Fading A Layer. Is This Possible?
Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to make a banner the size of the with of my screeen, in
a layer.
BUt I also want to fade it to a complete transperency to reveal the contents
of what's behind it (my page ofcourse) and possible close or hide the faded
I've seen stuff like that happen in a flash everonment. I was thinking about
using a transition at first to go from one page to another with an
introductory page.
But I rather have everything on one page and just fade the introdutory layer
into the page. Is that too much work for jscript?
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Apr 4, 2002
Layer writing in Netscape. This is pretty straightforward >> However I'm trying to write to a <div> layer within a <div> layer.
My div:
<div id="blah">
<div id="aight">
I'm trying to write to "aight"
How should my code look?
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Jan 30, 2009
I have created a floating layer using Javascript that remains always on top of page on scrolling.Issue is,at some point while scrolling,the layer flickers continuously.
The html page is as follows:
Many common software systems, JavaScript has a history of security problems. Many of these problems could allow a person with malevolent intent to steal sensitive information from a visitor. The number and type of such holes in security vary among browsers and operating system versions. Most JavaScript security holes have been caught and fixed, but new ones are being discovered all the time. For a list of current security holes check out your browser's and operating system's Web pages. As a Web site author, it is your responsibility to keep up-to-date on the current status of known security holes in the applications you create.
Signing Scripts. In Chapter 11, I explained that JavaScript does not provide the ability to directly access files on the client computer. This can be a very large hurdle to overcome if you're trying to upload a file to a server from the client computer. Fortunately, file uploading is one of many functional enhancements that signed scripts provide. Signed scripts are specially packaged scripts that have been verified and signed to be correct and non-threatening. These scripts have additional rights on the client computer that allow a programmer to do many things that he wouldn't otherwise be able to.
With the introduction of Netscape 4.0, a new security model was put in place that would allow digitally signed scripts to bypass some of the restrictions that had previously been placed on them. A signed script can request expanded privileges from the visitor and, with the visitor's permission, gain access to restricted data. A signed script requests these additional permissions through LiveConnect, which allows your JavaScript code to communicate with the Java Capabilities API. The security model allows JavaScript to access certain classes in Java in order to extend its functionality while still maintaining tight security for the client.
A digital signature is a fingerprint of the original programmer, and it allows the security model of the browser to detect where (or from whom) it originated. A script signer can be a person or an organization. By signing a script, you acknowledge yourself as the author and accept responsibility for the program's actions. A signed script contains a cryptographic checksum, which is just a special value that ensures the signed script has not been changed. When a digital signature is detected, you are assured that the code has not been tampered with since the programmer signed it.
Once you finish writing a script, you can use the Netscape Signing Tool to digitally sign it. Signing a script does the following:
Unambiguously assigns ownership of the script to a person or organization.
Allows an HTML page to use multiple signed scripts.
Places the signed script into a Java Archive (JAR) file.
Places the source of the script in the JAR file.
Once a user confirms the origin of the script and is assured that it has not been tampered with since its signing, he or she can then decide whether to grant the privileges requested by the script based on the validated identity of the certificate owner and validated integrity of the script.
At some point while scrolling,the div 'movable' flickers continuously,while at some other point,it is perfectly stable.
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Jul 29, 2010
I have a problem and I just cannot figure out what is wrong. I want to show news on a page and to fade them in. I am using jQuery AJAX to pull out the news from a MySQL database. Here is the code (I will explain what the exact problem is in the code):
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Aug 9, 2002
This is a Fading Javascript Ticker that can tick any number of messages. The Ticking message fades in while being displayed.
