Change The Font, Size, And Color Of Script.
Dec 19, 2005
I am using FrontPage 2003. How do I change the font, size, and color of the script? Here is the code I have:
var date1 = "Feb 14, 2000"
var mons = new Array("Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
var now = new Date();
var mm = now.getMonth();
mm = mons[mm];
var dd = now.getDate();
var yy = now.getYear();
var date2 = mm + " " + dd +", "+ yy;
function daysNoAccident() {
date1 = date1.toString();
date2 = date2.toString();
date1 = Date.parse(date1);
date2 = Date.parse(date2);
date1 /= 1000; date1 /= 60; // minutes
date2 /= 1000; date2 /= 60;
var result = Math.abs(date1 - date2);
result = result/60; // = hours
result = result * 8/24; //hours worked per day
result = result * 5/7; // working days in week
result = result * 35 // number of employees
result = parseInt(result);
document.write ("You have worked " + result + " hours since 14th February 2000 without an accident");
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Apr 14, 2011
where da boss wants our a large piece of our site to be fully dynamic and integrated on any screen size. This means changing font on size. Well I cam up with a solution, figured if no one has one better, then i'll share
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Feb 11, 2009
I have a form which contains FOUR text fields (e.g. TEXTFIELD1, TEXTFIELD2, TEXTFIELD3 & TEXTFIELD4). Each text field holds a HEX,DEC color value. ABOVE this form I have a table with TWO ROWS (ROW1 and ROW2). ROW1 should correspond with TEXTFIELD1, so that when the VALUE in TEXTFEILD1 is changed the background color of ROW1 will change to match the HEX,DEC VALUE entered in TEXTFIELD1. The same would happen with TEXTFIELD2 and ROW2. TEXTFIELD3 should be used to change the color of the TEXT inside ROW1 and TEXTFIELD4 should change the color of the TEXT in ROW2. I also wanted to know if it would be possible to achieve this without clicking any button.
TEXTFIELD1 <----HEXDEC VALUE GOES HERE to change color of ROW1---->[code]....
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May 21, 2009
I operate as a admin a online print site where clients can enter in contact info to create imprint on promotional items.
I create pdf templates with field placeholders |1.1|[address]
This template is uploaded to the print site which interprets the tags and makes them into variable fields for clients to enter in their info. The site can pull the font name, size, position, etc... from the pdf template.
For each info field that the site creates it also has an option to apply javascript to that field. So if the template predefines font size X, I just want to apply code that will affect only the numbers of that text and make the numbers a larger font size than the letters.
The code I'm use to writing is pretty simple stuff for example to format dots instead of dashes for phone numbers like:
if (hasValue(
if (! AutoFormat(curInput, '###.###.####', 'Please enter your number in a 555.555.5555 format'))curInput.focus();
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Nov 7, 2009
I want to deviate from using css to designate a font size in one place.
I have a string with a name.
This is stored in a variable called "name."
I just re-defined name to include district number.
Now, it is name=lastname+', '+district;
I am appending this string into the html dom.
I want the district portion to appear in a slightly smaller font.
How can I do this without having to set up a separate <span>? Or can this be done?
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Apr 27, 2010
I want the font color in the div to change color onclick and change back when clicked again. Tjis works only in IE but other browsers like FF and safari it changes color on click but does not change color back. I need it to work across.
<div onclick="if('#666666')'#005dab'; else'#666666';" class="question">Your question goes here..</div>
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Mar 17, 2011
how do I change the font color for certain elements of this javascript code that the client sees on their brower?
This is a count down script and I have made the code red that I am trying to change -
<script type="text/javascript">
var today=new Date()
//Enter the occasion's MONTH (1-12) and DAY (1-31):
var theoccasion=new Date(today.getFullYear(), 03, 21)
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Jul 8, 2010
I need to do a few things onclick, but I'm having problems.1. Swap divs onclick of a text link in a list (found a script for this)2. Change the font color of the text link that is active, then change back to normal color when another text link is clicked. (found a script for this too)Even though I found separate scripts for each, I'm not smart enough to trouble shoot the conflicts when you put them on the same page. I can get one or the other working, but not sure how to combine them....??? I will paste the scripts below.
