JQuery: Validate Certain Fields With A Function In A Multipart Form

Apr 19, 2010

I have a simplified version below of a multipart form. There are two steps and two tabs. I want the user to enter their username and email address and click 'Next' which will validate to make sure those fields are filled in, then activate and advance to tab #2 (Step #2) of the form, where they enter their credit card information.

I am having difficulty because username, email and credit card are all in the same form and I need to only validate certain fields on each step of the form. I was thinking I could make a function when the 'Next' button was hit that would validate the first two fields?

Here is what I have so far. I have a 'Next' button which activates and advances the tab to Step #2, but I need to work some form of validation into it before it advances. At the bottom of the page I have a 'Submit' button which is just so you can see that the validation is working if the form is submitted. I just want the 'Next' button to activate a function to only validate the fields on Step #1 (username/email).

Give it a look:[url]

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JQuery :: Multipart Form Validation Does Not Focus(scroll) - Bassistance Multipart?

Oct 28, 2010

I am using Bassistance Multipart demo . The thing that doesnt seem to work is when an error is shown the form does not scroll to, or focus on the form element if you are below the error.

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JavaScript Script To Parse Text Fields From Multipart/form-data

Jul 23, 2005

Does anyone know where I can find an ASP server side script written in
JavaScript to parse text fields from a form method='POST' using
enctype='multipart/form-data'? I'd also like it to parse the filename.

<form name='form1' method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'
<input type='text' name='title1' value='value1'>
<input type='file' name='file1'>

I found a great ASP VBScript for uploading files, but the rest of my
Web site is coded in ASP using JavaScript and I can't figure out a way
to immediately pass the text fields already parsed from server side
VBScript to server side JavaScript.

My ASP code looks like this:

<script language="JavaScript" runat="server">
//I would like to add JavaScript to parse the text field and
filename of file1 here.
<!--The 3rd party document below parses all fields from the message
content and uploads any file fields it encounters.--->
<!--#include file="aspinclude/upload.asp"-->
<script language="JavaScript" runat="server">
//Add record here (title1, filename from file1).

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JQuery :: Validate Required Fields Before Form Submit?

Oct 9, 2009

I am trying to use jquery: validation plugin by Jörn Zaefferer. Which works really well I have to say. The one limitation I am trying to work around is how I can run validation for required fields before I submit a form. At the moment I have to submit the form before I see the error messages for required fields I would like to see them prior as the user tabs through the form.

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JQuery :: (validate) Variable Form And Validation Active Fields?

Jul 14, 2009

I hope this is the right place for my question. I have a working form and all iss great using this jQuery Form Validation PlugIn from brassistance. Now I got in trouble by having a Form which will get extended by user inputs. To explan in detail: I have a Form with static fields and so on. But then if the User selects in the form the amount of Persons, I append Name and Surename Text Fileds to the static form and give the form fileds dynamically generated names. now have the problem to validate the dynamically generated text fields in that form!


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JQuery :: Multipart Form Gives An Exception?

Oct 5, 2010

I'm a newbie jquery user so I may be doing something wrong, but I'm doing it well. My use case tells that I need to send files to server and the server will throw an Excption when the file type is unkwown. We are only accepting text files such as word, so a movie will get the mentioned exception.

It works on firefox, but on IE8 (and maybe others) I get a blank page since the line below gets a "Access Denied". It seems that the iframe that jquery builds gets inconsistent.


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JQuery :: Validate: Check Certain Form Fields Depending On Button Pressed?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a form with a series of fields. Only certain fields need to be validated when certain buttons are pressed. The reason for this is mainly because I had to build my own wizard style setup with jquery so, even though it's one big form, only certain bits need to be checked as they progress. I tried to tweak the accordion example given by the creators but it can't really apply to my scenario.

I've simplified the code down a bit and it is behaving exactly the same way as the big form...which is to say it's not behaving at all.

In this code, I want it to only validate field txt1 if button 1 is pressed and text2 if field 2 is pressed. One odd thing to note, when I set it up exactly as the site recommended with one big mass validation and such, it would only acknowledge the existence of the first field even though they both had class="required" on them.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head >


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Can't Get Form To Validate Fields?

