the actual page load of the website.
How can I make it to where an image will load in the corner of a website?Specifically, I have part of a template I want all people to see, however, some people either get it cut off or not shown at all because of their resolution.
[code]Now I use firebug to inspect the 3 <li> again, then I realize the 3 <li> don't have class, style and jcarouselindex anymore. I guess it is because the function inside jcarousel.min.js file is execute first before the 3 <li> are finish sent from usermessage.php file. How to stop jcarousel funtion before 3 <li> is finish loaded? I saw there is an example of the way to stop jcarousel function but it is for xml data, I don't know how to convert it to php. I hope somebody can help me out about this. Below is the example of the way to stop jcarousel function but it is for xml data.[code]
Well, i have already built a website using a)MySQL b)HTML c)PHP and d)Javascript.My website consists of basic html pages/templates which have links to the left and point to another templates/pages.For example, i have 4 templates
Each template consists of links to another pages, that means that they don't contain only text but links too and a search engine.Well, i'm thinking of adding some animation in my website using the jquery library.Let's say we have an accordion which has 4 choices and when the user clicks on the first choice the 1st template(NEWS) appears inside the slide of accordion, not in a new page!!!This is what i would like to do, to place in each slide one of my templates. CAn this be done?
Which are the disadvantages of adding in each slide of the accordion a different template for my site and remain in the same slide when the user clicks in one of the links of the template?Consider that i'm using dynamic content and not static, i have a MySQL database behind.Also,as i have seen in most examples the options of accordion usually contain an image, a content, a text or links to another pages which open i new windows and tabs!!!i would like to have a template which loads in the same slide each time the user clicks on a link of it.
I am pretty new to jQuery and my programming skills are almost non-existent.
But I was wondering; is it possible to create something which will load a page (or php include) when the website has been fully loaded with a loading bar?
The reason why I want this, is cause I am building a website and it will have a ping (to severs) script, but it takes a "long" time to load (depending on the servers that are being pinged). So it can take anywhere from 2 or 3 seconds to 10 seconds (or even more). So it would be nice that first the website would be loaded completely and when that's done, it should load the ping script and show that it's loading with a loading bar.
I'm writing a blog post that uses multiple videos from YouTube and Yahoo Video, but I'm not happy with how long it takes the page to render. Apart from using an ajax-y method to load the videos, are there any tricks that would make the page load quicker with multiple videos from different sources?
I'm (still) working on an ISO 8601 date parser. I want to convert at least the formats described here:
Well.. I've got most of it working (via RegEx's) good enough for me but I'm having a brain block when it comes to TimeZone.
The datetime may come with an optional timezone offset (from GMT) as here (the offset is +1 hour from GMT):
So... that's the current time there... but my spec is that timezone information, if present, should be used to convert the given time to local time. For me, for example, this would be -5:00 from GMT.
I've already split the Timezone information: I've got indiviual access to the sign (plus or minus), the hour offset and the minute offset.
So I'm sure there's a nice, simple formula for this... but it eludes me. Or I'm lazy... I can't decide which.
I should start out by saying that my javascript skills suck beyond description. Even after Googling for help, I'm still struggling.
I'd like to adjust a numeric form input field by buttons, i.e. clicking the +1 button increase the numeric value in the field by one, clicking -1 does the reverse. I'll probably use <a> or <button> elements for the +1/-1.
I have a large Select box for all the accounting items in the program. It's long so it makes it hard for the user to find the one they want. There are 6 categories that the accounts are in. They are:
In an attempt to simplify the selected process I put in a false option so the user can find their way easier. Example:
---- LIABILITIES --- Bank loan Fry's account
For each account the value is the ID from the table and the Name is the associated name in the table.This of course adds a count to the selectIndex for the box.I made a variable for each of those categories.
The problem is that I have to adjust the select index for that variable. Example, if a liability is selected, I would have to subtract 2 from the index.
I have a search function which works when I only want to have only one search per page, but as it involves a string call I'm not sure how to modify it to multiple search requests on a page.
The below works fine for one call:
<script type="text/javascript"> function showHint(str){ if (str.length==0){
The above doesn't work and I am not sure what do about the showHint(str) as clearly I am not representing it properly in my attempt to modify the script.
I have a javascript sound board that I've made for a Church skit but I'm wanting to be able to smoothly fade out the longer SFX without having to do it manually with the volume slider.
The Object: <span id="player_holder"><embed id="player" hidden="true" autostart="true" loop="false" volume="100"/></span>
How do I modify the volume value from: document.getElementById('player')
this script play on the disable option of form elements...
but in order to set it up i need to write all the "name" of all form elements inside the <input type="checkbox" name="control1" onclick="enableDisable(this,'day','month','year','hour','min')" />
'day','month','year','hour','min' - those are just examples...i got much more of elemets...
how can i make this script recognize all the elements inside <form name="example1"> by itself...with no need from my side to specify all elements like this (this,'day','month','year','hour','min')" Code:
I have a javascript calendar which will be used for a booking form. The booking form is for the months of october, november and december.
The code is: //Global variables var winCal; var dtToday; var Cal; var MonthName; var WeekDayName1; var WeekDayName2; var exDateTime;//Existing Date and Time var selDate;//selected date. version 1.7 var calSpanID = "calBorder"; // span ID var domStyle=null; // span DOM object with style var cnLeft="0";//left coordinate of calendar span var cnTop="0";//top coordinate of calendar span var xpos=0; // mouse x position var ypos=0; // mouse y position var calHeight=0; // calendar height var CalWidth=208;// calendar width var CellWidth=30;// width of day cell. var TimeMode=24;// TimeMode value. 12 or 24 var StartYear =2010; //First Year in drop down year selection var EndYear = 5; //End Year offset. i.e. Current Year + 5 .....
//use the Month and Weekday in your preferred language. var MonthName=["October", "November", "December"]; var WeekDayName1=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"]; var WeekDayName2=["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]; The only problem is when I look at the tcalendar in frontpage preview it shows 9 other months as 'undefined'.
I m trying to make a person stay on same page on cancel, but the confirm takes the user to the next page like they press ok. how can i stop it? code...
Im working on a site for a friend, and we've setup a popup window for a couple pages, but with the code we have, the variables for the width and height are in the <script> portion of the code, and not on each individual popup code segment. Is there a way I can add "width=400" or something to each popup to change its width? Code:
I can't change the speed on any jQuery functions that use that parameter, for example fadeIn(). No matter if I add slow, fast, 100, 180000... my tags/images/whatever always fade in at the same speed which is something between half and one second. Is this a bug?
I'm using a preview slider on my Wordpress site, but it doesn't work the way I want it to. As soon as the preview is changing it shows the next preview on the rightand the previous on the leftside of the center preview.
So, I'm new to jQuery, but have a pretty good understanding. Still, I've come across an issue that I'm not quite sure how to resolve. I'm using wordpress, and have a .swf inside of a div, "player." The player class has no height spec, as the height of the .swf is different depending on the page. What I need to do is detect the height of the .swf on each page, and then apply that number as padding-top to another class?
The issue I am having is that my menu is aligning to the right, instead of to the left where the normal menu was. I have worked with the CSS for some time now, but have not been able to figure it out. I would also like to make the menu colors black text with a transparent background, and white text with a #333 background on hover. The web site address is: [URL]