Getting Nan Error With Simple Math
Mar 5, 2010why I am getting Nan
<script type="text/javascript">
var num1;
var num2;
var num3;
why I am getting Nan
<script type="text/javascript">
var num1;
var num2;
var num3;
I'm trying to write a function that does a simple math function between some textfields.
There are 4 variables : Unit price, Discount, Quantity and Total
Unit price is a fixed variable.
Discount, Quantity and Total depend on the fixed variable and also on the values of eachother. (ie : if qty=2 then total=2xUnit Price) etc...
I want to be able to show the changing values in real time.
So if I have 3 textfields and I change qty, I want it to update Total based on the discount and the qty. If I update discount, I want to update Total based on qty and discount.
I'm guessing I would have to write three functions and call each one from their respective textfields.
How to write a function, and call it so that passes the unit price to the funtion, gets the values of all of the textfields and then changes them all to their new values?
Sorry this will be an ignorant question I know, but I'm just trying to implement some quick JS in my form to check if the fields were filled in:
function check_form() {
if (survey.form_firstname.value == "") {
firstname_error = "-Please enter your first name
if (survey.form_lastname.value == "") {
lastname_error = "-Please enter your last name
if (survey.form_phone.value == "") {
phone_error = "-Please enter your phone number
if (survey.form_email.value == "") {
email_error = "-Please enter your email
if (!survey.form_agree.checked) {
agree_error = "-You must be over 18 and provide accurate information
errors = firstname_error + lastname_error + phone_error + email_error + agree_error;
if(!errors) {
return true;
} else {
alert("There were errors:
" + errors);
delete firstname_error;
delete lastname_error;
delete phone_error;
delete email_error;
delete agree_error;
delete errors;
return false;
It only seems to work if no values are filled in, if one of the fields is filled in the error checking fails. Again, I'm extremely new to JS, i've only ever copy/pasted and this is the first time i've tried writing a piece.
the program that i want to create will first let the user input how many execution he want to perform and will determine the highest and lowest number that he inputted.
for example.
prompt: how many execution you want to perform?
i type: 5
prompt:input number:10
prompt:input number:8
prompt:input number:5
but it only allows for the up to inputs[6] and the code is very long. i think i can use looping in it. but i dont know to use looping in math.min and math.max.
I'm getting a runtime error on the code in red. These functions are called by an onBlur by the way.
<script type="text/javascript">
function generate3()
I'm trying to create a "Books I'm Reading" widget using the Readernaut API. I'm using JSON with a callback. This is a portion of what the JSON URL returns:
Code JavaScript:
"version": "1.0", [code]...
I am new to Javascript. I copied this script from the web, but I get an error at this line:parent.removeChild(child);The error says "Invalid argument".
<div id="parent" align=center>
<form name=mainfrm method=post>
<script language="JavaScript">
I know I have a simple syntax error. Trying to call a function which changes the style of a div element on mouseover. Heres my code.
function countermarker1(){
var box1 = document.getElementById('countermarker1box').style.display
box1 = "block" }
Variable is used cause I will have to use it more often later in the script.
<div id="countermarker1">
<img src="countermarker.jpg" width="20" height="14"
onmouseover = "countermarker1()"; /></div>
CSS (know its not really relevant just to avoid questions about whether its right)
#countermarker1box {
height: auto;
width: 80px;
display: none;
JS and css is externally srced.
I have written the following javascript code which makes a simple calculation and writes between the <span> tags using Inner HTML
My code is:
<script type="text/javascript">
function hesapla() {
kredimiktari = document.hesapla.miktar.value
kredivadesi = document.hesapla.vade.value;
faiz = document.hesapla.faiz.value;
ayliktaksit1 = (kredimiktari * faiz) / kredivadesi;
geriodeme1 = kredimiktari * faiz;
document.getElementById('ayliktaksit').innerHTML = "<strong>Taksit / Ay :</strong>" + ayliktaksit1;
document.getElementById('geriodeme').innerHTML = "<strong>Taksit / Ay :</strong>" + geriodeme1;}
<form name="hesapla">
<input type="text" name="miktar" value="Kredi Miktarı" onfocus = "if (this.value == 'Kredi Miktarı') this.value = '';" onblur = "if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Kredi Miktarı';" />
<input type="text" name="vade" value="Kredi Vadesi" onfocus = "if (this.value == 'Kredi Vadesi') this.value = '';" onblur = "if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Kredi Vadesi';" />
<input type="text" name="faiz" value="Faiz Oranı" onfocus = "if (this.value == 'Faiz Oranı') this.value = '';" onblur = "if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Faiz Oranı';" />
<div id="gosterim"><span id="ayliktaksit"></span><span id="geriodeme"></span></div>
<input type='button' value='Hesapla' onClick='hesapla()'><br><br>
<img src="images/dot2.png" width="180" height="2" alt="dot"/>
I am really confused as similar code on Tizag web site works fine.