Mar 2, 2009

<script type='text/javascript'>
function formValidator(){
// Make quick references to our fields
var name = document.getElementById('name');
var addr = document.getElementById('addr');


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Validate Form Fields Before Sending To Php

Feb 10, 2010

I have a form on my website that takes registrations for my classes. The form currently is sent to a php that checks for empty fields. If all is good, they are passed to a thank you page. If any empty, they go to a page that reminds them to fill in all required fields, where I've provided a history-back button. Problem is that 1) the captcha image isn't refreshed, and 2) with 14 fields, they have to find the missed field!

This is where I thought that This Script would work great. It adds a "sentence image" in red when a required field is missed. This would keep the person on the same page, and highlight the missed fields!

My Problem; I've tried to adapt the script to my already existing form, but when I click the submit button, I quickly see my tables "expand" from the inserted image (haven't sized the image to fit yet, so it enlarges the table), but then immediately proceeds to the php script!

Below is the code between the head tags but only for field-1 for now!


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Validate Many Input Fields Inside A Form?

May 6, 2011

So I am trying to validate many input fields inside a form before I send it off to mysql.

The page link is: [URL]

I am 99% sure it a JavaScript issue and I am a beginner with JS. My JS code is as follows:

function validate(form)
//Pull values from form
var email = form.user_email.value;
var confEmail = form.conf_email.value;


I'm trying to change the color of the labels according to what input field is wrong. It seems to loop through and keep my labels black. It shows the email red for a millisecond though.

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JQuery :: (validate) Temporary Deactivate Validate Listener Of Fields?

Sep 16, 2009

im loading data via json dynamical from the server. Now i try to optimate the speed of my application and so i want to disable the validate of the fields during the data loading from the server.Is there a simple solution to this? like validate = false

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Ajax + Prototype.js + Multipart/form-data

Sep 30, 2005

Is it possible to send an AJAX XMLHttpRequest using prototype.js API
for a multipart/form-data ?

I already done parsing form parameters and sending GET/POST request,
but does this work with <input type="file"> ?
Who handle file submit and encoding ?

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JQuery :: Validate File Size Function Before Submitting Form?

Aug 20, 2010

I am usingjquery.validate plugin. from hereI am not so smart in jquery.My query is,File size should be validate before submitting, for example maximum file size 500 kb the validation error should be the same according to the form. Here is the url of demo, i already mentioned the jotform upload url with code inside the demo.[URL]

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Validate The First Two Textboxes, After That Unable To Validate The Remaining Fields?

Nov 11, 2009

how to validate the following form.

HTML Code:
<form method="post" action="addfeedetails.php" name="addfee" id="addfee" onSubmit="return Competetiorsfee();">
<table align="center" style="font-size:11px" class="tblborder">[code]...

I am able to validate the first two textboxes, after that I am not able to validate the remaining fields.

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JQuery :: Create A Function In An External File For Validating The Fields Of A Form?

Jan 3, 2012

I would like to know how to create a function in an external file for validating the fields of a form. If someone could please provide the code, it'll be real helpful. The form is as follows:

<form name="contactus" action="" method="get" id="form">
Name: <input type="text" name="name" id="name" class="autoName"></br>
Email: <input type="text" name="email" id="email" class="autoEmail"></br>
Phone:<input type="integer" name="phone" id="phone"></br>
Date:   <input type="text" name="date" id="date"></br>
<input type="submit" value="submit" id="submitclick"></form>

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Radio Button Validation - Form That Has 4 "required Fields" That Validate Using JS

Jan 7, 2011

I have a form that has 4 "required fields" that validate using JS. I am now trying to add a 5th "required field" (the difference is that this field is a "radio button input as opposed to a text input).

I have it working so that when the 1st radio button is selected, the form will go through. However, when the 2nd radio button is selected, it comes up with the "please fill in all required fields" error.

Here is the JS I have so far:

HTML Code:

I tried adding the 2nd radio button value like this:

HTML Code:

(document.indiv_reg.skill[0].checked =="") || (document.indiv_reg.skill[1].checked =="") But when I do that, then even when the 1st radio button is selected it comes up with the "please fill out all required fields error".

PHP Code:

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JQuery :: Form Validation - Two Input Fields In A Form - Only One Of Two Fields Is Required

Oct 10, 2009

There are two input fields in a form, but only one of them is required, they are not required at the same time. Either A or B is required. ( A is required OR B is required). In other words, a user can input data to field A, or he can input data to filed B, but he can not input data to Both A and B at the same time. How to implement this constraint in Jquery form validation?

