JQuery :: Hover Queue - Div Triggers Another Div To Animate

Feb 8, 2010

I am having problems with the hover queue, see [URL] Now i found this plugin [URL] but assumes you are animating $(this) i my case a div triggers another div to animate


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JQuery :: Hover Triggers On Hidden Div?

May 23, 2011

I have a dropdown style navigation menu which contains a <div id="MenuBar1"> holding the main heading of the menu item. I then a child <div id="DropBox1"> within that, that drops down on mouseover of the parent <div id="MenuBar1">. I am doing this using the following functions (I've tried all these variations with limited success)...

function DropDown3() {
$('#DropBox1,#DropBox2,#DropBox3,#DropBox4,#DropBox5').css({ opacity: 0.0 });$('#MenuBar1').hover(function() {
$('#DropBox1').stop().animate({ height: '120', opacity: 1.0, duration: 'slow' });


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JQuery :: Slide On Hover - Queue Build Up

Sep 8, 2010

I'm trying to slide in a submenu on hover. The problem is the queue build up when moving the mouse over it quickly.

Here's my code:

I added the "stop(true, true)" to fix the build up problem but that's not what I want because when I hover while it's sliding up it "jumps" to a height of 0 before expanding.

I think that's because of the second "true" parameter (jumpToEnd). Without it .subnav doesn't open all the way anymore (it doesn't have a specific height specified).

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JQuery :: Use Animate On A Div When Hover On A Link?

Jan 30, 2011

I want to animate a div when i hover on my "Home" link, the animate would expand the div with the content in it...how can i achieve this using jquery ?

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JQuery :: Animate Font Size On Hover?

Aug 7, 2010

I've been trying to find a way to animate a font-size increase on hover - which I'd expect is probably quite straightforward but so far I can't seem to find how to do it (and incorporate into below).

I have a ul list using "hoverscroll" and would like to use it on this rather than just doing a straight CSS hover font size which is a bit naff.[code]...

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JQuery :: Animate Menu With Hover-function?

Oct 17, 2011

First of all, this is the first time that I use JQuery in my life. I have no idea of what I am doing. I have been following the following guide to animate a menu: [URL]... But as some of the people commenting on the guide I wanted the menu to animate with mouse over and mouse out. So I found the hover-function and the following comments on the guide:


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JQuery :: Hover Over An Image And Have It Animate Up And Bounce At The End?

Dec 22, 2011

want to hover over an image and have it animate up and bounce at the end. I have tried several lines of Jquery code trying to do this but all I get is an upward movement.


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JQuery :: Single Image Hover Parallax / Animate Effect

Apr 20, 2011

I am looking for a simple parallax/animate like effect, i have a single image and if i hover on it the image should move like the parallax effect. So if i put my mouse in the topleft corner the image should move in the direction bottomright. I know this i very simple but i cant seem to get it working or how to get this working.

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JQuery :: Animate And Click Together - When The User Clicks On The Div The Image Should Stay In The Hover Position

Jun 2, 2009

I've been looking for an "Ajax CMS" but decided to learn jQuery to learn how to code it myself in order to earn some geek-girl cred among my male colleagues. I've learn a lot about jQuery in a week but as you can imagine I still have a lot to learn.

I have successfully animated an image (move to the left and increase opacity) when the mouse hovers a div and reset the image (move it back to its original position and reset the opacity) when the mouse move outside the div. So far so good...

Here comes the question: What I need to do -and don't know how to - is when the user clicks on the div the image should stay in the hover position while still being able to hover any other divs and activate the animation normally.

When a different div is clicked the previous "Clicked" div should return (animate) to its original position and the new "Clicked" div should stay in the hover position. Content will be loaded when the divs are clicked but there won't be page refresh since I'm loading the content by using the load funtion of jQuery.

I'm including the code:

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JQuery :: Animate Onload - Cant Get The Scrollbar To Animate To 500px

May 16, 2011

I cant get the scrollbar to animate to 500px, onload.

