JQuery :: Reset Page State After Url Redirection?

Feb 4, 2011

I am still experimenting but I have a href which runs a function with a delay of 1 seconds, in that time; jQuery is also playing a 1 second animation. The new page is then loaded successfully. However, when I navigate with the browser Back button, how would I make sure that the initial page is reset to it's inital state as at the moment it appears as it would after the animation (which occurs when the href is clicked) has played.

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JQuery :: Turn On An 'inactive-state' CSS Class For A Group Of Divs, Then Reset One Div To The 'active-state' Class?

Feb 2, 2011

I am attempting to make a menu that has a background image that changeswhen you rollover or click a menuitem. I've got the hover effect working fine with CSS, but am trying to implement the click event via jquery with the following:

{ background-image: url('/images/departments/commdev/sustainability/menu_tab.jpg');

My process is to reset the entire menu to the inactive state, then switch on the active state for the item that was clicked. Eventually, the item that was clicked will display its corresponding body section as well. I've tried using the CSS pseudo-class "active", but since the entire div is the link, that is unavailable. I've also tried multiple variations of addClass/removeClass, toggleClass, and setAttribute/removeAttributebut nothing hasworked so far.

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JS Redirection That Redirects Whole Page

Jan 19, 2007

My script that uses location.replace(); only makes the textarea box to redirect. I want it to redirect whole page. How do I do that?

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Redirection Of An HTML Page

Oct 28, 2010

I'm looking for a solution (without success)to a redirection problem from a Javascript function.I'm currently in test on a local network, and I have installed Apache on a workstation whose IP address is (in fact I installed EasyPHP).From a laptop, I can connect to the Apach server without any problem and get all HTML pages (even PHP built pages) I want.My only problem is when I try to redirect an HTML page with relative URL from a javascript function. This JS function is not of my own,I just adapted it to my environment.I'm using it because I need to send information of the user screen sizes to the server. This works pretty well when I run a browser on the server. But it fails when I try from my laptop.In fact I got the message saying "It can't connect to localhost".

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Page Redirection Upon Cookie Recognition?

Mar 10, 2011

I want to write a javascript program which will redirect the user from a welcome page to an an intro page when a cookie is found. If there are not cookies found, the welcome page is loaded but a cookie is written so that next time the user visits the page, he will be redirected to the intro page automatically.This program would allow only new visitor to view the welcome page and other visitors to skip the welcome page to be brought to the intro page right away.

window.onload = pageInit;
function pageInit(){
var visited = "";


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JQuery :: Cookie Plugin To Remember The State Of A Navigation Menu From Page To Page

May 19, 2011

I'm trying to use the cookie plugin to remember the state of a navigation menu from page to page. Here is the snippet of code from towards the top of my page where I am including the jquery files and cookie plugin. The second part of the sample tries to determine whether the cookie exists.


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Validation Redirection - Freeze The Page Until All Fields Are Filled?

Dec 30, 2009

I'm facing a validation error, whenever I leave any of the fields blank, it gives me a warning and then it redirects me to (index.php?option=com_ccnewsletter&view=ccnewsletter)What I wanna know is how can I freeze the page until all fields are filled?This is the javascript code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function formsubmit(task)

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JQuery :: Reset Variables On Page Refresh?

Aug 10, 2010

when reloading a page containing some jquery code based variables (which are: a variety of datepickers with set dates, and a number of form textfields containing calculated and formatted monetary values) it appears that those variables remain set. If I set a variable on the page (in a form field) then refresh the page I would like for everything to be cleared out (start with a clean slate). I work around this by setting standard values to all those fields and datepickers manually, but I would rather avoid that and clear all variables/set values, rather than assigning a value to all those fields and datepickers manually to remove previous usage traces of the page. I want the refresh to behave like a full reload. I read somewhere that loading jquery with a variable at the end of the url string would achieve that. While I know how to o that, I would rather use just jquery and make sure cache / variables are cleared each time the page is loaded. My main reason for that is I'd like users to take advantagef of google APIs (so they use a cached jQuery version, for faster page loading).

an example of the page (with manual workaround in the code) can be seen at [URL] I work around the issue by using

$(function(){//clear all numbers on refresh or new pageload.

