I'm working with the quasipartikel plugin for multi selection. Available here:Mutliselect.Great plugin, very happy with it overall.However, on my page I want to trigger functionality when something is added or removed. Looking through the code, I see that a link is added for each item of a selection box with the class 'action'. Thus, I figure I should be able to trigger code of it, like so:
var j$ = jQuery.noConflict(); j$(document).ready(function() { ... j$('.multiselect').multiselect(); ...
This code is supposed to find all table rows with a class of "selected", remove that class, then find all checked inputs that are descendants of a tr and give its tr a class of selected. The problem is, that even radio boxes that are not checked are being returned by $(' tr input:checked', '#deviceSelection') and everything is getting a class of selected. Anyone know whats wrong? I'm using jQuery 1.4.1
i am using jquery cycle plugin togther with livequery. It is working fine except pagerAnchorBuilder. Any body know how to fix this problem. Jquery Cycle Code is following:
I am very new to jquery live function & i stuck in to the problem. I am using live function to get the ajax response & appending to the div here is my code,
function add_master(module_url, response_target_id, custom_id) { $('a.addclass').live('click', function() {alert('add'); $(response_target_id).fadeIn('fast');
Is JQuery live() supported in mobile app browsers? I am having a difficult time getting an application to work. I've posted some code to illustrate/test the problem below. Three lists, #1 using bind(), #2 using live(), and #3 using live() whilst allowing to add list elements. Clicking the list item should just bring you to a second page that displays your selection (it updates whatever was there before, original text is 'original' text). Works great on my PC in all browsers except IE, and on Android/FireFox, but not with IPhone/Safari and Andrpid/WebKit: ot only is the event not triggered on dynamically added list elements, it's not triggered on the 'static' elements in lists #2 and #3. The app was written using JQTouch; wondering if that disrupts somehow JQuery functions.
I have some code and it wasn't working at all in IE and then I found that there was a bug relating to it.So I downgraded to using 1.4.1 and the code works, but not completely. When I first check the checkbox in IE it does nothing, it's only when I check it for the second time (uncheck and then check again) that it changes the values accordingly. The select form elements do work in 1.4.1 [code]
I am new to jQuery UI, and I am trying to create a new dialog using when I click on a link or a button. Here is my code: function openJQueryDialog(dialogWidth){ $(function() { $("#AJAX_DIALOG").dialog({ bgiframe: true, autoOpen: false, bgiframe: true, closeOnEscape: true, modal: true, resizeable: true, width: dialogWidth, close: function(event,ui) { try{ jQuery("#AJAX_DIALOG").remove(); }catch(e){ alert(e.message); }}}); $("#AJAX_DIALOG").dialog("open"); }); } This code works fine on Firefox
I just realized that it seems like Internet Explorer doesn't get Javascript to work locally but only on a live site how can I get Internet Explorer to work locally? as well as live? For testing purposes. Everything runs right in Mozilla Firefox.
I have very common Problem with myJavaScriptThat I have create on page that have one div that is when page load it is display none when i click on link then its html is showing in modal Dialog that i have made my own but on that modal i am not able to fire any event but when execute any without the modal dialog then its working
I have a page which has large contents. If I open the dialog when page is has been opened, the dialog is fine and it closes well. Now, If I have opened my main page and scrool down to page and at the end there is a link for opening dialog, then the dialog opens to current window position and page is scrolled up to top. Now dialog has been opened but it is too below that I cant see it. I have tested that when we scroll down the jquery function takes the scrooled position as its top position and so opening popup for that relative position.
My code is. $dialog.dialog({ title: title, autoOpen: true, width: width, height: height, modal: true, resizable: true, autoResize: false, position: [0,0], overlay: { opacity: 0.3, background: "black" }}).width(eval(eval(width) - horizontalPadding)).height(eval(eval(height) - verticalPadding)); How I can open it on top of page?
I am a graphic guy and do some web design but am not really good with javascript. I am using the enlargeit.js program for the photo viewer on [url] in the galleries. It has worked wonderfully up till now. I recieved new pictures from the owner to post on his page and they will not open when i view them live. I use dreamweaver cs5 and when i look in preview mode, they work great. They are standard jpg images.
see [url] [url] for an example. The top pic does not work and the rest do...
I have resized them, changed file formats, opened them in photoshop and edited them, and basically anything else you could think of, i tried. Even if i open one of the working photos in photoshop and place the new one over it and save it as something completely different it still does not work! everything else does.
I have a Google map (API v3) with one marker and infowindow which contains a link that I have placed in a modal dialog. The problem is that the link in the infowindow is not clickable, even though it reacts to mouse hover. If I remove 'modal: true' from my call to open the dialog, the link becomes clickable, and the new page is loaded. Is there a solution to this?
Basically I have site that uses iframes to load its content. In one of the frames I have an html page that contains an image, and when you mouse over the image it is supposed to fade up a little description box. Naturally when you move the mouse away, the box disappears. I have a javascript function that fades the image up and down, and it's activated via an onmouseover event that is attached to a div that contains no content, but lays over the image to define the triggering area.
I use Dreamweaver to preview my pages while they are stored on my computer, and everything works beautifully. However, once I upload the page to my site, that functionality disappears completely. Code:
i have been working with jquery dialog for a while and am stuck on a new problem today.when i load a dialog, it is running the button functions when the dialog is opened.
I used the jquery modal dialog from the[url].... that is currently draggable from the title only. is there any way i can make that draggable by inserting a div at the footer of the dialog or make it draggable from everywhere in the dialog.
I am trying to get a dialog box to open another dialog box. Clicking on "more search options" the first time results in opening a dialog box. Clicking "search" within the dialog box results in opening up a second dialog box. But this only works the first time I click on "more search options". In other words, the second dialog box only opens up only once. To get the second dialog to open again, I have to reload the page in the browser.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>
So i've got a form that adds an element onto the page. This is working. When I try to remove said elements, that works. But the same 'delete' button doesn't work on elements not generated by javascript.
Code JavaScript: function destroyQuickTask() { $.post($(this).attr("href"), null, null, "script");
This,among other things, causes a function called load to be called on the href of the anchor. This works fine. Howver I want to use the live() function with this as I am going to dynamically change the links in the listnav div. I tried doing it like this :
But that does not work. My question is how would I go about changing this function so that the actions are applied to any new anchors added to the div dynamically?
I am exhausted today, not to include the funk that the BCS national championship put me in, so I must be either crazy or missing something. When I do the following the code works;
how to toggle between functions, however I because I am reloading the element that contains the checkbox I am clicking, I need to use the live function (I think).
I have used live before and it works great for clicks, but can I use it with toggle.
frist of all, im a newbe on jquery. i have a table where i can add new "<span>" and i can edit it with editInPlace plugin but i have a problem. when i load the web with those elements (<span>), i cant edit it after i add a new item, then, all the items are editable
how I can execute this 'function(dateStr, inst)' . The jQuery partially works it divert to another page but without parameters, the outcome displays [object Object].