Help With Form Auto Update
Jan 4, 2006
For instance, Box A has a blank entry and I enter in 5. Box B I enter in 6
so in Box C it should automatically give me 11 (if the code I put in is to
add box A and B). Then in Box D I put in 3 (say to subtract from A and B
combined) so then Box C adjusts to give me 8.
Don't worry about the math as that's all taken care of it, I just need to be
able to know how to update on the fly like this.
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Aug 7, 2010
I am more of a front end guy with experience in xhtml/css and want to get my hands dirty with some back-end programming (Javascript/jQuery/AJAX/PHP) and was wondering about a specific task involving (mainly) what I would believe is AJAX.
I was wondering if there is a way to have a page with a starting price of $299 (lets say a basic vacuum) then below that are 20 or so customizable add-ons to choose from through simple checkboxes. That (to me) should be easy enough, but I would love to have the grand total at the bottom of the page be updated in real time as the user checks or unchecks certain add-ons (kind like how does it).
What is a good starting point for this, and would it be possible to send out the order as an email with the total price sent to the business owner.
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Aug 7, 2010
I am more of a front end guy with experience in xhtml/css and want to get my hands dirty with some back-end programming (Javascript/jQuery/AJAX/PHP) and was wondering about a specific task involving (mainly) what I would believe is AJAX. I was wondering if there is a way to have a page with a starting price of $299 (lets say a basic vacuum) then below that are 20 or so customizable add-ons to choose from through simple checkboxes. That (to me) should be easy enough, but I would love to have the grand total at the bottom of the page be updated in real time as the user checks or unchecks certain add-ons (kind like how [URL] does it).
What is a good starting point for this, and would it be possible to send out the order as an email with the total price sent to the business owner. Like I said, I can sorta get my way around this stuff
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Feb 24, 2011
sample code, whereby if I change a field value in a web form (from a drop-down list for example), the value shown in another field is automatically updated to show the needed value for that selected option?
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Sep 23, 2005
I have 2 input box on my form...i would like input box #2 to be
updated automatically onces data entry in input box #1 is completed.
I would be greatful if some could guide me through this. I'm a php guy
with little javascript knowledge.
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May 4, 2011
This is my first venture in this forum and also my first attempt at some programming for a fair few years and I have run into a problem i cannot for the life of me see the answer to. I am fairly sure I am just missing something stupidly obvious, but like I said its been a few years since I did any programming so I'm a bit behind with my knowledge!
What I am trying to do is using a combination of HTML & Javascript (well actually JQuery), is to automatically update a cell in a table without the user doing anything. The changes to the content are based on changes to a database by other users. I have written the following code which auto updates text in the DIV, the question is how do I ammend this text to automatically switch between pictures?
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Sep 26, 2010
i am trying to update user list from database using javascript/AJAX ...but no luck ..working on this more then 5 days and cant do it
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Oct 4, 2011
we are developing an web application. In this user has an option to comment or mark a video. After user commented or marked it has to shown automatically on the page with out refreshing the page.
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May 13, 2010
I have a been developing an Online auction website using PHP and Mysql for the last few weeks. I have implemented everything including the 'bidding', 'buy it now' options of the auction etc.
I don't know much about AJAX to be honest, but I think it is the technology I need for this... My requirement is to devise a way of updating (in real-time) the current price of a particular auction product as more and more users bid on the item. Once a user bids on the item, the bid table of the database is updated with the highest bidders price. So once this value changes in the database, would it be possible to update the price on the webpage? Obviously, it is important for this update to be as accurate as possible to maintain the integrity of the auction.
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Apr 3, 2009
I am a webmaster trying to implement an auto-content update system without using PHP, which is challenging for me because I use PHP, JAVA, C(and extentions), HTML usually. My current project requires me to not use PHP so I am using javascript and xml.
I have the code written out but I am running into an error with Safari 4.
