Raise Event When User Shy Away From The Present Page?
Apr 26, 2011
our requirement is client wants to know howmany users leaving the main page without entering data in the application page.at that time we need to show the css popup overlay. in the following scenarios overlay should pop up. 1)when user leaves the page.(e.g. type other address in the address bar).bascially user shy away from the browser. 2)clicks browser close button.
we will show one css popup overlay(not browser popup) and in the back ground main application will be greyed out.this overlay consists of some text fields and some buttons will be there and parallely in the back ground we will execute AJAX call. can we accomplish this requirement??is yes how?will it work in all browsers?my concern is how to prevent the browser from closing when css overlay comes up?
our requirement is client wants to know howmany users leaving the main page without entering data in the application page.at that time we need to show the css popup overlay.in the following scenarios overlay should pop up.1)when user leaves the page.(e.g. type other address in the address bar).bascially user shy away from the browser.2)clicks browser close button.we will show one css popup overlay(not browser popup) and in the back ground main application will be greyed out.this overlay consists of some text fields and some buttons will be there and parallely in the back ground we will execute AJAX call.can we accomplish this requirement??is yes how?will it work in all browsers?my concern is how to prevent the browser from closing when css overlay comes up?
our requirement is client wants to know howmany users leaving the main page without entering data in the application page.at that time we need to show the css popup overlay. in the following scenarios overlay should pop up.
1)when user leaves the page.(e.g. type other address in the address bar).bascially user shy away from the browser.
2)clicks browser close button.
we will show one css popup overlay(not browser popup) and in the back ground main application will be greyed out.this overlay consists of some text fields and some buttons will be there and parallely in the back ground we will execute AJAX call. can we accomplish this requirement??is yes how?will it work in all browsers? how to prevent the browser from closing(e.g.when user chooses browser X button) when css overlay comes up.
I'm using the following code to attach a method to the click event of my button. It definitely works, but unfortunately the click event happens on page load even though no one has actually clicked on the button. How do I prevent this? $('#btn').bind('click',etCategories());
suppose i have a html page with text, links and what ever else a page contains. On selection of Text on the html page i want to raise some event that will do something. But what that event is known as? By text selection i mean placing mouse pointer to some text and left clicking and moving the mouse either to left or right. Now when user selects some portion of text and releases the mouse's left click button a event should be raised. Obviously that event should know what was the selected text. So is it possible ?
There is a website based game I would like to build, but I am not sure that the main functionality would be possible to program. I have tried to do as much research as possible. I know that javascript can do drag and drop, but would it be possible for the user to specify which images (out of a catalogue of thousands) they would like to be present on screen/toplay with?
It would need to work like this: The user is presented with a catalgoue of images. They can refine this catalogue according to things like colour, type etc. The user chooses which images they would like to play with by adding them to their personal choices (e.g. with an 'add this item' button). In the next step the user is taken to a page showing all the items added to their personal list, which they can then drag and drop around the screen. The user can then save/share their 'creation'.
I'm working on a webpage which is completely self-sufficient. This means if you copied the source you would be able to load it locally without any glitches from your computer. I want to embed a "Save As" feature into this document using only javascript or jquery. For various reasons I do not have access to a server-side language to perform this action. I've done some research but can't seem to find a definitive way to do this.
My goal: User clicks "Save As HTML" button which triggers jquery to copy the source of the page and present it to the user as a mypage.html download. My fall back approach will be to open a new tab with just the desired html and instruct the user to manually "File -> Save As". However, this is very undesirable and I would like to find a solution to fulfill the goal above.
I want to add a global event handler for mousedown that will register whenever the user clicks anywhere on the page but I'm having trouble.This is what I'm trying to do:
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body"); alert(body); body.addEventListener(mouseDown, myHandler);[code]....
But the event handler is never called. I can't even seem to get access to the body. Is the body tag the wrong place to be assigning the mousedown handler? I'm trying to make this code work correctly in both IE and firefox.
Here as there is no link specified it will open a blank page. guys can u please tell me how can i write a condition so that if my href is blank then it will not open any page. the click should not work or else it should load the same page.
I have a single javascript file that contains all of my javascript functions. Each of the these functions are particular to different pages on my entire site. How can I create logic that will only allow those functions to work when certain elements or identifiers are present on a page?
I am currently trying to use Javascript to dynamically resize a navigation div (that is present on every page) according to the size of the main content div.
