Make The Textbox Mode Change To Password When Prompt Message Box?

Jul 7, 2009

i faced a problem in java script which is when i want to prompt a message box and enable to let user to type their own password. but i found that a problem is when the user type their own password in the prompt box's text box, the text box's text mode is normal but not password mode. So to prevent more security and don't allow other people see the password when typing, what should i do? or have other ways to let me finish this task?

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Change Textbox Type From Text To Password?

Mar 22, 2010

I was just wondering how I could change a html text input tpe from text to password on the on click and when the user clicks off it will change back to text just like facebook does.

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Password Prompt And Cancel Button

Feb 11, 2009

I have a password script that prompts users for a password, the script works perfect, however, when you click on cancel, it begins the loop again and you can't exit the prompt unless you know the password. It's an internal site so I don't care if it's not that secure. What first occurs is the user clicks on the submit button in a text form, when that occurrs, the password prompt apears, I need the user to be able to click on the cancel button, which will also cancel the submit request and then gets redirected to the same site, like a refresh. I'm not that great with if and else statements, so it may be the problem, or I may need a entire new script.

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Make Password Retype Password Field Same?

May 8, 2011

How would you make a password feild and a retype password feild and they have to be the same?

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Validate Email Address In Prompt Message

Jan 25, 2010

I would like to validate the email address typed into the prompt message by the user, but to no avail.

function addOption()
var new = prompt("Enter New Item:");
if (!new == "")
var answer = confirm ("Are you sure you want to add? ")

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JQuery :: Password Match With Custom Message?

Jun 25, 2011

I am trying to validate my 2 password fields with a custom message.Here's the code i'm trying to use, but it keeps failing:class="{required:true, equalTo:true, messages:{required:'Please type a password(min. 5 signs)', equalTo:'Pass dosen't match'}}"What is wrong, is it possible to do it by this code?

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JavaScript Hash Work In Quirks Mode - But Not In Standards Mode

Jun 28, 2010

I am trying to write some JavaScript that locations to a hash. I use something like this.


The problem is I use the same code in two different pages. One is in quirks mode ie8, and one is in standards mode ie8. The one in quirksmode works, the one in standrds mode doesn't.

Any idea what could cause such a thing? I know hash can work in standards mode. However, do you have any idea what is wrong? I am kind of searching for a needle in a hay stack, here.

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Script Works In FF Quirks Mode But Not FF Compliant Mode

Aug 31, 2006

My drop down menu works as designed but not when I add the doc type. In compliant mode, the drop down menus won't align. Why is that? Code:

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Switch From Normal Mode To Fullscreen Mode

Aug 24, 2006

How can I switch the browser back and forth to fullscreen mode, using javascript on the onclick event of a button?

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Make Prompt Box With Multiplication?

Mar 9, 2009

I need to make a Prompt box with Multiplication.

Ex. When the box pops ups asking for a number , I type in 5 and it can tell me

Etc .

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Programming - Change The Font For The Alert Or Prompt?

Oct 10, 2009

How do you position an alert or prompt to anywhere on the screen. How do you change the font for the alert or prompt (i.e Hebrew)

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Log In, User: Spf_test Password: Spf, Make Sure The Style Is RoyalFlush?

Jan 31, 2009

I have a problem with JS on my vBulletin Forum and i'm really stumped to what the problem is. The problem occurs here:(You'll need to log in, user: spf_test password: spf, make sure the style is RoyalFlush (Fixed))Some of the drop downs (e.g. Thread Tools etc..) work fine but the ones at the top (e.g. Quick Links) don't work at all.

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Change Option Tag Values With Prompt Window Inputs?

Oct 27, 2011

I am working on an interest and investment calculator for a class project. On my list of drop down options, one of the options isnt an integer value like the rest. It's value is "other", while the other three are 1000, 5000, 1000, and 25000. What I would like to do is when the user chooses the "other amount" option from the drop down list, a prompt window will come up asking the user for an investment amount. I am having problems creating a function in my javascript file for this, and then taking the value entered and assigning a variable in another function with that new value so that it calculates with the users input. Please help. The first part of the attachment is the label with the "other" value I explained. And the second piece of code is my mess of a function that I tried to create for the prompt window to come up and store the users value and then change the value of the option.

This is in my HTML:

<label for="investment">One-Time Investment:</label>
<select name="investment" id="investment"
<optgroup label="">
<option value="1000">$1,000</option>


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JQuery :: Make Watermark Labels For Both Username And Password Fields?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to make watermark labels for both my username and password fields. Currently the password field displays the password watermark in asterisks. I only want asterisks to be displayed when a user types in values. Here is an example of what my login looks like with the word password in asterisks when someone loads the page.

<div id="username">
<input id="username-field" class="loginFields" type="text" name="username" title="Username" value="Username" />
<script type="text/javascript">


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Slidedown Box For Change Password?

