Getting Script From Remote Server?

Jan 27, 2011

I am hosting my website in free server ( and i am using joomla1.5 . I want to parse RSS from my other websites. Joomla does it with its modules. But the server do not allow outbound HTTP request, hence i had use rss-to-javascript website to parse RSS feeds. It parses well but there is its advertisement below the feed (which i think is nonsense).


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Remote Post To Another Server Using Javascript

Nov 23, 2005

I want to populate my client's webpage (Remote Server) automatically
through my Server and Database by having him just paste a javascript
on his webpage.

I have read up about Microsoft Remote Scripting but the documentation
states the following : "The server which you make remote scripting
calls must be the same server from which you requested the client page
containing the requests."

In my case , the client and server pages are on two seperate servers
which means that I cannot use MS Remote Scripting.Is there an alternate
approach in any scripting language ???

Any suggestions, tutorials , websites , code snippets will be
appreciated while i continue to research on this...

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Posting Data To A Remote Server?

Sep 28, 2009

Here is what I am trying to do. On my web page, I have three choices for the user to pick from. After the user selects one of the checkboxes and clicks a submit button, I need to send a http request to a remote server to record the user's choices (actually it is an https that I am sending),.. so I need to send something like this.


The remote server responds with an xml response that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

So, I want to post the request, read the response (answer) back from the other server and display it on my page. So, my dilemma is as follows:

1) my understanding is that I cannot do this with AJAX using an XMLHttp object because it is on a remote server and it would violate some sort of same-domain security. Is that correct? If in fact I can do it in AJAX, how do I read the response back from the other server?

2) if I am correct in my assumption in 1) then what is the best way to accomplish this task?

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Make Sure Remote Server Is Up And Running?

Jul 11, 2011

I'm building a very simple app that relies on a remote server. I will use this app on many websites, so I decided to store it on one server (I have control of the remote server in question).

I need to make sure that this server is up and running, so in the case it's not I can use a fallback.

Would it be a client-side approach? A server-side approach? My guess is to use a js snippet to do the job. If I'm correct, I'll probably use jquery to perfom the task.

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Call Remote Server(script) Just Like CURL In PHP?

Aug 12, 2009

Is there any method/functionality in Javascript by which one can call remote server(script) , just like CURL in PHP?

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Upload Currently Displayed Html As A File To A Remote Web Server

Oct 16, 2010

I am developing extension which should upload currently displayed html as a file to a remote web server, unfortunatelly so far i haven't suceeded. I think this should be done through XMLHttpRequest(), but neither I know how to upload files through XMLHttpRequest nor how to convert string to file.

The HTML form that uploads a file:

But as I said i need my plugin to do it automatically and file must be made from html code.

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Response Is Null When Calling $.getJSON On A Remote Server?

Jun 24, 2010

I have a drop down menu with a change event that makes a JQuery JSON AJAX request, which I've simplified for this post:

Code JavaScript:
$('#id_template').change( function() {
var data = {
action: 'change_template'


When I do change the drop menu's value, the request seems to be successfully sent with a successful reply received (inspected it in Firebug), as the content in the "status == success" is accessed. However, the problem is the response is null.

I don't have this problem when I'm testing on my local WAMP setup, and so have no idea why everything appears to be working fine here except the retrieval of the response array.

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JQuery :: Get Ajax Error Messages From Server Till It Is Implemented In Remote Method

Jun 14, 2009

I wanted to ask how it is possible to get error messages from the server till it is implemented in the remote method.What do you think is the less work intensive alternative.I also wanted to ask if i have two fields A and B, and the values of B depends on A. How do i make it with the plugin and the remote method ?I saw that there is a way of writing custom methods:URL...But how do i combine it with the ajax calls?

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Get Ip Address Of The Remote User Or Remote Web Browser?

May 4, 2009

I am new to javascript, I have one question, how can I use javascript to get the IP address of the remote user or remote web browser?

