Flow Chart - Hiding Certain Data Until Being Clicked?
Jan 28, 2011
I am really new to coding and am trying to include a flowchart that I have created on my site. There is a series of 5 questions with 2 possible answers for each question. Can anyone help me with some coding that would let me show only the first question and based on how they answer that, the flow chart would open up to the second question and once they answer the second question, it opens up to the third question and so on?
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Jun 1, 2009
i am trying to make a popup div which will close down after the user clicked outside of it now i am looking for a way to determine if the user clicked outside of the div or not
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Aug 1, 2009
I need the letter button (the letters of the alphabet) to disappear when clicked, but reappear when hangman game restarts (by clicking start over button). How do I do this?
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=layout.css />
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May 26, 2009
i want to hide my phone numbers in an output page so that the viewerhas to click an icon to see it.i have the following jquery so far:
<!---JQuery test to hide phone--->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
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Feb 16, 2011
This is my FIRST attempt at using Jquery to make a site menu for a client, and I'm pretty new to Javascript as a whole..I have a two column horizontal menu, and when an anchor on the left column is clicked it brings up a list in the right column..how do I hide list in the left column when a different anchor is clicked, bringing the new list to the top of the column?
<style type="text/css">
ul.nobulletnoindent {
list-style-type: none;
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Apr 15, 2004
I have a form, what I want to happen is that a user clicks a checkbox and a list appears or is enabled so that the user can then select a option. Also when the checkbox is unchecked again, I want the list to disapear or become unabled and it's value set back to whatever was the default.
After a bit of looking around I thought I has done it, but no luck. Can anyone let me know whats going on here? Code:
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Feb 18, 2010
{foreach key=num item=account from=$accounts}
<div id="info">
<div class="box round">
<table cellspacing="1" class="data">
<tr onclick="javascript: $('#info').hide('fast'); $('#{$account.id}details').slideDown('slow');" style="cursor:pointer;">
<td>{$account.product}<br /><a href="http://{$account.domain}" target="_blank">{$account.domain}</a></td>
<td>{$account.nextduedate}</td><td>{$currencysymbol}{$account.amount} {$currency}</td>
<td><a>View Details {$account.id}</a></td></tr></table></div></div>
I need the info div to hide when the the table row is clicked:
<tr onclick="javascript: $('#info').hide('fast'); $('#{$account.id}details').slideDown('slow');" style="cursor:pointer;">
This is what I'm using to hide it. But because I have multiple divs called info that I need hidden it is not working currently its only hiding the first div called info.
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Oct 7, 2010
I awhen it comes to "developing" jQuery but I am trying to do something that is seemingly something simple but I can't for the life of me, figure out the best way to do it.
Here, you'll see the area below the navigation that has five buttons which are supposed to help scroll between the five associated divs.All I want to do is hide the currently shown div and then slide in the div associated with the button clicked.http:[url].....Here is what the animation is SUPPOSED to look like but the problem is is that the correct one uses Prototype and I am trying to use only one library and jQuery is the most suitable because I use it for other effects in the site and jQuery and Prototype obviously don't mesh well.
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Mar 11, 2011
I am new to jQuery and can't get this to work properly. I am loading content form a php page through an AJAX call. Based on the data that is returned I want to fade in a DIV or keep it hidden. Therefore I have a if construction that checks the data that was inserted in a DIV from the PHP page. If the PHP page returned 'No data' the DIV should remain hidden. The loading part works OK, but somehow the hiding or showing of the DIV doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? Is the syntax correct? This is what I have now:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
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Apr 4, 2010
I have a website with a dropdown menu of brands, these brands are pulled from the database and then display products matching the particular brand.The only problem with this is that google is viewing the dropdown data and it looks VERY spammy, its basically a huge list of keywords.Is there anyway I can stop google from seeing this data so that it doesnt get indexed and is just purely for my visitors to use?
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Sep 8, 2006
My work is putting in a large application that is basically split up
between 30 or so Javascript files. I have some security concerns about
this application.
Basic security concerns is:
1. Possible SQL injection and other forms of injection attacks on URLS
of various server side components javascript accesses.
2. possible client side database access.
3. Incorrect use of http get for operations with possible side effects.
The security problems are probably relatively harmless. Mainly because
the application should be running behind firewall.
However I would like to have an analysis tool that can go over the
javascript code and allow me to see what urls are being called with
what parameters.
Javascript that writes new javascript into page (so I can get all
javascript files of application for analysis)
I know there are various javascript profilers and the like, anything
out there that helps in the analysis of this kind of application?
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Jul 23, 2005
what happens when you have an onclick event and an error occurs in it:
In an <a> element:
onclick="zoomFullExtent(); return false;"
I know that there is an error happening in zoomFullExtent. I didn't
define my own error handler, so the default one is used.(My browser is
Firefox 1.0).
I notice that when this error happens, the browser makes a request to
the server.
I thought that if an error happened in zoomFullExtent, the default
error handler would catch it, and then zoomFullExtent would return
normally. But that doesn't seem to happen. Instead the whole onclick
script returns or is aborted? And it seems to return true so that the
request is made. Is there a page where this program flow is explained?