Here's my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var req;
function loadXMLDoc(url) {
var xmlDoc=null;
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Jul 6, 2010
Is there a plugin that will do this? Or does anyone have an idea about how to implement something like this? The idea is for a sign company to have customers customize the text for their signs. They want to allow users to input text and have it update the sign image live with the text and resize it if the text string get's too long.
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Dec 22, 2011
What i am trying to do is allow a user to get a quote on how much an item would be if they wanted to sell it. all the data is being generated dynamically on the item and passed to this JavaScript correctly. The issue is when a user changes his mind and switches his options a few times the price goes out of wack and some times will actually be more then the original price. For example. If the item was in mint condition it would be 100 dollars. If it is " good condition" then it would loose lets say 20 percent, so it would be worth 80 dollars. Now each item has 3 sections of questions, what is the condition of the item, any "modifiers" like water damage or functional issues, and then third section is if its missing any parts or cables. All of this is being asked on 1 page, and when a user changes any of the options it should update the price on that page with out the user needing to press update. So condition goes, 100%, 70%, 40%, 20%. Modifiers are 50 percent of current price of item, so if it was "perfect (yes I know an item cant be perfect and have water damage but this is just an example) thus being 100 dollars, and has water damage, that would make it now worth 50 dollars, and has functional issues, now worth 25 dollars. If it was missing cables, it would loose lets say 5 dollars so now its worth 20 dollars. Thats an example on how i calculate the value of the items. So once again, the actual amount is being passed correctly to this script, but when you make to many changes its not happy.
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Aug 31, 2010
I have a pageA containing a form the user my fill in partially. All data is stored into cookies. He follows a link to pageB that contains some of pageA.form inputs. If he adds or change form data cookies are instantly updated. What I need is if the user goes back (back browser button) to pageA, the form here is updated from updated cookies. Only Firefox 3 does the job without extra code. Ive tried all sort of things I found on the web with Opera 10, Chrome and Safari 3.
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Jan 31, 2007
I'm making a survey where every question has a numeric value assigned to it, and as the user clicks on a checkmark button to approve (or uncheck to disapprove) the values add or subtract to give a total at the bottom of the page.
Basically, it's a spreadsheet but with fixed values for each row instead of being able to type them in.
I can do this easily with php, but only if the user clicks the submit button. I was hoping to find a way to do this real-time.
I'm not looking for someone to do this for me, but can someone point me in the right direction of a tutorial or something that is similar so I can build this into my program?
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May 16, 2007
I have a page with 2 forms on, namely form1 and form2!!
In form1 there is a listbox with a drop down of IDs. Now if the user selects a different ID in that list, form2 hidden variable (qualstatus) needs to be updated with the new ID which was selected in form1. I have tried the following.
function changequal() {
document.form2.qualstatus.value = document.form1.qualstatus.value
with a
<select name="qualstatus" id="qualstatus" onChange="changequal()">
however this does not seem to update the value of
<input name="qualstatus" type="hidden" id="qualstatus" value="<%=(rsAction.Fields.Item("qualStatusID").Value)%>">
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Jan 12, 2006
Is there a way to change a javascript's output on a website without directly manipulating the source code? Just by entering some info in a form, then hitting submit. Then it automatically changes the content of a website.
What I want to happen is to change some text (specifically a news ticker) on my javascript, located in between the head tags, just by inputting new information on a form which automatically replaces the old one.
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Dec 6, 2011
I am using Form in a PHP Code - which post the results to another external - application, and i would like to save some recordes in DB (when someone use the submit button) before moving on to the external-app. how could i do this in a javascript or is it possible?
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Apr 7, 2009
I'm using Javascript to create some dynamic content on my website. Basically it's looping through some values and updating an input field with the values.
What I'm wondering is, do I have to do this using a form and an input field? Is there a way I can get Javascript to update the content inside a DIV for example?
