I am trying to use this JQuery Loupe effect to magnify small images on mouseover, but would like to be able to click on those magnified images to open a lightbox or to link to another page, but I can't seem to make it work!!
I found an answer to my earlier problem: [URL]. By using this code: [URL] Now I have another problem. I would like it when the mouse is over the image that it stops moving, magnifies by 10% and onclick it will bring up a page in a new tab. The problem I have now is that the images are behind the background. Here is the site, all the source code is viewable: [URL]. I also need to have the ducks stop from going below the ground.
I'm new to jQuery and I recently encounter this problem: ePC.html = contain an image with lightbox effect (work with IE, Chrome, Firefox). reviews.html = Our home page. connect to scripts/script.js.(Contain the .load() function, loading ePhone.html or ePC.html by clicking on one of those 3 links). Ignore "ePhone.html". Below is the scripts/script.js file:
I am creating a site whereby advertisers can create adverts. One of the options is to view a preview of their advert. I currently open a new window to display this preview page. I would prefer to keep the user within one window at all times to avoid confusion of multiple windows and therefore was wondering if there is a way to display this preview page as an overlay similar to how lightbox displays images? I am currently using jquery lightbox to display some images and also jquery for other elements of the site such as tabs.
I'm using two scripts on one page, one for a Lightbox gallery effect: <body onload="MM_preloadImages('images/contact_over.gif','images/about_over.gif');initLightbox()">
And one for a DIV fade-in effect: <script type="text/javascript"> $(window).bind('load', function() { $('div').fadeIn('slow'); }); </script>
But adding the Lightbox script breaks my DIV fade-in: [URL]. I have the display:none removed from the style for the offending DIV for the time being, so this page will even work. How can I utilize both the fade-in script and use the LightBox gallery script at the same time?
I have been playing with jquery loupe and want to use it on a ajax genererated return (html refresh) So far I can get it to recognize multiple images defining only one script using a id tag that begins with image_
I want to know how to make lightbox effects with the idea of switching between pages using the lightbox. Please follow this link: [URL] while pressing on "submit an inquiry " it will show a form. All that I need is to make the same idea but using registration form. First page: contains user data ---> on pressing next .. I want to be on same lightbox box effect but using next page that contains his work data and on third page he will have a message that his registration is done successfully. So, how to switch between pages in lightbox effects?
I am making a simple lightbox without using the silly plugins and I want to know how to make the lightbox resize equally when its being loaded. I can only get it expand from the corner, I want it to stretch down then widen but equally on both sides.
This is the code im using: // Javascript <script language="javascript"> $(function(){ $("a#show-panel").click(function(){ $("#lightbox, #lightbox-panel").animate({"height" : "400px"},2000); $("#lightbox, #lightbox-panel").animate({"width" : "400px"},2000); }); $("a#close-panel").click(function(){ $("#lightbox, #lightbox-panel").fadeOut(300); }); }); </script>
I'm trying to make a slot machine effect in JS - i had an ajax example but was far too complicated to manipulate to communicate with my server so im working from ground up.
The way ive done it is simple html and a submit button.
But i want the submit button to first create a "rolling through the images" affect like a slot machine does - then stop left to right in that order (basically like a slot machine does).
Now this is beyond what i know in JS but i then also want it to know the result of the images store them into an array and push it to my PHP so i can process it on my server.
I'm kinda stuck with jQuery. I generally write code in PHP and do simple stuff with Javascript. But I need to make an effect on a module of my page.
Is this even possible? I don't want/can't preload random content and have it hidden. I could probably do this the simple way with js. Emptying the old content and replacing it with the new random content but I need the animation. I'll keep "decoding" the documentation while waiting for a response.
I found the following code on a web site. It displays text as if it were being typed but it only does it once. I have been trying to use various functions to make the effect continuous, i.e. make the header appear as typing text, clear the text, again make the header appear as typing text, clear the text, and so on. I wish this to continue for as long as the web page is open. But I just can't get it to work.
[code] <h2 id="fly">Header</h2> <script type="text/javascript"> //Use "$" for linebreak[code]....
Since I changed hosts for my web site Ive had a few creases to iron out. I'm hoping this is the last one...
Basically on this page http://www.pauserefreshment.co.uk/go...arch_2010.html i had a really cool light box effect pulled from this site code...
Unfortunately it no longer works :-( Ive checked the file paths and cant see the problem. I'm totally foxed. The CSS and java script files look the same so I just cannot fathom why when you point over an image on this page http://www.pauserefreshment.co.uk/go...arch_2010.html the light box effect remains disabled.
That first line...what does that do in JavaScript? The anonymous function in parentheses...can't figure that out.
After that, the function is defined with the variables document, navigator, location, and jQuery. The last one being another anonymous function that has a local jQuery variable that points to yet another anonymous function?
This is having the following glitches. First off, obviously I don't know how to add numerical values. It's just placing them side by side as if they're text. Second, the last entry, "iBook G4 1 GHz 13"" is coming up as undefined. So looks like I've got some syntax errors.
What I am trying to achieve is to dynamically change div content by having a couple of buttons like previous & next. What Id like to change is the image as well as the text. However Im not sure where to begin or go about starting to do this.
I currently have a slideshow working on my client's site, but I can't get lightbox to work properly on it. [URL]...
Is there a way to fix the existing slideshow to work with lightbox? Or is there another way of doing this (keeping the same look that is currently in place)?
In my website I have a couple of forms that you can only see them if certain conditions are applied.
For example - if you're an admin and you search a user, you'll see a form which allows you to edit his information. if you're not you won't see it. if you're already logged in you can't see the registration form, but if you aren't you can.
So I did it with ASP in this way - (this is the registration part)
I've managed to put in the form inside the Response.Write(), and it also has the javascript part like this -
This works perfectly fine.
Now, I've done this twice. the example above is from the registration part which doesn't allow a logged in user to register again.
I'm having problems with the second one - not showing the edit form to a user who can't edit.
This is basically the code -
Now this doesn't do anything... the submit button just ignores the JS file and just submits the form the way it is, unlike the other form which is written pretty much in the same way except for other JS fields/text boxes.
I know the code is written really poorly but thats unfortunately what we've been taught in class and thats all I know.
- I'm not checking for nulls because if a field is empty it means the information won't be edited.
How can I animate this car: driving from left to right of the screen? I imagine it starting on the outside of the wrapper border so top left 0 and ends top right 960px... When it hits top right corner can it then flip 180 degrees and drive back in the other direction? Also how can I do it in jquery for the browsers that don't support the CSS3? I was also wondering if you click on the car could some flames shoot out the exhaust which makes it drive faster??
I am seeking to change the color attribute in my CSS file under the ID's #realmaturesingles and #seniorpeoplemeet upon the hovering of these links. These two ID's are initialized inside an <a> tag (these are links). How can I do this with JavaScript? This is what I tried:
Im having a bit of trouble with the bounce show effect from jquery ui. To see what I mean, check out my development site. Anytime you modify a part in this computer builder, the rigth side gets updated. Right now its removing and adding list items. Problem is when click items too fast, the animation doesnt finish and the next item gets bumped lower and lower.