Embed Html In Alert Method?
Sep 17, 2009
I want to include a link in the alert method.I tried this
alert("Please enable your java to experience this enhanced page." + '<a href="http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp" target="_blank">Free Download Java</a>');
But this will not made a link it shows all as it is. How can i made a link in alert.
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Jan 23, 2011
Triggering sounds is tricky, but I want to use the embed method since this allows sounds to overlap (by using, document.typesound one sound overwrites any that are already running). Alas, the embed method seems to be broken in my version of ie8 8.0.7600.16385 256 bit running on win 7 64bit
Here is the tag:
Here is how I call it
Works fine in the version of ie8 8.0.6001.18702 128 bit I have installed on my xp system
How to get this to run on the win 7 version? (I reset my browser settings and that did not work).
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Oct 15, 2009
I found an issue with using embed code and jquery's show()/hide () method. I am using embed code inside of a div. So it looks something like this:
<div id="test">
whatever here
Now on that I want a user to be able to click a button to show/hide the content. So I create a function like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function showEmbed(){
} else {
I then binded that to just a basic text link:
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="showEmbed();">show/hide</a>
Now that works fine as far as showing/hiding the embed code. However, there is one issue with this. When I click the link it reloads the data. I do not want it to reload the data. Say for instance there is a video playing in there. If you click the link it will stop the video
and when you click it again to show it will start again. How to get it not to reload the data.
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Jul 15, 2011
Im new to JS. Im having a problem with special character (im from Denmark where we useWhen embeded the text doesnt include the special characters. I know why but I dont know how to resolve it.My HTML looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Apr 17, 2010
what i am trying to do is really simple; however, i am still new at code, and i have google -earched endlessly and have not found the answer to this one.All i want to do is embed a flash file into my web page. The user would click on a button and the animation plays once, and stops.In my mind it should just be a javascript function that allows the embeded flash file to play when the link is clicked!
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Feb 15, 2011
I'm trying to grab a variable from a URL and dynamically embed it into HTML code. So for instance, if I own the site test.com and I enterideo=bunny.mp4&height=720&width=480",I want the returned page to be an embedded video of bunny.mp4 at the height and width specified. I know the embed code, I just need to know how to parse the URL and write it inside of the HTML.
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Aug 30, 2009
I'm trying to set up a system similar to Google AdSense that allows other websites to display some HTML content from my site on theirs. I've looked at the show_ads.js file Google uses to display Ads but to be honest I've not found it easy to decipher. I've also read that using a <script> tag to load a JavaScript file from my site is simpler than trying to do do this with an AJAX request. it discusses returning JSON rather than HTML.
BTW I know I could use an iframe to achieve something similar but this won't give me the result I need because the content coming from my site will contain a link back to my site and I want the link to be registered as an inbound link to my site for SEO reasons.
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Jun 25, 2009
I have alot of home videos I want to put on my website, and it seems that the easiest way to do it would be to embed it onto my website using HTML script. Problem is, I have no clue how to convert in into HTML scrip
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Dec 28, 2010
It appears that .html() is somehow messing up reading the contents of a div.Here is my php code which loads into the div.
$own_pre_selection .= "<input name='" . mysql_result($result,$i,"did") . "' value='" . mysql_result($result,$i,"did") . "' type='hidden'><span class='addremove' onclick="recordchecks('" . mysql_result($result,$i,"dname") . "','" . mysql_result($result,$i,"did") . "')";><u>Remove</u></span> Â " . mysql_result($result,$i,"dname") . "<br>";
Here is what I see as source code after the page renders.
<input name='677' value='677' type='hidden'><span class='addremove' onclick="recordchecks('Heart Neoplasms','677')";><u>Remove</u></span> Â Heart Neoplasms<br><input name='1298' value='1298' type='hidden'><span class='addremove' onclick="recordchecks('Heart Septal Defects; Atrial','1298')";><u>Remove</u></span> Â Heart Septal Defects; Atrial<br></div>
When I test alert() the .html() contents it appears like this. It seems to screw up the quote escape and changes " to " ;="" after the recordchecks().[code]...
