Opening Multiple Windows Or Tabs

Aug 4, 2011

I am currently designing a website for our public library. I have added a card catalog search bar on the side of every page. Our catalog software company has supplied the code. After embedding it, I previewed each page to make sure it was working properly. At the time, it worked fine. Since then, I have added other elements to the homepage such as a Twitter feed and a Flickr slideshow. Now, when I attempt to search in the catalog search bar on the homepage, it opens two tabs, but only in Firefox.

Our IT person from the software company suggested I make a copy of the page and strip the code down to see what the problem is. After doing this, I have made no headway. Even with the catalog as the only code left on the page, other than text, it still opens two tabs.


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Opening New Windows/Tabs

Nov 18, 2006

How can I make this script I generated with HomeSite, open links in new
windows/tab instead of the same? ....

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Opening Multiple Windows ?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a JavaScript that allows you to open 5 additional windows when you click on the button. It works properly when using Mozilla, but when you use IE7, only 1 window pops up not 5.


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Opening Windows

Dec 17, 2006

I have a company web site where I wish to open a search window with javascript. I do know and have used the for this.

The window that is opened provides a search function an returns a list of results as hyperlinks. I then want the user to be able to select the link from the list and when the link is clicked the 'poped' search window closes and the hyperlink reference be displayed in the window which referenced it in th efirst place.

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Opening New Windows Using JS

Mar 23, 2007

Hi I managed to find a way of opening a PDF in a new window using JavaScript.

I warned the user beforehand and opened the new window at 80% height and width of the original window to show it was a new window.

However I can't seem to control XLS, DOC, RTF documents. These are the issues:

1. Firefox: They always seem to open in a new window anyway.

2. Firefox: Firefox opens a blank window as well when the JavaScript is used.

3. IE and Firefox: I can't seem to control the height and width

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Opening 2 Separate Windows ?

Feb 18, 2011

I am opening a new small window through javascript.

Here is the code:

But on the same page I have another link for a new window which is essentially the same code:

As you can see in the red text, one link should open map.asp and the other should open pofull.asp... but they BOTH open in pofull. So I have tried to change the function name for one of them but then it doesnt work at all.

I have tried everything to separate the two scripts but nothing has worked.

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Opening 2 Windows For 1 Click In IE6

Jul 20, 2006

I have problems with opening new windows in IE6, in Firefox and Opera it is working fine, but IE6 gives warning and open only one link. Code:

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Opening New Browser Windows

Feb 26, 2003

I have a question about opening new pages when a link is clicked on a webpage. What I want to happen is this:

On the main webpage, I would like to have links to other websites. For example:

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Now, if I was to click links 1,2 and 3, I would have 4 browser windows open: The window containing the original webpage, plus the 3 windows that were opened by clicking on the 3 links. (I am using a href="www.,,,,," target="_blank"></A>)

Now, what I want to happen is this, I only want the mainpage to have ONE child window so that at any given time, there will be at most 2 browser windows open, the main page window and one child that is opened by clicking on a link. If I click on Link 1 followed immediately by Link 2, I don't want 2 child windows to pop up. What I need to happen is when I click Link 1, it needs to open a window. When I click link 2, the browser window that contains the webpage from link 1 now needs to show the webpage that from link 2. Is there a way to do this using javascript Code:

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Keep Pop-up From Opening In Same (opened) Windows?

Jan 22, 2011

I have a function that opens a new window when the link is clicked. The pop-up window contains a customer's info. Each time I click the link, my pop-up is opening in the same (popped-up) window, but I'd like it to create a new window each time.

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After Login Opening App In A New Windows?

Jan 5, 2010

i m making a web app. after login i want the app run in a 1280*800 size window. i saw many tuts on how to make a popup window but what i don't get it where should i post the code? in the login page or the main home page and so on?

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Opening Windows: Combining Two Functions?