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
// Fading Ticker JavaScript
// © Premshree Pillai
// http://www.qiksearch.com
// Ticker Messages ( HTML Tags supported)
var qiksearch_ticker_text = new Array ("Qiksearch.com", "FREE JavaScripts by Premshree Pillai", "Articles by Premshree Pillai", "Intellisearch Bar FREE Download");
// Ticker Message URLs
var qiksearch_ticker_URL = new Array ("http://www.qiksearch.com", "http://www.qiksearch.com/javascripts.htm", "http://www.qiksearch.com/articles.htm", "http://www.qiksearch.com/intellisearch.htm");
// Ticker Message URLs' Target (1 for NEW WINDOW, 0 for SAME WINDOW)
var qiksearch_ticker_target = new Array ("0", "0", "0", "1");
var qiksearch_ticker_width = 390; // The width of the Ticker
var qiksearch_ticker_height = 25; // The height of the Ticker
var qiksearch_ticker_borderw=1; // Border width
var qiksearch_ticker_borderc="#808080"; // Border Color
var timeOutVal=200; // Delay in milliseconds
var isPause=false; // true if you want pause on mouseover, else false
// setting to true is a bit buggy
var ie4=document.all&&navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")==-1;
var ns6=document.getElementById&&navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")==-1;
var ns4=document.layers;
var qiksearch_tickerObj;
var ticker_left_ns4=(screen.width/2-20)-Math.round(qiksearch_ticker_width/2);
// Setting qiksearch_tickerObj depending on Browser
function setTickerObj()
// isPause Content
var isPauseContent;
isPauseContent=' onMouseOver="delay_timeOutVal();" onMouseOut="resume_timeOutVal();"'
document.write('<table' + isPauseContent + ' onMouseUp="goURL();" width="' + qiksearch_ticker_width + '" height="' + qiksearch_ticker_height + '" style="cursor:pointer; background:#FFFFFF; border:' + qiksearch_ticker_borderw + 'px solid ' + qiksearch_ticker_borderc + '"><tr><td align="middle">');
document.write('<div id="qiksearch_js_ticker">');
var def_10='A',def_11='B',def_12='C',def_13='D',def_14='E',def_15='F'
var colorVal=15;
var div_count=0;
// Fading Color code Generating function
function qiksearch_fade_desat(getColorIntVal)
var returnVal;
for(var i=0; i<=15; i++)
returnVal = eval('def_' + i);
// Main
function writeDiv()
qiksearch_tickerObj.innerHTML= '<font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="-1" color="#' + joinColor(qiksearch_fade_desat(colorVal)) + '"><b>' + qiksearch_ticker_text[div_count] + '</b></font>' ;
qiksearch_tickerObj.document.write('<table border="1" bordercolor="' + qiksearch_ticker_borderc + '"width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><a href="javascript:void(0);"' + isPauseContent + ' onMouseUp="javascript:goURL();"><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="-1" color="#' + joinColor(qiksearch_fade_desat(colorVal)) + '"><b>' + qiksearch_ticker_text[div_count] + '</b></font></a></td></tr></table>');
if((colorVal>0) && (colorVal!=0))
// Generating Final Hex Color
function joinColor(getColor)
return (getColor + Ɔ' + getColor + Ɔ' + getColor + Ɔ');
// Reset
function resetAll()
// URL Navigation function
function goURL()
// Setting Delay on MouseOver and MouseOut
var temp_timeOutVal=timeOutVal;
function delay_timeOutVal()
function resume_timeOutVal()
document.write('<layer id="qiksearch_ticker_ns4" width="' + qiksearch_ticker_width + '" left="' + ticker_left_ns4 + '"></layer>');
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Sep 20, 2005
If you ever tried to log out from this forum the screen will gray itself.
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Jan 17, 2007
I need to be able to click on an image and then when its selected/clicked, it kind of goes lighter. Maybe fade from a dull image to a lighter version. Is this easy enough to do in Javascript.
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Nov 16, 2010
I'm looking voor the right syntax to fade in a div. So far I only found syntaxes that deal with button actions but I just want to fade in the div after a few seconds. How do I set that up? Switch off visibility with css and then?
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Dec 31, 2011
i have a problem with fading things in and out using jquery. Please check it out.THe problem is that sometimes the fading in happens before the fading out. What can be done to fix it?
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Apr 7, 2009
My site works fine in Firefox, but it crashes in IE.
I am using alot of jQuery in order to fade in content. When the user clicks on one of the above links a few times, it will crash in IE.
Here is my site code...
