I am using
to open up a window but this opens a new window is there something to make it so that it opens in the same window instead of a new window?
I have a HTML and I am opening another link in a separate window using window.open() . The child window is something like 'http://yahoo.com' which is out side html. I need to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
I need a script that will open a new window (popup / new link) in a specific size, but will also close the old window (where the popup came from). I know the popup window is easy but finding a work-able close window script as the new window is opened is impossible!!
I need this bookmarklet (below) to open in a new window and display the info there. It needs to work in both FF and IE. It would be in one line in the bookmarklet but I expanded it for readability. It should work against our site: [URL]
I am trying to do is adjust my ad code from adbrite to make the ads (when clicked) open up in a new window rather than the current one, as this disrupts gameplay on my site. (I have a game site). This is my ad code:
<!-- Begin: AdBrite, Generated: 2009-10-04 22:48:52 --> <script type="text/javascript"> var AdBrite_Title_Color = '6728B2'; var AdBrite_Text_Color = 'E1771E'; var AdBrite_Background_Color = '000000'; [Code]...
how to make a code like this website (Samsung P1000 Galaxy Tab images ) there you can see the images when you click the image then the browser will open a new page, and when you click the image again the browser will close
I have inherited some code that changes the behavior or menu links with submenus to open the submenu but I need it to both open the submenu and go to the link location.
Here is the code: $('#leftNav #menu li a').click( function() { $('#leftNav #menu li a').removeClass('selectedAccordion'); $(this).addClass('selectedAccordion'); $('#leftNav #menu ul.currentnav li a').removeClass('selectedAccordion'); $('#leftNav #menu li ul li a').removeClass('selectedAccordion'); //$(this).parent('li').addClass('selectedAccordion'); var checkElement = $(this).next(); if((checkElement.is('ul')) && (checkElement.is(':visible'))){ return false; } if((checkElement.is('ul')) && (!checkElement.is(':visible'))) { if(checkElement.parent().parent().parent().is(':visible')) { checkElement.slideDown('normal'); return false; } $('#leftNav #menu ul:visible').slideUp('normal'); checkElement.slideDown('normal'); return false; }}
How do I put back the behavior to open the submenu AND go to the link location? I found I could add location.href = $(this).attr('href'); and go to the correct, but then the submenus slideUp and are hidden again. I can't figure out why changing the page closes the menus.
I kinda stuck at this point on my php script, it has this javascript code and I stuck there:
Line 16: echo("<script language="JavaScript"> function openptc(tpge,pnme,w,h){ settings="width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",scrollbars=yes,location=no,directories=no,status=1,menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=no"; window.open(tpge,pnme,settings); } //--> </script>");
Line 72: print "<td><a href="#" onClick="openptc('./paidtoclick.php?adid=$row[linkid]&action=start&".session_name()."=".session_id()."','PaidtoClickPage','640','480');"><b>Click Here To View</b></a><tr>";
I think those 2 lines actually are my problem. This code makes the site open in a new pop up window. how to make it open in a new tab.
I have a form that I would like to get the values entered on the page and go to a new page in the same window. I can make the code work to open a new window, but I need it to open in the same window. Here is what I have:
function Open_Win() { window.open("http://www.xyz.org/Touching-God-Fast.html","Touching God Fast","scrollbars=yes, statusbar=yes, height=500, width=850"); }
Works great on a Mac but under IE in windows xp it states that there is an error on the page. What am I doing wrong?
I cannot write the small javascript, Before let me tell you, I am scriptkiddie in javascript and i dont have much knowledge of it. Here is my attempt, and i failed everytime.
Intention of Javascript code :- To Open link in new window, if clicked ok, else to open link in same tab.
<script type="text/javascript"> function show_confirm() { var awesome=confirm("Ok to Open Link in New tab, Cancel to open link in Same window!");
Is there a way to open a link in a new window. That is presized? not a new tab, but a completely new window that would be set to like 600x800 for example? and at the same time pass this? The W3C Markup Validation Service
Here is the link that I am using to open the popup window. It works great except when the $id variable contains a single quote. I have the single quote escaped with a . What am I doing wrong?
This is the link (and I have a function called check_group): Code: <a href="javascript:viod(0)" onclick="check_group('<?php echo $codart ?>','<?php echo $codfam ?>')"><?php echo $gname?></a> I have a function called check group. I want to open that link in a new window.
We want to load the popup window when the page is loaded but this popup window must not be visible to the end user. We need this to do some processing in the popup window which is hidden.
I have a page with 3 iframes it has a link to open up a page and when the user clicks on a link on that page - I want the new page to close and the link to open in the second iframe on the original page