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Jan 7, 2007
I'm doing an ajax call to a remote php file... it returns a value fine,
and even enters a value into a text field on my form. The problem is,
right after the function call to the ajax function, I do an alert of
what the field value is, and it doesn't recognize the field value has
been changed. Two caveats:
1 - It will recognize the last call's change
(if I run it a 2nd time, it'll see the 1st call changes)
onBlur="ajaxCall(document.form1);alert(document.form1.ajax Field.value);">
2 - It'll recognize the current call's change if I set a 2 second
onBlur="ajaxCall(document.form1);setTimeout('checkFields(d ocument.form1)',2000);">
It seems, although I can see the text field getting updated,
programmatically speaking, it isn't reflecting it until everything is
done... including any alerts and such.
It's weird seeing the empty alert popup, when I can see the value in
the text field underneath it.
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May 7, 2009
I am moving all of my scripts from mootools/scriptlicious to jquery.I was easly able to submit a form and update a div (based on the output of the php file) as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
function send(){
var params = Form.serialize($('commentsForm'));
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Jul 27, 2009
I need to make a change to a web page that has lots of JQuery things in it, it appears. Not knowing anything about the actual use of JQuery, however, while I will start looking at the doc, can someone
help me with what to look for in a 4000+ line file to find out where the value is being set for the hidden field. I have been unable to identify this. There appears to be no onChange or onSubmit JavaScript call. I have been given this file with the need to figure this out right away, with a very tight timeline to make many changes, so this one item can't take the time required to start learning the whole of JQuery before I can make a change.
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Feb 8, 2011
I've done a fair bit of development in php, html and css, but none whatsoever in javascript so far.
I've found myself looking to jQuery as a potential solution to an interesting problem that I'd like to solve: I have a basic CMS that clients can use to manage the rental of items (caravan pitches to backhoes). The site administrator gets to enter the details of their products, prices and so forth, and then visitors to their site can see the availability of their products on a dynamically generated calendar - and book them online.
Part of the CMS allows the creation of 'seasons' - periods of the year in which a product's rental price changes - for special offers, etc. Different seasons are shown on the calendar using different css markup that the admin can change in the 'create/edit season' form.
Clearly, I can't expect Joe Siteadmin to type correct CSS and, ideally, I'd like to avoid limiting him to a swatch of pre-generated choices. So, having been seduced by the sexiness of the jQuery UI calendar plugin, I was thinking that it ought to be fairly easy to provide a jQuery color picker of some sort on the 'create/edit season' form, maybe with some radio buttons to dynamically link the picker to change background, text and border color - and update the relevant css rules for the colors chosen, on the fly, in the relevant input field on the form.
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Feb 1, 2011
I was making mysearchfieldI though jQuer may help update one dropdown box when a value in one box is updated.
So, my search goes like this, Search for Pet [PetDropDown], Search for Breed [BreedDropDown], Search Location [Text feild] and Search Price [Text Feild].
So in this system i want the [DropDown] box to automatically update it self, with no reloading, thats where jQuery comes in (im guessing) with a list of Breed that link with the Pets DropDown. So if the user picks Dog, then the Breed Dropdown will show Breeds that areassociatedwith Dogs, such as Collie, Jack Russell or Staffordshire Bull Terrier. If a Pet isn't selected then nothing will show.
The information come from the data and a phpstatementfor the Breed DropDown would be as such: $sql = "SELECT id, title, value, type, cat FROM site_cats WHERE type = '[PetDropDown]' "; of course it wont be [PetDownDown] but as a $value such as $petType or $pet.
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Dec 7, 2009
I have a form that works out some basic math questions e.g. area etc. I run a function when a form field is updated to do the calculations, however I'd like to run a different calculation depending on which form element was updated. Is there a way to say something like:
if (area1 was updated) {
work out this calculation
if(area2 was updated) {
work out this calculation
and so on?
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Nov 29, 2011
In my jsp,Struts project i am using the javascript calendar control for selecting the date and by using function calcage() i am calculating the age of the user but problem occurs when the page refreshes OR when user updated the other values such as name ,contact no. Then the value of the age is set as 0 in the textfield as 0
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Sep 22, 2009
I am trying to update the value of a hidden tax input based on the selection of a specific state from a dropdown, and am not having success.
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