I have absolutely no idea why the site crashes in IE. I don't even know where to begin to debug my problem. I don't have Visual Studio on my computer, but on my friends computer Visual Studio reads a message of An unhandled win32 exception occurred in iexplore.exe[####]
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Feb 4, 2010
How am I able to have a gallery of images fading in and out as the background of a DIV? It's currently just a static background using CSS.You can view the HTML page in question here: http://aksdesigns.co.uk/temp/template.html
The DIV container is the one with the ID of #MainContent
#MainContent {
width: 980px;
height: 550px;[code].....
It probably couldn't be done using CSS be how could I achieve this with Javascript?
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Feb 22, 2010
I've prepared the following page: [url]
But I would prefer the background images to fade in and out rather than change abruptly. I've spent hours searching for appropriate code, but have met a dead end so far.
Incidentally, I presume that the delay before the first background image appears is because of all the images pre-loading. Can anyone suggest a way to immediately display the first image?
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Aug 22, 2002
I used to use this function in text fading routines (tooltips/message tickers) but now I tend to use opacity (which is not compatible with all browsers but I find it more flexible as it allows images, URLs any style sheets). The function returns a color "between" 2 colors.
* Function : getColor
* Parameters :start - the start color (in the form "RRGGBB" e.g. "FF00AC")
*end - the end color (in the form "RRGGBB" e.g. "FF00AC")
*percent - the percent (0-100) of the fade between start & end
* returns : color in the form "#RRGGBB" e.g. "#FA13CE"
* Description : This is a utility function. Given a start and end color and
* a percentage fade it returns a color in between the 2 colors
* Author : www.JavaScript-FX.com
function getColor(start, end, percent)
var r1=hex2dec(start.slice(0,2));
var g1=hex2dec(start.slice(2,4));
var b1=hex2dec(start.slice(4,6));
var r2=hex2dec(end.slice(0,2));
var g2=hex2dec(end.slice(2,4));
var b2=hex2dec(end.slice(4,6));
var pc = percent/100;
r= Math.floor(r1+(pc*(r2-r1)) + .5);
g= Math.floor(g1+(pc*(g2-g1)) + .5);
b= Math.floor(b1+(pc*(b2-b1)) + .5);
return("#" + dec2hex(r) + dec2hex(g) + dec2hex(b));
/*** These are the simplest HEX/DEC conversion routines I could come up with ***/
/*** I have seen a lot of fade routines that seem to make this a ***/
/*** very complex task. I am sure somene else must've had this idea ***/
var hexDigit=new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F");
function dec2hex(dec){return(hexDigit[dec>>4]+hexDigit[dec&15]);}
function hex2dec(hex){return(parseInt(hex,16))}
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Dec 8, 2010
im working on a photography website and the middle section i have set as an image that i want to rotate... and i decided to make my own rotating image because the best it looked was when the image was set to a div. i already have the switching of the div background working but i was wondering if there is anyway to fade in/out the background to a new image?
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Oct 23, 2006
I want to fade about 5 images between each other in a loop, can I do this without Flash?
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Aug 29, 2002
What I'm trying to do is something similar to menu bar at the top of the page. Where it has Bio, Pictures, etc. I've searched the internet trying to figure it out and haven't had any luck.
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Mar 29, 2011
I'm using a template from templatemonster: [url]
This template is using gallerific with jquery, for some reason the fade of the template is not working on IE8 and IE9.
It is not problem of the original script as the fade works very well as you can see at: [url]
The code of jquery-1.3.2.js and jquery.galleriffic.js is exactly the same as I'm using the same files...
The only difference is that the template is using some custom code as follow:
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Oct 22, 2005
How can I create a fade with javascript that fade an activex object
(quicktime) to the background and not to the IE windowed control.
I call this function several times, each time decreasing the "opacity".
id is the quicktime activex object.
I have tried to set background:tranparent and
background-color:transparent in my style sheet.
//change the opacity for different browsers
function changeOpac(opacity, id) {
var object = document.getElementById(''+id+'').style;
if (object.opacity) {
object.opacity = (opacity / 100);
} else if (object.MozOpacity) {
object.MozOpacity = (opacity / 100);
} else if (object.MKhtmlOpacity) {
object.KhtmlOpacity = (opacity / 100);
} else if (object.filter) {
object.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")";
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Jul 27, 2009
I would like to have an background-image fading effect, like a slideshow, but i dont know, if its possible or not... I thought that it would be possible: an array with the urls, a timer and the fading effect, but i dont know the most common way...
