Location Replace And JAVASCRIPT Keeps Running?

Mar 12, 2011

I was debugging my code looking for a loop. So in the process I added a confirm request and if the user clicked cancel I coded location.replace("Kill.html"). Problem was that the JAVASCRIPT continued to run until either it finished or I used the Task Manager to end the session. :( There3 was a small difference in browsers: Firefox put up the new screen while continuing to run the JAVASCRIPT while IE didn't put up the new screen until after the JAVASCRIPT was finished. I could tell the JAVASCRIPT was still running because the confirm messages kept popping up.

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JQuery :: Cycle: Replace Slide In Running Slideshow?

Aug 30, 2009

Is there a way to replace the first slide in a running slideshow such that it's shown only once?? I've been trying variations on something like this with no success. The element is replaced, but cycle doesn't show it.

function doBefore(){
var i = $(".slide").index(this);
if (i == 1){


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Location.replace In FF

Jul 23, 2005

I've got a simple navigation system set up in a framed site:
navigation/top frame and a main body frame. Whenever you click on a
navigation button it passes the new location to this function:

gotoNewPage = function(loc) {
// alert(loc);

which changes the page loaded in the main frame. This seems to work well
until I put a link in the page in the main frame, say:

<a href="#" onclick="top.gotoNewPage(&#391;_7.htm')">Click me</a>

In IE the page changes to &#391;.7.htm'.
In FF (and MZ) the page "flashes" but doesn't change.
If I uncomment the alert the page changes.
If I put the link in the nav frame the page changes in FF.

How can I get FF to behave in this instance?

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Oct 16, 2006

I am creating a "Please wait..." page to show a friendly message to my
site users while the data is being loaded. I am using
location.replace() javascript function to do this.

The problem that I am facing is displaying the records that the
application has already processed on the wait page. Does anybody know
what can I do to pass data field value from the end page where the data
processing is going in background on to the wait page.

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Location.replace In A Function

Nov 27, 2005

I have this function in a page (namely cours.html)

function go(inValue)
var lien =
'file:///F:/MyWebs/jeanpierredaviaucom/httpdocs/cours1.html?T1=' +
document.location.replace = "lien";

If I put an alert(lien), the link is ok. But when I try it I see ...

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Location.replace Not Working In IE?

Mar 23, 2009

The code works fine in every browser except for IE, and am wondering why...

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onbeforeunload = null;

Googling got me some people experiencing problems in there's a charset, and I did have one. Even taking it out, it still won't redirect. If I put <?php echo 'Ok'; ?> just before <script>, it'll print it out in IE, so, I know that it's getting to this point.... Just don't know why it isn't actually going to the location.replace URL.

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How To Override Location.replace

Mar 4, 2009

is there any way to override this function in firefox?this code worx well in ie/opera:

window.location.replace = function ( newLocation ) { alert ( newLocation ); }

how to override location setter in ie

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Sep 28, 2005

This may sound dumb but this is what I want and I am not sure how to frame it better. I see window.location.replace() creating problem with my "Back" browser button. This is because, location.replace() actually replaces the url in the history with the one currently given. So if I click on "Back" button after going to an url using window.location.replace, it goes to the previous-1 page.

Is there any measure to avoid this? Or do we have an alternative function that does the same action without replacing history?

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Anomalous Behavior In Location.replace With IE

Jul 20, 2005

I've been working with a page that should act as a 'jump page' before
loading a PDF and when I use the location.replace function to replace
the jump page with the resulting PDF, both the jump page and the pdf
show up into the browser history (in IE only) leading to the dreaded
back-button loop. Code:

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Window.location.replace To _blank Possible?

Apr 12, 2006

Trying to automatically redirect to a new window.

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Passing A Variable To Window.location.replace?

Aug 14, 2010

this is a newbie question, and probably really dumb, but If I create a function that looks like this...

function recall(tim)

it works fine when called. However; I want to be able to pass the page url in a variable, something like this.


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Search Txt 4 Word, Replace With File Location?

