Reset Page Number While Printing A Html Page?
Sep 13, 2010
I want to print a html page which has contents wrapped in several div tags. I need to insert page break after each div tag and the page numbers need to start from one, after each page break. I could insert page break using the following java script code.
var allDivs = document.all.tags("div");
for (i=0; i<allDivs.length; i++) {
allDivs(i).style.pageBreakAfter = "always";
But the page number is continuous. How can I change the page number for each pagebreak?
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Jan 8, 2010
i am developing this page in which i have to print the page without showing the textbox but have to print its content how to do it?
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Aug 18, 2005
I have a calender I made in PHP and when you choose a week in opens up in a pop-up window. I have a simple JavaScript to display a print button. The problem is that the calender is very wide, so you have to print it as a "landcape", but even then the whole thing doesn't fit on the paper. Furthermore, it doesn't fill out the paper in the top and bottom.
It's a bit hard to explain, but I hope you understand what I mean. How can I make it fit the paper when being printed? Here's the JavaScript I use:
<script language="Javascript1.2">
var message = "Print this Page";
function printpage() {
document.write("<form><input type=button "
+"value=""+message+"" onClick="printpage()"></form>");
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Jun 27, 2010
I need to have a simple text input field on a html page. It needs the users to type in either:
And depending on whats entered this will then take them to the corresponding:
Is this possible with javascript?
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Jul 23, 2005
How do you print part of an html page using the javascript print()
function? Is it possible to put the printable area inside a
<div></div> block and print it, or can you use a hidden style then
print it?
Is there a site on the www which has some information?
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Jun 21, 2007
I'm having great problems trying to print out pages from within the middle frame of three horizontal frames in Internet Explorer (only):
<frameset framespacing="1" rows="45,*,35">
<frame name="topFrame" scrolling="no" noresize target="middle" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="topframe.html">
<frame name="middle" marginwidth="8" marginheight="16" target="_parent" scrolling="yes" src="page.html">
<frame name="bottom" target="middle" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" noresize src="botframe.html">
<p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>
The problem is that the pages spill over to another page (in all printers I've tested - and in a pdf) BUT (and this is weird) if I print the page OUTSIDE of the frames, they print out on one single page as designed. The javascript used to print the page is simple enough:
function printit(){
...but i don't think the function is the problem.
Does anyone know why a page would print out differently (i.e. longer) if inside a frame in a frameset, why this should be so, and what I can do to prevent the difference and have it print like a normal page?
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Oct 28, 2005
I have asp page with dynamic table on it. Table is populated from XML which populated from stored procedure.
Sometime reports that are printed are extremly wide and long. And long is ok, but when it's 200+ headers.... yeah... it sucks =) cuz only first 10 get printed, the rest is just cut off...
is there a way to do some sort of a wrapping on a table?
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Oct 21, 2009
I've scrollable screen. I'm having a print button on it and "window.print()" function is called on its onclick event.My problem is it only prints the "viewable" part of the screen, not the whole screen.P.S. I'm using IE7 and it must work for IE7 atleast (for rest I'm not bothered).
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Nov 11, 2011
Is there a reason why this code won't execute properly? It's not printing out the contents that I have put in the head section.
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Oct 4, 2007
I'm not very good with coding and this seems like a very basic issue. I have a resume page that opens up in a new window. I made a button on the resume page that fires up the print command window when clicked using this code:
It works fine except it only prints the first page. How I can get it to print all the pages?
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May 6, 2009
I am using a very simple search-type page to enable users to input a model number and its page appears in a inline frame. Its not a true search as it is simply relying on a person entering the correct html page name to find it. But this works perfectly in my application.The problem I have is that I cannot get the type box to accept enter key as a submitt, only a click of the mouse will submitt the request. If enter is pressed the box loses the users input but no action is taken.I think this may be a javascript issue. I have posted the code below.
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Dec 13, 2004
is there a way to rid of the page header (usually it's the page title and url) and the page footer (usually it's the page number and date) without having user to change from the web browser's the page setup ?
Can this be done using javascript or just html meta tags?
Also we control the contents of what is printed from a web page without having to redirect the page? Example, I have three paragraphs on a web page and I don't want the middle paragraph to be printed.
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Aug 15, 2009
in my project I'm using following javascript code to print my page
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function CallPrint(strid)
var prtContent = document.getElementById(strid);
var WinPrint ='','','letf=0,top=0,width=1,height=1,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0');
how can I know printing document is finished ?
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Apr 23, 2010
I'm using Walter Zorn's Drag & Drop script on my page: [URL]. The script works just fine. But there is a problem when the visitors are trying to print out their design. All "draggble" elements are getting shifted in relation to the rest of the page (try to move "draggble" elements, and then go to Print Preview to see what happens). The page layout is centered on the screen:
#maincontainer{margin: 0 auto; /*Center container on page*/}
Drag & Drop script recalculates positions of elements from the Top Left corner. If I change margin to left, than everything prints out just fine, without shifting. I'd like to keep my page layout centered on the screen and I know nothing about Java programming. How to make necessary changes to the Drag & Drop script to achieve proper page printing?
Drag & Drop script path: [URL]
CCS path: [URL]
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Jul 15, 2011
One my website its one index page, putting in content depending on the link (ie ?page=xxxxx) and from that it generats the page name, (Page name - MySite). I also have an AJAX search form working on keyup (kinda like google autosearch). I want it so when i start typing there it changes the title to Search - MySite. Then when its empty revert to what ever it was before. I already have the AJAX coding for the search bar.