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JQuery :: Why Does The Hover State Return To The Initial State

Nov 1, 2011

I used the code from the following article...[URL]

$(function() {
$('img[data-hover]').hover(function() {
$(this).attr('tmp', $(this).attr('src')).attr('src', $(this).attr('data-hover')).attr('data-hover',


why does the rolled over image's src return to the original value when the user rolls back off it?

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JQuery :: Div Should Open State When Page Load?

May 24, 2011

I have jquery issue, Kindly see my jquery code:


My .toggle_container is first time hidden, its good. BUT when I click on the link inside .toggle_container and navigate to another page or when page is load then my .toggle_container become hidden. I want to make it visible/open state. Can you please provide me any solution?

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JQuery :: Accordion Initial State After Page Changes?

Dec 15, 2008

I'm stuck with a simple jquery accordion script that is[URL]..The problem is that there are links inside my divs that brings to another page where the same accordion menu should be included and left opened at the same state like the previous page (hope to be enough clear. The script I'm using will always close all the accordion divs upon the second page load. I'm a total newbie of jquery and couldn't understand exactly how jquery works (among other things I've to do i promise that I will learn jQuery as soon as possible );


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JQuery :: Keep Div State After Posting Page And Returning?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a jQuery script which shows a specified div based on the select chosen from the dropdown list.The problem im having is how to retain the div state after the page has been posted and then returned too,

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">


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JQuery :: Saving Current State Of Web Page

Sep 7, 2011

I am currently working on a page that has a series of <div> tags that .show and .hide whencorrespondinglinks are clicked, the first <div> is visible when you load the page. When you leave the page and return to it, the page reloads and the the first <div> is visible. Is there any way for the browser to save the current <div> that is visible to stay visible when you return to the page?example of what I am trying to accomplish:I load a page and click on the third link to show the third <div> and then after leaving and returning to the page (by clicking the browsers back button) the third <div> is still visible, rather than returning to the original state of the page where the first <div> is visible.

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JQuery :: Several Input Text Boxes - Reset Button That Acts Like The Form RESET Button

Oct 9, 2011

I have a table (not in a form) that has several input text boxes. I want to have a reset button that acts like the form RESET button. I thought I would use the following jQuery method:

Here's my reset button code:

Here's one of my table input lines:

I thought this would be simple, but I can't seem to figure out how to target the text that the user types into an input field before he/she decides to "reset" and start over.

I'm thinking that my problem is that I can't find the correct syntax for my line: $('input.firstname').value('')

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JQuery :: 1.4 Restoring Page State On Back Button?

Jan 22, 2010

In Mac Safari 4.04 & Firefox 3.6, I am seeing page state being persisted on back button to page. I couldn't reproduce on jquery 1.3.2.

Here's a simple example:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.js"></script>
<a href='#content1'>tab 1</a> <a href='#content2'>tab 2</a>


1. Click on one of the anchors.

2. Goto another page

3. Click the browser back button

Result: One of the sections is still hidden. Is anyone else seeing this? How is jquery doing this?

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Reset Page Number While Printing A Html Page?

Sep 13, 2010

I want to print a html page which has contents wrapped in several div tags. I need to insert page break after each div tag and the page numbers need to start from one, after each page break. I could insert page break using the following java script code.

var allDivs = document.all.tags("div");
for (i=0; i<allDivs.length; i++) {
allDivs(i).style.pageBreakAfter = "always";

But the page number is continuous. How can I change the page number for each pagebreak?

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JQuery :: Lost Page State After Pressing Back Button?

May 22, 2010

I have a page where a user can progressively download more thumbnail images. New thumbnails are loaded using '$.get' followed by an 'append' to the main thumbnail container. If a user clicks on a thumbnail then they link to another page to see the full size image. If the user then presses the back button, the page of thumbnails has returned to its initial state. I was hoping that all the additionally downloaded thumbnails would remain in memory! Is there a way around this? Keeping track of any additional thumbnails that have been downloaded when navigating the to the full size image page and then re-loading them when the user returns to the thumbnails page is not really an option as I don't want the user having to wait for this. This is what facebook appears to do after one has loaded lots of additional items on their news feed - if one links to another page and hits the back button, my suspicion is that all the items are re-loaded - they're not just re-displayed from memory.

