Only Show Scrollbar Below A Certain Page Width

Jul 1, 2009

I don't have a lot of experience with javascript, so I've been looking for this problem for a few hour now. I can't seem to find a clear answer, I've got a webpage layout that is always in the middle of my screen, and is about 900px wide. The reason I cannot just let my browser automatically handle the horizontal scrollbar is because of the floating DIV on the right (overfow:auto makes the scrollbar visible at all times). That's why my overflow-x is now hidden with css. It's looks good like this on my screen, but of course this is not an ideal solution for people with a lower resolution. To be more clear, I've uploaded a small picture for example here: [URL] I think the problem could be solved with a simple javascript, that tells my browser something like if width < 900, then show the horizontal scrollbar. But since I'm an absolute javascript noob, I can't figure that out on my own.

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Flexcroll - Set The Width Of The Scrollbar?

Nov 26, 2009

So here is what I have done so far:

- Used FlexCroll (1) to make custom scrollbars on the top image panel

- In the scrollbar - I have used a no-repeat background image that is 17px in width


- When loading a vertical scrollbar appears

- The horizontal scrollbar does not go all the way to the end

Here is what I want to do:

- Disable the vertical scrollbar for ONLY this div (this same script is used for another vertical scrollbar - http:[url]......

- Make the horizontal scrollbar limited to 17px or another set width.

I have included both my CSS and the uncompressed JS.

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JQuery :: 100% Width & Height For Div Even With Window Resize - Scrollbar?

Jan 4, 2011

Applied this:


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100% Width & Height For Div Even With Window Resize - Shadow/scrollbar?

Jan 8, 2011

I'm trying to build a background in two parts. The header bg is in the body and the lower part is a div with a gradient background color generated by CSS3 or IE filters. I had problems with getting the gradient to stretch all the way to the side in IE7 with plain CSS so I had to start looking for more watertight solutions.


If there are easier methods to solve this split background thing than JavaScript, I'm all ears. I can PM the address of the website, if someone wants to take a look.

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Detect A Scrollbar's Presence Or Force It To Show At The Front?

Jan 17, 2011

i have some fixed position elements at 100% width of the the page, but they keep on showing in front of the scrollbar if there is one. all i've been able to do so far is force those fixed elements 15 pixels away from the right edge but then if there's not a scrollbar i can see behind them where the scrollbar would be... grr

what i need is to either force the scrollbar to show in front of the other elements or detect it's presence and width and style the fixed elements accordingly.

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JQuery :: Get The Entire Width Of A Page?

Jul 13, 2007

<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">


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Getting The Width Of Label After The Page Is Loaded

Nov 28, 2006

I have one label on the page. The width of the label changes according to the text populated into it from the database.
Every time the content of the label changes,
The width of the label also changes.
I want to access the width of the label in javascript.

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Know The Width Of The Screen That Is Displaying The Page?

Aug 17, 2011

If I want to know the width of the screen that is displaying the page I can use the following JavaScript code:

// Find out the page width in pixels
if (document.layers) {
width = window.innerWidth;


Is there any similar code for determining the width of the printer page?

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Jquery :: Control The Page Height And Width Using Js?

Jun 12, 2011

control the page height and width using js/jquery? I have a page that is:

width: 980px
height: 2500px

I would like the page height to be set to around 900px with the viewable scrollbar and all other content not viewable underneath.

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Centering Div On Page - Get The Height And Width Of The Div Element?

Jun 4, 2009

I have the following DIV, that I need to position in the center of the page, I have the following code, but you can see the div is not exactly center, space I have from the top is not the same I have in the bottom, the space I have from bot side is the same.I was wandering also if I can do this dynamically, meaning the div will receive the width and height in run time, and them I will send the values to my method "centerObj" (How I can get the height and width of the div element.


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Jquery :: To Get Image Width On Page Ready

Aug 1, 2009

How can I get the width of an image when the page is ready...? I tried the code below, but it always return the value '0'...!


