Getting Href Info Dynamically?
Dec 4, 2009
how can I get the href info dynamically
I have 2 different webistes, just want to show those website urls dynamically
<a href="" target="_blank">YAHOO</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Google</a>
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Dec 31, 2010
I trying to retive info from a object but am having some problems, I'm not that familliar with Javascript but got background in other languages.
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Sep 4, 2010
Below is the code.
My function:
function swap_content(id1,id2)
var tmp = document.getElementById(id1).name;
var theval = document.getElementsByName('primary_propertyp_id')[0].value;
document.getElementById(id1).name =
This is running through a PHP loop so it's making multiple divs and links for the secondaries. I am wanting to be able to swap out any of them to make them 'primary' this works for the first click, but after the first click it makes every div id and input name the same as the first that was clicked. It's also not working AT all if i click on the bottom link first, then a link above it. Top-down works, bottom-up doesn't..
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Dec 2, 2011
I want to print out several bits of info to the page dynamically according to a timer. I have PHP / MySQL printing this data out in hidden divs when the page loads (thinking this might be the best way to do this)... This is working fine. Heres a peice of source of the page:
<div id="0004"><a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Canon was originally named after a Japanese idol/false god. One of the originating camera makers in Japan. Canon revolutionlized the photo industry by releasing superior products at reasonable market prices. Their lens are the benchmark for the professional industry and many consider Canon to be the best photo system that can be bought with money.You see all those white lens's on the side lines at sporting events?">Canon</a></div> Ok the plan is using a counter I want to display all div ids less than say '0075';
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Nov 9, 2009
I'm using three elements and jQuery to create a scrollable information element with a sliding animation (similar to this. I'm running into issues when resetting those three elements to prepare for the next prev/next animation, however. The issue is in my logic - jQuery's selectors will reverse themselves using the code I have.
Javascript Code:
Original - javascript Code
As you can see, the last step will always reverse the first step These elements do need to be reset in one way or another so that the information can be loaded appropriately (from an XML file). and then animated again.
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Jul 23, 2011
I'm working on my personal website, and I got everything up and going mostly. I have a menu going down the left of the web page (Home, About Me, Recent Programs, etc). On the right, I have the main content area with a div named 'content'. It's a pain in the butt when I modify my menu because I have to go to each page and C/P.
I just learned about AJAX, and was wondering how to dynamically refresh my 'content' div with specific information. Currently while in Dreamweaver, it dynamically displays correctly. When I preview in Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer, nothing happens
I've spent about a day trying to figure it out on my own, and nothing has changed. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've tried different variations and different approaches as mentioned by websites. Bottom line I guess is:
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Apr 20, 2010
I have an issue in dynamically assigning Onclick/<a href> action to the data within <td> cell.
Am pulling out data from a XML file, and displaying it as a table data on HTML page within a for loop. But within a loop, when am trying to do <a href> for the data by providing a dynamically changing URL value, the data is not getting displayed.
I donot know how to do it!! code...
In the code, name is the data element that am pulling from XML file.
On clicking each name, an URL should appear which has name as part of it.
For example, if the name is Kiran, then the URL will be 'Kiran.html'.
Is it possible to do it this way? Please suggest if there is any other way?Kiran.html
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Oct 1, 2009
I have a website with several pages. Each page having the same menu.I need one of this menu item's text to vary according to each of my customers, where the customer id will be passed from an external link at launch time.I also need to change the menu item link <a href.../a> dynamically.I'm planning to create a redir.html pacge for each client and within that page, I can insert a url with parameters to launch the main page.
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Jul 12, 2010
I'm using the following code (simplified version) to call a Json file, parse it and on each iteration, create a div with an ID of "tab". I'm using this with jQuery UI .tab() to create a listing with entries which have three tabs. Anyhow, the principle seems to work except that when I examine what's happening behind the scenes using Firefox console, I see that each href in the html code produced is causing the Json function to re-fire using the href as it's url target.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
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Nov 8, 2006
how do I get rid of info bar? I mean yellow bar at top that appears
whenever I load a pg that contains JavaScript code.. I have to "click
here" on bar, then when I do that I have to click "ok" in an alert, this
every time I load a pg with JavaScript code in it, it's a huge pain...
I'm a developer, am testing stuff all day long...
how do you get rid of this bar? this is on IE 7, but before that was on
IE6 and it was doing the same thing (am on XP, at home am on 2000/IE6,
IE doesn't do that at home..)
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Oct 1, 2010
I am using the Collapsible Checkbox Tree jquery Plugin.For that I have inserted this linein the javascrypt code:
When I make a list in the HTML code using the <ul id="example"> works perfectly.
But when I tried to make the list dynamically calling a JSON file, does not works fine.
If I insert theready(fn) mentioned above inside the javascrypt function that create dynamically the element<ul >as is shown next:
Improves a little bit, but still does not work fine. Specifically does not show the plus and minus sign, then I can not open or collapse it.
I tried also with thecheckboxtree pluginand I encountered the same problem.
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Nov 25, 2005
At this point I have been able to add the row. But what I want to do and am having trouble with is alternating the row colour to the dynamically added row element.
