Passing 1 Variable Containing 3 Parameters?

May 14, 2009

do something;


passing 1 variable containing 3 parameters?

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Passing + Character When Passing Parameters Through Url?

Sep 30, 2009

I'm passing the variables myTitle and myLink to form.php using javascript.
This is the way I'm doing it:


<a href='form.php?title=" + myTitle +"&link="+myLink+">Click me</a>

It's working great but sometimes myTitle and myLink contain the plus character (+). When this happens it's not passed. In the case of the title, it's just a problem of looks but in the case of the link, well, the link won't work without the character.

As an example if the title is: Laptop + Accessories What is passed is: Laptop Accessories

What can I do to pass also the plus character??

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Passing Parameters From JSP To JavaScript

Jul 23, 2005

I have a JavaScript function that receives an Array with words. This
Array can be gotten from a query to a DB using JSP.

The JavaScript function is executed when onFocus event occurs:
<input type='text' onFocus='myFunction(this.event, myArray);' />

myArray is declared as:

var myArray = new Array('j'habite', 'tu habites', 'il habite');

I want to tell javascript:
var myArray = myJSPArray;
Where myJSPArray is declared some where in the JSP document.

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Passing Parameters Using HTML

Aug 22, 2000

i need to pass values from one page to the next after clicking do i do this using parameters?

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Passing Functions As Parameters

Jun 10, 2011

Say I have the following code:

And I want this code to print 21.

How should I implement the function Curry?

I tried intuitively:

But it didn't work.

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JQuery :: Passing Parameters Through Anchor Tag?

Jun 7, 2010

I am new to JQuery and trying to post some parameters from an anchor tag. But only my 'site' parameter gets passed. Here is my code :

<a class="screenshot-link" href="#" site='dv2' num='1'>1</a>
".screenshot-link").click(function () {


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Passing Parameters To Another Page (Firefox)

Dec 1, 2010

I am passing parameters from one page (actually from a frame within a frameset) to another using Javascript. Typically the code is as follows, taking values from a Form.


This has worked fine in all browsers including IE, Chrome and Firefox version

However, I have now found that it doesn't work with Firefox version 3.6.12.

This is because when retrieving the parameters in the new loaded page, the character ' (quote) has been converted to %27 (percent twenty seven).

I can write code to replace %27 with the quote character. However, this is lengthy and time-consuming (as I need to have cyclic code as the javascript replace command seems to work only on the first occurrence within a string).

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Passing Parameters In A Window Statement?

Dec 31, 2009

I am trying to grab firstname from the previous form page and pass it into my open window command.

<script type="text/javascript">

The above does not come out properly, I get entire GetQueryString etc in the Target URL

What should the syntax be, I think I may also be using the wrong javascript command, I think it should be a FormRequest, hmm not really sure.

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Passing Parameters With ONBLUR Event

May 22, 2003

There are basically 4 fields in a form, being Name,Company,Email and Phone. I'm trying to use the ONBLUR event, on the email field, to then pass parameters to a JS function, which calls a PHP file, to insert a row into a MySQL db. I saw an example of how to do this, using a hidden field, possibly I need 3 hidden fields to pass the 3 parameters (value of fields) ?. Anyway, here is the code:

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Passing Function Parameters Into GetDocumentById

Jul 5, 2006

Problem: I have two functions that send an AJAX call via an attached .js file (engine.js) and then deal with the response. My problem is this, the function can be called by any number of different triggers and needs to pass the data to a different element depending on which one calls it. These different triggers are produced via a repeating region created by Coldfusion. Each element that can get acted upon by "updateImgCount_response" is named "imgCount[recordID]" where "recordID" is a value inserted by coldfusion. This way each Element has a unique ID. Now I just need to know how to tack the "recordID" value returned as part of "obj" onto the 'imgCount' in document.getElementById() the updateImgCount_response function. Code:

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Passing Parameters To An Unobtrusive Function?

Jul 10, 2007

I was reading through a book that talked about unobtrusive javascript, and it gave this example of how to trigger a function instead of using an inline onmouseover event handler.

I thought this would be cool, but I can't seem to find a way to pass parameters to the function this way. I assumed you just use RandomFunction(parameter1,parameter2); but no go.

Is there a different syntax for this, or does this technique forbid using parameters?