Jun 24, 2009

Right well, im coding a usercp in php, and i want to add a feature where, when you click on "edit password" a box slides down with the fields "old password, "new password", "retype new password" and it validates the info and checks if they match and if old password is same as one in database.

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Change Symbol In Password Field?

Nov 18, 2009

how we can change text symbol in password field by using JavaScript. I mean by default there is filled circle , but I want "*" this symbol.

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Change Input Type From Text To Password?

Aug 6, 2009

I want to create a input box the says Password inside the box and gets erased when someone clicks inside of it. Then when they type their password it is in asterisk characters.Can anyone tell me what extra scripting I need?

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JQuery :: Form - On Focus Change Type To Password

Aug 12, 2011

$(this).attr('type', "password");
(this).attr('type') = 'password'
neither of these work, am I doing something wrong?

Full code:
<div id="register-form">
<input type="text" class="reginput" name="username" defaultVal="username / URL" />
<input type="text" class="reginput" name="password" defaultVal="password"/>
<input type="text" class="reginput" name="e-mail" defaultVal="e-mail"/>
<div class="button-form">Create my free account</div>

$('.reginput').each( function () {
if ( $(this).val() == $(this).attr('defaultVal') ){
$(this).attr('type', "password");
//if ( $(this).attr('name') == 'password') { $(this).attr('type') = 'password' }
if ( $(this).val() == '' ){

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Make A Right Click On A Page To Display A Message?

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a javascript to make a right click on a page to display a message?

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JQuery :: Make A Success Message After Redirect?

Apr 12, 2010

I've got a form for adding a person to a textfile. The form is made with html and i submit it to a perl-file, where i read out the input and write it in a textfile. After writing the file i want to make a redirect to an overview page with each user and there i want to have a success-message ("user successfully added").

How do i make this success-message on the overview-page after the redirect from perl? I know, i could just redirect to the overview-page with a parameter (overview.html?success=true) and then if the parameter is set, display a success-message. but if i handle it with a parameter then the success-message does not hide after a page-refresh.i've seen a lot of web-applications where the success-message is displayd but hides after a here is an example of an application where they have it programmed like i want it:[URL]

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JQuery :: Make The Error Message Appear Before Validating?

Jan 10, 2012

I am using the validation plugin, and I would like to cause the error message of one of the validation rules to appear immediately when the page loads, before any actual validation takes place. Can this be accomplished in some way, perhaps using javascript? Below is an example form, I would like the "Field is required" message to appear normally next to the input, as soon as the page loads. When the user edits the content of the input, the message should remain or disappear depending on the validation rule, as normal.

<script type="text/javascript">

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JQuery :: Dynamic Input Type Change - Password To Text?

Aug 25, 2009

I am trying to setup a password input that fist shows: "Password". When the user selects it (or focuses on it), it clears and becomes a password input. If the person, clears the password and leaves focus (blurs), the word password appears again.I did some research on this first. There is this article that requires creation of two inputs (hide one, show the other). I also read this article.Without confusing everyone, I am trying to do this simple and in a smart way:HTML BODY

<input type="text" id="password" name="password" class="password" value="Password" />
jQuery Script
$(document).ready(function() {


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JQuery :: Make A Message Fade Out In Clients Panel?

Apr 14, 2010

I have created a javascript function to make a message fade out in my clients panel. Here is my function:


It shows the 'faded' alert message but it doesn't fade the area? How can I fix this?

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Works In IE (pop_up Message) How To Make It Working Mozila?

Nov 22, 2003

There is a code it works in IE (pop_up message), how to make it working Mozila?


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
function ShowHelp(div, title, desc)
{ = 'inline' = 'absolute' = ï`' = 'lightyellow' = 'solid 1px black' = &#394;px' = '#000000' = 'x-small serif'
div.innerHTML = '<div><b>' + title + '</b></div><div style="padding-left:5; padding-right:4">' + desc + '</div>'
function HideHelp(div)
{ = 'none'

<img src="img/icon_shedule_event.gif" width="12" height="14" alt="" border="0"
onmouseover="ShowHelp(d1, 'blah', 'blah')"
<DIV id=d1 style="DISPLAY: none">

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Created One Simple Login Form With 5 Fields Namely Username,email Id,password,retype Password And Phone No?

Jul 26, 2011

i have created one simple login form with 5 fields namely username,email id,password,retype password and phone no.i have created alert message for each function,so that when there is an error it displays alert i have to replace all alert messages with inline validation(displays errors beside textbox).



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Code For Simple Login Form Having Fields Username,email Id,password,retype Password And Phone No?

Jul 28, 2011

below is the code for simple login form having fields username,email id,password,retype password and phone no. i have done inline validation forcheckName() .i am not getting for the other fields can u tell me how to do it..



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