Script Working In Preview Mode DW Cs5 But Not Live
Nov 1, 2010
I am a graphic guy and do some web design but am not really good with javascript. I am using the enlargeit.js program for the photo viewer on [url] in the galleries. It has worked wonderfully up till now. I recieved new pictures from the owner to post on his page and they will not open when i view them live. I use dreamweaver cs5 and when i look in preview mode, they work great. They are standard jpg images.
see [url] [url] for an example. The top pic does not work and the rest do...
I have resized them, changed file formats, opened them in photoshop and edited them, and basically anything else you could think of, i tried. Even if i open one of the working photos in photoshop and place the new one over it and save it as something completely different it still does not work! everything else does.
Basically I have site that uses iframes to load its content. In one of the frames I have an html page that contains an image, and when you mouse over the image it is supposed to fade up a little description box. Naturally when you move the mouse away, the box disappears. I have a javascript function that fades the image up and down, and it's activated via an onmouseover event that is attached to a div that contains no content, but lays over the image to define the triggering area.
I use Dreamweaver to preview my pages while they are stored on my computer, and everything works beautifully. However, once I upload the page to my site, that functionality disappears completely. Code:
Through or window.showmodaldialog, I want to open a word or excel document in Print Preview mode. Bcos I don't want the user to make any changes or save it but the user can ONLY VIEW OR take a print out.
I am trying to write some JavaScript that locations to a hash. I use something like this.
The problem is I use the same code in two different pages. One is in quirks mode ie8, and one is in standards mode ie8. The one in quirksmode works, the one in standrds mode doesn't.
Any idea what could cause such a thing? I know hash can work in standards mode. However, do you have any idea what is wrong? I am kind of searching for a needle in a hay stack, here.
I have four scripts being called to my page however i have two that isn�t playing nicely. The two in question is Fancybox and the Nivo Slider. The slider and fancybox both work alone but not when they are on the same page, however the slider will stop working when
Is used and nothing changed when i apply it to Fancybox instead. I have tried wrapping and dividing the scripts with
But nothing. I have also changed all
On the slider but again no change.
Here are the scripts in my <head> :
The problem mostly is that the slider won�t work in no conflict mode but won�t work with Fancybox either.
I just realized that it seems like Internet Explorer doesn't get Javascript to work locally but only on a live site how can I get Internet Explorer to work locally? as well as live? For testing purposes. Everything runs right in Mozilla Firefox.
I'm working with the quasipartikel plugin for multi selection. Available here:Mutliselect.Great plugin, very happy with it overall.However, on my page I want to trigger functionality when something is added or removed. Looking through the code, I see that a link is added for each item of a selection box with the class 'action'. Thus, I figure I should be able to trigger code of it, like so:
var j$ = jQuery.noConflict(); j$(document).ready(function() { ... j$('.multiselect').multiselect(); ...
This code is supposed to find all table rows with a class of "selected", remove that class, then find all checked inputs that are descendants of a tr and give its tr a class of selected. The problem is, that even radio boxes that are not checked are being returned by $(' tr input:checked', '#deviceSelection') and everything is getting a class of selected. Anyone know whats wrong? I'm using jQuery 1.4.1
i am using jquery cycle plugin togther with livequery. It is working fine except pagerAnchorBuilder. Any body know how to fix this problem. Jquery Cycle Code is following:
I am very new to jquery live function & i stuck in to the problem. I am using live function to get the ajax response & appending to the div here is my code,
function add_master(module_url, response_target_id, custom_id) { $('a.addclass').live('click', function() {alert('add'); $(response_target_id).fadeIn('fast');
Is JQuery live() supported in mobile app browsers? I am having a difficult time getting an application to work. I've posted some code to illustrate/test the problem below. Three lists, #1 using bind(), #2 using live(), and #3 using live() whilst allowing to add list elements. Clicking the list item should just bring you to a second page that displays your selection (it updates whatever was there before, original text is 'original' text). Works great on my PC in all browsers except IE, and on Android/FireFox, but not with IPhone/Safari and Andrpid/WebKit: ot only is the event not triggered on dynamically added list elements, it's not triggered on the 'static' elements in lists #2 and #3. The app was written using JQTouch; wondering if that disrupts somehow JQuery functions.
I have some code and it wasn't working at all in IE and then I found that there was a bug relating to it.So I downgraded to using 1.4.1 and the code works, but not completely. When I first check the checkbox in IE it does nothing, it's only when I check it for the second time (uncheck and then check again) that it changes the values accordingly. The select form elements do work in 1.4.1 [code]
So i've got a form that adds an element onto the page. This is working. When I try to remove said elements, that works. But the same 'delete' button doesn't work on elements not generated by javascript.
Code JavaScript: function destroyQuickTask() { $.post($(this).attr("href"), null, null, "script");
It opens the page in kiosk mode. The contents of myfile.html contains an image with an onclick to this function:
function loader(){'','',''); }
In Windows 7 32-bit running IE8 the url breaks out of kiosk mode.In Windows XP 64-bit running IE7 the url stays in kiosk mode.I can't think why. Is it the IE difference, the bit difference or the platform difference?
I have read that if i have to use jquery with other libraries then i have to use jquery in no conflict mode.I understand that and and it works. i use$j = jquery.noconflict()so that $ of jquery does not mix with $ of other librariesNow my question is that i use any jquery plugin , and i include that JS filee,g plugin.jquery.jsI am not sure whether i am correct or noti think that plugin is coded by using $ sign not the $jnd i think it will conflict with other libraries.So it means i have to chnage the plugin code as well or there is no need to change plugin
I have an iframe which is by default hidden. It becomes visible on a double click event and should be in editable mode. I set iframeObject.contentDocument.designMode='on' on body load event. But when i fire a double click event, iframe becomes visible but not in editable mode. How to achieve this specially for firefox2.Any other alternative, let me know. In IE its working fine. Also i want to know how to set textarea value to an iframe
Is there any way to detect if the browser window is in full-screen mode via javascript?I've been googling this and not getting much luck. Found one function that doesn't work, the rest are just posts where a person asks this question and then others tell them how to do something without needing to detect if browser's in fullscreen mode.I have a requirement to do this. If a user w/ a certain role is not in fullscreen mode, I need to kick them out of the application (used internally, and no, I cannot change this business rule)The code that didn't work (always returns false):
I am using an jquery accordian as a menu in my goes on next page when i click on the button but i want to show an that button in active state when it on is on its respective page.
Below mentioned code is i am using for my accordion menu.
are there problems with the animation with IE8 compatibility mode forced off? I am using meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" to force IE 8 out of compatibility mode for my site, as I need to use the new CSS support that IE 8 finally properly implements (it's an internal site, so I'm not worried about any other browsers), but I notice that in doing that the fadeIn (and Out) no longer seems to work - the content the method is being applied to just sits there for the fade duration and then disappears. This isn't a great hardship, but it would be nice to be able to showcase what jQuery can do and these effects would add a bit more wow-factor to the site.
I'm trying to use the jqModal plugin on my page: [url]
Here is a sample showing my problem: [url]
If you see this example in a IE6 or IE7 or IE8 in compatibility mode, you will see, that the the modal box is not 100% opacity. It works great in FF, IE8, Chrome and so on.
The problem is because of a "position:relative;" in the "containerTop" div - the parent div of the dialog.
Did anyone implement or can direct me to an implementation of virtual mode (render only visible rows, but still have the scroll work right) or something similar in the AJAX Sys.Preview.UI.Data.ListView?
I need to display a very large table (`1000 rows) and it simply isn't feasible to render everything.