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JQuery :: Passing Parameters In Address Bar

Mar 27, 2010

There is a website that allows unlimited voting for one of my friend's sons. Someone else has been automating the process because another person received 14,000 votes in about an hour.

So my question is: [url]

How can I pass a parameter at the above site so that it votes for the selected person (example - PJ Howell) without clicking the name and then hitting vote?

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Passing HTML Parameters To A Thank You Page

Apr 19, 2010

Let's use this html form as an example: [URL]

How could I pass the information in the text fields to a thank you page after user hits submit using javascript?

I was attempting to use this, but it's slightly different from what I'm trying to do: [URL]

This is filling in the text fields via parameters in the URL. I'm trying to pass what the user filled in to the next thank you page listed out to see what they filled in.

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JQuery :: Passing Parameters To PHP Script From .Load?

Feb 16, 2011

I cannot seem to get this code to work properly and I'm wondering if it's a simple error in usage.I have a html page that calls a PHP and refreshes a DIV section every 10 seconds. So far works like a charm...but now I want to add some parameters to pass to this script...


$(document).ready(function() {
var refreshId = setInterval(function()


So I added the ?a=aaa,b=bbb,c=ccc, randval='+Math.random()); to the load section and then in my PHP script got the $_GET values . but nothing seems to get passed so I'm wondering whether I have used or incorrectly passes these parameters to the script.

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Passing Parameters To Custom Element Extensions

Feb 12, 2003

When introducing custom functionality to HTML elements we either use existing attributes to pass configuration parameters (like beetle's fValidate ( or invent our own (like my Tooltips ( While this method is ok for small amount of configuration information, it is not that flexible (you need to edit DTD) and becomes combersome when large amount of configuration parameters is needed.

I figured a more convinient way is to use a CSS like string to pass configuration parameters:
<div myextension="parameter1: value1; parameter2-subparameter1: value2.1; parameter2-subparameter2: value2.2"> </div>

Then initialization routine would contain:
if(myExtensionParameters = divElement.getAttribute('myExtension'))
divElement.myExtension = new myExtensionObject(divElement,myExtensionParameters);

Definition of possible parameters and their values can be done using an array of regular expressions:
myExtensionParamDefenitions = new Array();
myExtensionParamDefenitions['choiceparameter'] = /^s*(value1a|value1b|value1c)s*$/;
myExtensionParamDefenitions['stringparameter'] = /^s*(w+)s*$/;
myExtensionParamDefenitions['integerparameter'] = /^s*(d+)s*$/;

Constructor for the myExtensionObject would containd a parseParameters function:
function myExtensionObject(divElement,myExtensionParameters)
{ this.params=new Array();
//Verify parameter initialization, if you like
for(e in this.params) str+= e + ': ' + this.params[e] + '
//Do whatever you have to do...

Function parseParameters has the following code:
function parseParameters(object,definitions,parameters)
{ paramEntries = parameters.split('');
for(var i=0; i<paramEntries.length; i++)
{ paramEntry = paramEntries[i].split(':');
if(paramEntry.length == 2)
{ paramName = paramEntry[0].replace(/^s*([w-]+)s*$/,'$1');
{ res = definitions[paramName].exec(paramEntry[1]);
object[convertCSSName(paramName)] = res[1];

Where convertCSSName function converts CSS type name (background-image) to javascript name (backgroundImage)
function convertCSSName(cssName)
{ sn = cssName.split('-');
rs = sn[0];
for(var i=1; i<sn.length; i++)
rs += sn[i].replace(/^(w)(w*)$/,function(str,p1,p2,offset,s){return p1.toUpperCase() + p2;})
return rs;

As a result you have params array of myExtensionObject object populated with validated entries. Changes and expansion is done by simply editing myExtensionParamDefenitions array.

PS: The functions are coded more for clarity rather than for brevity - I'm certain there are ways to improve the implementation.

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Ajax :: Passing Parameters Through Php Echo Command

Jun 22, 2009

I have passed following parameters in ajax function

Its not working. when i test the same function in following way it runs fine.

Am i commiting any mistake in supplying variable?

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Passing Parameters To AJAX Response Function?

Jan 30, 2009

function refreshWindow ()
if (xmlHTTP)
xmlHTTP = null;


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JQuery :: Datepicker Passing Parameters On Select/close?

Feb 16, 2011

When datepicker closes the calendar window I'd like to pass both the date and the id of the <input> tag in the code below. The documentation mentions 'this' but no info on how to use it or how to use 'inst'.

