Passing Plus Or Minus As A Variable?

Dec 26, 2011

if I wanted to set a variable with radio buttons to decide whether a function adds or subtracts, I know I can't do this:

<input type="radio" name ="op" onclick="op='-'">count up: <input type="radio" name ="op" onclick="op='+'">
<script type="text/javascript">


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Setting Variable Equal To Php Variable By Passing A Parameter?

Aug 12, 2011

Code:I am having problems with the following. I am wanting to hide <tr> in my table (employees) and only show employees that are in the selected department (selected via dropdown box).I need to set a javascript array to a php array. I am looping and assigning the array and am wanting to pass a javascript variable as the index in php array. I have marked my problem lines in red. Thanx for any help.

<script type="text/javascript" >
function display_elements()
var departments = new Array;


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Using A Minus In Javascript

Dec 3, 2006

I have the following link to bring up an alert with a figure in it based on
the screen resolution. but instead of displaying a number 'NaN' is

<a href="javascript:alert('Your ideal estimated height is '+
screen.height*0.55-screen.height*0.2);" class="BodyLink">Click to calculate
height </a>

But when I remove the part of the equation '-screen.height*0.2' a figure is
displayed properly. Why doesnt it work when I have a minus in the equation.
Im not experienced with javascript so excuse if this is a basic question..

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Passing Variable...

Jan 23, 2006

I have a form like this:

<form name="dane" action="wyszukiwanie.php" method="post"
<input maxlength="30" size="35" name="family_name" value="">

Now, How can I pass a value from this input to my js script verify_form() ??

And second question: if I have "radio" input im my form how can I check
using js if any option was chosen?

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Passing A Url Variable?

Sep 22, 2009

What I need to do, and it shouldn't be that difficult is this:page1.html - there is a yellow button and a red button - if the user clicks on the yellow button I want to set a cookie with the value "yel" then load the next page - if they click the red button set that cookie with the value "red"page2.html - 'onload' i want to read that cookie and load up the main image to match, something like this maybe?...

document.mainimage.src='img/main_' + variable + '.png'so that the path would be for example 'img/main_red.png'Any help please? Preferably javascript only and as simple as possible. If you think this would be easier sending that variable in the URL instead of as a cookie.

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Passing A Variable Into The DOM?

Nov 3, 2009

I think this is what I am trying to do, I am pretty new to javascript so I'm not sure... but here is my question... I got this function below.

function getProductInfo(id) {
var sku = window.document.InvoiceForm.Item0Sku.value;

when I use the 0 I get the right value back, however whenever I try to pass it the id variable with a value of '0' I can't seem to compose the concatenation correct in order to recieve the correct value.I either recieve errors or the whole window.document.InvoiceForm.Item0Sku.value string back in the alert, what am I doing wrong?

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Check To Make Sure Number Isn't Minus

Jul 6, 2005

I have a form with about 15 input boxes. I need a function that will run onChange in each input box. This function has to check if a number is - or +. If it is -, I need it to throw out an error.

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Trigger Combination Of Ctrl + Minus

Oct 24, 2010

I need javascript to trigger the combination of ctrl + minus. Is it possible. I need this because the design of the webpage I'm working on is looking much better at 83 % zoom which couldn't be achieved by CSS zoom property in mozzila firefox.

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Passing Variable To ASP With Javascript

Jul 20, 2005

I have two events in a form that I am passing. One is to a javascript
function, the other is to the same .asp page only with another action
to show different data.

Onchange is calls the function updateclasses, which in turn reloads
another drop-down list. It also reloads the .asp page, which
refreshes the data. My problem is that it refreshes the second
drop-down briefly, until the page reloads, but then resets the form.
How do i pass this data to the .asp?

I thought in the .asp, I could just do something simple like the
following, but wasn't sure of the correct syntax. is there a better

view = request.querystring("view")
if view = "" then
view = "SciLink"
<script language="JavaScript">
updateclasses(form1, 0, Student)
end if


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Passing Value To Global Variable?

