Load Multiple Windows.onload Functions ?
Apr 22, 2011I am having trouble running multiple windows.onload functions and having trouble how to implement them.
Here are the two functions I'm trying to load:
I am having trouble running multiple windows.onload functions and having trouble how to implement them.
Here are the two functions I'm trying to load:
how to load multiple functions on window.onload and these functions could be in a seperate ajax file.
<script type="text/javascript">
func1 and func2 are in a seprate ajax file. In this case only func2 works and func1 is not works.
I have a web page that has a short flash show on it, then it redirects to the main site index page, using a setTimout in body onload. That was all working fine. Now I need to add an OS detection function to redirect iphone and ipad users immediately (bypassing the flash pape). So, I have 2 functions that need to be in the body onload. I figured the logical thing to do would be to write another function that calls the first 2, then put that one in the onload. But now nothing is working. I have played with in for an hour with no luck.
Just as a note: Original, before I had to add the OS detection, there was just the delayer function, and it was called thusly:
i am finding value for a table height in window.onload=function(){
i want to assign box height to an outside variable boxheight. Code:
I have a parent window that pushes a new window object onto an Array
with the following code :
//totalNumWindowsCreated is global
totalNumWindowsCreated = totalNumWindowsCreated + 1;
childWnds.push(window.open(link, "child" +
This pops up a new window with every call. In the child window I call
a parent function onbeforeunload, appClose() :
function appClose(){
if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed){
This is in my frameset tag of the child code :
<frameset ... onbeforeUnload='appClose()'>
The window.opener.CloseChild() function is called perfectly when I have
one child window open, but as soon as I create another child window
both of the open child windows don't ever call it. They do both go
into the onbeforeunload appClose() function, but do not call the
window.opener.CloseChild() function inside of this routine.
Anyone have any ideas why when I have two child windows open I can't
access the window.opener functions?
I have tried taking each new window out of the array and used the
following code in CloseChild() :
//win and totalNumWindowsCreated are both global
totalNumWindowsCreated = totalNumWindowsCreated + 1;
var win = window.open(link, "child" +
I have a Body onload event (to load the chained Menu) and a windows.onload event (to load the IFrame Ticker).If I open the page in Internet explorer both scripts function; however in Firefox I'm having problems.The Chained Menu works, however the IFrame Ticker does not display. Both events ahave ben placed on the boady tag.how I can get both to display in Firefox.
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoing a bit of window-opening: the idea is, when a link is clicked, it selects a random one from an array of urls, and then opens it with certain toolbars missing. Got a script for each part, but not sure how to combine them: 'location' seems to be talking about different things in each script.
the random script:
var single = new Array ("a.htm","b.htm","z.htm")
function choose(){
window.location=choose[Math.floor(Math.random()*single.length)] }
This is my first post to this forum. When a button in parent window is clicked multiple times, more than one popup window is opened. This problem is occurring in linux firefox and mozilla browsers. In windows the code is working fine. Is there any option in window.open() method to open a popup window once. s there any known issue regarding this case?. Need a workaround to fix this issue.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhen a button in parent window is clicked multiple times, more than one child window is opened. This problem is occurring in linux. In windows the code is working fine. Is there any option in window.open() method to open a child window once.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have two onload functions. The first one works when the second one isn't in the code. But when both functions are present, only the second one works.
here's the code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var divs=document.getElementById('stars').getElementsByTagName('div'), d, i=0;
Basically the code allows you to click on a star to rate a field in a form.
If I already have a javascript code to format currency (add $ sign to beginning, commas after 3rd and decimal precision) can I call that function in the body onload to change the color of negative values to red?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to make 2 functions load at the same time using window.onload? I have to seperate functions which rotate images, then another that rotates text.Functions:showQuote()iAnimate()
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have my page here [URL]. There is a tab system on the page that uses javascript. View the source the see the javascript file (tabber9.compressed.js). Now, on my end, I am adding some tracking code. The code looks like this:
<SCRIPT TYPE='text/javascript' LANGUAGE='JavaScript'><!-- //
window.onload = initPage;
function initPage() {
if (this.GetCustomerGUID)
document.forms["Test"].elements["CustomerGUID"].value = GetCustomerGUID();
The problem is, when I add this code to my footer, it breaks the tab system. The tabs don't work any more. I am not a JavaScript expert by any means (or else I would have known what the issue is! lol) but, I guess it has something to do with the window.onload function? I say that because I see the window.onload code in the tabber javascript as well.
I am familiar with the user built addEvent function used to load multiple functions in the window.onload property. However, I am curious as to the best way to do this across multiple JavaScript files. I thought I had seen somewhere code similar to the addEvent function was native to JavaScript now but I can't seem to find that anywhere.
Just to clarify, suppose I have 3 JavaScript files:
function foo() {
// do something here
note that it is not feasible to combine those functions into one file as they aren't always loaded together. What's the best way to load them all as a window.load?
I have a web page with several thumbnail images displayed. These are linked to the full size images that appear in pop up windows.
I have two questions:
Firstly, is it possible to size the pop up windows the same dimensions of the images within? If not, how can I center the image displayed in the pop ups?