Here is a link to my page...[url]

<script type="text/javascript">

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JQuery :: Animate Several Objects In The Animate Callback Function At Once?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a toggle animation which puts the area I want to show to the user in view, ones that animation has played I want to animate several other objects on the page. I have the code to animate one object by using the callback function in animate. But is it possible to animate several objects in the callback function?. this is the code I have so far

$(".mover").animate({left: '0px' }, 'slow',"", function() { $(".blok").animate( { fontSize:"160px" } , 1000 )});


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JQuery :: AppendTo Seems Not To Queue?

Jul 23, 2009

Got a question. Somehow this script does not react proper. It firsts appends and then fires the fadeout. Why is this?


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JQuery :: Set Up A Custom Queue?

Feb 21, 2010

I was reading about delay() in the API ref and it mentioned it used the standard effects queue or a custom queue, but didn't illustrate how you set up a custom queue.

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JQuery :: Create Queue In Plugins

Jun 24, 2010

I have this jQuery chain

fadeInSequence is a plugin defined below
jQuery.fn.fadeInSequence = function(fadeInTime, timeBetween)
//Default Values
timeBetween = typeof(timeBetween) == 'undefined' ? 0 : timeBetween;

I'm trying to make this plugin chainable, but right now the animation is not going in the queue. This is indicated by the fact that the .hide() goes into effect immediately. My goal is to make the plugin work so any methods called after it will wait until fadeInSequence() is finished. So in this case, all the elements will fade in and THEN .hide() will go into effect.

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JQuery :: An Event That Triggers After CSS Loaded?

Apr 3, 2010

I have a couple of links on my page (inside a <div id="theme-selector">) which allow you to change the CSS stylesheets:

$('#theme-selector a').click(function(){
var csslink = $(this).attr('href');
$('head link').remove();[code]...

Now, after I've changed the style on the page, I want to get the new background color, using the following code (which I put after the

$('head').append call):
var bgcolor = $('body').css('background-color');

The problem is, I think, that it takes some time for the browser to download the new stylesheet and I sometimes get the old background color in my alert message. Is there some event I can bind that will only alert me after all the stylesheets are loaded on the page? At the moment, all I can think of is using a setTimeout(function(), 5000); which isn't great, because what if it takes longer/shorter to load all the CSS on the page.

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JQuery :: Way To Tell The Queue() Method To Do Not Repeat Itself For Every Element?

Mar 25, 2011

is there a way to tell the queue() method do not repeat itself for every element?

$('.video_list li').delay(500)
.animate( {left: move}, 1500)


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JQuery :: Queue Event After GetJSON Request

Sep 20, 2009

I'm trying to queue to start once a getJSON request has finished but it's not working, I'm getting '...queue is not a function'.

I've tried:


But I get the same error. I've tried with 1.3.2 and 1.2.6.

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JQuery :: Passing Animation To Another Objects Queue?

May 17, 2011

I have been trying to get queues working the way I thought they should work for ages… But I think I this functionality is not available in jQuery.

I basically want to run an animation in another elements queue (e.g. $('body').queue('custom')). So say I am moving a div element using the animate function I want that animation to be passed to the body's 'custom' queue so that I can do some other animations on other objects and also pass them to the body's 'custom' queue and they will respect the animation before it.

I did see a plugin [URL] which addressed it a few years ago but it has not been updated to even support jQuery 1.4.

There is also another plugin [URL] which seems quite new… but this seems ridiculous that such a feature has not already been addressed. It is a problem that I keep encountering over and over and over again.

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JQuery :: Store Ajax Response In Queue?

Dec 21, 2010

I have created the application in PHP and JQuery of display locations on google map.THere are few images in divs after clicking on it there are 3 ajax requests are called in following order 1: to display video from youtube2: to display description from database.3: to display locations on map. After clicking on images in div, result is displayed in following order.1: to display description from database. (It is displayed within 1 sec) 2: to display locations on map. (It is displayed within 2 sec)3: to display video from youtube. (It is displayed within 2 sec to 3 sec) As map and youtube video are not located on local server, so that those are taking time to display.Is there any way to display all above 3 output when all data will receive from their servers?

