ive got this function here which i nid to get a specific variable out from it so dat i could pass it to another function. ive tried many ways bt still cant do it, including using global var and function call.
var textFile = 'preferedChannel.txt' ;
var testChannel = 'This is a test channel' ;
(function(f) {
$.get(f, function(resp)
resp = $.trim(resp);
// Variables to get current day and time in 24hrs format
I am trying to declare a variable inside a function and use it later on in my code... but it just already returns white space... i.e. not variable value. I am setting it within this function:
function show_video1(){ document.getElementById('video1').style.display="block"; var video1Name = "Education World News (Part 1)"; document.getElementById('video2').style.display="none"; document.getElementById('video3').style.display="none"; document.getElementById('video4').style.display="none"; [Code]...
and trying to call it later on with this: <script type="text/javascript">document.write(video1Name)</script> It might be worth noting that each one of my 11 videos will hace a different name.
But I was wondering is it possible to make it so that if you visited an anchor link: For example, let's say you visit:
Then a code would run to let's just say... change the color scheme of the website. (And theoretically they same would happen with #v2/#v3, ect)
But the code would NOT run if the requested URL is just
The reason I was wondering is I want the user to be able to "bookmark" a certain script per-say, so that when they revisit the site they don't have to reclick things to get back to where they were before.
I want a specific function to be available to multiple objects.In the script, if it says 'document.Form.Input.value' with 'Form' being the form name and 'Input' being a form element, how can I change this so that I can have two different forms with elements and the function will be able to work for both?
I was wondering if it was possible to call a specific PHP function using AJAX instead of calling a whole page. An example:
function MakeRequest() { var xmlHttp = getXMLHTTP(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4
I already have a PHP function (in a class) that retrieves the provinces/states from the database based on the country. I was wondering if it was possible to call this function instead of having to make a new file (in this case FindProvinces.php) that calls the function.
Just getting my feet wet with AJAX and trying to figure out how I can make a javascript call to a specific PHP function in another file when I have a drop down menu change value using DOM. I've found lots of examples of how it could be done with GET variables, but none for this particular method of data retrieval. Has anyone ever ran into this, and if so, how did you solve this interesting deliema?
I have an image map with various areas on it. A user can click on the various areas and something happens. That said, I sometimes need to disable the ability to click on some areas. For instance areas whose id attribute contains 0 0. I have the code to split the id and grab whether the values are 0 or 1 and the alert pops up when one has 0 0 in the id but it's still clickable. I thought .unbind would do the trick, but it isn't. The alert is simply for testing.
$('area').each(function(){ // Use the each() method to gain access to each elements id var idToDisable = $(this).attr("id");//get id of area var splitID = idToDisable.split("_"); if (splitID[3] == 0 && splitID[5] == 0){ alert(splitID[3]+splitID[5]); $(this).unbind('click'); }else{ }});
What is happening is $(this) is no longer based on .expand being the (this) that is clicked.
like if i have a button SOMEWHERE randomly on the page with this
<div onclick="Minimize('_alerts');">Click Here</div> this will minimize alerts but because the (this) in minimize function doesn't actually point to the right button that I want to add a class to.
Is there a way to modify the minimize function so that it finds the <div id="mytoggle"><ul> <li class="expand boxminimize" rel="_alerts"> using the rel toggle, and then changes the class of the li from expand boxminimize to boxexpanded??
just like the .expand click function I posted on the top of the post that works?
So I've got this checkbox thing going on, where an array converted with the value of each checkbox in it.It looks like this:
What I want out of this function is the variable newworkdays to use in another function.
How do I access the "newworkdays" outside the function? I've already try to declare the variable outside of the function, though that resulted in that I didn't get the value of the variable inside the function.
for (var i = 0; i < BS_crm['activityTypes'].length; i++) { var clickFunc = function(){ activityList.showForm( -1, {blockType:[""+BS_crm['activityTypes'][i]['id'], "0"]} ); }; var type = {
Now, basically what I am doing here is running through one array to create an array of objects, that will be used to create links that will use whatever onClick function I pass it. The problem is that on the second line I need the BS_crm['activityTypes'][i]['id'] to be a value, not a reference. If that line was simply changed to:
var clickFunc = function(){ activityList.showForm( -1, {blockType:["3", "0"]} ); };
How do I acess the whitelist variable from outside the sendrequest() function?
Iv tried saving it to a window.var variable with no luck. Iv tried creating a div and assigning it's innerHTML as the whitelist variable and getting it later with no luck. The fact that it's a chrome extension complicates things because i dont actually know if i can create elements from where the script is located.
Another thing that has been driving me crazy is that css positioning is handled differently by different browsers. JS is not my area, but I can do a lot with CSS, and I do, but cross browser compatibility is killing me.
I can use an IF IE statement and only IE runs that segment of code, but I haven't been able to figure out out how to make ONLY firefox or ONLY opera or safari enact an encapsulated segment of code. The same type of IF statement doesn't work for them.
Is there a single method using JS that works for all browsers?
function result(){ var result = document.getElementById('resss').innerHTML; }
But what I actually want is to import data from a table of an external website. E.g. I want to get the innerHTML of a specific cell in column 3 and row 2 of a specific site.
I am creating a simple "fill form" function for a specific page. The function will fill the form and click submit. after this a second form appears which needs to get filled and also send a click to submit button.
Unfortunately when i append the script dynamically to a page, when the page gets refreshed,after the first submit click, the script stops executing and therefore the second form does not get filled at all.
I searched and found out that if I append the script to an independent frame it will continue executing.
Note that the original pages do not have any frames. so I must somehow create a frame on top, append the script and run it.
I am currently working on a code that has a function within it called findHighestValueIndex which will find the highest value in an array. The problem I am having is writing this function so i can call it in the program to work on 2 different arrays. I already have it working on the array assesmentScoresArray, but I also need it to work on the weightedScoresArray. Is it actually possible to do this or do i need to write another function that is almost the same but with the arguments etc for the other array? I will paste the code below so you can see where I am up to. I am a novice in programming so im probably going about this all the wrong way
Im trying to set the value of a variable with a function, the variable i want changed is defined in another variable.
Then later i have this:
The "Selected" var is the var i want to change, and the value of it will change every time one is changed (it's for a calculator) When i try it though, it changes the value of the "selected" var it'self and not the var that i want changed. how i can i got it to change the value of the value of selected and not the selected var it'self?
Heres what i got, ignore all the unknowns they come from textboxes etc.
My problem is in this function I change the value of a variable. I want to store that variable change so i can use it in another function. Heres what i got.
function setupGame(){ var guessesLeft = guessNo.value = 10; var wordSplice = new Array(); wordVal = word.value wordVal = wordVal.toLowerCase(); alert(wordVal); for(var i=0; i<wordVal.length; i++){ wordSplice[i] = wordVal.substring(i, i+1); wordSoFar.value += "*" }}
Thats the first function, the variable or 'Array' values of wordSplice I saved I want to use in this function :
function runCoreEngine(){ for(i in wordSplice){ } }
How I would modify the following function to get it to check if a url variable is present and if so to add it into the string variable for the url.
If my url is index.php?make=Apolo then I need to get this added into the var queryString part of the function so that the ajax returns the correct values.