(swap div onclick)
function reveal(det){
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Jun 10, 2011
I'm trying to change the font color upon hovering of my CSS ID's #realmaturesingles and #seniorpeoplemeet. How do I do this using JavaScript? This is what I've tried.
<script type="text/javascript">
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Oct 7, 2009
I need to get JavaScript to change the font size used for a website if Opera is detected. I have been trying this but it hasn't worked:
function changeFooter(){
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") >= 0) { // if I alert this line the output is 0
document.getElementById("footer").style.fontSize = '0.5em';
I was hoping that I could benefit from your collective wisdom as I am not sure where I am going wrong with this and several hours spent searching the web for answers have been fruitless so far...
My knowledge of JavaScript is not very extensive, I haven't studied it in great depth so perhaps I am making some very silly mistakes here.
My pseudo code for this exercise is something like this:
detect browser
if browser = Opera {
change font-size for body to 90%
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Mar 18, 2007
I've seen dozens of scripts, some in javascript, some in php, that will allow you to do one or the other. Has anyone run across a script that has three buttons/images/links that will let you increase the font size, decrease the font size and switch font families? Either JS or php will suffice.
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Sep 8, 2010
The font size is 28px. How do i change the font size to 12px onfocus?
i tried below but it isn't working.
<textarea name='content' style='font-size:28px;' id='content' onfocus='font-size:12px;'>test
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May 21, 2010
I want to put a combo box on my webpage where the user can change the Font of the table size based on their screen resolution. The fonts will be 12,14,16 and so on.
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Aug 23, 2010
The default font-size in tinyMCE is 10px, but I want to change it to 12px. I tried the first 20 solutions on Google, but none of them worked. I have the latest version of TinyMCE.
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Jul 10, 2010
When an ahref is clicked on a certain function is called. This function is called select_cresc(). The function works only on the else branch.When the Pret crescator a href is white it should be made grey when clicked on, but it does not work. How can this function only work on the else branch and not on the if branch, I just cannot figure it out.[code]So when i clicked the ahref once it sould be made white. When i click it again it should be made gray again. This last part does not work.
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Jan 14, 2011
This is the site I'm working on: http:URL]
On the right hand side you'll see a module called Tinker. Basically its a set javascript button that will change either the background color or the font color of the site. I'm trying to add a button that changes the header font color
Here is the code for the Javascript method.
function changeBG(num){ = "";
document.bgColor = color[num];
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Feb 10, 2010
I have a form with 3 checkboxes. When user checks one of the boxes, additional fields show beneath the checkbox and the other 2 checkboxes are grayed out (locked). What I want is that when a user checks a checkbox, not only does the other 2 lock, but the text associated with them turn a different font color. I want it to appear as if the other checkboxes and text are being grayed out. BTW - I don't know any java, someone helped me with this and gave me this code so please try to be as specifica as possible.
For the lock function, I am using the following code:
<script language=JavaScript> var U=0;L=1; // (U)nlocked & (L)ocked
function doIt(_v)
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Aug 14, 2009
script for changing font color of a number within a table when there is a match?
Table A contains numbers and table B contains numbers.
When table B numbers matches some of the numbers in table A, the numbers in table A need to change color.
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Sep 23, 2010
Is it possible to use the same function and just change a variable in order to vary the font size of the same element by reference to its id ?
The following does not appear to work:
function changeFont(fontpx) {
document.getElementById("sameid").style.fontSize = "fontpx�;
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Aug 20, 2006
The problem:
I have an XHTML STRICT page which has some event listeners attached for onload and resize. I'm doing a bit of Javascript DHTML on these events. When a user changes the browser font size, the javascipt function needs to run. Although the TOPMENU DIV gets resized when the font changes size, its not a page resize so the function doesn't get run. I fixed this in IE6 by using a second function which is run onload and sets an event on the div object in the page after its been defined.