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JQuery :: IE: Select Change Triggers Pop-up Blocker?

May 14, 2009

I have a wee bit of code that handles a select list change to load some content via AJAX. In IE 7 & 8 (works a treat in 6!), clicking on the select list triggers the pop-up blocker thingy. My code certainly does not open a new window or anything like that:

var group_id = $(this).val();[code]....

adminNavSetup() is the function this block of code resides in.However, commenting that out has no effect. Note that the select list doesn't even open; a click is all it takes. Also, no request is made to the server.why the pop-up defense would be triggered like that?

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JQuery :: Pass Variables From Multiple Triggers?

Aug 23, 2009

I have multiple triggers and I am trying to pass variables via a "rel=" tag (which are unique id's) for each trigger I can get most of it working, problem is that since there are multiple triggers with id="newsTrigger" only the first listed trigger works Using PHP/mySQL. An example trigger is:

while loop{
echo '<span id="newsTrigger" style="font-size:0.8em;" rel="'.
$rowNewsid[$counter].'"><a href="'.$rowNewsPermalink

The above outputs a large number of rows with the same span id of "newsTrigger". When a user mousesover any of the newsTrigges I am trying to get an ajax dialog to load up content based on the id that is being passed through the rel tag. How do I do this? The javascript so far is:

$("#newsTrigger").mouseover(function() {
var newsid = $(this).attr("rel");


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JQuery :: Autocomplete (Not Plugin) In Firefox Triggers Which Event?

Apr 28, 2010

I have the following question: What event could be or is triggered when someone fills in a inputfield using the autosuggest that is build in in browsers? Like for example my email that always comes back on email input fields. I have tried the change and keyup event but they don't work. What event could be or is triggered when someone fills in a inputfield using the autosuggest that is build in by browsers.

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JQuery :: Triggers Ajax Calls On Button Click?

Dec 7, 2010

I have a code that triggers ajax calls on button click, it all works fine but every now and then, the click triggers 2 AJAX calls. When i look at these calls in FB i see they succeeded (they get the expected response) but i get Timeout (I've set it to 3 seconds).

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JQuery :: Change Which Attribute On Form Field Triggers Validation?

May 22, 2009

Can anyone tell me how i can change which attribute on my form field triggers the validation?currently it appears the be the name attribute. So in my Rails app using Rails helpers, it sets the name to somthing like formname['fieldname'] and the whole name.in my script if i do something like [codde]it causes the script to break.

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JQuery :: Ready Function - When The Page Is First Loaded - It Triggers The Alert

May 1, 2009

This page: [url] is linked to 1.js which has this code:

When the page is first loaded, it triggers the alert. It doesn't seem like it would because it is in the livequery function. Why does it do that?

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Jquery :: Syntax Queue - Replicating The Callback Function For Lengthy Animations

Apr 28, 2010

My Javascript is very limited, but I get on pretty well with Jquery (I love it!) so some of what I say here may be seriously flawed I've done alot of searching on this but not found anything that fits what I need (I'd rather write and understand my own code than use a plugin) What a want is a simple function (or other means) of replicating the callback function for lengthy animations (so I don't end up with a load of functions within functions within functions) So I want to be able to animate (or change) a multiple number of elements IN TURN - ie once the previous animation has completed - eg

div1.animate({property: value}, 'fast');
div2.animate({property: value}, 'fast');
div3.css({property: value});
div1.animate({property: value}, 'fast');
div1.css({property: value});
div3.animate({property: value}, 'fast');

I know I can do this with callbacks, but as I said, this gets messy Can I stick these in an array and pass to a function to manage this (and if so how baring in mind my limited Javascript

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