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Jul 16, 2009
I need to do something unusual. Say a user is browsing my site, and before they navigate away, I need to perform some actions like logging them out, for which they would need some data from the server. On onunload, a SJAX request (AJAX with that parameter as false) is issued, code flow hangs, and when the result comes in, code flow resumes and does what it needs to. If AJAX were used, the script would unload and never get the callback. Ok. So that's what I want. The problem is that I'm dealing with something other than an XMLHttpRequest object, and I can't simply supply a false parameter to the request function. I'm looking for some way to wrap an asynchronous routine of this object into a synchronous one. If call var result = myobject.get(data_to_send), code flow here hangs WHILE myobject calls this funky XMLHttpRequest-like object in asynchronous mode, waits for the callback, the callback is called, and myobject returns the result. So code stops synchronously outside of myobject.get, but waits asynchronously inside.
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Jun 15, 2011
I've a div that is editable (contentEditable = true). The div has a fixed size like a letter page. When the user has written so much text that the text overflows I want add a new div above and let flow the overflown text in the other div. (it's the some behavior like MS Word in page view, but now it is in the web)
It is possible to do something like this in the web?
One way to implement this is to check if the text of the div overflows (I've found java script examples in the web which do that). And than I need the text that overflows to move it to the next div. But I have not found a function that do this. Is there such a function?
Another way is to insert a gap at that position a new page begins and use an background image that looks like a page border. With this solution, the whole text is in one div but it looks like floating to another page. But therefore, I have to add a gap between to lines at a specific position (the page border/margin and the gab between the pages). Does anyone have an idea how to realize this?
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Mar 13, 2009
I have a simple requirement, I have a list of URLs on a page, I want that when the user clicks on any one URL, then a text box on the same page is filled with some data. The data to be filled in is specific for each URL.
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Mar 27, 2010
After the apply button is clicked, the data entered by the user disappeared in the text form. How to keep the data appearing on the text form? The server use jsp and the Spring framework and the client use the Prototype javascript library.
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Mar 27, 2010
After the apply button is clicked, the data entered by the user disappeared in the text form. How to keep the data appearing on the text form? The server use jsp and the Spring framework and the client use the Prototype javascript library.
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Jan 30, 2010
I'm using the following css code which wrapped around a dynamically populated field;<span class="ui-widget-header platform ui-corner-all"></span>
When the span is empty I want to hide it, and I've used this jquery to do this.
However, the ui-widget-header class appears to be stopping it from hiding - if I remove this class it hides fine.
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Nov 25, 2009
Is there a ways in javascript to create graphs chart? i can't seem to find a code on the Internet
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Feb 24, 2010
i am building a web app that has a bunch of charts on it. they are essentially very basic flow charts that show relationships between two boxes.
now i have the divs printing out on the screen with no problems. but i have little idea on the best way to draw the arrows between the boxes.
my original thought was to place the images (as background images) in a span and then use server side code to determine the size of the span (length) and then absolutely position it. seems clunky.
then my next thought was to put the arrows and lines into SVG canvases and then use some sort of javascript to plot the two box points and draw the line. the question though is how to go about it? is there already a library or set of examples out there that does this sort of stuff? i had a google search, but couldnt come up with anything that was of use...
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May 2, 2011
Before anyone shoots me down I know this is not JSF forum I've been there and didn't get any joy at all, because the function I'm after is JavaScript so I wonder if anyone can help me please?
This function is for refreshing an Id called columnChartOne but unfortunately it doesn't work. This function is from Fiji demo page.
onclick="$('myForm:columnChartOne:component').update(); return false;"
How can I possibly rewrite this function as JavaScript function so it refreshes a column Id ?
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Jul 23, 2005
Whenever I try to call ...DataLabelsCollection.Add I get the error
"Invallid Parameter".
if((document.chsp.charts(0).Type==18) ||
(document.chsp.charts(0).Type==19) ||
(document.chsp.charts(0).Type==20) ||
(document.chsp.charts(0).Type==9001) ||
var dls;
dls =
document.chsp.charts(0).SeriesCollection(1).DataLa belsCollection.Add();
dls.HasPercentage = 'True'
dls.HasValue = 'True'
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Nov 10, 2011
i'm new to jQuery and SVG and my homerwork is to develope ECG chart. It should show data with: - 25mm/s - 50 mm/s - 1mm/mV - 5mm/mv I've decided to use Keith Wood jQuery plugin and have some questions. Is it possible to manipulate with gridlines when using graphing extension? I'd like every full second line to be thicker than the rest. Secondly, length on chart in every resolution should be equal to real length. Or should I make that chart step by step using drawing functions?
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Oct 5, 2009
I am trying to populate a flot chart using PHP but things do not seem to be working. If I put in the numbers manually for the chart everything is working fine but if I pass them via ajax from a php script nothing displays.
Here is my php:
And here is my javascript:
The background of the chart appears but no data. I suspect that its because the json_encode returns a string.
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May 25, 2011
Is there any plugin can draw radar graph?
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Dec 14, 2011
Is there any organization chart(Hierarchy) available in jquery. like google org char? It should work in intranet.
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