Oct 23, 2010

I have around 100,000 html files that I need to do a search/replace on. I currently have the word "Manchester" in all of these files which needs replacing with the full file path location;


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Make A Page Redirect Using Location.replace?

Nov 26, 2011

I'm currently trying to make a page redirect using the following code:

<img src=foo.png onerror=location.replace('%68%74%74%70%3A%2F%2F%67%6F%6F%67%6C%65%2E%63%6F%6D');>

The encoded html part is simply a link [URL] The code works fine so far on all browsers. But the problem is that it redirects wrongly.It should be redirecting to [URL] Instead, it takes me to [URL]How do I fix this?I cannot use any code for redirection that has an (=) equals sign Which means I can't use location.href='http://google.com'

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Javascript Running In New Window

May 18, 2006

I have a rather lengthy javascript application that I want to run in it's
own window. It looks like it is no problem to do using the window.open and
document.write commands, however this seems like a lot of extra code to wrap
every line of my javascript with mywindow.document.write(""); Is there
anyway around this or perhaps a different approach to running javascript in
it's own window?

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List Running Timers In JavaScript

Jul 23, 2005

Does anybody know a way to retreive the running timers (their ids) in a html

I cannot find something in the html dom at first sight.
Is there collection of timers available (like window.all[], forms[],
frames[] and such)? Some other way?

When you create a timer (setTimeout), the return value is the timer id.
Suppose that some script (which you do not own and cannot change) calls
setTimeout but doesn't store the id. How to retreive it, to stop the timer (clearTimeout(id))?

I though to override the "setTimeout" like below, but that doesn't work.
Probably since the original setTimeout is used before I declare this new

var oldSetTimeout=setTimeout;
var timerSaved=0;
setTimeout = new function(arg,time)
/*alert('timer: '+arg+', '+time);*/
return timerSaved;

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Running Javascript Function On Load

Jul 20, 2005

I have a input field like this
<input name="To" type="text" class="input" value="<%=toList%>" size="106"

this calls validateUser() as soon as I update the input field and lose focus
from it.

What I want is that this validateUser() should also be called on the intial
<%=toList%> that I am filling. I tried adding

but that didn't work.
What should I use ?

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Javascript Running Only With Manual Intervention

Nov 15, 2006

I have put some javascript into my html page (using IE6 as browser), however I get the message: "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options...." Once I have selected that and specified to allow for blocked content ... the javascript runs ok. However I do not have the same problem with loading other webpages (also containing javascript) from the internet!! Does anyone have any ideas?

Another problem I have is that I have opened a popup window, which has a stylesheet linked to it. However it does not seem to know about the stylesheet as my text fonts/ styles are not displayed.

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Running Javascript Without Relying On Subsequent Code

May 29, 2006

Say I have the script doing the following:


What happens with Javascript is that, any commands executed in myFirstFunction and mySecondFunction are not applied, displayed, or apparent until myThirdFunction has finished executing. How can I get code to execute asynchronously without relying on subsequent code executing?

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Javascript Location.href

Oct 5, 2005

i have a really stupid problem with this line of code:
location.href = "showreport.php?id=" + sText;

sText is an id of a job that's running on the server.

Showreport.php retrieves the job and outputs the result in HTML. At the same
time job is removed from the server.

What happens is that some browsers (IE 6 mostly) like to GET the
showreport.php TWICE. Of course the second time there is no job any more and
the result returned is of zero length, which is very unpleasant ;-)

Headers sent by the browsers are (1st call):
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
application/x-shockwave-flash, */*
Accept-Language: sl
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR
Host: veliswork
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: PHPSESSID=tsghl22ijg4f6ba7a2mthggun6

Headers sent by the browsers are (2nd call):
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR
Host: veliswork
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: PHPSESSID=tsghl22ijg4f6ba7a2mthggun6

Note the Accept tag.
What's even more interesting, the accept tag of IE 6.0 that does not request
twice is:
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel,
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, */*

Note the (still) absent application/pdf, which is the target content here.

Can somebody explain to me, why two calls and if that can be prevented. I
can reduce the problem by keeping the job for another minute or so, but
these jobs tend to be rather large (>10MB RAM usage) when large reports are

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Javascript Replace?

