Javascript Write Function Value To Form

Oct 25, 2004

How do you write javascript function value to <input type='hidden' name='example' value='function()'>

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Document.write A Javascript:function() Inline?

Oct 19, 2005

I'm back after giving up two years ago to write a page of html code with javascript in it.

I want to display a table with five images (tumbnails) per row with the name of the image (my code number for the image) under it. I want 4 rows of images for a total of 20 images (tumbnails).

I want when someone clicks on one of the tumbnail images a new window opens with the fullsize image displayed.

I have written an html page that does this but I have over 50 such pages that I need to create for my website. Here is the code that does this for each table image cell. Code:

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How Can I Embed JavaScript Function Calls In A Document.write Statement?

Jul 23, 2005

I am getting syntax errors in my JavaScript code, code snippet as follows
(between my <script></script> tags:

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Ajax :: Form Not Finding Javascript Function?

May 12, 2011

I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong with this no matter how many things I try. I've looked through Google for a related issue but found nothing specificThe script runs through a external .js file calling a list of music albums, then listing the song of the album chosen via ajax. The user can then edit of delete the songs. Everything works fine until I submit the edited information through a form. When I click the submit button I get a web developer error "updateSong is not a function"Here's the form which is loaded into the already existing page via ajax:

$song = $_GET['song'];


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JQuery :: Write A Function That Accepts A Callback Function?

Oct 10, 2009

how can i write a function that accepts a callback function?[URL].. i want myFunction to load some data via(an unordored list actually) load method end then somehow to return the wrapped elements for the callback function, exactly like load() does.

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How Can I Write Javascript For Server Controls?

Oct 13, 2005

I am a .Net Developer. I want to know to write javascript for serverside controles.And where it is placed for sever sidr controls. Please tell me if any one know this.

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Re-Write A Layer's Content With Javascript

Mar 26, 2003

This forum thread discusses the SitePoint article 'Re-Write a Layer's Content with Javascript' by Peter Todorov.

"How can you can replace the content of a Web page without additional requests to the server? The answer uses layers in JavaScript - Peter explains all."

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Write HTML To Document Using Javascript

Dec 1, 2007

Basically, I have a button which when clicked, should write some html to the page at a specific location. Here's the html currently in the page Code:

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Safari Read/write Cookies With Javascript?

Jul 20, 2005

I am using a standard javascript that I downloaded from to read from and fill in a form using cookies.
The page tests well in every browser except Apple's Safari (from

Unfortunately, my clients daughter uses Safari so I have to get it to
work with it, even though most of his clients use IE.

What do I need to do to change the code so this will all work in
Safari? Code:

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HTML Application - Can Javascript Write To A Local Database?

Jul 23, 2005

IE 6.0 (not interested in other browsers at the moment)

I have looked everywhere I can find to look and googled until I am
cross-eyed and am hoping somebody knows what I'm doing wrong.

I have an HTML application (.hta) working fine, except one thing. I'm
trying to write to a local database from a .htm window (opened from
the main .hta window) and it doesn't work with any of the combinations
I've tried (and I admit to having tried a lot).

Here is one method I've tried:

strSQL = "Update myTable SET myField = 'myValue' WHERE myID = 12;"
var db = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
db.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0";0
db.ConnectionString = "Data Source='c:myDirectorymyDatabase.mdb'";

I can easily access the information in the myDatabase.mdb and display
it on the screen.

I can ask for updated information to be input on the screen.

But stuffing that updated information back into the database is the

Since I'm stuck in an .htm window, I don't have VBScript available, do
I? If VBScript isn't available and it isn't physically possible with
Javascript, then I'll have to revert to .hta windows, where I know I
have VBScript available. But I'd rather do it all in Javascript
within the .htm so as to avoid the security message that pops up when
the .hta opens a new .hta. For various reasons I don't think it is
possible for me to do this whole project within a single .hta.

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Write A Function To Return A Tag?

