suppose i have a strings (html):Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <span id="display_only">consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. </span>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.How can i display only the text whicj is inside the #display_only tag.... So that the result would beonsectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
First, with AJAX I will get a remote web page into a string. Thus, a string will contain HTML tags and such. I will need to extract text from one <span> for which I know the ID the inner text.
Is it possible to access in this way "string variable".getElementByID() somehow?
PS: Just thinking of a proper/efficient way to extract the information from such a string. I am open to other ideas. I could load that page in IFRAME and get my access to DOM that way, yet probably it is not an eligant solution.
I need to get a some blocks of html that are contained in elements in a JSON object, remove some images and then add the updated blocks into cells in new table rows
in the JSON Object each html block is called 'htmlblock' within the html string, each img element that has to go has a class of 'imgThumb'
So far I'm here:
I get the data with $.getJSON - OK I work through the JSON object with $.each - OK I convert the text string of html to a DOM object with $.eventData=$(this.htmlblock) - OK I get rid of the images with $.eventData.remove('.imgThumb') - OK
After that I start running into problems
I have a bunch of elements from the JSON object that I have to add to the table as well - so the simplified version looks something like (#delTableBody is the tbody element that I'm adding to):
$displaytext = "display this text"; $(".image").mouseenter(function(){ $(".test").text("$displaytext"); });
I would like to display the text in the variable $displaytext in my div.test when I mouse over the .image div. But instead, it just displays "$displaytext". Anyone know how I could make this work?
My plan was to insert an HTML string from a JSON file into the DOM. As an example for the format, see [url]. I was wondering how I could get the parse.text['*'] inserted into the DOM.
I have a following string: var myHTML = "<html><body>testing hope this work in html</body></html>"; alert($(myHTML).children("body").html()); Why does the alert return NULL, instead of "testing hope this work in html" ???
I have an XML document that is returned which has an element named html. Inside of that element is a block of HTML wrapped with CDATA tags. I can alert the html variable that i create and see it has all of the data inside of it. So I want to parse through and grab certain things now. I'm just trying to get the element to return it's id to me, even though I know it ... because I kept getting the following error with other code.[code]
I am having troubles manipulating DOM elements inside a variable. I have the following code:
var $content = pages[pageId].page; $('.widget_inline'
Inside this html string there are multiple id's that I have to change. The .each finds the rightelements and the manipulation seems to work when I do a console.log onwidgetElement.However the actual $content remains unchanged. I probably made a very obvious mistake but I can't find it.
I have an XML document that is returned which has an element named html. Inside of that element is a block of HTML wrapped with CDATA tags. I can alert the html variable that i create and see it has all of the data inside of it. So I want to parse through and grab certain things now. I'm just trying to get the element to return it's id to me, even though I know it ... because I kept getting the following error.
I still continue to get this error with the current code below:
Im having to create an html page that displays the current date that i need to extract from a .JS file eg: daysOfTheWeek: [Content.dates.sunday] I have to convert this into a string to work on my HTLM page...So far i have managed to get this far
<h4>It is now </h4> <span class="dateHolder"></span> </head>
I've seen an other post talking about not being able to perform a .html().replace() also, but no one replied.
Why is this? I ran into the same problem and from what I was seeing, the replace() was only replacing the very first match. My work around was pretty simple, I just keep running replace() until it was done, but I'm dumbfounded as to why this would need to be done.
while (newLastRow.html().indexOf(settings.placeholder) > -1){ newLastRow.html(newLastRow.html().replace(settings.placeholder, curTotal)); }
As with the other post, I'm dynamically adding html to the page using a template, where the replace() method is updating the IDs of the fields when adding a new instance.
What's special about the value returned by the html() method? Is there a different preferred way to do this?
im in prblm in my project in 1 file i have to first display textbox in html statically which will hav + & - button preceding it , & on click of + button one more textbox should appear dynamically & first textbox + button should disapper & it should hav only - button & the textbox which was dynamically generated now on click of first textbox + button should hav + & - button & it should go on. & on click of - button textbox which is in front of it should get i tried alot but my code is showing + & - button to every textbox that is dynamically generated which is not the requirement plz help me im in great need.earlier also i hav submitted my queries & got a fully satisfied result bcoz of that now im having great hopes from u & this site
I have a table that displays a list of groups. You can add, modify, or remove the group. I have three functions in my JS:
Using AJAX, PHP, and jQuery, when I add a group, it posts to an "addgroup.php" file, and then returns that data in JSON format, and I then tell jQuery to display that data in HTML. Here's the problem now... The table does not render properly. There is no padding/margins. Even worse, if I Add a group, and then click the "X" to delete the group (without refreshing the page), the data posts, and returns (i get a response in my console confirming the removal), but the entry that I just added does not disappear (as it should) unless I refresh the page. When I add a group, and then view my page source and inspect the element, all of the appropriate HTML is there, but it just doesn't seem to be rendering right.
I am trying to add some HTML into a <p> element by using an AJAX request that gets a txt file with my HTML in it. That code works fine but the problem I get is that I need to enter in the path to the file dynamically. I guess I could use PHP on the server for this but I am not sure how (im not too good with PHP yet, but it is installed on my server). C# would work too as I have .NET configured as well (but again I dont know it very well).[code]I would like to replace the "linkHere" with the file path attribute I am grabbing from an XML file.I am doing that like this:$(this).attr('filePath').substr(3).replace("\","/")+$ 9this).attr('label');this works fine to make the path correctly but I need a way to inject this into the HTML/txt file to replace the "linkHere".I have an <img>with an onclick event that calls a function I made to do all this.
I'm using the .html() function to update information in a div whenever a button is clicked, like this:
$("#myPic").click(function() { $("#myDiv").html("//new content for div goes here
However, for some of these new sections, the html is QUITE lengthy. can i store it on a separate file in the same directory and somehow import it?? Is there a better way?
I'm trying to get rid of HTML syntax in a string - that is, anything between < > brackets, including the < > brackets, I want to remove. So I tried this, but I'm probably not doing it right..