Sites Dedicated To Extending Native Objects?

Nov 24, 2009

I was wondering if there are any sites dedicated to ending javascript objects using the prototype property to give them features like trimming string, removing elements of arrays by name, removing duplicates in arrays, etc. Granted I have functions to do this but there's probably a ton of other good ones out there. Most things I've seen are frameworks like JQuery (which is awesome) but it doesn't extend these objects.

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JQuery :: Extending Objects With Internal Objects?

Sep 5, 2009

Is there a better way to extend object with internal objects?

$.fn.bestShow = function(s) {
var d = {
width: 0,
height: 0,
order: "numeric",
orderBy: "",


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Extending The Objects In IE6-8?

Jan 22, 2011

I have the following code:

var img = new Image();
img.myProperty = 'something';

I've tried Image.prototype.myProperty and a few other things. It seems IE just doesn't want me extending the Image object.

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No-Block PopUp Window - If Users Open My Sites Another Sites Show Or Opens For Them?

Jul 30, 2010

I need "No-Block PopUp Window" for my web site.. for example if users open my sites another sites show or opens for them.. even a full page site like full pages ads..and it be like One time per hour or more..I found some script like that but some of them being blocked by IE or other browsers..

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How Subclass Native Class?

Sep 10, 2006

How can I subclass a native class to get my own class with all the
function of the native clas, plus correct instanceof behaviour?

The scenario I'm thinking of is something like

function MyArray() {
Array.apply( this, arguments );
MyArray.prototype = new Array();
MyArray.prototype.constructor = MyArray;

var marr = new MyArray();
marr[0] = "abc";
marr.length == 1; // true
marr instanceof MyArray; // true

But this seems impossible due to the Array constructor returning a new
object even when called with my own "this" in the apply() above. Can
this be solved in any way?

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JavaScript Native Extensions

Nov 6, 2007

I'd like to announce release 1.0.7 of JNEXT (JavaScript Native
Extensions). JNEXT is an open source framework for securely accessing
the full range of native OS resources (files, databases, sockets etc.)
by using JavaScript from within a Web Page. It is light weight, cross
platform, cross browser and designed with simplicity in mind....

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Clone The Native Object?

May 8, 2009

what I want to do is clone the Object String and be able to use the clone. In essence what I'm looking to do:

var x = 'me';
String.prototype.returnMe=function(){return this;}
alert(x.returnMe(x)); // alerts: me


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Native Code In Firefox Dom Inspector

Apr 4, 2006

wat does "native code" in firefox dom inspector mean?

function hasAttribute() {
[native code]

can anyone help me with this?

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Allow Use Of Ctrl-D WITHOUT Native Menu Coming Up

Dec 15, 2011

I would like to do this WITHOUT jQuery.

I have tried to get an event listener to listen for when the user presses Control-D on their keyboard. This would trigger a confirm delete function - if you've ever used QuickBooks Ctrl-D is the command that does this and this is a financial application.

Problem is that in FireFox, Ctrl-D means bookmark the page and this window pops up. I want to "return false" before this happens.

On this subject I would also like to take over Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V eventually but with Ctrl-D it will work for anything. here is what I have. Again, IT WORKS, but doesn't stop the natural event (bookmark page) fromhappening:


function AddOnkeypressCommand(strCommand){
//---- version 1.0, by , last edit 2004-12-14
//add to array of commands:
m_onkeypressCmds[m_onkeypressCmds.length] = strCommand;


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JQuery :: Triggering Handlers For Native Events

Sep 10, 2009

Am I the only person who finds wildly wrong the jQuery behavior of handler invocation for native events on state-changing elements like check boxes and radio boxes?Specifically, when the user clicks a check box or a radio box, the state of the element is changed and then the handler is invoked.However, when I call"click()" on the elements, the handler is invoked *before* the element value is updated. That makes it pointlessly difficult to write handler routines that need to look at the value to know what to do.

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Allows To Use The Browser's Native Base64 Encode / Decode

Feb 23, 2009

I could have sworn I saw a command that allows Javascripts to use the browser's native base64 encode/decode but I must be Googling for the wrong terms. Do most browsers expose these converters to javascripts's there a way to use these converters?

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Performance: Linked List Versus Native Array

Apr 11, 2005

There's no native linked list implementation in JS. I'm wondering if it would be worth it to implement one.

I'm using a lot of insertions and deletions with arrays of around length 5. How fast are insertions and deletions in JS native arrays compared to an optimized (but not native) linked list implementation in this situation? How about arrays of length 10?