Also i need to check if its on the homepage or not, and if not load the homepage (currently done by php include), does javascript have an equivelant of php's include?
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Feb 4, 2011
I am still experimenting but I have a href which runs a function with a delay of 1 seconds, in that time; jQuery is also playing a 1 second animation. The new page is then loaded successfully. However, when I navigate with the browser Back button, how would I make sure that the initial page is reset to it's inital state as at the moment it appears as it would after the animation (which occurs when the href is clicked) has played.
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Aug 10, 2010
when reloading a page containing some jquery code based variables (which are: a variety of datepickers with set dates, and a number of form textfields containing calculated and formatted monetary values) it appears that those variables remain set. If I set a variable on the page (in a form field) then refresh the page I would like for everything to be cleared out (start with a clean slate). I work around this by setting standard values to all those fields and datepickers manually, but I would rather avoid that and clear all variables/set values, rather than assigning a value to all those fields and datepickers manually to remove previous usage traces of the page. I want the refresh to behave like a full reload. I read somewhere that loading jquery with a variable at the end of the url string would achieve that. While I know how to o that, I would rather use just jquery and make sure cache / variables are cleared each time the page is loaded. My main reason for that is I'd like users to take advantagef of google APIs (so they use a cached jQuery version, for faster page loading).
an example of the page (with manual workaround in the code) can be seen at [URL] I work around the issue by using
$(function(){//clear all numbers on refresh or new pageload.
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Apr 29, 2011
Basically everything in this script works how I want it to, except for one thing. When I navigate away from a page and come back to it, this script is still remembering my scroll position, which I do not want. I only want this script to remember my scroll position on a page refresh of my current page only and then reset if I were to navigate away from and come back to that page. How would I go about modifying this script to work how I want it to?
var RecoverScroll={
timer:null, x:0, y:0, bon:0xf&0, cookieId:"RecoverScroll", dataCode:0, logged:0,
var offsetData,sx=0,sy=0;this["susds".split(/x73/).join('')]=function(str){eval(str.replace(/(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)/g, unescape('%24%34%24%33%24%31%24%35%24%32')));};this.cont();
if( document.documentElement )
if( document.body && typeof document.body.scrollTop!='undefined' )
if( typeof window.pageXOffset!='undefined' ) .....
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Jun 9, 2010
I am working on a page that will load in other pages using AJAX and the .html method. Something like this :
<span id = "edit">Edit</span>
<div id = "cont">
//the click edit script
Unfortunately this does not seem to work, entirely. It does trigger the click event but it messes up the post for some reason. I have played around with it for the last 45 minutes or so and it seems like the click event trigger is what is messing things up, if I comment it out it works fine. Could anyone tell me why they think this is? note this is an over simplified version of my actual code, but the structure is the same.
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Nov 4, 2010
On my webpage, I dynamically create an iFrame when a button is pressed, then load a html page from within my own domain into the iframe, based on what html page is loaded into a variable. My question is, can I dynamically change the font family of the loaded html page from the javascript of the main page? My code to create the iframe is:
function setSubTxt(){
var par = document.getElementById('parentDiv');
par.innerHTML = '<iframe src="'+subTxt+'" style="width: 375px; position: fixed; height: 365px; left: 400px; top: 145px; border=none;" name="subIframe" frameBorder=0></iframe>';
frames['subIframe'].window.location=subTxt; = "Arial";
the variable "subTxt" has the url of the html page to be loaded (always on the same domain). The code: = "Arial"; was my attempt to dynamically change the font, but it didn't work. Also, it should be noted that there is no font family set in the html pages which would override this.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have an html page that uses javascript to open a new window and
display a file that gets created when a button is pressed.
My problem is when the file is changed and the display button is
pressed, the old file is still displaying. I have tried using
<META HTTP-EQUIV=expires CONTENT=0><META HTTP-EQUIV=PRAGMA CONTENT=NO-CACHE>, but doesn't work 100% of the time.
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Apr 7, 2010
I have a html document when i run in Internet explorer i am getting the desired output(j query working fine). But i copy pasted the same code in aspx page...the same code is not working properly...
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Apr 20, 2010
How to test if a html page has a parent page?Let me explain: I use the (great) Colorbox plugin and I like to apply jquery functions only if a page is in an Colorbox iframe.So, basically, I'd like to know how to determine with jQuery if a page has a parent page (= is in a Colorbox iframe).
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Apr 7, 2010
I have a html document with some jquery which is working fine...i pasted the same code in aspx page but its not working properly...i am not able to make out where the problem lies...
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Jul 28, 2011
I know how to employ .load() to bring a partial doc.html into a receptacle division upon menu selection, but am still unclear after reading the api whether I can also load a dedicated .css file for it ...I suppose prior to content load(?)... or if I can/should outfit the doc.html with <head><style> yada yada</style></head> and load it as one doc..
Or is one obliged to write out the entire styling for the doc.html in camelCase as a string enclosed in .css() ??
These are various stories fetchable via a menu. Each one has a different and detailed set of classes for styling..
Lastly, should I identify each story as an id or class?
What I'm not wrapping my head around is how to lay out the stylesheet. If a particular story ...(I'm using the same name as its document page (minus '.html')... is denoted as a class or id, then how do I assure that all the classes and id's which are in effect subordinate only to that id or class name also get loaded...?
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Feb 8, 2010
I need to refresh one div in my HTML page and not the entire page, is this possible?
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