May 19, 2010

Doing a bit of window-opening: the idea is, when a link is clicked, it selects a random one from an array of urls, and then opens it with certain toolbars missing. Got a script for each part, but not sure how to combine them: 'location' seems to be talking about different things in each script.

the random script:

var single = new Array ("a.htm","b.htm","z.htm")
function choose(){
window.location=choose[Math.floor(Math.random()*single.length)] }


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Opening Windows On Secondary Monitors

Oct 15, 2010

I am working on an application (for internal company use) that is meant to be viewed over three monitors. I'm wondering how to accurately position windows on the secondary and tertiary monitors. If they all have the same resolution (say 1280x1024), can we assume that the second monitor begins at 1281, and the third begins at 2561?

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JQuery :: Tabs: Opening Panels Within Another Panel

May 16, 2011

i have it to where one of my tabs opens an external link within the panel. However, it lags a little bit. I use css sprites inside the panels and it literally takes a second for it to load when you hover your mouse over it. Also, when you use it in IE, it keeps a cookie, so when you click on another tab and come back to it, it shows the last panel you were on.

So, is there a way just to open another panel inside another panel?

Here is my demo page: [URL]

Click on "Partners" tab on the bottom and click on "McKesson"

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Opening New Windows From Sites With Audio / Video Files?

Apr 13, 2010

My computer seems to have problems with its javascript when opening new windows from certain sites that are either audio or video files. I simply have not got a clue where to begin.

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Script That Will Close Other Tabs - Windows - When Goes To Same Site To Sign On

Feb 21, 2011

Imagine a wife has signed on to a web site in a browser tab. She does not sign off and walks away to do something else. Her husband sits at the computer and seeing her signed on, opens a new tab and tries to sign on to the same site.

I am trying to write a script that will close other tabs/windows when the husband goes to the same site to sign on.

So, on the sign on page (or even better, the sign off page), when the sign on button is clicked, a piece of Javascript code is run first. The javascript simply goes through all tabs on the browser, and checks to see if any such tabs has an HTML document that came from the same domain as the sign on page. If such tabs exist, then before POSTing the user name and password to the server, the Javascript code will close those tabs that contain HTML documents came from the same domain.

So, I understand I need to set the to a specific value. But does anyone know what the code on the sign on/sign off page to close the other tabs/windows would look like?

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Close Tabs And Or Windows When 2nd User Tries To Sign In To Site

Feb 21, 2011

Imagine a wife has signed on to a web site in a browser tab. She does not sign off and walks away to do something else. Her husband sits at the computer and seeing her signed on, opens a new tab and tries to sign on to the same site.

I am trying to write a script that will close other tabs/windows when the husband goes to the same site to sign on.

So, on the sign on page (or even better, the sign off page), when the sign on button is clicked, a piece of Javascript code is run first. The javascript simply goes through all tabs on the browser, and checks to see if any such tabs has an HTML document that came from the same domain as the sign on page. If such tabs exist, then before POSTing the user name and password to the server, the Javascript code will close those tabs that contain HTML documents came from the same domain.

So, I understand I need to set the to a specific value. But does anyone know what the code on the sign on/sign off page to close the other tabs/windows would look like?

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JQuery :: Opening Tabs And Linking To Sections Within Show / Hide

Mar 25, 2011

1. I am trying to figure out how to open a tab, open a show/hide within that tab, and link to a particular person from an incoming link.
2. I also am trying to figure out how to open a tab and then a pane within that tab from an incoming link.

This is the code used for the tabs
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("ul.main.tabs").tabs("div.main.panes > div", {tabs: 'a.main', history: true });
$("ul.nested.tabs").tabs("div.nested.panes > div", {tabs: 'a.nested', history: true });

This is the code used for the toggle
<script type="text/javascript">
// Andy Langton's show/hide/mini-accordion - updated 23/11/2009
// Latest version @ [URL]
$(document).ready(function() {
var showText='+/-';
var hideText='+/-';
var is_visible = false; .....