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Detect Picture Width And Height In A Page?

Nov 17, 2009

i am using jquery to detect picture width and height in a page. if the size exceeds a specified value, then a maximum size will be assigned to the <img > attribute.

this jquery is run with $(window).load, because when $(document).ready the pictures may not be loaded and the script may fail

this theory is good. however, if the internet speed is slow, or the picture link is dead, user would have to wait for a long long time before the jquery executes.

is there any way to do the resizing job wisely? for example, resize each picture once each of the pictures is loaded?

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Defining Div Width Equal To Undefined Amount Of Images Total Width?

Oct 4, 2010

let me try to explain better what I'm trying to do. I'm a real newbie I don't know much javascript but I understand more or less the logic behind it... tell me if this solution should work and if you know how to do it please show me. [URL]... I need to make div#photo's width to match the total width measurement of all the images it contains. If you load the page and you don't touch the size, it will work fine... but that's not realistic. If I resize the page, which will happen often on this kind of page (I'm assuming), the whole thing goes haywire (try it, scroll to the last image and resize the page you'll see what I mean). What can I do? Is my idea the right solution? Am I not explaining this clearly enough? Let me know please, I'm desperate. I've been trying to get CSS to do this for me for 3 hours now. Nothing works.

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JQuery :: Calculate The Width Of Each Column Plus The Combined Width For The Container?

Apr 26, 2011

Is there any way that one could have supersubs functionality applied to drop-down multi-column menus?I assume one would need to calculate the width of each column plus the combined width for the container.

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Setting An Image Width - Change An Image On A Page Without Reloading The Page

Jan 6, 2010

I'm using Javascript to change an image on a page without reloading the page. The problem is that my images are various widths (but identical heights), yet each image I change it to uses the width of the first image.


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JQuery :: Expand The Width Of A Div If Another Div Doesnt Exist On The Page?

Nov 3, 2011

I have a page with two divs on it, <div id="left"> and <div id="right"> . On my page, there are times when the right div is not displayed as there is no content in it, how can I get jquery to detect that div id="right" does not exist on a page so make the width of the left div to 1200px.

This is what ive found, but im not sure length is what I should be using to calculate if a div exists or not:


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JQuery :: Cycle Plugin - Center With 100% Page Width?

Feb 14, 2011

I have 2000px width images that I want to be centered in a 100% width slideshow. I basically want my images to cover the entire width of the page, and also be centered.

Nothing has worked for me. No matter what I do, my images get pushed to the right and far off from the center.

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JQuery :: All Images Must Be Resized If Width Exceeds Max Width?

May 5, 2010

I currently have a website where i share thoughts with my friends (some kind of forum) and within this 'forum' people can post pictures they made but most of the time these pictures exceed the max width of my website so my website gets all streched out!So this is what i want: all images on the page must run thru some sort of function which checks if the image image width exceeds the max_width. if it does then the script must calculate how many pixels the current width exceeds the max_width and get this number so that the script does: current_width = current_width - (max_width - current_width)

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JQuery :: Resizing Width Depending On $(window).width?

May 18, 2010

I've recently start using Flexigrid (old JQuery grid plugin), and, as you may know, one of the few issue this really good grid plugin got is the lack of liquid layout option. My personal idea to solve the problem is to set the "width" parameter depending on $(window).width. Here is the problem (and here's why i post this question in "General use" and not in "Plugin").

The starting, and working, code is:


This work fine for me, but I supose it could be done way much elegant... maybe somethin without "IF" that could emulate the "%", like var percentage = $(*0.XX with the 0.XX picked from an array of percentage, one for each column. Probably I should set up a function... ahhhh, as you may easily see I'm a total beginner with JQuery (and JS in general...)

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Set Width Of Item Based Off Combined Width Of Other Elements?

