is there a way to force a pseudo class on an element?
something like = true;
I haven't been able to find anything, but what I'm trying to do it make it so if you click on a button or whatever it keeps its active state until another button is clicked.
I'm creating a list of items which visually look like checkboxes. They will work similar to the ones used on eBay that allow you to select only new/used items. Mine are a little simpler though. Here is the markup:
I have strip of navigation tabs, which are marked up as a <ul> and styled to look like tabs with borders and all that. In my stylesheet I have the pseudo-classes for :link , :visited , :hover , :active and all of those work fine.
But I'd like to have the browser highlight whichever link a viewer is currently on by having Javascript activate the already defined :active pseudo-class. What's the syntax for that? Is it even possible?
I've been googling for almost an hour and havn't gotten anything.
I would like to set the link's "visited" pseudo-class with javascript without clicking on the link. My goal is to update the link's color (previously set in the CSS file) to be "visited" without actually clicking on the link and then clicking "back" in the browser.
Does anyone know how? Here are the following things I've already tried to no avail:
var obj = document.getElementById("idOfMyLink");
//obj.visited=true; // NO //; // NO //; // NO, performs a click and takes me away from current page
/* // Setting the src of an iframe on the same page, trying to "stuff" this URL into browser's "History"
var theFrame = document.getElementById("myiframe"); theFrame.src = obj.href;
// NO. The iframe does go to correct URL, but the link's color doesn't update.*/Any ideas?
I am new to this discussion but hope you would post reply for my query and encourage me to keep in touch with this discussion. Well here is my problem. I have made an edit in place form in which we can add and remove the elements. I have used and jquery.duplicate-remove.js plugins for edit in place and add and remove action. I have live() function to access the dynamically ganerated elements like this. $(".addressDiv span").live("mouseover", function(){ clickable function here...
hi everybody, didn't find this using the search :( this is my problem: i create a dom element dynamically (<span>) and want to assign a class attribute to it such that it has some css style, this works in ie, but not in firefox :( here's the simple code:
<div id="somediv"></div>
var div = window.document.getElementById("somediv"); var span = window.document.createElement("span"); span.innerHTML = "span"; span.attributes.getNamedItem("class").nodeValue = "span_class"; div.appendChild(span);
so this works well in ie6, but firefox gives this error: Error: span.attributes.getNamedItem("class") has no properties
if i run this code on a statically defined span (in the html file), where a class attribute already is set:
changing the class to "span_class" works both in ie and firefox.
how can i fix my above code such that it works in both browsers? it seems that on newly created dom elements the class attribute isn't even there (to change it), how can i create it, and then change it?
I am trying to use javascript to replace colors in css classes with hex values from a color selector (jscolor). It's working for basic classes and ids, but the stylesheet I need to work with contains contextual CSS and pseudo-classes and I can't figure out how to reference them. (The stylesheet I'm working with is pre-defined and I can't change it.) [code]...
How do I reference these? I don't know Javascript that well, I'm just a prototyper -- and I'm stumped!
For the last 2 hours I've been trying to get a loop working that'll execute every 500 milliseconds, grab all the elements of a certain class and change their background-position (or backgroundPosition) style but I can't get it working. I've had a script that kept crashing Chrome, I've had a script that works on one element of an id and about a million different errors and I can't get it going.
I want to create a sort of pseudo click event, that is needed to launch a slideshow.when the page loads it would fire off a function that creates a clicks event, as if the user has clicked on an element, when in fact that they had not. i saw in the jquery documentation with the click function, you could click on one thing and then another click event would be created via another element.that's close to what i'm trying to
I'm relatively experienced with jQuery (not a guru but not a newbie) but am wondering how I can write a script where if one element is hovered over then a different element on the page has a particular class added to it.
function test(id) { alert(document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundColor); }
Why doesn't this work? It returns nothing, but the class, which the element uses, has a background-color value set... ?!?!?! Am i missing something... ?
I've got a scenario where i've got a list of text names on a page and a rotating gallery of images. Each image relates to one of the names. What i would like to do is highlight the name by adding a css class or id when the related image comes into focus.
I'm sure i can do this by using the rel element to relate to the id of the image (or the other way round!) but i'm not sure exactly how. I presume it's using jquery live and matching with selectors.
I have a menu div that I have styled so that is always visible on my page. When a user clicks a menu item they are taken to that section of that page using an anchor withing the page but the menu remains visible/constant to the left of the screen
My menu is made up of a number of vertically displayed tab images (set by assigning the background image of a href in css), what I would like to happen is that when a user navigates to an anchor section the background image for that section be changed to a 'current tab' image.
Usually this would be done by setting the class of that menu item to "current" within that page, for example if the menu navigated to a seperate about.html page for the about menu item set:
However on my page different pages (eg about.html) wont be loaded so what I would like to be able to do is dynamically set the 'class="current"' for the href element when a user clicks that link.
I need to get the values of some items within an html document where the structure of the html is as below (the page is generated by software and I cannot alter the html). I know there are funtions for getElementsByClass, but I cannot seem to get the innerhtml value from the element below. [code]...
I am trying to access an element in a page using ID using jquery in when the document is ready.But the problem is the length is always 0 even if the script tag is in the head or right at the bottom of the page. The element is seen rendered when I see it using someone point out where I am making a mistake accessing the element