Mar 15, 2009

I have a site that calls the function welcome() and displays a prompt. The same site also has an iframe that calls the next function, add_name(), but when the pages are loaded it says that "answer" is undefined.It says on the page, where the <p id="guest"></p> is, "Welcome undefined". How do I make it so that the value of answer, which is given onLoad of the 1st page with the prompt, is displayed as text in function add_name()?

function welcome(){
var x = document.getElementById("body");


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Passing Variable In Onclick?

Apr 2, 2009

Basically, I have a form with some text fields, and I want to put a button next to each text field, so that when a user clicks on the button, it increments the value in the field by 1. I know how to do it if I know the id of the text field, but what if the id of the text field is a variable? How do I do it? Here's my code:

<script language=javascript>
function process(v){
document.getElementById('order_item' + v + '_quantity').value++;


My issue is with my onclick statement:

<input type="button" value="Add +" onclick="javascript:process(0)">

This works fine for my first field, but I need to have one for every text field, so how do I pass my counter variable (which determines the id of the appropriate text field) to the process function?

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Passing 1 Variable Containing 3 Parameters?

May 14, 2009

do something;


passing 1 variable containing 3 parameters?

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Passing Js Function Variable For Id

Aug 14, 2009

I am having trouble passing the correct id to change the innerHTML. I have a jsp that display people and their address information. There could be several people in the list, so it is in a loop. That part all works good. There is a drop down list with countries in them. Based on the country they select, I want to change some of the text. Here is what I have:

<td class="datashaded" valign="top"><font size="2"><b>Country:</b></font></td>
<td class="datashaded" valign="top">


When I hardcoded the id= value, not matter which group I changed the country on, only the first one was changing, so I knew I needed unique ids for each group. There is more to the table, but this is the good part. When the onChange fires now, Nothing at all happens.

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PHP Variable Is Not Passing Properly?

Sep 8, 2009

Here's something that I tested without the PHP and it worked ok. Now that I've introduced the PHP to the document it doesn't work. The PHP variable is not passing to Javascript properly. By use of some cleverly placed alert boxes, I figured out that the only thing that is getting passed forward is something called : "object HTML ImageElement"

Specifically, I assign the element ID the unique ID number of the record in the SQL database. The problem isn't with the ID numbers themselves: They are alphanumeric and unique.I think it boils down to one of two lines of code. Either this isn't working (about line 12)

function expander(RecordID){

or perhaps it is when I am calling the function (about line 66):

echo "<img id='".$row['IDNumber']."' src=".$row['ImagePath']." width='5%' onMouseOver='expander(".$row['IDNumber'].");' onMouseOut='shrinker(".$row['IDNumber'].");'>";}

The PHP works (I can get the images to appear, so the connection to SQL and such isn't a problem). I am sure most of the JavaScript is good, too, as I said I had it all working prior to dropping in the PHP.Since I am not going from JavaScript to PHP I don't think I need AJAX. I just need the PHP to pass to JavaScript.

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">[code]....

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Passing A Parameter With The Value Of A Variable

Sep 15, 2009

I've been staring at this same problem for over a week now. I've worked around it as best as i can but i think it's time to ask someone else for input.

I'm trying to pass a value thru an ajax parameter.. that's all. it SHOULD be easy in theory.

What i want to do is create a jscript variable then pass that variable as the value for a parameter.

Php then converts that value to something it can use to finish the rest of my code.

As i said it's hindering my webpage progress and i would like to get it fixed soon.

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Passing Variable To PHP Code?

Apr 19, 2011

I have the following code, where I am inputting a word and on clicking the button , i am setting the value of the text box in div class="twit" which is I have to access the value of this hidden text box (name=q) using php.Say I want to print using php .How do I do this ?



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New Function Variable Passing?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a function which is currently called twice on the same page. Part of the function is to apply an onkeyup event to a created element. The problem is that when the function is called twice the first created element calls the onkeyup function of the second element!

table_JD.length-1 = 0 for first element
table_JD.length-1 = 1 for second element
updateSearch_TC_JD(1) is somehow called from first element!
newSearchBox.onkeyup = function() {updateSearch_TC_JD(table_JD.length-1)}

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Passing A Variable From HTML?