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XMLHttpRequest: Script Works To Request XML File On Server But Not On External Server

Oct 2, 2010

I have the following JavaScript (see below). The script requests an XML file from the server and displays it on the page.

The script works fine when the requested XML file is stored on the same server as the script.

The problem is when I try requesting an XML file from an external server such as the National Weather Service. I get an error. If I take the XML file from the National Weather Service and save it to my server it works. Why can't I use my script to request XML files stored on external servers?

Javascript Code

window.onload = initAll;
var xhr = false;
function initAll() {
document.getElementById("makeTextRequest").onclick = getNewFile;


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AJAX :: Cross-domain Calls - Loaded From One Server Into A Website On Another Server

Mar 11, 2010

I'm trying to write a script that will be loaded from one server into a website on another server. This script is trying to talk (ajax) to the server that it comes from but I'm getting "Access Denied" errors. I'm well aware that cross-domain calls are not allowed for security reasons so my question is how does Google Analytics work because essentially thats what I'm trying to accomplish. I can embed a Google Analytics script into my website and it'll gather data and send it back to Google.

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AJAX :: Getting Server Date/time With No Server Side Script

Apr 19, 2010

I'd been looking for some way to get server date/time without using any server side script (such as ASP, PHP, etc).

I found this and it worked just excellent for me! I just want to share it because it wasn't easy to find.

I created a js document with code:


Now, I can use this js within a html like this:

HTML Code:

You may change your machine date/time and check both dates.

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Resolve Relative Server Links When HTML Source Is Not On Server

Feb 10, 2010

I would like to open an html file locally (not fetch it from a server) and somehow use javascript to fetch the relative resources from the server. One solution would be to convert all of the relative links to absolute links. I can convert the html source file anyway I wish, but ideally I would like to modify the html source as little as possible, for example insert a function that modifies the result of the src attribute. How would I go about this? Is there any trick I can use to define where the relative home is? Am I going to get into any scripting security gotchas?

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Saving A File On The Server W/ Js, Ie No Server Code

Dec 31, 2006

I am creating an XML document on my page with javascript. My question
is, is it possible to save that xml file on the server (I have write
permissions) only using javascript, ie no server code? This task would
be trivial using server code, but I was wondering if I can do it all
with client code and post backs? Well, any input?

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Server To Server Connection (with Clients)?

Dec 7, 2010

I already have a server connected to clients, clients send msgs and it echoes back to all of them and now i want when a client sends a msg it echoes on his server and the other server too .. so when any of the clients on any of the servers sends a msg it is broadcasted all over the servers to all clients


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Events - Add Server Control To Custom Webcontrol That Fires Function And A Server Side Function?

Jun 24, 2010

In ASP.Net, I am trying to create a WebControl. In this control, I have RenderControl method overridden with my html controls.

protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter output)


How can I make the button call the click event so that the server side method btnExecute_Click() can be called? Also, this button calls a javascript function before server side even.

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Remote Scripting & XML

Feb 13, 2007

I am remote scripting using javascript to an XML gateway, the XML file I get back changes state i.e. either the car registration number exists (and it includes certain fields in the XML) or it doesn't exist (and it doesn't include certain fields).

When my code tries to display the result I am getting the 'object required' error because I am trying to access an xml element which doesn't exist.

For example this line would break if the plate didnt exist but work perfectly if it did:

var fuel = response.getElementsByTagName('Fuel')[0];

Is there anyway to stop it throwing an error if it doesn't exist and just set a regDoesntExist flag or something?

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Can't Grab Remote Content

Sep 20, 2006

I have a PHP script that displays my online status and shows a window
if I am online, or doesn't show anything if I am offline.

I'd like to include the content of this remote PHP file inside a web
page using JS. I have created an xmlHttpRequest script to do that but
it doesn't work as expected... It should work just like the status.php
file, but instead, the content doesn't show up in IE, and in Opera, it
it stuck in the upper-left corner...

