Programming - Change The Font For The Alert Or Prompt?

Oct 10, 2009

How do you position an alert or prompt to anywhere on the screen. How do you change the font for the alert or prompt (i.e Hebrew)

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Prompt And Alert Boxes With Numbers?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm trying to have a user input a number in a prompt box which gets totaled and displayed in an alert box.This is what I have and its not working out for me.



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Drop Down Menu In An Alert/prompt?

Mar 27, 2009

is it possible to have a drop-down in an alert box?I may have to program a pop-up or a hidden div instead.The reason I ask is that I've got a backend web editor for creating/maintaining websites - and there is an option to make a link a sublink of another one (so it only appears on the menu when you are at that webpage). However, it would make life a whole lot easier if when a user pushes that button an alert box comes up asking them which page they want it to be a sub of (and then returns the value).

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Displaying Alert/prompt To Another User Page?

Nov 20, 2010

My group is working on a basic document management system that includes four users. staff member, department director, division chief and clerk. The programming language that we used is PHP.when staff member logs-in on his homepage and uploads a file he must choose reviewer from a dropdown menu that consists of dep. director and div. chief.When he clicks the upload button the homepage of who he chose as reviewer should receive a prompt/alert box upon log-in saying "you have a document to review".For example:if he chose division chief as the reviewer when the person logs-in on his homepage a prompt/alert should display that he has something to review.The code for uploading file is already up and working.

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CSS To Change Font

Jul 20, 2005

How would you modify this to include font color to be white:

<style type="text/css">ul,ol{color:white;}</style>

I tried this, but it did not work:
<style type="text/css">font color="#FFFFFF",ul,ol{color:white;}</style>

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Change Option Tag Values With Prompt Window Inputs?

Oct 27, 2011

I am working on an interest and investment calculator for a class project. On my list of drop down options, one of the options isnt an integer value like the rest. It's value is "other", while the other three are 1000, 5000, 1000, and 25000. What I would like to do is when the user chooses the "other amount" option from the drop down list, a prompt window will come up asking the user for an investment amount. I am having problems creating a function in my javascript file for this, and then taking the value entered and assigning a variable in another function with that new value so that it calculates with the users input. Please help. The first part of the attachment is the label with the "other" value I explained. And the second piece of code is my mess of a function that I tried to create for the prompt window to come up and store the users value and then change the value of the option.

This is in my HTML:

<label for="investment">One-Time Investment:</label>
<select name="investment" id="investment"
<optgroup label="">
<option value="1000">$1,000</option>


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Make The Textbox Mode Change To Password When Prompt Message Box?

Jul 7, 2009

i faced a problem in java script which is when i want to prompt a message box and enable to let user to type their own password. but i found that a problem is when the user type their own password in the prompt box's text box, the text box's text mode is normal but not password mode. So to prevent more security and don't allow other people see the password when typing, what should i do? or have other ways to let me finish this task?

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JQuery :: Change The Font In A Textarea

Dec 1, 2010

I have a dropdown menu as such:

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Change Font Size Of #s In Address?

May 21, 2009

I operate as a admin a online print site where clients can enter in contact info to create imprint on promotional items.

I create pdf templates with field placeholders |1.1|[address]

This template is uploaded to the print site which interprets the tags and makes them into variable fields for clients to enter in their info. The site can pull the font name, size, position, etc... from the pdf template.

For each info field that the site creates it also has an option to apply javascript to that field. So if the template predefines font size X, I just want to apply code that will affect only the numbers of that text and make the numbers a larger font size than the letters.

The code I'm use to writing is pretty simple stuff for example to format dots instead of dashes for phone numbers like:

if (hasValue(
if (! AutoFormat(curInput, '###.###.####', 'Please enter your number in a 555.555.5555 format'))curInput.focus();

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Change Font Colour On Condition

Oct 1, 2009

I have 3 sum fields which I want to change to a red colour if the value is > or < 100. Apparently this is a DAP, but I am using javascript to tweek some of the settings in DAP.

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Change Font Size Mid Line?

Nov 7, 2009

I want to deviate from using css to designate a font size in one place.

I have a string with a name.

This is stored in a variable called "name."

I just re-defined name to include district number.

Now, it is name=lastname+', '+district;

I am appending this string into the html dom.

I want the district portion to appear in a slightly smaller font.

How can I do this without having to set up a separate <span>? Or can this be done?

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Font Color Change Works Only In IE?

Apr 27, 2010

I want the font color in the div to change color onclick and change back when clicked again. Tjis works only in IE but other browsers like FF and safari it changes color on click but does not change color back. I need it to work across.

<div onclick="if('#666666')'#005dab'; else'#666666';" class="question">Your question goes here..</div>

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Change Font Color In Code?

Mar 17, 2011

how do I change the font color for certain elements of this javascript code that the client sees on their brower?

This is a count down script and I have made the code red that I am trying to change -

<script type="text/javascript">
var today=new Date()
//Enter the occasion's MONTH (1-12) and DAY (1-31):
var theoccasion=new Date(today.getFullYear(), 03, 21)


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Div Swap Plus Font Color Change?

Jul 8, 2010

I need to do a few things onclick, but I'm having problems.1. Swap divs onclick of a text link in a list (found a script for this)2. Change the font color of the text link that is active, then change back to normal color when another text link is clicked. (found a script for this too)Even though I found separate scripts for each, I'm not smart enough to trouble shoot the conflicts when you put them on the same page. I can get one or the other working, but not sure how to combine them....??? I will paste the scripts below.

(swap div onclick)
function reveal(det){


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Change Font Style In Textarea?