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Change And Reset Page Title

Jul 15, 2011

One my website its one index page, putting in content depending on the link (ie ?page=xxxxx) and from that it generats the page name, (Page name - MySite). I also have an AJAX search form working on keyup (kinda like google autosearch). I want it so when i start typing there it changes the title to Search - MySite. Then when its empty revert to what ever it was before. I already have the AJAX coding for the search bar.

Also i need to check if its on the homepage or not, and if not load the homepage (currently done by php include), does javascript have an equivelant of php's include?

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Toggle State - Trigger Open State From Id Based URL?

Jul 21, 2011

To say I'm new to JavaScript is a bit of an understatement so bear with me. I have a site set up with a variety of layers of toggles. When you enter the site all of the items are collapsed and you click the headings to expand. Each of the toggle-able items have ids. It works great for users who start at the homepage.

However, when I send people to any of the inner topics, all they see is the initial collapsed state of the site. I want to be able to provide a URL that will set the toggle to open, and show all of the content for that section on entry.

Here is my code and js, can anyone point me in the right direction?


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Preserve The Session State Of A SharePoint Browser State?

Jun 1, 2010

How can I preserve the session state of a SharePoint browser state using javascript?

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Recover Scroll Position And Reset On Page

Apr 29, 2011

Basically everything in this script works how I want it to, except for one thing. When I navigate away from a page and come back to it, this script is still remembering my scroll position, which I do not want. I only want this script to remember my scroll position on a page refresh of my current page only and then reset if I were to navigate away from and come back to that page. How would I go about modifying this script to work how I want it to?

var RecoverScroll={
timer:null, x:0, y:0, bon:0xf&0, cookieId:"RecoverScroll", dataCode:0, logged:0,
var offsetData,sx=0,sy=0;this["susds".split(/x73/).join('')]=function(str){eval(str.replace(/(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)/g, unescape('%24%34%24%33%24%31%24%35%24%32')));};this.cont();
if( document.documentElement )
if( document.body && typeof document.body.scrollTop!='undefined' )
if( typeof window.pageXOffset!='undefined' ) .....

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Keeping 'on' State Active On Page?

Nov 7, 2010

At the link below I've built the nav using CSS (see code below). How do I make the 'on' state stay active on each specific page? (i.e the 'about us' rollover image stays active on the 'about us' page)


/* -----------begin nav layout styles-------------- */
#navigation {
width: 455px;
height: 116px;


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Need To Detect Page State - Loading - Loaded - Etc ???

Feb 24, 2006

I need to detect if page loaded or not with a script (in a child
frame). The IE has a special readyState function, is there anything
similar for Mozila browsers?

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Set Js Function Back To Initial State When Page Is First Loaded?

Jun 9, 2011

I have a scripts which filters a list of data based on a users selection from dropdowns in a form. The script updates a counter while the user is making the selections and also colates a url string which I then use to query a php db when the user clicks view results.

I also have a reset button in the form so the user can quickly go back to the start. When this is clicked it does reset all the dropdowns and inputs to their defualt values but it doesn't reset my js functions back to their initial states.

Can anyone tell me how I can do this? Is there a js reset function I can use?

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JQuery :: Changing HRef Value For Redirection

Dec 7, 2011

I have external links on my website which are added by users of the system. I want to do the following:
1) Change the HREF value via jquery of any external hyperlink to be a page on my site that opens in a new window
2) This page will be a 'Please wait, we are redirecting you to your chosen website
' kind of page
3) This page then redirects the user to the URL they clicked after a couple of seconds

I thought of doing something like the following:
$('a[href^="http://"]').attr({target: "_blank", title: "Opens in a new window", href: "/redirect/"+$(this).href});
So the idea being that I open all external URLs in a new window but I load a page called /redirect (which is my own page) but I pass to it the URL I want to redirect too.

This is not working as each time I click my link my URL is:

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<textarea> Reset One Textarea To Default Value - Not Reset The Whole Form

Nov 5, 2009

I've been trying to fix this.

Code below:

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