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Extending Form

Mar 18, 2004

I'm looking for a way to add more field depending on the user's input,. e.g. the user inputs ཆ' in the option, and 10 more sets of fields are displayed below on the same page. How do I go about accomplishing this?

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DOM + Extending Forms

Sep 26, 2005

I'm embarking on a rather interesting wine cellaring project where I need to enable a user to add form fields (a complete table row with several fields) on demand.

If they start filling out the form and need another row for another bottle, I need them to be able to click a button that adds a new row to the table with the same fields.

I also need perhaps another button that will create the row and duplicate the form field values of that row. The winery, wine namen and variety may be the same but the year may change and I dont wan thte user to have to do any double entry. I've been researching DOM and have been looking at sites like Quirksmode.

Am I heading in the right direction? I'm just about to go an buy a book on DOM and start really getting into it.

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Objects Under Mouse - Return An Array Of All Objects Underneath A Certain Point

Apr 17, 2011

Is there a way in Javascript or Jquery to return an array of all objects underneath a certain point, ie. the mouse position. Basically, I have a series of images which link to various web pages but I have a large semi transparent image positioned over the top of the other images. I want to find the href of the background image that the mouse pointer clicks over.

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JQuery :: Avoid Displaying Native Browser Tooltip On Links?

Jun 17, 2009

I have a series of links in my page, all with its title atribute filled. The thing is that I don't want the browser to show this title whenever i hover those links, but still want to have mi titles in the markup Is there any way to do it?

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Extending Math Functions

Jul 23, 2005

Javascript has a very small math function list. However there is no
reason that this list can not be extended greatly. Speed is not an
issue, unless you nest complicated calculations several levels deep. In
that case you need much more ram than a PC has to store functions
calculated in loops so that you do not have to recalculate every time
you cycle through the nest of loops. Using a HD for storage to extend
ram is much too slow for many applications.

Some functions such as hyperbolic ones are easy to add, since they are
just simple combinations of the built in javascript math functions. I
have found a few examples on the web such as Bessel functions. I found
far fewer javascript math functions than I expected on Google searches.
Thus I have had to write several functions of my own.

See for an example of two
"functions from hell" that are very difficult to evaluate. Fortunately
there are Fortran programs that can be used as a starting point. I was
able to modify the Fortran programs to work on javascript. I have used
these functions for technical applications in the past.

The page is set up to reject the NN 4 series, because it will not
support some of the script needed such as .toExponential(n) and
to.Fixed(n)for writing output in exponential or fixed format. I was
amazed that even the old MSNTV(former WebTV) set-top box, that no
longer is being made, will even support these output formats. I wonder
about IE4. If it will not support these output formats, I can easly
block it by checking for document.getElementById.

The code works properly on the latest versions of IE6, MSN9, Firefox,
Mozilla, Netscape, and Opera. I am not selling anything, so for a
special interest page such as this, I see no need to support older

The advantage of doing math with javascript is that it is so portable.
You can do it anywhere you can use a computer, or you can do it on your
own local computer offline. There are several math programs for PCs
that will do very much more than you can hope to do with javascript.
Unfortunately the program I would like costs about US$ 1800. Also there
are versions you can install on a server, but these also are expensive.

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Extending HTML Forms?

Feb 1, 2007

I am trying to create an HTML form in which user will enter different items (he wants to purchase) in text fields. One text field is used for one item. Now it is not known in advance how much items the user will purchase so we cannot decide the total text fields required in advance. Is is possible to increase the number of text fields (using JavaScript) one by one if the user requires more fields

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DOM - Extending A Form And Table

Jan 9, 2007

How do I extend both the table and the input form? Ultimately, I want it to look like this:
|header |header |header |header |
Add Row of Inputs Link
|header |header |header |header |
Add Row of Inputs Link

I know how to make the html row by using getElementById() or so and I know how to make an input field by createElement() but how do I create and append(?) them together, specifically the multiple input fields inside of the html row?

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JS Menu Extending Out Of Frame

Nov 24, 2007

My website has demo music tracks and a Flash player. I've put the site in a frameset so that music continues to play while the user is browsing around.