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeText(){
document.getElementById('boldStuff').innerHTML = 'Fred Flinstone';
<p>Welcome to the site <b id='boldStuff'>dude</b> </p>
<input type='button' onclick='changeText()' value='Change Text'/>
I have a VERY simple script to reload a page with fresh values when the value of a scroll menu changes. Trouble is, of course, NN 4.- freaks and closes the browser when this runs. No error warning, no error log?
The line..
<select name="Country" size="1" onChange="repopmenu(this,17)">
The script..
<script language="JavaScript">
function repopmenu(which,key)
n = which.value;
var url = ("eventedit.asp?country=" + n + "&key=" + key)
location.href = url;
I'm getting this error when trying to simple traversing.
results.push.apply( results, checkSet ); jquery-1.4.2.js (line 2743)
I read that it might have something to do with arrays?
I was trying to create JavaScript error handling for a form, and I was trying to get an error message to show up underneath the field where there was an error. (I am trying to avoid alert boxes.) I only have two fields, and my problem is that only one field is showing an error message. If I place an error in the input for the second field, the error shows up under the first field. How can I get the error messages to show up under the correct form field?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
.qty {
width: 25px;
text-align: right;
}.blank {
display: none;
} .....
Anyone any idea why the Math.abs() isn't working in this code? I
thought it was supposed to convert negative numbers to whole numbers?
var se = [-27, -27, -27];
var time = 100
if(se[0] < 0){
Math.abs(se[0]); //<-- this isn't converting it to a whole number
se[0] += 1;
se[0] = (se[0]/(time / 4));
The result I get is -1.04 when it should be 1.12
I remember there is a programming language where you can initialize the
random number generator, so that it can - if you want - give you the exactly
same sequence of random numbers every time you initialize it with the same
parameter. Can this be done with JavaScript? I couldn't find anything in the
documentation. Basically, what I want to achieve is to obtain always the
same sequence of random numbers for the same given initialization value (but
of course different sequences for different init values).
Can this be done in JavaScript?
Javascript has a very small math function list. However there is no
reason that this list can not be extended greatly. Speed is not an
issue, unless you nest complicated calculations several levels deep. In
that case you need much more ram than a PC has to store functions
calculated in loops so that you do not have to recalculate every time
you cycle through the nest of loops. Using a HD for storage to extend
ram is much too slow for many applications.
Some functions such as hyperbolic ones are easy to add, since they are
just simple combinations of the built in javascript math functions. I
have found a few examples on the web such as Bessel functions. I found
far fewer javascript math functions than I expected on Google searches.
Thus I have had to write several functions of my own.
See for an example of two
"functions from hell" that are very difficult to evaluate. Fortunately
there are Fortran programs that can be used as a starting point. I was
able to modify the Fortran programs to work on javascript. I have used
these functions for technical applications in the past.
The page is set up to reject the NN 4 series, because it will not
support some of the script needed such as .toExponential(n) and
to.Fixed(n)for writing output in exponential or fixed format. I was
amazed that even the old MSNTV(former WebTV) set-top box, that no
longer is being made, will even support these output formats. I wonder
about IE4. If it will not support these output formats, I can easly
block it by checking for document.getElementById.
The code works properly on the latest versions of IE6, MSN9, Firefox,
Mozilla, Netscape, and Opera. I am not selling anything, so for a
special interest page such as this, I see no need to support older
The advantage of doing math with javascript is that it is so portable.
You can do it anywhere you can use a computer, or you can do it on your
own local computer offline. There are several math programs for PCs
that will do very much more than you can hope to do with javascript.
Unfortunately the program I would like costs about US$ 1800. Also there
are versions you can install on a server, but these also are expensive.
<script type="text/javascript">
function countItDown(){
var current=parseFloat(document.getElementById("currentsecondscount").value);
var seconds=current;
document.getElementById("debug").innerHTML="S "+current;
var minutes=Math.floor(seconds/60);
im not sure why Firefox is doing this. it seems to work fine on Firefox 3.6.3 for Mac.
