I want to write a javascript that converts the (each) first character occuring after space in a string to lower case e.g abc def ghi jkl to abc Def Ghi Jkl
I have tried document.getElementByID and then checking for spaqce by putting the element in the Array but it does not work.
problem with accessKey attribute value p (lowercase) and P(uppercase) for different html buttons.. the browser unable to differentiate between upper and lowercase key ...
i have a simple form with two buttons, and i want to trigger these buttons with keyboard keys in combination with Alt key. for example Alt + P (uppercase) should trigger button 1 and Alt + p (lowercase) should trigger button 2
Browser: IE 8.0
here is the code... ----------------------- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html>
here the behavior is strange, when i press Alt+P in keyboard, button1 is triggered and when i press Alt+Shift+P in keyboard, button2 is triggered ..
I need to check that the user as put in at least one character between a-z upper or lowercase in a name field. They can put in whatever they like but there as to be a character a-z in the string. How shall the test expression look like?
The javascript below is looking for the word 'margaret thatcher' in the body and surrounding it with a link. It's lower-case but the script is ignoring the case so that won't matter. But, the problem is that because Margaret Thatcher is a proper noun, it will be capitalized in the body text yet replaced with lower-case text. How can I modify this script to look for the word while ignoring the case but use the same text it found as the replacement instead of using the text object?
I am very new to jquery live function & i stuck in to the problem. I am using live function to get the ajax response & appending to the div here is my code,
function add_master(module_url, response_target_id, custom_id) { $('a.addclass').live('click', function() {alert('add'); $(response_target_id).fadeIn('fast');
First off let me say I did do a search of google and these forums before posting this. I have sort of what I want without having exactly what I want and before I proceed further hacking up already working code I figured I'd start a conversation as to whether my goal is at all possible.Currently using (thank you w3schools as I am by no means a javascript expert):document.writeln(new Date()) I get the following: Wed Jul 13 2011 09:24:09 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)which would be great for most people, but I'm kind of picky so I want the clock to keep ticking and to show the current time.To do this I use this code(again thank you w3schools):
I am a beginner in programming however I am close to completing this task for my uni course and I know what method is needed "toLowerCase()" yet I am not sure on where it needs to be placed. :confused: If i paste in the question and then the coding I have done so far to discover if string s appears in any of the URLs in the array pages. Gives an alert of s together with 'found' or 'not found' as for find1C. [Note that the search should be case insensitive so that 'lboro' and 'Lboro' and 'LBORO' would all be found in [URL]... all remaining functions should also be case insensitive in this way]
I got a problem while renendering a menu and combobox on a page. The problem is stated below.
As per my requirement I have to display a menu on top of the page and a combo box just below it. While dragging the mouse over the menu, the submenu items should appear over the combobox. I go for ZINDEX, assign a lower ZINDEX to the combo box than that of the menu, but still the combobox appears over the menu items.
I have looked around and not been able to find a definitive answer to this. Prototype does not work in IE 7 or lower. All other browsers work just fine. Even something as simple as toggle(); will not work in older versions of IE. I don't get any errors or anything like that. It doesn't really seem like a compatibility issue as much as it does that those browsers could be parsing the code differently?
I'm working on implementing a menu and need to have information when the menu size is larger than the width of the window. The problem is that pas a certain point, jQuery("body").width() keeps registering 497, despite being much smaller than that. Has anyone had this issue
Can I change firefox/IE's min/max/X button lay out to lower right corner? I have a web app (let us say i have 2 pages input.php and output.php) when user enters data into input.php and click search output.php renders from server. But the user from anywhere on web should be able to close output.php by using lower right X button. (by default FF/IE has top right X button, may top left in case of MAC), in otherwords I need to change the output.php page NOT on a user machine but on server, so that each user get same lay out when access the page.
I'm looking for a cross-browser (IE, Netscape, Mozilla/FireFox, Opera, Safari) javascript that will keep an image (or <div>) in the lower right corner of the browser window whenever part of the web page has been scrolled vertically. I did find a script on the internet that was supposed to fit my needs, but I found it didn't work as advertised. (I included that script below.)
Requirements: - I'm using "Frames" and the frame I want the image/div to appear in is the main content frame that sits against the right and bottom edges of the browser window. So the lower right corner of the browser window is the same as the lower right corner of my frame. - (optional) If the frame content is small enough such that there are no scrollbars or if the page has not been scrolled vertically, then I don't want the image (or <div>) to appear. - the placement of the image/div needs to take into account the width of the scrollbar(s). - my focus is to display a button in this lower right corner that, when clicked, will scroll the page to the top.
I found the following script on another site that claims it would do most of this, cross browser, but I was only able to make it work with IE (and I'm using IE 6.0). When I tried it with Netscape 7.1, Firefox 1.0 (Mozilla 5.0) and Opera 7.54, the button didn't float as the page scrolled. I checked browser settings and javascript is turned on for all the browsers.
Can someone point me to a javascript that will do what I'm looking for, or help me understand why the following script isn't working cross browser? I've worked with javascript and the DOM somewhat, but am not a Master of the subject matter, especially when it comes to cross browser issues.
Thanks, and here are the instructions and script that I mentioned above (that I had founed from another site):
Place the watermark on your page where you want it to appear on non-DHTML browsers (say, the bottom). Then nest it inside a <DIV> tag with the attributes id="waterMark" and style="position:absolute". Code:
In my web page I'm having flash content. Now i'm detecting client's flash player version by using javascript. I saw one more method to detect flash player version by using express download method.
How would one go about creating a �Lower The Lights� feature for pages displaying video? This is a feature which is already on sites like Hulu and made a short run on YouTube.
I am having a problem with JQuery powered animations in the lower part, they are sort of blacked out, see the site and you will understand [URL] How can I fix it? Works fine on Chrome and Firefox
Let me start by saying javascript is a weak point for me. I have a form with hierarchical data (in this case users, who have galleries, which have albums, which have images) now the form will be out put from a database query and look something like this:
so that the first case matches any string starting with "foo", the second any string ending in "bar", etc. In Tcl, you can:
switch -glob $x { "foo*" { } "*bar" { } }
and accomplish the same thing. I'm struggling to do that in JavaScript. switch seems to follow C semantics and do a full-length match. And String.match() doesn't seem to do glob-style matching so I can't do:
if ($x.match("foo*")) { ...
Is there a way to match on patterns in a JavaScript control structure?
I'm working on developing an RSS/RDF/Atom Parser in JavaScript. I've already successfully implemented complete support for RSS 0.9x and 2.0. So far, so good. However, I've run into two minor problems. One is mentioned here, and one is in another post.
The issue that I'm coming across is the case-sensitivity of getElementsByTagName() when parsing standard RSS (XML) tags.
Danny Goodman's JavaScript Bible says that the tag name string that gets passed as the parameter in getElementsByTagName() is case-insensitive. However, this is speaking in terms of HTML and the HTML DOM. I'm working with XML, and getElementsByTagName is handling the XML tags as being case-sensitive.
Can someone suggest a way around this? Can a regular expression be used as the parameter? If so, what would the syntax be (as I'm not very familiar with regex)? For example, I want a <textinput> tag to be handled the same as <textInput> (which is the correct syntax).