Sep 12, 2011

I have two versions of this document. The first version uses only JavaScript and the standard PROMPT(). It works very well, but I would like to insert the name prompt into the page using the input command. For some reason the variable loaded in the HTML statement doesn't get passed to the JavaScript. Any ideas would be appreciated! This is only a small test page. Sorry I don't know about the [code] tag...

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


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Multiple Variable Passing To Php?

Aug 2, 2011

i wanted passe multiple variable to php file from get methode

here is the code
<div onmouseover="show(document.getElementById('link<?php echo $cmId.$poId?>'));" onmouseout="hide(document.getElementById('link<?php echo $cmId.$poId?>'));">
<form> <?php echo $row['comment_cm']?><br><a href="editComment.php?
var1=$cmId&var2=$poId" id="link<?php echo $cmId.$poId?>">Edit</a>


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Passing A Variable Into Variale In Css

Oct 5, 2009

passing a variable into javascript css e.g:

var myNum = 150;
$(this).css('width', myNum);

ive tryed a couple of methods and looked about on the net for abit but am thus far unsuccessful

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Passing JS Variable To Form?

Sep 5, 2011

I'm using the Maxmind Geoip database to pull information about the visitor:MaxMind - GeoIP JavaScript Web Service(namely the city and state).I want to use that information to prepopulate one of the fields on my form (say city)

<input id="awf_field-24855776city" type="text" class="text" name="custom US Address (City)" tabindex="502" />

Anyone have any idea how I can do this? I tried the document.write function and it doesn't output to my value="" field with the correct data

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Passing Variable To Popup

Oct 4, 2006

I've perused the posts on popups and variable and can't seem to get what I need. Can someone take a look at my code and tell me what I'm missing.

I want to open a popup window and provide a variable that I grab from a select list on the main page using javascript. This code works to grab the selected option in the list and open a new page but I want it to do this in a pop up so I can still see the main page.

HTML Code:

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Passing Variable To SetInterval

Jul 16, 2007

function slide(thisOne) {
var theObject = document.getElementById(thisOne);
var measureTop = parseInt(retrieveComputedStyle(theObject, "top"));

if (measureTop == "0") {
theObject.animationTimer = setInterval("moveObject(theObject, 0, 200, 25)", 50);
} else {
theObject.animationTimer = setInterval("moveObject(theObject, 0, 0, 25)", 50);

I am trying to use the variable "theObject" to pass a value to setInterval.
But I keep getting the error that "theObject" is not defined. But I have tested it with an "alert" just before the "if" statement and I know that not only is it defined, but it has the correct value.

Why won't setInterval recognise the variable? Is there a way to get this to work?

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Function Not Passing Variable

Jun 10, 2010

So this is my dilemma. I'm creating a function and passing variables dynamically, but when I try to pass a variable and then alert it out, I get an 'undefined' error.

Zeeshan Syed
var hotels = xml.getElementsByTagName("hotels")[index];


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Passing Variable To A Href?

Jan 20, 2011

im trying for last 4 days. please help me out

<input name="name" type="text" value="Raj" />
<a href="01.php?name=(document.getElementById('name').value" class="nyroModal" rev="modal">click here</a>

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Passing A Variable Using GetXmlHttpObject?

Sep 23, 2011

I have a portion of code that uses ajax to call another page and dump that data into the innerHTML of a div of the parent page. However, I need to pass a variable to the function that is ran, and I don't know how to do it.

The events that happen are in this order:

1) Parent page is loaded
2) user clicks "edit" which loads the function ShowHideExtraData
3) in ShowHideExtraData, an ajax statement is used to pull data from another page and dump the results into an innerHTML div tag of the parent

So far everythign works great 4) After the data is dumped into the innerHTML, I run a function that validates the data to see if it is correct, if it is, then it turns the box green, if it isn't, then it turns it red (along with others, but that's the jist).

The problem is I need to pass a variable of PrimaryKey, but I can't. So, here is the relevant code:


in that function, the PageLoad() function is called. I need to send the PrimaryKey from the function ShowHideExtraData to the function stateChangedEditUpLevelData(), but I do not know how. Or, any other ways to grab the PrimaryKey.

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