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JQuery :: Passing Parameters In Ajax Function Call?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm trying to pass parameters using the jquery's ajax function, but I end up with a "function undefined" error message when I try.

I had trouble finding simple examples of ajax passing parameters with jquery.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">


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Passing Multiple Parameters To Event Handler In Firefox?

Sep 2, 2009

I have added an event listener to a LI item in the DOM:

liNode.addEventListener("mouseover", mouseOn, true);
The mouseOn function:
function mouseOn(e) {
// Test for IE or Firefox
var e = (!e)?window.event:e;
var yPos;


I would like to pass in another parameter to the mouseOn function in addition to the event that is passed in automatically. Is there a way to do this?

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Jquery :: Passing Parameters - Parent / Child Templates

Mar 3, 2010

I have little bizarre problem. Working in Java web development we have project that we use plenty of templates from Velocity. Where one template can refresh section of it self and display one or more templates. My problems is that in parent template I have to pop up window with message if in child template and item from group A been moved to group B or vice-versa. How to change on child template can be propagated up to parent?

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Functions - Passing In Parameters And Then Calling The Function With The Values To Maybe Add Something Together

Jul 27, 2011

I totally understand that in order to learn javascript I need to know how functions work, I understand the basics of passing in parameters and then calling the function with the values to maybe add something together etc I ve read countless articles about functions as well as books etc but I just dont get how they are used and when they should be used etc, the more advanced functions that have maybe 4 parameters and are doing different calculations and returning various values that get fired back into the script just totally confuses me.

What I would like to know is first of all how can I overcome this confusion and also any words of wisdom you may have. I will also add that I have no prior programming experience and have spent the last 2 months frequently hitting my head off a brick wall as I just cant understand javascript.

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Shadowbox - Passing Parameters / Flashvars To JWPlayer (posting Here As Last Resort)

Jul 2, 2009

I'm hoping someone might be able to clue me in on how the proper syntax for passing "flashvars" and "flash parameters" via Shadowbox to the JW FLV player should look. There is nothing in their docs that actually indicates exactly how one would properly format multiple variables and then send to the FLV player via flashvars. I've already posted to their forums but no response (typical). There is indication that this can be done on a per-link basis or via the Shadowbox.init() function; but again, though examples exist, none represent the type of situation I'm attempting to achieve. I've spent a ton of time combing their forums for some sort of clue and there are little nuggets but nothing definitive. My goal is to achieve the re-skining of the JWPlayer which is possible. I'm able to achieve this re-skining of the JWPlayer outside of the Shadowbox environment so I'm confident it can be done but I'm perplexed as to how to achieve.


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JQuery :: Passing Extra Parameters To Ajax Check With Validation-Engine?

Feb 3, 2011

I like the looks of the validation engine plugin, but I can't figure out one thing... For a particular form field, I need to use an Ajax service to validate the data. I have to pass the value of the text input, of course, but I also need to pass a couple of other key=value pairs along with it. In the file with the selectors there's the option to add extraData (like extraData="name=eric") but I need to set these parameters based on some dynamic info.Is there a way to pass extra information to the ajax service?

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Setting Variable Equal To Php Variable By Passing A Parameter?

Aug 12, 2011

Code:I am having problems with the following. I am wanting to hide <tr> in my table (employees) and only show employees that are in the selected department (selected via dropdown box).I need to set a javascript array to a php array. I am looping and assigning the array and am wanting to pass a javascript variable as the index in php array. I have marked my problem lines in red. Thanx for any help.

<script type="text/javascript" >
function display_elements()
var departments = new Array;


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JQuery :: Call Variable Number Of Times With Different Parameters?

Jun 17, 2011

I have a function that I call a variable number of times and I need to know when the calls have *all* been completed. How would I build that? As I understand the deferreds, the $.when syntax is as follows:
$.when(dfrd_func1('a'), dfrd_func2('b'),
dfrd_func3('c')).done( function() {
console.log("All Done");} );
will send "All done" to the console once each of the functions are complete.

So, I have the *same* function that I need to call a variable number of times with different parameters, i.e. :
$.when(dfrd_func('a'), dfrd_func('b'), dfrd_func('c'), ...).done(function() {console.log("All Done")});
So, is my approach wrong? Is there some way to build an array of functions that could be executed?

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