Apr 13, 2006

I see the use of Javascript replace all over the web. What are all the
character sequences? (sorry I am a bit of a newbie at this).

i.value.replace(/[^d]+/g, '');

I understand that /g is global and /i is case sensitive, but what are
the rest? I am asking because I am trying to write a function that
takes an input and replaces everything but numbers and a . (for decimal

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Javascript Replace Function...

Jul 23, 2005

consider this code below:

var toremove = "some";
var tolook ="I am looking for some other text in this string toremove";

if i do this:

tolook = tolook.replace(/toremove/gi,'');

will to look replace the text inside the toremove variable, or will it
just replace the variable name?

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Javascript, Replace Works Only With FF

Jun 29, 2006

I want to remove from string a <span> tag, but with leave the value of
that tag.

I have that code:

theExp = new RegExp("<span>", "g");
txt = txt.replace(theExp, "");

theExp1 = new RegExp("</span>", "g");
txt = txt.replace(theExp1, "");

and this works only with FF,
With IE it doesn't remove the tag.
With Opera the same

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On Javascript Replace Method.

Jul 29, 2007

I don't think this is "do-able" but thought I'd better check. Say I
want to replace certain names in some source code as long as they are
not properties (dot properties) of objects. I could use a regular
expression like:

rx = /(?:(.)|)(?:name1|name2|name3)/g;

map = [];
map["name1"] = "a";
map["name2"] = "b";
map["name3"] = "c";

source = source.replace(rx, function ($0, $1) {return $1?

Dot properties like .name1 are not replaced by anything new and they
need to be "skipped" over by this regular expression but other name1
identifiers need replacement with "a".

One problem with this approach is that dot properties like .name1 are
replaced by themselves and this is just unnecessary work. Something
like a "false" return to skip replacement would be nice but the
following doesn't work.

source = source.replace(rx, function ($0, $1) {return $1?

There are other ways to get around this by using something else
besides replace() but I wanted to see if it could be done with the
replace() method.

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String Replace And Reg Exp In Javascript

Mar 31, 2006

I've a function like this: Code:

function submit_msg() {
if (egsd.value == 'yes') {
write_msg("<b>" + chatkeo.value + " : " + chatmsg.value + "</b><br />");
} else {
write_msg(chatkeo.value + " : " + chatmsg.value + "<br />");

Now I need to do some string replace in chatmsg.value, ie, I need to look for some piece of text in chatmsg.value, and in case they are present (there may be multiple occurences of the same), to replace them with something else. This is what I got by doing a google search: Code:

function replaceAll( str, from, to ) {
var idx = str.indexOf( from );

while ( idx > -1 ) {
str = str.replace( from, to );
idx = str.indexOf( from );
return str;}

chatmsg.value = replaceAll( chatmsg.value, "string to replace", "new string" );
And I place this second function just above the previous one. But it's not working. Any help friends?

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CSS And Javascript Regex/Replace

Mar 20, 2007

I have a little Ajax script and I'm trying to remove some CSS elements from a DIV tag and I'm have a bit of trouble with the Regex. Right now I'm trying to remove the z-index attribute. It can look something like any of these:

z-index: 1000;
z-index: 0;
z-index: 75;

Here's what I'm using right now:

document.getElementById('right_column').innerHTML.replace(/z-index: [0-9]; /gi, "replaced"));

It replaces z-index: 0; just fine but I can't find the correct modifiers to make it work for 2, 3 or 4 digit z-indexes.

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JQuery :: $.url() Function - Being Utilized For Parsing Out The Window.location Or Window.location.search Parameters

Feb 14, 2010

Danged if I can find the thread, but I swear I saw a $.url() reference in here a day or two ago. It was beingutilized for parsing out the window.location or window.location.search parameters. I made a mental note because that was something I would be needing to do.

Now I can't find it, either because the search isn't finding it or I was dreaming about this function existing.

I rummaged about the API docs and didn't find it there either. Is it something provided by one of the plugins and not a function native to jQuery?

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