Function Result Not Displayed?
Oct 4, 2010explain me why the return function is not returning the result as intended?
Student : Doe,John
explain me why the return function is not returning the result as intended?
Student : Doe,John
I'm looking for a way to call a function whenever JavaScript builds and displays a DIV on the page.
Let's say the script appends this to the body of the HTML document [code]...
I have this function that checks formfields with an onChange. But it seems
to get my comparisons wrong. I've listed the function below, and give some
sample values here, the committed value is changed from 1000 to 1500 and
then gets a popup that it is greater than the Budget? Code:
Trying to create a date validation form; since most don't do what I need. So far it's doing ok; I'll admit I found a lot of the code on the web, but I wanted to add it where it would automaticly change the string entered (Example if a user did 3/5/2010, it would make it 03/05/2010). Well getting the month was easy, however I'm having trouble fixing the date. Here is the problem section. ValDate is called from the validation function.
Here I though i was being clever too but apparently I missed something.
I have several divs called 'profile', 'codesamples', 'artportfolio' and 'resume' which are hidden. I also have a visible div called 'bodytext' which is visible. When you click one of the links on my page, the function ClickButton is supposed to run, and send the information contained in one of the hidden divs into my visible 'bodytext' div. Instead, I get 'undefined' when I click one of the buttons.
I'm trying to create an ActiveXObject from the passed in parameter. I'm getting the following error 'Can Not assign to a function result.' How do I get around this?
<script lanaguage="javascript">
var PageXml = '<Doc><Node1/><Node2/></Doc>'
function LoadXmlData(Source)
var XmlSrc = eval(Source);
eval('Source') = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");//ERROR: Can Not assign to a function result.
Source.async = false;
<button id="2" onclick="LoadXmlData('PageXml');">test</button>
I am reciving the (ajax) response res and diplaying in <div id=homepage> , i want to know is there any way to call a js function after i have recived/displayed the reponse inside <div id=homepage> .
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to usethisplugin (I've also tried the derivative bsmSelect) and can't seem to get it working.I have jQuery, the plugin .js, and my page .js all included, but on my page .js I get the error
"TypeError: Result of expression '$kuj("select[multiple]").bsmSelect' [undefined] is not a function."
This is while doing var $kuj = noConflict(); earlier, and here is my page .js.
$kuj(document).ready(function() {
sortable: true,
I've tested via js console that the $kuj("select[multiple]") statement is indeed returning an object.
i have two forms result and i need a function to sum and display the two forms result into one
function sum() {
I create a form dynamically with Java Script depending on certain actions a user choose. The end result is a form asking the user to confirm sending one or more SMS message via a message gateway outside of my system. Confirmation will then trigger a funtion with one or more statements like this:
document.frmSMS.action ="[URL] user=User&password=Password&sender=Sender&SMSText=Friendly Reminder from Joe Bloggs Pty Ltd: You have an outstanding amount of R 4,534.00 that is 135 days ovedue. Please settle to as soon possible.&IsFlash=0&GSM=27826555959";
The target site then responds with either an error code (i.e. -10) or a reference number. The question is - How do I retrieve the error code?
I'm trying to check a database of lotto numbers against 3 different values and have gotten it that to work. What I need is to give a feedback message if no match is found once the submit button is clicked.
function winCheck() {
var grandPrize = $('#grandPrize').val();
var otherPrize = $('#otherPrize').val();
var addPrize = $('#addPrize').val();
i am using the jquery multi day-plugin ([URL] and have a problem with inArray. here is my code
var arr = ['10.11.2010','11.11.2010'];
if ($.inArray(
[day.getDate(), (day.getMonth() + 1), day.getFullYear()].join('.'),
I am getting a Safari only error: TypeError: Result of expression near '...}.bind(this))...' [undefined] is not a function.These are lines 88-92:
$(, item) {
tmpItem = new GridItem(item);
tmpItem.getBody().appendTo($("#" + this.gridId));
I have a submit button:
<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="return SubmitData();" />
//Do some form validation on client side
I am trying to do following task:
var success = $("#myFrm").validate();
if (success == true) {
// post form through ajax
My webpage can work normally in IE but not in Safari(e.g. when I clicked on some buttons like 'Delete' button, the page opened in Safari stays the same while it should delete the object chosen).
When I tried debugging on Safari, after clicking the 'update' button, this message error appeared: "TypeError: Result of expression 'this.form.fireEvent' [undefined] is not a function".
I believe this code makes the incompatability between the 2 browser:
How should I amend the script for it to work on 2 browser concurrently?
jquery SVG plugin into my website(Keith Wood) but I can't seem to get any of the plots to be visible. The exact code that I have below; also I should note that I get the error "TypeError: Result of expression '('#svgplot').svg' [undefined] is not a function."
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<title>jQuery SVG Basics</title>
I try to create a calendar. It's done, it's works fin in Firefox, but it's not displayed in Internet Explorer.
createElement("div"); append.document.body
createElement("table"); append. the div above
createElement("tr"); append to table
createElement("td"); append to tr
I try to debug this problem and I figure out that if I give a dimension
to div (height and width) it will apear on the page. Any ideas?
I tried displaying few images as MENU using Javascript. These images are showed normally in Firefox and chrome except Internet Explorer.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi am using document.getElementById('div_remark').innerHtml=m_remarkthe data of the variable is dispalyed in the divbut prblm is its not working or getting displayed in Firefox
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a page with some drag and drop using jQuery at: on IE the images are not displayed, contrary to Firefox which displays them fine.
View 3 Replies View Related<a href=''>display</a>
<table id='onOut style='display: none'>
When the page is loaded, the table 'onOut' will be not shown. I like to make it shown when mouse is on the link 'display and not shown when the mouse is out of the link 'display.'
I problem in the page which involves php and javascript. Since the javascript part doesn't seem to be working so I am posting it here. I have two php files. First one has the drop down list which when selected invokes the second php files. Based on the values passed to the second file. A query is formulated and the results are displayed in the table format. Also the values are stored in an array which is used to create a bar graph, this is done in javascript. The problem is, the graph is not displayed in this case but if I put all the code in one file, the graph is displayed. The table with the data is being displayed in both cases.
I am displaying some data from a XML sheet on my webpage. parsing it using javascript ofcourse. Now its working in all browsers except IE. I understand that IE handles xml different to other browsers and I've written that into my code. My issue is that the data I am trying to loop through is not the firstchild of my root node.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
}else{// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} .....
the alert box is not displaying.
<title> my firs web page </title>
<script language="javascript">
I have a <div> html element which contains other html tags, as well as plain text inside those tags. How do I grab only the content within the div that will actually be displayed in the browser, and put it in a Javascript string variable?
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