May 11, 2009

I've been reading up on Javascript. I read that you can use:

document.write("<h1>My Test</h1>");
So I wrote a little script:
<script type="text/javascript">
var choices = new Array();
choices[0] = "<img src=\"crush.png\" />";
choices[1] = "<img src=\"curse.png\" />";
choices[2] = "<img src=\"endless.png\" />";
choices[3] = "<img src=\"eyes.png\" />";


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Write A JavaScript Program To Find All Pythagorean Triples For Side1, Side2 And The Hypotenuse?

Nov 7, 2010

The assignment is: Write a JavaScript program to find all Pythagorean triples for side1,side2 and the hypotenuse, all no larger than 500. Use a triple-nested for loop that exhaustively tries all possibilities.

PHP Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var side1;


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Function To Write To A Input Text Box?

Jan 17, 2011

I have two input boxes on a form which receive the first and last name of a user. I want to be able to use charAt() to get the first letter in each box and pass it to a third box on the same form. Is this doable?I was thinking something like the function below would be the starting point --I stand correct, as it is not working.

<script type="text/javascript">
var str="Mossa";
document.write('<INPUT TYPE=text size=2 VALUE="str.charAt(0);">');
var str="Barandao";


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Write Text/integer From A Function?

Dec 8, 2011

I was wanting to write text to the screen but without re-writing the whole screen (e.g. document.write();. I wish to take text and put it in a function, modify it, then display it.So far I have:

<script type = "text/javascript">
function calculate(text){
var x = "10.0";[code].....

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Write A Simple Function That Locates A Parameter In Url?

Jan 21, 2009

I am trying to write a simple javascript function that locates a parameter in a url, if it is present, and replace it with a different value. Here's my code:

function setParam(url,param,value) {
var a = '&'+param+'=d+';
var new_url = url.replace(new RegExp(a), '');
new_url = new_url + '&'+param+'='+value;
return new_url;

The problem is, it doesn't work. It adds the new param, value pair to the old url, but the old param isn't replaced. What do I need to do here to make this work?

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VBscript To Write Function That Pass Arguments?

Jan 8, 2011

This example is much simplified as the original script.VBScript is making a value, passes this to Javascript, which puts that value into a div tag.Now, as you see in the VBScript, the value contains a call to a javascript function. It shows perfectly in HTML, but the call can't be made when clicking the link.Is it possible in VBscript to write dynamic hardcoded javascipt function that pass arguments?

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim m


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Write Function That Bolds Each Item Was Clicked?

Jun 16, 2011

<li><a href="#" >Cases</a></li>
<li><a href="#" >Graphics</a></li>[code]....

write function that bolds each item was clicked...e.g. i clicked on "Cases" tag and it's bold....than i clicked on "Graphics" tab...
it bolds too ,but "Cases" tag should be normal fontWeight.

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Trying To Write A Generic Form Validator

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to write a generic/reusable form validator in Javascript...
just something that checks to make sure required fields have a value. By
generic I mean I don't want to explicitly reference the name/id of the
form or the name of any of the data fields within a "validation"

My first shot seems to have some errors in it:

FieldsToValidateByForm = {};
FieldsToValidateByForm['contact'] = ["FirstName",

function validate(form)
problemFields = new Array();
returnval = true;
FieldsToValidate = FieldsToValidateByForm[];

for(i=0; i < FieldsToValidate.length; i++) {
fieldInQuestion = form[FieldsToValidate[i]];
if(fieldInQuestion.value.length < 1) //problem spot?

if(problemFields.length > 0) {
returnval = false;
warn(problemFields); /* tells user they're missing a field,
that's all */

return returnval;

What I think is happening (not sure) is that the expression
form[fieldsToValidate[i]] is not giving me what I want: a reference to
the object corresponding to the form field with the same name. In
otherwords, I must have some fundamental misunderstanding of how the DOM
works here. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a good enough reference
to set me straight....