Sample of code I am using:
var tbody = document.getElementById('tableItems');
var row = document.createElement("tr");
var remainder = tbody.rows.length % 2;
if(remainder) {
row.setAttribute("class", "rowLightGreen");
var td1 = document.createElement("td");
One thing that puzzles me, is that even after adding a row the table my table.rows.length still = 0.
Does anyone know how I can determine the appropriate amount of rows so that I can apply the appropriate class?
Or is there just something blatantly wrong in my approach?
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Feb 22, 2010
I'm making a fansite for a game called RuneScape and I'm a bit stuck on this part.
What I need for my website is, a page that will have the prices (min, middle, and max) of things from this [URL] or other items, which will be chosen later on.
Here are two example sites that I am wanting to ... do the same thing as them.
First Example [URL] Second Example [URL]
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Jun 14, 2010
I'm experimenting with Javascript and I am making a simple site that features a grid of images and when you mouseover (I'll probably change this to mousedown) a pop-up box appears to the right with some info.This works fine when not bound within a table, but as soon as the content is in a table it refuses to move to where the link is. At the bottom of the code is an example of it outside of a table which works fine. I just would really like it to work in a table because of the more rigid structure I get from that, the content is always evenly distributed across the page, no big empty spaces. I also am deliberately trying to make the grid work for all different resolutions which is why every width/height is a %, and am hoping it can work this way too.
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Aug 7, 2006
I've been Googling & can't find a consistent cross-browser (IE & Firefox) answer to this...
I need to pass some data from inside an iframe, to the parent page
I've got the parent page PAGE1.HTM which contains:
<div ID="mydata"></div>
<iframe src="page2.htm"></iframe>
And, inside PAGE2.HTM I will set mydata to a hard string. But in page2.htm do I do
var parent.document.mydata.innerHTML = "my data here'
var window.parent.document.all.mydata.innerHTML = "my data here"
or something else...??? to be cross-browser compatible (IE and Firefox mainly).
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Jul 20, 2005
I've got an online system which I'm interested in making available
offline - i.e. letting the user download certain HTML forms, fill them
out offline, then the next time he logs into the site, sending all the
data he filled out to the system. However, I can't seem to come up
with a good way to do this. I thought of using cookies (that'd be
great, since the system could detect them automatically), but it seems
I can't set cookies for my server offline; it has to be from a page on
the server itself. And from what I can tell, JavaScript doesn't have
the capability to write files on a local system either. Does anyone
have any ideas about how to go about this using JavaScript?
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Jul 20, 2005
How do i pass info into another website which is not mine into a popup
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Feb 22, 2011
I'm using an web service to retrieve information from it. I got an working plugin from here and when i push a simple button I get the information in a string.
But, now i need certain things to be shown but can't find the way how. So when i got an success function(data) i want to retrieve the info from (data). When i try some ajax coding like:
var strInfo = $(this).find("Code").Text(); When i alert the content in a string, i get absolutely nothing!
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Dec 14, 2009
I currently have a asp.NET page which has a textbox with the ID: "txtbox1". I would like javascript to store the data entered into txtbox1 into a var. I have tried using:
var jVarName;
jVarName = '<%#aVarName%>';
but so far it hasnt worked.
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Mar 1, 2011
Im trying to create a video gallery, with thumbnails below a main content div, which when clicked display the relevant video in the said div. This isn't a problem and I have managed to do this... However, I also need to display descriptive text (different for every video) in a seperate div, and the first video also needs to autoplay when the page is loaded (rather than waiting until the user requests a video by clicking a thumbnail)I've made an example of where Im at so far and its viewable here...
The div 'a few lines of info about vid here' is currently just static but this is what i need to change each time a different video is requested by the user I will be using .movs but I've embedded youtube for now although I don't think that makes any difference. Im presuming it will be a case of having text that is hidden until the thumbnail is clicked...?
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Nov 1, 2011
what regular expression do i have to use to get the 2 last elements of a user agent? eg in firefox how can i get :
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1
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Sep 15, 2010
Is any body here know/have information about creating a web crawler in Java Script?
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Oct 24, 2009
Here is what I have. I am needing to get elements from my xml file and change them to an array.
The quotes from the xml need to go into
var arrQuote=new Array()
and the authors need to go into
var arrAuth=new Array();
var linkArray = [];
function init(){
var xmlDoc = "";
window.ActiveXObject ? xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
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Apr 24, 2004
I'm starting to focus my attention on using javascript more (initially in conjunction with css) and would like to know which version of JavaScript introduced functions such as getElementByID() and such. Recommendations for good books/sites would also be appreciated. I also would like to hear where I can find good tutorials and examples of using JS to interact with CSS. One thing I am playing on playing with is using CSS/JS with forms to help users fill in required info. Hoping to make it even more obvious the famous little red asterisks by each form field.
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Mar 25, 2006
how to set cookie with some info about that --> is this user voted in pool or not... maybe someone can write a simple script for that if it's not too hard.. it would be very nice.
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Feb 18, 2010
I am trying to read something like the following in a textarea
There are other types of records but I am only interested in the ones which start with "|Note|". The field after "Pos:" will be compared to members of:
var offsets = [ "n-6", "#-6", "n-5", "#-5", "n-4", "n-3", ... ]
If there are other fields after Pos:, there will be a "|" or "!" instead of the end of the line.
I was able to run the split(" ") command against the textarea to break it into separate lines, but I couldn't search those lines.
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