So even though the source code looks perfect, if I alert() the div contents with html() it seems to get a bit garbled in the process.
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Mar 10, 2010
I'm using jquery/ajax to create some links with window.open method. Here's the relevant code:
type: "GET",[code]..........
Basically, when you click a link a function is called with a parameter based on the particular link you run. Then the code runs through an xml file, and if the parent of the nodes I've cyling through has a value equal to the parameter past to the function, that node is used to create a new link with window.open function attached to it.It all works, or seems to, and when I alert what is being built, it looks right to me, yet the links don't work.I've attached a copy of one of the alerts of one of the links as it's built.
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May 11, 2009
I need to embed a mov file in a HTML file, the problem I found is that the Quicktime player is window mode and I need it windowless, I check not found a property to set it windowless, for windows media player exist the following property:
<PARAM NAME='windowlessVideo' VALUE='True'>
The problem is that I have floating elements that appear behind the quick time player, I was wandering if there is a way to set it windowless,
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a web site where multiple html pages are opened at a time & messages are received or those pages are refreshed automatically using meta-tag.
what I want is whenever that page is refreshed, the particular html window should notify user (as user may have opened other html window), now notification could be by setting focus to that html window which is refreshed, but then this will distract & frustate the user as he was referring other html window. What I would like to do is make that window blink or some notification like yahoo or msn mail received. But I want this kind of feature in HTML/Javascript.
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Apr 12, 2011
I was just wondering if you can use html tags in javascript alert boxes?(like <b>hello</b>) when i try it it doesn't work only in document.write it works, i feel its weird. Could it be my browser im on safari,
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Oct 21, 2011
heres my code:
<script language="JavaScript">
var checkobj
function agreesubmit(el){[code]....
i need to make it like if the button is clicked and there the agreement checkbox is not checked.. it should give an alert that the alert is not checked.. i know that would require a if and else statement but i cant figure out how to do it
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Jun 22, 2009
The following code is working great for all browsers except for Internet Explorer .. I've been investigating and the problem seems to be the html method. How can I change the script for it to work in Internet Explorer also? [code]
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Oct 26, 2011
I cannot even get a window alert to pop up. All I want to do is call the function in the body.
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Jul 23, 2005
Note: There is considerable background detail here, but I do have
three questions, which are clearly marked and appear right before the
sample code.
I have a legitimate need to launch an EXE from an HTML page on Windows
XP/Internet Explorer. The EXE is already locally installed, and the
HTML page is also viewed locally on the PC- it's not a web site. I
know of two ways to do this, both of which are featured in the sample
HTML file at the bottom of my post.
The first method, using the Shell.Application ActiveX Object, used to
work until I installed the latest critical Windows XP patches from
Microsoft. Before these patches were installed, you could click the
‘Launch Notepad.exe' button in my sample HTML file and the program
would start right up. (Note that my Internet security settings are
always at Medium, my Local intranet security settings are at
Medium-low, and I've never had to mess with the individual ActiveX
security settings to get this code to work.)
However, one of the following critical updates has broken the ‘Launch
Notepad' code. It doesn't matter what my Internet/intranet security
settings are, or whether I've enabled unsafe ActiveX scripting. My
list of suspects is: KB842773, KB840315, KB841873, KB839645. (I have
four computers running Windows XP SP-1 at my desk, and each has the
same version of Internet Explorer installed-
6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2.030422-1633. The Launch Notepad code stopped
working on two of them this week, and still worked on the other two.
As a test, I ran Windows Update on one of the working systems and
found that after the patches were applied, my code no longer worked. I
even restored that machine's pre-patched ghost image and confirmed
that the code worked again. Next, I ran Windows Update a second time,
and allowed the aforementioned patches to be installed. Again, it
broke my code.)
You can confirm whether you have these patches installed on your
machine a number of ways, but perhaps the easiest is to open your
Windows folder and look for ‘$NtUninstallKBxxxxxx' folders with names
matching the patches I listed.