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Using URL Variables To Write A Form Field

Feb 16, 2010

Using the url test.html?a=john&b=doe

I am using the following code:

I can't seem to get an alert to show me anything. The eventual result is not an alert, but a document.write to post the url contents to various form fields for firstname= and lastname= etc.

I am really having a hard time using the document.write function, and am not sure how to employ it, whether in the same script statement or in a separate script in the body.

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Write To Form Element From Popup (js)

Dec 20, 2000

When users goes to my page (main window) and click on a link, it pops up a new window, and that window contains more links.
When users click on the links on the popped up page, i want some text to be added into a textbox on the main window.

so like if the textbox has "Text1"
and when user clicks on that link, the textbox will now have: "Text1 link.."

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JQuery :: Document.write Function With Load() Not Working?

Apr 30, 2010

im trying to get the ajax .load() function working and its working correctly, but if i put a document.write function on a page that is getting requested through the .load function


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Write Ja Function To Make A Field Editable In A Table

Apr 16, 2009

I am a newbie in this field and never have done any scripting as i dont belong to this field.Just now trying to learn html and javascript. I have written a very simple HTML code having a table containing some columns like market,account number,user id,racf id etc. Below given is my code:

<title>E 1.3</title>
<h3> Information regarding various markets is given below</h3>
<body ALINK="#FF0000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#FF33FF" bgcolor="#FFFFCC">
<table border="1" bgcolor="#CCFFCC" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5">

This code i completely html but i am posting here in javascript forum because i need a javascript function which can be embedded in this html code so that the columns account number and and user id become editable. Means: this code is not complete as of now.In account number and user id column i can enter at the max three strings for every market.The whole page will be static only except the account number and user id field in the table.My question is how to make this particular column editable.Means i need to have two buttons.Clicking first button makes the field editable and i can edit the column and when i click the other button eg:save or something then the cuesor automatically goes away and the page becomes uneditable until i click the first button.

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Jquery :: Detect Screen Size To Write Function?

Oct 5, 2011

I am using jFlow slider for my website and in the head there is that function

<script type="text/javascript">


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Cant Get Method Argument Passed To Function To Document.write

Dec 1, 2011

What I wanted to do is to link to a new page having a date range input in the form of 6 text boxes, 2 sets of mm-dd-yy, from and to, where the upon loading the page box 1 of the from would auto focus and then auto tab and then post where php could take over on the server side. Setting up the form and the lay out, no problem. Auto focusing went just like expected using the following code, included because on the next step everything fell apart.

<script type="text/javascript" >
window.onload=function() {


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Write A Simple Function To Animate The Collapse Of A Div Using SetTimeout?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm new to JavaScript, and have been playing around with a few simple functions to get going. However, I've hit a problem that I just can't fix, I'm trying to write a simple function to animate the collapse of a div using setTimeout (I know, jQuery does it a lot better), and it's gotten the best of me. The only error it's giving me now is

Code: missing ; before statement on line 25 but I can't see why. I assume it's something to do with my abuse of the setTimeout syntax (why does it insist that everthing is enclosed in quotes.I'm sure there are much better scripts than mine, and searching the forum I've come across Vic Phillips' fine specimen which mostly went over my head. But if I just wanted it to work I'd use jQuery - I'm more interested in why it's not working.

code is below. In addition to this I've also got an external script to compensate for browsers without getElementsByClass, but it should work in modern browsers up to the point where it doesn't!


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Write A Class Or Function That Controls Stats On Page?

Aug 21, 2011

I am trying to write a class or function (not sure which is needed) that controls stats on my page. I currently have a working example but I need additional functionality and I'm not sure how to do it. Basically it needs to run every 6 seconds to update the stats(as they change constantly).

I need the javascript to connect(using ajax) to a database and retrieve stats to initially store as global variables. Then, as stated, I need it to modify(simple math that I can do) these stats every 6 seconds.

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