Also, I have tried and failed to get the pop up to appear in the centre of the screen.
I've a problem I hava a page with different popup windows, when I hit a link the first one pops up and with the first open i would like to hit the second link in the parent page so the second links pops up a window in the first popup. The way I have it now is working but with each link the
size of the popup window should be different but that doesnt happen how can I solve that problem?
this is my code:
I need to open multiple windows via javacript. The for-loop is willing to do that for me:
function open_multiple(){
for(i=1; i<=10; i++){
window.open(ƈ.htm', 'myWindow'+i)
There's no problem in using the var i in the naming of the windows.
What I'm struggling with is the var i in the positioning:
function open_multiple(){
for(i=1; i<=10; i++){
var x=30*i;
var y=30*i;
window.open(ƈ.htm', 'myWindow'+i, 'top='y', left='x);
As you can see, I've put the vars outside the string as part of the solution I allready found out. Obviously, as I'm still posting this; it doesn't work yet. :o I must be overlooking something.
if (anyone can point out my mistake here){
document.write("thanks a million")
I have a JavaScript that allows you to open 5 additional windows when you click on the button. It works properly when using Mozilla, but when you use IE7, only 1 window pops up not 5.
I have 2 jsp pages which are loaded from the same browser window.
Inside these jsp pages, I have created 2 windows to write client side
log. I have used different id for 2 windows as follow.
In JSP1 page I create one window & second window is created in jsp2
Win1 = window.open('Log1', 'win1',
config='right=0,top=60,toolbar=0,width=300,height= 300,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,location=no,status=no
Win1.document.writeln(yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd + ' ' + hh + ':' + mn
+ ':' + ss + ',' + ms);
Win2 = window.open('Log2', 'win2',
config='right=0,top=60,toolbar=0,width=300,height= 300,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,location=no,status=no
Win2.document.writeln(yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd + ' ' + hh + ':' + mn
+ ':' + ss + ',' + ms);
When the page loads I can see 2 pop-up windows just fine. But then all
the writeln statements(from page1 & page2) go to the win2. Even the
writeln statements from page1. I would like to have page1 log go to
win1 & page2 go to win2. What I am doing wrong?
I'm not much of a programmer so I've difficulties getting the yellow windows at the following web address: [url] to drag and collapse correctly. Currently, the only window that works is the one with the red header. All the other windows should also be draggable and be allowed to close down.
So, basically I need to create the variable for this thing so that the nav windows work correctly. Problem is, everything I've tried has failed miserably to date.
I'm developing chat application using Ajax,jsp,HTML,java. I have strucked in opening multiple windows to chat with diff users by clicking on roster window.I want to be open a window tat looks like a chat window in gmail.I have created one window like tat using div's but I'm not able to open multiple divs with diff user names.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am currently designing a website for our public library. I have added a card catalog search bar on the side of every page. Our catalog software company has supplied the code. After embedding it, I previewed each page to make sure it was working properly. At the time, it worked fine. Since then, I have added other elements to the homepage such as a Twitter feed and a Flickr slideshow. Now, when I attempt to search in the catalog search bar on the homepage, it opens two tabs, but only in Firefox.
Our IT person from the software company suggested I make a copy of the page and strip the code down to see what the problem is. After doing this, I have made no headway. Even with the catalog as the only code left on the page, other than text, it still opens two tabs.
Are there other ways to open multile windows at once?
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function open1() {
var open1 =
function open2() {
var open2 =
function open3() {
var open3 =
// -->
<A href="javascript:open1();open2();open3();">Click Here to open all</A>
Here is what I have now, but I need something which can pass HTTP_REFEREER.
The window.open does not do that.
A while ago I queried how to count total characters in an output document and never really got anywhere. this query builds on from that. basically what I need to do is as follows.
- Using a basic input form, gather information.
- Populate strDoc with the info.
- When the button is clicked, the strDoc is populated and formatted and displayed in a popup window using:
What I'm trying to do is create a function that will count all characters in the strDoc (including spaces/LF/CR etc). If the total of the output doc is > 3800 characters, then the function will separate the doc into chunks no greater than 3800 characters and display each chunk in either a different window or a single window labled in order of chunk (ie. 1, 2 or 3).
This is way beyond me at this stage, but is critical to a project I'm working on at the moment.
I've lost almost half a day to identify/recover this script error.I often got this type of error.
I've parent window with two text field.There user can either enter the value on the field or choose popup option to search & select the value.When user open the popup & selects value, the selected value gets populated to parent window text field & close popup window. Everything working well, but sometimes after closing popup window, it keeps on opening same popup window multiple time until my internet explorer get crashed. It happens only in IE.
Here is the snippet of parent window:
Here is the snippet of popup.html:
I don't get to use javascript as much as I would like, but I am having a problem with a page so I stripped out all the extras and got down to just the part I am having a problem with and I think this should fill the div with the id testingdiv when the page loads but it doesn't.
<script type="text/javascript">
function getClientList(listtype) {
document.getElementById('testingdiv').innerHTML = listtype;[code]...