I have the code below that gives the ability to open and collapse sections.I don't know too much javascript and found this code online. I tweaked it to serve my purposes but it doesn't do one thing. I would like all of the areas to be collapsed when the page is opened.How would I tweak the code below to do that?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
Any there any way to make the familiar expanding/collapsing banner ads found on sites like CNET, ZDNet, etc. in JavaScript without having to use Flash? The only thing on the web I've found....
i just found this jquery script for collapsable panels : [URL] it works fine for me, but the problem is that i have to write all the ID's from the DIV's into the script before. i got a page with a lot auf these panels and i dont want to write every ID in the script. is there any posibility to have only one scipt and when i click one panel it regognize on which i clicked? so i dont want to have the ID's in the script.
I am trying to develop a div with a drop down menu in it. As the enduser selects the third or final option, the div expands to show more choices/text/etc related to the option selected from the drop down menu..
When I do a search in the browser (Ctl+F)(with Item2 collapsed) on Element1 the search stops on Item1|Subitem1|Element1 then Item1|Subitem2|Element1. If continue searching it does not find Item2|Subitem2|Element1.
Is there a way for the search to even find collapsed items?
When the left column first loads the vertical scrollbar displays correctly.
The vertical scrollbar is aligned up against the right border of the first column of the table which you can see by looking at the first image, and comparing it to the second.
Once I click on a folder in order to expand its contents, the vertical scrollbar introduces a gap of about 20 pixels as shown in the circle.
I looked at the css tag for the "classes" folder using firebug, and it showed {class ="directory collapsed", class= "directory expanded"} prior to and after expanding the contents of the folder.
I did a global regex search, within the project hierarchy, for (collapsed|expanded) and could not find any css that showed any margin-right for expanded, nor could I find any css at all related to "directory (collapsed|expanded)".
The only thing I found was that jqueryFileTree.js contained a function bindTree(t) with some code that toggled (collapsed|expanded):
Does anybody have a clue what is causing the gap once I click on a folder, and how to fix the problem?
Even if close the folder once the gap is there, I can't get rid of it unless I reload the page.
I need this bookmarklet (below) to open in a new window and display the info there. It needs to work in both FF and IE. It would be in one line in the bookmarklet but I expanded it for readability. It should work against our site: [URL]
I am trying to do is adjust my ad code from adbrite to make the ads (when clicked) open up in a new window rather than the current one, as this disrupts gameplay on my site. (I have a game site). This is my ad code:
<!-- Begin: AdBrite, Generated: 2009-10-04 22:48:52 --> <script type="text/javascript"> var AdBrite_Title_Color = '6728B2'; var AdBrite_Text_Color = 'E1771E'; var AdBrite_Background_Color = '000000'; [Code]...
how would i make a key sequence open a message box. so if i type something like... for example "activate" it would open a message box that said "Activated."
I am using Code: window.open('../move_delete_contact.php?ID=[ID]&action=edit') to open up a window but this opens a new window is there something to make it so that it opens in the same window instead of a new window?
I am a newbie with respect to programming and this is my first post
I have entered below a javascript I am using on my website. This script is designed to automatically insert videos based on keywords and works perfectly except that my visitors are taken away from my website when they use it.[code]...
I kinda stuck at this point on my php script, it has this javascript code and I stuck there:
Line 16: echo("<script language="JavaScript"> function openptc(tpge,pnme,w,h){ settings="width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",scrollbars=yes,location=no,directories=no,status=1,menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=no"; window.open(tpge,pnme,settings); } //--> </script>");
Line 72: print "<td><a href="#" onClick="openptc('./paidtoclick.php?adid=$row[linkid]&action=start&".session_name()."=".session_id()."','PaidtoClickPage','640','480');"><b>Click Here To View</b></a><tr>";
I think those 2 lines actually are my problem. This code makes the site open in a new pop up window. how to make it open in a new tab.
I can get the code to open 'variouslinks()' when I click the 'Go HERE' link but I cannot get it to open them in a new window. I tried using HTML and JAVASCRIPT.
My website was recently ftp hacked and a file inserted into it - js.php - which seems to be some sort of advertising spam programme. Having spotted the file I have renamed it to hide it but lots of other sites are still referring into my site looking for this php file. What I would like to do is to *just* open a java alert box on the referring sites to alert the users that the site has been hacked and that they should notify the webmaster so that he can fix his site.The line referring into my site is -
We want to load the popup window when the page is loaded but this popup window must not be visible to the end user. We need this to do some processing in the popup window which is hidden.
I have created this Spry Tabbed Panels, this is just an example to help explain what I'm trying to do.Is it possible, or is there a way to make the Spry Tab Panels open from one Tab to the other on page load, like automatically.Lets say the Tab open from 1, 2, 3, 4 and then to 4,3,2,1.URL...
I know that we can combine 2 pages into one, but i dont know what exact terms it called or say open and hide?
I have 2 pages, view.php and comment.php. inside view.php there will be a link to open comment.php. instead of doin this, i want to put the codes in one page call comment.php. i'm quiet sure that it using javascript, using id, onclick and sometimes called frames(not sure...) ?? but i dont know how to implement it. So can someone gimme any reference that i can refer to? example and solution aso can so i can get an idea on it.