I am trying to dynamically open a popup window but ie8 blocks it with the popup blocker. basically within a ajax fuction I have a confirm button and if the user clicks yes it opens a popup window. now I tried it with a javascript function but it got blocked, so I have tried it by creating a form with a button in it and instead of calling the popup function direct I call document.form.button.click and in the form my button has onclick"popup('<? echo url; ?>')" but this also is detected as a unwarranted popup and is blocked.
now I understand that the popup blocker works when a popup is called without user interaction, but allows popups on say button clicks. how can I get the popup to work
In my application i use window.showmodaldialog() to pop up a window. When i run it in IE pop up blocker wont blocks the window... But when run it in FireFox pop up blocker will blocks the pop up window.. is there any way to open a window with out blocking(avoiding ) by the pop up blocker?
From a parent window, I open two child windows.In the second child, you complete some data, and then it closes the window. I'm trying to figure out how to find and close the first popup window at the same time (as that is used for reference but no action necessary on it).As near as I can tell window.open should let me set a handle that I can then reference later on to close that window (or am I misunderstanding that), but i cannot figure out how to reference that window.
As per the rather long subject, I would like to (well, my boss would like me to...) on a popup have one button to close and another to close but then redirect to another page.
I just am curious as to whether online advertising software is not doing as well because of popup advertisement blockers, such as on Mozilla and on the Google popup blocker. Would it not be advisable to work for SpecificPOP or SpecificMEDIA, leaders in direct-response, online marketing specializing in innovative technology that maximizes ROI revenue for marketers?
SpecificPOP helps sites like wunderground.com, a site about weather, produce windows that offer gift coupons of one hundred dollars or more, based on whether you check if President Bush is good for America.
The question has to do with the use of popup windows in a web page. I have heard that popup windows should be avoided; due to use of popup blockers and browser that do not process javascript.
Is the use of popup windows bad design? Will it severly reduce the usage of our web page?
Note, The popup windows are created using only onClick events, not onLoad or onClose events. Do popup blockers make any distinction between the two?
I have a button that pops up a calender popup window. One of the arguments to the openCalendar() is the name of the element to insert the selected date into i.e a readonly text box - this works fine!
What I want to do is to detect when a value is inserted in to this box from the popup so I can make visible a "save" button - trouble is though the onfocus() & onchanged events are not fired when it's value changes.
Is there anyway to get some sort of event fired when a popup closes so I can test if the text box has changed? - or more likely am I overlooking something really obvious?
can still have a popup even when I have a popup blocker - google toolbar. I want to know the technology, but I can not read the source code. Anyone knows the trick to get around the blocker?
This cookie script has a confirm popup that asks if you want your data saved, it pops when you exit the form, now my question is how can I eliminate the popup? Code:
I have a map with regional hotspots and want to pop up a small window (maybe 300 x 200 with the reps in the regional area when the hotspot is clicked. It should pop up over the map with a close button returning the user to the p.
I now have a full page but with the small number of reps right now it looks overdone, I would like something a little less flashy.
In the new window that just opened called quotescreenwindow.php, I have a button that when clicked, should open yet another window called enrollwindowprime.php (this is the variable I am passing after the question mark).
What I cannot do, is to grab this variable that I am passing to the first window I open and use its content to open the next window.
I am not very experienced and have been piecing this together from various web sites.
To simplify all of this:
Screen A Opens Popup Window B and passes it a variable with a url inside of it.
Popup Window B wants to use the variable with the url to open Pop Up Window C.
Now that I have been using it, I see I would prefer to have the window be resizable by the viewer (in ie 6, 7 and firefox), Anyone have any idea of how to change this so the popup window can be resized?
In one folder i've put all pics, but they are not all the same size. i've got as many links as pics and clicking on link popUp opens showing that pic. now, i would like to have one function that opens popUp window but in different dimension for different pic....
I'm using a script to make an overlaying popup window appear.It works great but you can't close it.Can anyone help me with how to add a something to make the window close? I have a little graphic of an "x" that I want to be able to click on and close the overlay window.