Oct 22, 2010

How can I change the current text style at the current position of the cursor without chnaging the whole div id's font style?


This changes all the previous text styling in the textarea i have been trying to find a way aboutit but can't seem to find one??

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Make - To Change A Text From One Font To Another?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm in dire need of a Script that changes one text to another text. So like say NEWSPAPERS, is Times Roman with a 18 font and Bold, I would like a Javascript that changes the text that has 'NEWSPAPER' of any font type and size to change it to "NEWSPAPERS" with a font of Present LT std with a font size of 18 and bold.

Sample Article would look like this.


Text is below here with correct font and size. once the text is imported into Indesign CS4, this script will change the title of Newspapers to Newspapers but of the required font style, instead of manually having to change the font type and size each time the text is imported to Indesign.

This is a script I've got so far, I'm curious if I'm using the right javascript function's to perform this task.

I will be a script that will be running inside of Indesign CS3. I'm a VB and C++ programmer, and I'm having to Learn Javascript for Indesign, so I know how to program, just dont know the functions of Javascript. I'm hoping this is a fairly simple script to write. Also if anyone knows a good tutorial on how to javascript or more specifically the function commands of javascript.

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Change Font Color On Hover?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm trying to change the font color upon hovering of my CSS ID's #realmaturesingles and #seniorpeoplemeet. How do I do this using JavaScript? This is what I've tried.

<script type="text/javascript">


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Font Colour Change In Textarea

Nov 29, 2011

I want a set up some type of array/ IF statement within a textarea.

This is what i want it to do...

If textarea text = "[example]" then change colour of font #383838

I need it as a basic validation method to ensure the user has typed in the correct text. for example if the member uses { in stead of [ it will not turn a different colour and the user ill no they have not typed it in correct.

I presumed there would be some JQuery code out there that would enable this but I can't find it. ( or even know what search term to use )

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Change Font-size When Opera Detected?

Oct 7, 2009

I need to get JavaScript to change the font size used for a website if Opera is detected. I have been trying this but it hasn't worked:

function changeFooter(){
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") >= 0) { // if I alert this line the output is 0
document.getElementById("footer").style.fontSize = '0.5em';


I was hoping that I could benefit from your collective wisdom as I am not sure where I am going wrong with this and several hours spent searching the web for answers have been fruitless so far...

My knowledge of JavaScript is not very extensive, I haven't studied it in great depth so perhaps I am making some very silly mistakes here.

My pseudo code for this exercise is something like this:

detect browser
if browser = Opera {
change font-size for body to 90%


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Allow Users To Change The Font Size AND Family

Mar 18, 2007

I've seen dozens of scripts, some in javascript, some in php, that will allow you to do one or the other. Has anyone run across a script that has three buttons/images/links that will let you increase the font size, decrease the font size and switch font families? Either JS or php will suffice.

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Change The Font, Size, And Color Of Script.

Dec 19, 2005

I am using FrontPage 2003. How do I change the font, size, and color of the script? Here is the code I have:


var date1 = "Feb 14, 2000"
var mons = new Array("Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
var now = new Date();
var mm = now.getMonth();
mm = mons[mm];
var dd = now.getDate();
var yy = now.getYear();
var date2 = mm + " " + dd +", "+ yy;

function daysNoAccident() {
date1 = date1.toString();
date2 = date2.toString();
date1 = Date.parse(date1);
date2 = Date.parse(date2);
date1 /= 1000; date1 /= 60; // minutes
date2 /= 1000; date2 /= 60;
var result = Math.abs(date1 - date2);
result = result/60; // = hours
result = result * 8/24; //hours worked per day
result = result * 5/7; // working days in week
result = result * 35 // number of employees
result = parseInt(result);
document.write ("You have worked " + result + " hours since 14th February 2000 without an accident");

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Change The Font Size To 12px Onfocus?

Sep 8, 2010

The font size is 28px. How do i change the font size to 12px onfocus?

i tried below but it isn't working.

<textarea name='content' style='font-size:28px;' id='content' onfocus='font-size:12px;'>test

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Change Font Color Doesn't Work

Jul 10, 2010

When an ahref is clicked on a certain function is called. This function is called select_cresc(). The function works only on the else branch.When the Pret crescator a href is white it should be made grey when clicked on, but it does not work. How can this function only work on the else branch and not on the if branch, I just cannot figure it out.[code]So when i clicked the ahref once it sould be made white. When i click it again it should be made gray again. This last part does not work.

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Button To Change Header Font Color?

Jan 14, 2011

This is the site I'm working on: http:URL]

On the right hand side you'll see a module called Tinker. Basically its a set javascript button that will change either the background color or the font color of the site. I'm trying to add a button that changes the header font color

Here is the code for the Javascript method.

function changeBG(num){ = "";
document.bgColor = color[num];


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Change Font Color Based On Checkbox?

Feb 10, 2010

I have a form with 3 checkboxes. When user checks one of the boxes, additional fields show beneath the checkbox and the other 2 checkboxes are grayed out (locked). What I want is that when a user checks a checkbox, not only does the other 2 lock, but the text associated with them turn a different font color. I want it to appear as if the other checkboxes and text are being grayed out. BTW - I don't know any java, someone helped me with this and gave me this code so please try to be as specifica as possible.

For the lock function, I am using the following code:

<script language=JavaScript> var U=0;L=1; // (U)nlocked & (L)ocked
function doIt(_v)


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Change Font Size On HTML Page?

May 21, 2010

I want to put a combo box on my webpage where the user can change the Font of the table size based on their screen resolution. The fonts will be 12,14,16 and so on.

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