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Debugging Remote JavaScript

Dec 4, 2006

A newly added, not-quite-wanted function of my job is remotely
debugging JavaScript errors on other people's web applications. I have
tried finding a JavaScript debugger that would allow me to do that, but
other the Microsoft Script Debugger, I couldn't find any other.

Are there such programs? Basically, what I'd like to be able to do is
trace commands step by step and view the values of certain variables.

I was unable to figure out how to get Microsoft Script Debugger to
work. I read the documentation and executed it, but I keep getting
"Syntax error" messages whenever I want to see the value of a variable.
Add to that the fact that I am not a developer and I do not know
JavaScript (other than to read it, which is enough for me to figure out
what the problem is) and you see my problem.

I have read about the option of adding message boxes all over the
place, but this would not work out for me either, since I would need to
make changes to this code on the web server, where I don't have access,
and it would be a lot more tedious.

For those skeptical as to why I still expect to be able to debug

The problems are caused in most cases by the proxy we add on their web
servers, and they are due to values being changed on the fly. I only
need to find out where the code breaks and read the values of the
variables, which gives me the solution ("do not change this variable").

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Can I Use Js To Fetch Title Of Remote Url?

Jul 20, 2005

I know javascript has no local or server based access to the disk however I
was wondering if one can read a remote page and take its html <TITLE>

My guess is no but thought I'd check/ask anyway...

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JQuery :: To Fade A Div - From Remote Ul

Jul 13, 2010

What I'm trying to create:

Normal slideshow like this one ([url])

A div with several urls should animate another div.

Like so: mouseover url: fade to correct image. click url goto url.

No hover: continue slideshow.


So hover on "item 1" should show "div with heading1".

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JQuery :: How To Use ASP For Remote Validation

Jun 13, 2011

I am trying to use asp for remote validation instead of php. But it did not work. This is whatI tried.
$(document).ready(function() { var validator = $("#Member_Form").validate({
rules: { Member_Name: {
required: true,
minlength: 2,
remote: "users.asp"
}, },
messages: { Member_Name: {
required: "Enter a username",
minlength: jQuery.format("Enter at least {0} characters"),
remote: jQuery.format("{0} is already in use")
}, }});
Also how is the member name passed to the asp page. I tried reading it as query string. But it did not work.

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Get Number From A Remote Webpage?

Dec 1, 2009

I'm trying to make a windows sidebar gadget and I need to just display a number that my PHP script generates. code...

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Remote URL Preview In Same Target?

Nov 12, 2007

I have a webpage with link of useful websites. Rather than loading the websites in a new window, I would an "inline frame/window" to be opened just ow the link I clicked on so that I can preview/interact with the webpage.

Does anyone know how this can be done ?

Here's a reference link I found. [URL] (do a search then click on teh magnifying glass icon)

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Remote Does Gzip Still Work?

Feb 5, 2009

I am writing a javascript based tool that other people can call on their webpages. I was wondering if I have gzip enabled on my server and they call my javascript file will it still have the benefits of gzip or will the fact it's being called remotely cause a problem.

The reason I ask is because the file is 54kb normally and 18kb when gzip is enabled on the server.

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JQuery :: Getting Data From Remote URL?

Mar 23, 2009

Basically i want to grab some data from the royal mail(UK) site, to use within a CMS, so the sales team can easily find the tracking info about a customers order.

Royal mail have recently allowed get requests which populates the track and trace form field and auto submits the page via a 302 redirect e.g.

With X being the tracking number. Try: [URL]

(the links above should have www and http etc on but sitepoint won't allow to post them like this because of the spam filters)

So what i would like to do, if it is possible, is to use jquery to grab that page and possible grab a certain paragraph (in this case the first p of the class "track-right-box") so that the sales team don't have to go to the site every time they want to trace the order.

Now a figured i could use $.load or $.get in jquery to do this but firebug is throwing up the error: Access to restricted URI denied" code: "1012

Which i'm guessing is something to do with the security setting on firefox.

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