Problem is this doesn't work in Firefox.
Mozilla DOM reference says there is no resize event on a DIV so is there a work around to make it work in FIREFOX? i.e. can I force a resize event to happen on a div in firefox or is there some other event I can trap when a user changes the browser font size?
here's my js code: topmenu is what I'm trying to trap the resize event from.
this code is loaded in the head of the page.
function maindiv(){
nopx = document.childNodes ? 'px' : 0;
contw = document.body.clientWidth - 80;
conth = document.body.clientHeight - 80;
if (contw < 0) { contw = 0;}
if (conth < 0) { conth = 0;} = contw+nopx; = conth+nopx;
if (conth >= 100 + etopmenu.clientHeight) { = (conth - etopmenu.clientHeight - 100 )+nopx;
if (contw >= 172) { = (contw - 172 )+nopx;
} = 'hidden'
function fsize() {
if (typeof window.addEventListener != 'undefined')
etm.addEventListener("resize", maindiv, false);
else if (typeof document.addEventListener != 'undefined')
etm.addEventListener("resize", maindiv, false);
else if (typeof window.attachEvent != 'undefined')
etm.attachEvent("onresize", maindiv);}
window.alert('Failed to attach an Event Listener
Please Report');
if (typeof window.addEventListener != 'undefined')
window.addEventListener("load", maindiv, false);
window.addEventListener("load", fsize, false);
window.addEventListener("resize", maindiv, false);
else if (typeof document.addEventListener != 'undefined')
document.addEventListener("load", maindiv, false);
document.addEventListener("load", fsize, false);
document.addEventListener("resize", maindiv, false);
else if (typeof window.attachEvent != 'undefined')
window.attachEvent("onload", maindiv);
window.attachEvent("onload", fsize);
window.attachEvent("onresize", maindiv);
window.alert('Failed to attach an Event Listener
Please Report');
Any clues?
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Oct 5, 2010
I'm using javascript to change the color of certain words in an html document. Right now it uses <font> to make the change. I would like to use a CSS class named "alert" from an external style sheet to make the change. I've tried multiple things but no luck (className="alert", setClassName="alert" )
What is the correct way to replace the font part with a CSS class? Here is the working script:
<script type = "text/javascript">
window.onload = function (){
var text = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML;
text = text.replace(/disabled/gi, "<font color=red>Disabled</font>" );
text = text.replace(/locked/gi, "<font color=red>Locked</font>" );
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML = text;
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Aug 16, 2009
I need to change the font color, font size & font face of some text assigned in a div. To do so I have a form select option menu at the top, adn below the menu three's 3/4 divs with some text. I need to change text properties of the div from select menu, and the page must not refresh. Its actually a little version of text editor.
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Jul 2, 2011
I have a function that does some calculations and populates some text fields with the results. I also have a function that changes the font color of the numbers to red if they are less than zero. What I dont have is a way to make them work together. I imagine I need to pass the results of the calculation function to the change color function, but not sure how to go about doing that. Here is the calculation function:
function to calculate the total costs, gain/loss and return percent.
function calculate()
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Aug 25, 2011
I want to implement a text input box for SMS text messages and the messages are limited to 160 characters (including spaces, etc.). I would like the font color of the text to be green as the user types and any text beyond 160 characters to be red. I would like to do this with one input box, the same box that the user is typing in not a separate display box. This will be on the users local PC it won't be on the Internet.
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Jun 9, 2010
I know it would have usability issues but it would be a nice extra for a site I'm building. Circles placed around the page that could do any or all of the following:
1) fade in and out
2) grow and shrink
3) change colors
4) move around
And all without having to mouse-over. If not with CSS perhaps javascript?
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Jul 23, 2005
All my font-sizes are set as relative sizes in CSS (large, medium, small,
x-small, etc). Let's say something is set in CSS to be xx-large, but a
visually impaired user wants it displayed even bigger. Can a script
determine an element's absolute size, *as it is being rendered by the
browser*, and then increment the element's font-size in absolute terms?
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