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Apr 14, 2010
I have a photo blog [url] and want to create an effect that fades-in the displayed picture when the page is loaded.
An important requirement for me would be that the page also has to work without Javascript.
Currently I am using the following small plugin:
It is called directly beneath the <img> element:
This way it works fine with the current versions of Firefox and IE. I did not test other browsers or versions yet. I tried to call it in $(document).ready but then IE might display the picture shortly before it is hidden and faded-in.
Since I am not 100% happy with having the code in the middle of the HTML and with depending on the timing of execution to avoid flickering I wanted to ask for other solution or best practices to achieve what I would like to do.
One solution that came to my mind is to do create the image in JScript and only fade it in after it is loaded. To work without Javascript I could still put the <img> element where it was but within a <noscript> element. But not sure how well the <noscript> is supported by older or exotic browsers.
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Sep 7, 2009
I'm not sure if I'm going about this in the right way. What I'm doing doesn't seem to be working anyway.
I'm trying to fade in a couple of divs when a button is clicked a fade out the current divs.
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Jul 16, 2009
I have a div box on a page that had 6 images absolutely positioned in it. When the page loads I want the whole box to fade in at once or in some kind of order. I've been trying just to fade everything in at once using this:[code]And that it does nothing. The CSS for the box is just this: #leader{position:relative; height: 400px;How hard or were would I need to start if I were to try and fade each of them in starting at different times?
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Sep 29, 2010
I was viisitingand saw the images fade on the home page. It uses jquery and I was needing some assistance getting this working on my web site. Where would I locate any "how to" documentation?
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Oct 11, 2011
I have written the below script to swap images in a main viewer for a gallery on a website (I apologise if the script is not very elegant I have only just started learning JS).The idea is there are 2 divs one positioned on top of the other, when the user clicks on one of the thumbnail images the div on the bottom changes to the new image, then the top div fades to transparent to reveal the new image, then once the top div is completely transparent it's image is swapped for the new image and it is made opaque again.Anyway elegant or not the script works fine in Firefox, Safari, Camino and (shockingly) IE, but it doesn't work at all in Chrome.
var fadeTime = 800;
var newImage;
var images = new Array();[code]....
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Jan 21, 2010
Alrighty so here's what I have. Live example: [URL] It's a image slideshow that dynamically gets all the images (via php) in the current directory and puts them into the slideshow array. The array then randomly displays the images in the slideshow (via javascript). There are 5 images in the folder rotateimage which also has the php script getimages.php in it. Currently only the first image fades in however I want all the images to fade in as the first one does.
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Mar 8, 2010
I'm designing a page to fade multiple images (three) in and out over a set period of time (one minute, say). The code I have works as follows:
I define an array and fill it with the div objects I want to fade in and out. I have some simple tags (2 for opaque, 1 for fading in, -1 for fading out, etc.) that I set to show the state of the object.
First I check if the object is opaque, and if so set it to fade along with a time;
Or if it's transparent I give it a 1 in 10 chance of fading in during this iteration. If it's currently fading in or out I check to make sure it's on track and change the opacity of the div accordingly.
Originally, I had the function call back to itself using setTimeout after the loop had gone through all the divs and changed their opacities appropriately. This caused an out of memory error (though, strangely, if I had any alerts in the function it didn't give me the error).
So the version below has the code in a while loop to let it run for 20 seconds - this gives me the "a script...run slowly, do you want to continue the script?" message.
So I have several questions:
1) First and foremost, why is my function causing out of memory/run slowly errors and what is the best way to fix that?
2) Is there a better way to code this effect (final result will be six lights fading in and out for a minute or so).
3)I'm not an experienced programmer, so any bad practices, ways to streamline, no no's, etc. that you see, please point out.
I've only posted the script here - the page simple consists of three divs (id's grad0, grad1, grad2) and a call to the function copied here.
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