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JQuery :: Tabs Ajax Mode - Opening Links In Specific Container

Jan 29, 2009

Tabs jQuery v2.7.4 of stilbuero. I want to use Ajax Mode and open the links in a specifically container. For example:
<div id="box">
<ul id="tabs">
<li><a href="01.html"><span>Tab one</span></a></li>
<li><a href="02.html"><span>Tab two</span></a></li>
<li><a href="03.html"><span>Tab three</span></a></li>
<div id="container"></div><!-- Open external links here (01.html, 02.html and 03.html) -->

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Child Windows Can Not Access Window.opener When Multiple Child Windows Are Open

Jul 23, 2005

I have a parent window that pushes a new window object onto an Array
with the following code :


//totalNumWindowsCreated is global

totalNumWindowsCreated = totalNumWindowsCreated + 1;
childWnds.push(, "child" +


This pops up a new window with every call. In the child window I call
a parent function onbeforeunload, appClose() :

function appClose(){

if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed){

This is in my frameset tag of the child code :

<frameset ... onbeforeUnload='appClose()'>

The window.opener.CloseChild() function is called perfectly when I have
one child window open, but as soon as I create another child window
both of the open child windows don't ever call it. They do both go
into the onbeforeunload appClose() function, but do not call the
window.opener.CloseChild() function inside of this routine.

Anyone have any ideas why when I have two child windows open I can't
access the window.opener functions?

I have tried taking each new window out of the array and used the
following code in CloseChild() :


//win and totalNumWindowsCreated are both global

totalNumWindowsCreated = totalNumWindowsCreated + 1;
var win =, "child" +


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Multiple Popup Windows Opened When A Button Is Clicked Multiple Times.

May 25, 2006

This is my first post to this forum. When a button in parent window is clicked multiple times, more than one popup window is opened. This problem is occurring in linux firefox and mozilla browsers. In windows the code is working fine. Is there any option in method to open a popup window once. s there any known issue regarding this case?. Need a workaround to fix this issue.

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Multiple Child Windows Opened When A Button Is Clicked Multiple Times?

May 24, 2006

hen a button in parent window is clicked multiple times, more than one child window is opened. This problem is occurring in linux. In windows the code is working fine. Is there any option in method to open a child window once.

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Multiple Pop Up Windows

Nov 27, 2002

I have a web page with several thumbnail images displayed. These are linked to the full size images that appear in pop up windows.

I have two questions:
Firstly, is it possible to size the pop up windows the same dimensions of the images within? If not, how can I center the image displayed in the pop ups?

Also, I have tried and failed to get the pop up to appear in the centre of the screen.

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Multiple Popup Windows

Jul 20, 2005

I've a problem I hava a page with different popup windows, when I hit a link the first one pops up and with the first open i would like to hit the second link in the parent page so the second links pops up a window in the first popup. The way I have it now is working but with each link the
size of the popup window should be different but that doesnt happen how can I solve that problem?

this is my code:

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Multiple Windows On Different Locations

Nov 21, 2006

I need to open multiple windows via javacript. The for-loop is willing to do that for me:

function open_multiple(){
for(i=1; i<=10; i++){;.htm', 'myWindow'+i)

There's no problem in using the var i in the naming of the windows.
What I'm struggling with is the var i in the positioning:

function open_multiple(){

for(i=1; i<=10; i++){
var x=30*i;
var y=30*i;;.htm', 'myWindow'+i, 'top='y', left='x);
As you can see, I've put the vars outside the string as part of the solution I allready found out. Obviously, as I'm still posting this; it doesn't work yet. :o I must be overlooking something.

if (anyone can point out my mistake here){
document.write("thanks a million")

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Mouseover Opening Multiple Pages

Nov 30, 2010

I was wondering if there's a way to get rid of the button, and make it so when the user opens the webpage, it automatically opens the multiple webpages.If that's not possible, I was also wondering if there's a way to make the button "click" on a mouseover, so when they move their mouse across the button, it opens the pages.

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JQuery :: Multiple Ui Tabs On One Page?

Jul 22, 2009

i have been setting up 3 rows of tabs on one page. it works fine in terms of each panel closes when another is selected but on each row there always remains one tab as selectedDo you know of anyway to ensure for example that when i click a tab on row two and it becomes selected it will also remove the selected state from the tab on any other row?i have tried this but it does not do the trick

$("#tabs1 ul li a").click(function(){
$('#tabs2').tabs({ selected: -1});


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