The Flash player and menu are in a thin horizontal bar along the top of the page (top frame). I just realised that my nice JS drop-down menus are not displaying because of the frame... is there any way of getting them to extend beyond the frame they're contained in ?? Code:

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Prototyping Within Library - Extend Or Super-class The Native String Object

Apr 21, 2011

I have a few String prototypes such as String.prototype.EscapeReg = function () { return this.replace(/[-[]{}()*+?.,\^$|#s]/g, "\$&"); }; // Escapes characters for use with a regular expressionI also have my own class/ library which is used like this var adg = new AndyG_ns.ADG_Utils(); adg.StartClock('AndyClock','dd mmm yy hh:nn'); // etc.What I would like to do is to only add the prototype to my library (not to the global namespace). The end result I'm looking for is to use code such as:

var adg = new AndyG_ns.ADG_Utils();
var myString = new adg.AString();
var parsed = myString.EscapeReg();

In addition, I want to be able to also use/create my special string sub-class within my library. I suppose I'm saying that I would like to extend or super-class the native String object.

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OOP - Extending A Class And Overriding A Method?

Jul 14, 2009

I have this class, (just the signature)

javascript Code:

var parent_child = function(po, ps, co, cs){
var url = '';
var pars = [], childs = {}, tmp;
this.p_added = function(urlFrag){


What i want to do is to create a new class with the above one as the super class, pass in one more variable to the constructor and override the p_added function. I thought of doing something like xpc = new parent_child(); and override the function with xpc.prototype.p_added = function(){}

how to pass in another variable to the constructor and make it private to the new class.

I believe there is a nice and concise way to achieve what i want to, but i can't find it. And the fact that OOP in javascript can be implemented in several different ways doesn't help my cause.

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JQuery :: Extending Or Replacing Core Function?

May 17, 2010

A client is using an analytics tracking script that needs to be updated each time the DOM is modified (ie, an element is added or removed). Basically this script allows the client to track user actions on the site (clicks, mouseovers, etc.) and, if the user is having issues, replay the entire session to help them with their problem. The issue we're running into is that this tracking script takes a cache of the DOM tree on page load, and when the DOM is updated it needs to specifically be notified that there has been a change... or else the script won't be able to see the nodes that have been added/removed.

Assuming all DOM manipulation is done using jQuery functions, is there a way to run some function every time the DOM is manipulated? I've noticed that all the DOM manipulation functions seem to run through the internal $.fn.domManip function, so I was wondering if it's possible to extend or replace this function from another JS file (assuming of course that all the manipulation functions DO in fact run through $.fn.domManip)?

Example (don't take this code seriously, it's more meant to illustrate what I'm trying to do):
var oldDomManip = $.fn.domManip; //Copy the function (I know this isn't right)
$.fn.domManip = function() {
//update the analytics program by calling it's update function here...

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JQuery :: Plugin For Extending .keypress To Two Keypresses?

Sep 26, 2009

I'm writing a plugin for jQuery for catching 2 succesive keypresses. I'll paste the plugin I wrote below It doesn't work on Opera . The Developer tools of Opera gave no errors and I can't find any problems, it just doesn't work.(I've used Opera 10.0). o it only works on Firefox (tested on 3.0.14). I'm curious if there is a way to find out why it's not working on Opera and to fix it.


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Extending An Object Whose Constructor Takes Arguments?

Jan 2, 2011

I'm sure this question has been asked many times before, but I can't seem to get the correct terms to find the answer in Google.I understand basic JavaScript inheritance. However, everything I've read makes the inheritance work something like this:

Code JavaScript:
var ChildClass = new Function();
ChildClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
ChildClass.constructor = ChildClass;

That's fine, but what happens when ParentClass's constructor needs parameters?As an example, look at the following code:

Code JavaScript:
function Furniture(color){
this.color = color;[code)....

How could I "copy" Furniture's constructor into the Chair object? Better yet, how could I copy Furniture's constructor and then add some functionality to it?

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Prototypes - Extending An Image Object To Make A Snowflake?

Jan 1, 2011

In the spirit of the season, I wanted to make it snow on my website. So I began digging. Eventually I ended up with a script that moved an image element down the page in a snowflake-like manner. The problem with it was it was dependant on an img element for every flake - simply no poor programming when using an Object Oriented programming language.So I decided I wanted to extend (in Java-speak; most of my programming background is in Java) the in-built Image object. The new object's src variable will lead to an image of the type of flake it is. (I want to be able to have more variance in images than a simple dot.) The new object will have a function that will allow it to move.A separate,unrelated function will control when each flakes move.

I did some more research and read about prototyping on JavaScript Kit and here (, but I still cant seem to get this to work. JS Lint says it's bug-free, but Firefox says "move()" is an invalid function. I am presuming the problem lies in my inability to fully grasp how to extend objects in JavaScript.

<script type="text/javascript">[code].....

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