Spinner To Contain Numbers Only?
Nov 11, 2011
I have create a spinnrer (numeric up and down field) in my form. Below is the code for it:
<form action="create_session.php" method="post" name="createsession"> <!-- This will post the form to its own page"-->
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
Now what my question is how can I get the spinner to only allow numbers to be inputted in the spinner and not letters. Also how can I get it to only allow 2 digits to be entered in the spinner?. I know it will require an if statement but I don't know how to do it.
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Nov 19, 2011
Question 1: I have a spinner function and I have one slight problem with it. If a user types in 00000009 or 00021 in the spinner for example, if the user clicks away from the spinner, it will still display 00000009 or 00021 in the spinner. What I want is that if something like this happens, then what I want is that when the user clicks away, I want the spinner to display it as 9 or 21 rather than 00000009 or 00021. I don't know how to do this though. Does anyone know how to overcome this:
Question 2: If I used backspace to remove a number from a spinner and that is left with a blank spinner, what needs to be done so that if I click away from the spinner, the last number in the spinner re-appears in the spinner?
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Nov 14, 2011
I have 2 questions about my spinner. first question is that if a number is removed in the spinner by backspace and that there is no number in a spinner, when I click away from the spinner, it shows an empty spinner. What I really want is that if the spinner is empty and I click away, I want the spinner to display 0 instead. How can this be done?
second question is that if I enter in 00045 or 0000009 in a spinner and I click away, I want it to display 45 and 9 and not 00045 and 0000009. How can this be done as well?
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Jun 26, 2009
I am trying to show and hide a div which contains a animated "spinner.gif" file. Is there any way to toggle a div from block to none without using an onEventHandler?My toggle script is as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle(x) {
if (document.getElementById(x).style.display == 'none') {[code]........
What I would like to ultimately have happen is be able to put this toggle code into an External JS file which will validate a form I am filling out. The process with go something like...
1. Submit Form
2. Validate form
2a. Load hidden div containing spinner animated gif
2b. Pause validation script for 3 seconds so the animated gif gets a change to display to the user that a process is working
function Pause() {
timer = setTimeout("endpause()",3000); // 3 secs
return false;
2c. Pause ends and the external javascript file continues processing
3. Hand off form values to php and from my php file use the toggle function to finally hide the spinner div after the results have loaded on the page.Is it possible to toggle on and off a div without the event handlers?
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Dec 12, 2011
I have a simple asp page that pulls info out of a db, but ita takes a while to load and display.Can I put a spinner say onload and then it stops when my page is finished and displayed??
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May 4, 2009
I am developing an web application where i've embed a flash file in a web page. I want that until that flash file is being loaded in that page a spinner should be displayed. So that user may think that the file is being loaded and doesn't leave the page. How can I achive it through Javascript?
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Jun 30, 2006
Since the code is triggered ever onclick event it may be resource hungry on large pages.
I guess desired upgrades to suit it more for general purpose and reuse would be:
1> Replace document.write with a way of altering the CSS class rule property. Hard part on this after reading quirksmode would be in targeting the CSS rule in a cross browser, not to intensive way.
2> Find a better cross browser trigger attachment than the current firing on every click.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Spinner Test</title>
<style type="text/css">
.spinnerContainer {}
.spinnerLink {cursor: pointer;}
.spinnerContent {display: block;}
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
//Credit to Beagle and coding forums http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t=90062
if(!evt){evt=window.event;} // *** IE fix ***
var spinner;// *** element that got clicked ***
// *** Credit to PPK from quirksmode.org for this block ***
else if(evt.srcElement){spinner=evt.srcElement;}
if(spinner.nodeType==3){spinner=spinner.parentNode;} // defeat Safari bug
var contentDiv=spinner.nextSibling;
if(contentDiv.style.display!='block'){contentDiv.style.display='block'}else{contentDiv.style.displa y='none'}
}//from: if(spinner.className=='spinnerLink'){
}//from: document.onclick=function(evt){
document.write('<style type="text/css">.spinnerContent {display: none;}</style>');
<div class="spinnerContainer">
<span class="spinnerLink">SPIN!</span>
<div class="spinnerContent">Content</div>
<div class="spinnerContainer">
<span class="spinnerLink">SPIN! 1</span>
<div class="spinnerContent">Content 1</div>
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Oct 10, 2011
I have a select menu that look like this:
HTML Code:
<select name="zoom">
<option value='1'>1</option>
<option value='2'>2</option>
<option value='3'>3</option>
<option value='4'>4</option>
<option value='5'>5</option>
<option value='6'>6</option>
<option value='7'>7</option>
<option value='8'>8</option>
<option value='9'>9</option>
<option value='10' selected>10</option>
<option value='11'>11</option>
<option value='12'>12</option>
<option value='13'>13</option>
<option value='14'>14</option>
<option value='15'>15</option>
<option value='16'>16</option>
<option value='17'>17</option>
<option value='18'>18</option>
<option value='19'>19</option>
<option value='20'>20</option>
<option value='21'>21</option>
<option value='22'>22</option>
<option value='23'>23</option>
And I need to make it display with a "spinner" so that it has little up/down arrows (as if the height of the select menu was 2, but without showing 2 numbers at a time)... At the same time, however, I need them to not be able to go above 23 or below 1...