I am currently using the following code;
This works the first time I go to the site and if I refresh a page. However, if I use my on site navigation to switch between pages the div simply uses the height variable defined within my CSS (this needs to be here for users with JS disabled)
Does anybody have any ideas on what the problem might be. It's as if the script is only executed the first time any page on the site is loaded, but then not again.
i have a link and just beside an image. when my mouse is over the image, it displays a <div> that covers the <a> (link). Basically the link and image should perform the same action (display a hidden div).
however, when my div is displayed, the link should be "like" the mouse is over the link (it should change the color).
so how can i raise the mouseover (or simulate it) on the link (when the div covers it) ?
I have to come up with a user authenication page the logs the user in and also gives them access to do the right things. I have attached the code and the access file and have got started on a few things.I first need to create a login page with the fields username and password have that check the access database and then proceed it to a page to do the following depending on the user access. For The Login button to even be enabled the username and password must have a value in it. I have no idea how to do that
Add A User [No duplicate Users] Modify A User Delete A User
Is there a function or a relatively simple way of raising a number to a power with a fractional exponent by using javascript? I am trying to make a simple online calculator which among other things has to raise to power 3/7 a number entered by a user.
I am trying to get a way by which I'll know exactly when user goes out of my site by clicking on close button in browser, So that w/e user click close button in browser, I can send a signal to server.
This seems to be achievable with body unload events, but it is little too much, as even if user navigate within my site, this event will be generated, this can be avoided by handling onclick of each link, so that I'll know exactly which link is clicked, but honestly this looks over doing to me, any other smart short cut for finding out when user click on X in browser?
Do I have a way (when I get the unload) to distinguish between X button and another cases(for example when moving writing another URL address)? I want to decide what message to display to the user when I get to the unload event, if this possible to do?
I have a page divided into various divs, each with an unique id.The user can navigate through these divs using a nav bar at the top of the screen, which is pinned in position with 'position:fixed'.I want to fire a JavaScript event whenever the user views a different div.I have attached an event handler to the links in the nav bar. Correspondingly when the user uses the nav bar to move around the page the desired event always fires.However, if the user uses the address bar to navigate nothing happens, e.g. if someone is viewing "www.mysite.com/#panel1" and then types into the address barthey are moved to the corresponding section of the site, but no event fires.Is there any way to achieve this?
I'm trying to create/find a script that will do the following: -load a css file regardless of any conditions. -do not load the css file if a certain text is present in a specified html div tag.
i know this is done with a if/else state like this:
if (condition) { code to be executed if condition is true
how to add the condition for the variable text and to specify the css file.
I want the javascript to ignore loading the css if a div tag like this: <div class="menu-opener"><a class="gwt-Anchor" href="javascript:">Text1<img src=..//img.jpg"></a> /div>contains the word Text1, or any other I specify. Else, if any other text inside the div, the css should load normally.
I seem to be stuck on one part of my code. A quick background, this is a website to showcase various photography services. First, I will layout what I have:
The Javascript for my menu (in the head section): <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var timeout = 200; var closetimer = 1; var items = 0; function dropit(id){ canclcls(); if(items) items.style.visibility = 'hidden'; items = document.getElementById(id); items.style.visibility = 'visible'; }function mclose() { if(items) items.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } .....
Now, here is what I have in the body section <div id="menu"> <ul id="control"> <li><a href="#" onmouseover="dropit('dropone')" onmouseout="mcls()">Wedding Portfolio</a> <div id="dropone" onmouseover="canclcls()" onmouseout="mcls()"> <a href="jamaicawed.html">Wedding in Jamaica</a> <a href="indianwed.html">Indian Wedding</a> </div> </li> .....
So the only thing I can't figure out how to do is create an onclick event for one of the menu items (boudoir) that confirms that the user is comfortable being exposed to a specific (topless) type of image.
I have an webbpage, and in the middle of it there is an iframe to a php site. So i have used this code, so after some seconds the iframe will send the guest to another page. <meta http-equiv="refresh" traget="_top" content="5 url=http://mypage.com"/> But the thing is that i want the WHOLE page to reload, and go to that page after 5 seconds (we can say). With that code, only the iframe are going to another page. Is it possible to make the whole page send the user after some seconds, to another page and not only the iframe?
There is many examples of PageLoader's etc. in the web, but I can't find a script like facebook (and many other sites) uses. When a link is cliked -> user stays at current page and get's "Page loading" etc. notice until the next page is fully downloaded.In other words; When I click a link (Internet Explorer), I get first "a white page" until next page show's ..I want, that the page does not go white at all, but current page show's until the next page is fully downloaded.