Jun 4, 2011

I am trying to setup a javascript function that sets a div's width based on the combined width of the li's with the name "navItem". The problems I have been running into when trying to define the width of the li's is that they do not have a width defined in css. Can anyone help me out with this? The javascript function setWindow is suppose to show the div loginWindow and set the width of it.

<div id="topNav">
<li><img src="<?php print $site->folder['images']['header']; ?>topmenu_left.jpg" border="0" alt="" /></li>
<li name="navItem"><a href="<? print $site->url['about']; ?>">About Us</a></li>
<li name="navItem"><a onmouseover="setWindow('loginWindow');" href="<? print $site->url['billing']; ?>">Client Services</a></li>


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JQuery :: Dynamic Height / Width Sometime Broken On Page Load?

Aug 28, 2009

I've written a small plugin to serve as a feature rotator and am having one strange problem.You can see some demos of the plugin and documentation here: plugin does a number of things that involve reading the width and height of DOM elements and using them to set the width and height of other elements. The problem is that sometimes in Firefox and Safari, when the page loads, the widths and heights of panels in the carousel are fracked.

Reload the page and the problem's fixed. In Safari, I can't get it to happen again on many reloads. In Firefox, though, if I reload repeatedly, I can get the problem to happen again: maybe once every seven or eight times.It looks like something's happening with page loading, but I'm at a loss to diagnose it further: is the script firing before the elements have fully loaded sometimes, and then works on subsequent tries because those elements are in the cache? Also: I've never seen this error in any of the IE versions.

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JQuery :: Keep Image Width / Height Ratio In Jcarousel When Resizing Page?

May 25, 2011

I've set up jcarousel and configured it to work how I need it to, apart from one thing; I need the images to keep their width - height ratio when the browser is resized.

I'm using the Flexible carousel configuration and the width of the images changes appropriately when the window is resized, but the height stays the same, I need it to change.

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JQuery :: Use Width To Decrease Width Of Element

Jul 28, 2010

Is the next jQuery code the best way to decrease an elements width?[code]I tried using the next code:[code]but that's not working, also not with '-20'.Maybe it's an idea to add this functionality? It's is already used in the .animate() function for changing the position of an element.

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Onclick Change Div.width Flash.width ?

Sep 10, 2009

I need a code that when a button or image is clicked then a div's width and height are changed.

Ive managed to get a few codes that does this, but the real problem is that, the contents of the div is an embedded flash file and i thought that by setting the flash width and height to 100% then the flash would fit to the new size of the div, but it just didnt work.

I need a code that when a button is clicked then the div's and the flash's width and height are changed.

please have a look at the temp website latinunit net / temp / , you will understand where im coming from.

on the right hand side i have a flash chat in a div , div is controled by a script that allows it to follow the scrollers up and down.

My goal is to add a little button in the same div that says expand or maximise so when clicked the the div expands aswell as the flash file.

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Site That Is 2500 Width So That When The Page Loads Can Either Scroll Right Or Left To View The Out Of Screen Material?

Nov 15, 2010

Im having a bit of an issue with a website im building for a band.The band want a site that is 2500 width so that when the page loads you can either scroll right or left to view the out of screen material...i cant find a way of the page loading is always loading to the far left and all i can do is scroll right...i have uploaded the site to http:[url].... for you to have a look at so you see what i mean.I origionally posted this thread in the CSS forum but was instructed this would be a Javascript issue.

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JQuery :: Show Alert When Moving To Other Page Without Saving Current Page?

Sep 4, 2010

My requirement is, I have multiple pages in tab format. If i am on first page in edit mode and change any control's value and without saving information i click on other tab that particular time a popup should appear showing validation message say "you are moving without save and it will loos all changes either click ok to loose the changes and move to other page or click cancel to remain on the current page."I tried using var isDirty = false; var msg = 'This page has unsaved changes.Click OK to abandon the changes and leave the page.Click Cancel to stay on the page so that you can save your changes.';

$(document).ready(function ()
$(':input').change(function ()


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