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Mar 26, 2011
I like to try to do some jquery and spinner then load some html code into a div content. I'm not looking deep into the coding part of jquery yet but here's my question. What will be the a href tag look like?
<a href="http://yourlink" onclick="loadpage();">Products</a>
Do you put the url on href or attr? Can I still put the url on href? The reason I ask it's because seo friendly? Will search engine look into other pages by href? But I guess this way will actually load the whole page in the browser and there's no way I can do ajax stuff in this format? I like to do something nice on my links but don't want to hurt the seo part.
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Jan 25, 2011
I have been practicing using canvas to make designs. My current code below will load the word the user inputs and makes it bounce around the canvas as well as a text spinner. However, whenever the user inputs a second word, the bounce below stops to start a new one and the text spinner messes up. so when the user inputs another word, that it either reloads a new textspinner or adds another one, as well as just add the word to the canvas without stopped the old one.
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Apr 7, 2009
I need to modify the script showed at: [URL]
Right now it allows entering "numbers only", I need it so that it allows numbers and alphabets only, no special characters or spaces.
And yes, one more question, does the first part of the code need to be added in the <head> of the document or <body> ?
The code at the above URL is as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
// initialise variable to save cc input string
var cc_number_saved = "";
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Nov 21, 2011
This should probably be pretty basic and I've been googling around as to the best approach to take and still a bit confused. I have a form that currently submits a form to a new window using jquery (shown below.) The form once submitted could go through a few redirects within the new window (it's calling some facebook stuff.)
All I'd like is when the initial new window pops up is for a spinner to appear in the popup window until the first response is returned. Is there a decent example on how to do best achieve this?
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Nov 26, 2004
I am writing a script and everything works fine, except when I calculate my figure i want to display only 2 decimal points.
ie. 10 = 10.00
ie. 10.56789 = 10.56
I have no idea on how to do this and I cannot use Cold Fusion.
Is there a built in JS Function?
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Feb 3, 2006
I'm having difficulties arithmetically manipulating form element values.
I've entered data into the form, and I fetch them using a js, as:
p7Left = Number(document.form1.elements["p7_left"].value);
p7Right = Number(document.form1.elements["p7_right"].value);
scoreLeft = Number(document.form1.elements["left_score"].value);
scoreRight = Number(document.form1.elements["right_score"].value);
Then I add these as follows:
scoreLeft = Number(scoreLeft + p&Left + ...... +);
This does what I want; without the operator 'Number' I get a concatination
of the various variables (as expected). Is there some way of globally
defining all variables as numbers instead of strings?
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Mar 11, 2006
How do I find the row & column number of the table for a checkbox on
its Onclick event
The following HTML sample works perfect in IE. On click of the
checkboxes, I am displaying the row number and its column number. How
do I manage the same in Firefox? Code:
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Jul 20, 2005
Is there a script that will round off a number to a certain number of
decimal places?
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Aug 5, 2010
How to sum numbers for example:
29.90 and 10.20?
It should be 40.10 but jquery returns 40.099999999999994
My code...
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Sep 15, 2010
i'm trying to achieve is to add two numbers using do while loop. below is the code however result wont show up. i cant seem to determine the error.
<script = "text/javascript">
function myanswer(x,y){
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Sep 20, 2010
iwant to ask on how to display the sum of the 20 numbers i allready get the everage but i want to display the sum together of the everage this my code..
<script type = "text/javascript">
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Jun 13, 2007
I am tring to sort some six numbers..the problem is that it doesnt work when
I use "document.getElementById" instead of "document.write()
my program is supposed to write six numbers every second..line by line
Could you get it work ?
function sortN()
for(var m=1;m<=6;m++)
arr[m] = Math.floor(Math.random()*49)+1;
} }
<div id="kut"></div>
<input type="button" value="baslat"onclick="sortN()">
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Sep 18, 2006
Somebody can help me with a function about "only number"?
I need to find a function that doesn't allows the user informs numbers.
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Feb 5, 2010
I'm trying to write a Javascript program that adds numbers by using cookies. Here is my code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 TransitionalEN" "http:www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http:www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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Oct 12, 2010
I'm using a forLoop to generate 10 random numbers, how would I go about added them all together? code...
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May 4, 2009
How can you join two numbers together in javascript, like you would join two strings?For example, if you have two variables, with 1 stored in each, how can I join them together, so I get 11, instead of 2?
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Aug 31, 2003
Another quick question. I have the script to add each field up I need, but if the ending 0 after a decimal is present it doesnt show. How do I keep the leading zero and how do I keep just 2 digits after the decimal?
For example:
1 + 1.50 = 2.50
But javascript displays it as 2.5
Now sometimes when I do math I get:
In this case I just want 2.34. So if there is a ending zero I want to keep it, and if there is more than 2 numbers after the decimal I want to cut the rest off and leave the 2 there.
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Jul 24, 2006
iw ant to have a function so that user can only enter numbers in the text box and + ( only once in the beggininging). if user wants to add + he can only enter + once as the first character like +123 or 123 bt cannot enter 1+2 or 123+ or +123+
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