I have this simple manual photo slide show. It shows four photos and when you click the next button and it moves one photo over and one photo back for the previous button. I have to moving by changing the CSS property of 'left' by 195 pixels each move. So for it to move next it will subtract 195 pixels from the left property and for moving back it add 195 pixels to the left property. I have the code setup so when you click it changes the property of left to either -195 or 195 pixels but I need it so it actually does the math, not just give it a set value. But I don't know how to do that.code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a website that allows users to enter complex mathematical formulas into a text field and evaluates them.
I am currently using eval() because it not only can handle all the standard mathematical functions, but also gives them access to the Math object. That way the users can use functions such as Math.max() and everything else.
I realize, though, that using eval is evil, I assume because a malicious user might throw in some more damaging javascript that would be run without checking it. (That's why eval is evil, right?)
Is there a way that I can allow my users to construct complex mathematical formulas and use the Math object (or an equivalent) without potentially opening my site up to harm?
Just started to learn java & came up with the following, but can't get the math.round to work. Anyone able to tell me where I'm going wrong please ? code...
View 9 Replies View RelatedIf I have the following
and I now a how do I then find n with javascript?.
I have 3 divs. I want distribution them random (when refresh the windows, three divs' position will be changed)
I think Math random() can solve this problem, but how to do that? code...
i have a column which have some numbers into...
and any td of this columns have class="something"...
so i want to sum the tds of that column which have the same class name when i click on the first cell..
| | -> i click here
| 3 | -> class="ha"
| 4 | -> class="haha"
| 2 | -> class="ha"
| 8 | -> class="haha"
so here i want the sum in this column where the class name is "ha"...
so the sum is 3+2 = 5...
all that have to happens when i click on the first cell!
any suggestion??
function finalSize(){
var size = document.getElementById('size').value;
var margin = document.getElementById('margins').value;
var mirrors = document.getElemntById('mirrorsRadio').value;
var size_array = size.split('x');
var h = size_array[0];
var w = size_array[1];
var finalH = ''
var finalW = ''
if(margin > 1){
finalH = h * margin;
finalW = w * margin;
document.getElementById('finalSize').value = finalH+'x'+finalW;
newH = h * margin;
newF = w * margin;
finalH = newH + h;
finalW = newW + w;
document.getElementById('finalSize').value = finalH+'x'+finalW;
I see it's ok, but it gives me this error:
Object doesn't support this property or method.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. All I know is PHP, but from what little I learned on Javascript, my brain is telling me I'm right, but my experience is telling me I'm wrong. XD
I have following codes
<title>this is first math exercise within Java Script</title>
<script lanuage="Javascript">
function total(){
Var amount1 = text1.value
Var amount2 = text2.value
Var total=eval(amount1) + eval(amount2)
alter("Correct Answer")
} </script>
<table width="20%" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" >
<tr><td width="10%" align="center">Amount1</td>
<td width="10%"><input type="number" name="text1" value="" min="1001" max="8000"></td>
</tr><tr><td width="10%" align="center">Amount2</td>
<td width="10%"><input type="number" name="text2" value="" min="1001" max="8000"></td>
</tr><tr><td width="10%" align="center">Total</td>
<td width="10%"><input type="number" name="text3" value="" min="1001" max="8000""></td>
</tr><tr><td width="10%"></td>
<td width="10%"><INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Submit" VALUE="Compute" onclick="total()">
<input type=reset Value="Clear" size="30"></td></tr>
I want to get summed value in text3 but function does not execute.
Initiate function function count(form){Initiate vars
var answer=0;
var lower_limit;
var upper_limit;
var func;
should it not be parseInt? Maybe thats why.
As you can see by what im doing here, I'm trying to make it so that a person can enter a math expression in a form text box and based on what the user entered, javascript will compute the summation of the function.
What I'm truly asking here is, how do I make Javascript correctly compute the sum, based on what the unser inputed? Because when I enter for example, 1/x, a lower limit, and a upper limit, it just returns an answer of NaN. I'm one step away from building a Javascript function to compute the sum of any user inputed function. It's just the text parsing thats got me knocked down.
Either I made an uh-oh, or there is a serious problem with Javscripts math functions. Math.sin(x) returns the sine of x in radians. Last time I checked, the sine of pi radians is 0, but in javascript:
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