And then there's the second method, used by the ‘Launch Regedit.exe'
button. While this will actually still launch the EXE file, it's
undesirable because it always prompts you with a dialog that starts
out "An ActiveX control on this page might be unsafe…" Note that this
even happened before the patches, again regardless of the
Internet/Local intranet security settings.
* QUESTION 1: Is there any way to get ShellExecute to work again once
the new critical updates are installed?
* QUESTION 2: Failing that, how can I get around the unsafe control
warning with the Wscript.Shell method, for a local HTML file that's
trying to launch a local EXE?
* QUESTION 3: Is there any OTHER way for an honest guy like me to
launch a local EXE from a local HTML file?
Thanks, and here's the sample HTML file:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function LaunchNotepad()
var launcher = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");
launcher.ShellExecute("Notepad.exe", "", "", "open", "1");
function LaunchRegedit()
var launcher = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
<form name="Form1">
<input name="ButtonNotepad" value="Launch Notepad.exe"
onclick="LaunchNotepad()" type="button"> <br>
<input name="ButtonRegedit" value="Launch Regedit.exe"
onclick="LaunchRegedit()" type="button">
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Jun 15, 2009
I want to post some HTML (contained in a div on the page) data using jQuery using $.ajax() method. But it is not working.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function PostHTMLContentTOServer() {
var pageData = document.getElementById
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Feb 20, 2010
I'm trying to use the ajax load() method to load a file from a parent directory, e.g.
But that doesn't work. I can load a simple html file from the same directory as my html file or a descendant directory, but not an ancestor directory. Nor can I load from an external server.
I'm doing my testing on my PC and I'm not running a server (apache or otherwise). Just using it as a simple client. Is that possibly the problem? Or is there something else I'm missing? If that is the problem, is there a workaround?
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Sep 19, 2011
I have been trying to get my way round the DOJO charting using the declarative (html) method.
1. I have a ItemFileReadStore for the data source
2. I know the data store has data as I am outputting it to a grid as well.
The only thing that appears is the axes and the numbering for the x axis, there is no line and the numbering for the y - axis, tried googling, but to no avail.
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Sep 21, 2010
I have a following string:
var myHTML = "<html><body>testing hope this work in html</body></html>";
Why does the alert return NULL, instead of "testing hope this work in html" ???
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Aug 13, 2011
I've seen an other post talking about not being able to perform a .html().replace() also, but no one replied.
Why is this? I ran into the same problem and from what I was seeing, the replace() was only replacing the very first match. My work around was pretty simple, I just keep running replace() until it was done, but I'm dumbfounded as to why this would need to be done.
while (newLastRow.html().indexOf(settings.placeholder) > -1){
newLastRow.html(newLastRow.html().replace(settings.placeholder, curTotal)); }
As with the other post, I'm dynamically adding html to the page using a template, where the replace() method is updating the IDs of the fields when adding a new instance.
What's special about the value returned by the html() method? Is there a different preferred way to do this?
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Feb 13, 2010
The code is supposed to generate this: PS: This is generated by a PHP Function that the Ajax Load Method Calls.
I've been noticing a lot of problems when loading these stuff, Sometimes I have to remake the HTML Tags because its not showing anything. Is there any option? I want it to load EXACTLY how it is, I don't know if this is some kind of protection for bad code, but if it is I would like to disable. But also, this code is really clean. no problem, I don't know.
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Nov 13, 2010
i am facing a problem after using jquery jconfirm alert. Issue is that after receiving confirm alert, when user press tab to go on Cancel button and press Enter key there, despite of firing event of Cancel button, it fires the event of OK button. this issue is not produced when user press the cancel button by mouse. Waiting for your replies.
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Feb 16, 2011
I am trying to throw an alert with the attributes of a submit button in the alert.
What am I doing wrong?
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Aug 3, 2006
I'm trying to do something, but I don't know if it's possible.
Basically, I want to have a public static class method that could
access a private object's method. I would like to be able to do :
The method would then access a private function from Class by doing
something like
function method(param) {
I've done a lot research and experimentations but just can't come up
with a solution... I don't even know if what I'm trying to do is
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