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Cannot Validate Form Function ?

Dec 9, 2009

I have a form that submits a POST request when data is submitted. A Servlet then processes this POST request and a JavaBean is used to make some calculations. The HTML response is not generated within the Servlet but instead I forward the request to a JSP to generate the response. - This all works fine.

However, I am suck trying to validate the form on the client side with a JavaScript function before the form is submitted.

Here is my index.jps:

Regardless of whether incorrect input is given, the data is still POSTed to the server and calculated on or a Server Side error is given.

Am I correct in calling the function onClick?

The validation essentially needs to be so that:

- Student field contains a string

- Score1, Score2, Score3 and Score 4 contain a number between 0 and 100

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JQuery :: Function To Duplicate Form Elements With A Little Html-code Surrounding Input Fields

Jan 28, 2011

I made this function to duplicate form elements with a little html-code surrounding the input fields. First i clone the html of the first child found (always gets rendered by php). Then, everytime the add-button is pushed, i append a cloned piece of that stored html. It's working fine except for the delete button.

It's seems that whenever a cloned html is removed, the other cloned elements aren't recognized anymore by the delete buttons (although the delete buttons are in them)

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JQuery :: Validate Collection Of Fields?

Jan 31, 2011

How can I validate a collection of fields, instead of validating the whole form? I'm using asp.net which uses one form element, which I even don't use. I have a tab panel with on each tab a couple of fields. I only want to validate the fields on a tab.

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Jquery :: Validate Input Array Form With .validate.min.js?

Nov 9, 2011

How can i validate x inputs with name array like init_date[] with this plugin [URL]

rules: {


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JQuery :: Validate Of 2 Dependant Input Fields?

Nov 9, 2011

I am using jquery.validate.js. I am having 2 input fields. The condition is the second input value should not be less than first input value. The second condition is the first input value should not be greater than 2nd value. I tried with different options but it didnt work. Is there any jquery function for this validation? Or pl

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JQuery :: Validate Only Visible Fields With Classes?

Oct 17, 2011

I'm validating a form using jQuery validation. or that I only add an specific class to the fields ("required","email",etc..). Ex: <input id="form_linom" class="required" type="text" value="" name="form_linom" size="50"> Since is a big and dynamic form (selections in some fields hide or show other fields) I have problems when submitting the form since validator doesn't permit send the data to the server because is validating also the hidden fields. The way I add the class to each field is making an array in PHP of all the required fields and then if the field is in that array the class is added. The only other thing that I put was this in the header:


I posted code in [URL].. look that the email field is hidden but prevent the form to be sent. I need a general rule that collect all the required fields that are hidden, not only the e-mail field as in the example (In my real form I have 54 fields).

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JQuery :: Validate Optional Fields Only When Data Is Entered?

Oct 13, 2010

I'm using jQuery validation on a form and I can't get it to only validate optional fields if the user enters something (should recognize the difference between this and the default value of the field, for text input fields). I know this is built in (I think) but I must be doing something wrong.

For example, phone number is optional but I want it to validate if the user enters something. Code for the phone in the JS file is:

jQuery.validator.addMethod("phone", function(phone_number, element) {
phone_number = phone_number.replace(/s+/g, "");
return this.optional(element) || phone_number.length > 9 &&


When I just put "phone" as the class it validates the field even if it is not edited by the user at all. For the required fields I put "required" as the class to validate them but I just read in another post that this is not necessary with the plugin...? I guess I am not sure whether the field should be define as optional by a class or in the JS file, and if it's the latter, how to do that.

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JQuery :: Validate Plugin: How To Ignore Default Value Fields

Jan 24, 2011

Trying to use the [URL] I would like to beable to ignore default values, but am sort of stuck. I already looked through all 42 results after searching for how to validate while ignoring default value. I have tried:


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JQuery :: Validate Plugin Is Validating Wrong Fields?

Jul 9, 2011

im using Jquery.validate, and I have a particular issue, jquery plugin is validating fields which didn't have rules. this is my code. Im attaching my code.Display name, First and Last name works fine. The wrong behavior is when I change DDL values and Do click elsewhere in the page, the minlenght validation activates for the dropdown lists.

Size : 2.11 KB
Download : 276

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