Dynamically Show Div And Populate Contained Iframe On Button Click?
Dec 30, 2009
I have created a page which pulls search results from various sites using PHP. It displays each result in a row in a table upon running.
I wanted to add a button saying "More information" at which point, a div would appear and load the associated link for that search result within an iframe within the newly appeared div. I've been able to get a div appear and disappear on button click but, I couldn't get it to dynamically load an iframe on click with the associated search results link.
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Jul 13, 2010
I am trying to produce a web form to allow wedding guests to RSVP. The form allows them to enter a name and select from a radio button whether they will be attending or not. If they select the "yes" radio button then a further pair of radio buttons are displayed for their meal preference.
They can then click a submit button or they can click another button to add another line for another guest which operates in exactly the same way. I've almost got this working, but it seems that the checkbox change handler is lost for the current guest when a new guest is added and the checkbox value is reset. I've got a feeling I'm doing something stupid but can't for the life of me figure out what.
Code (source file (renamed to .txt) also attached as I'm not sure the pasted code is too clear):
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Mar 14, 2007
I have an asp application contained within an Iframe. If the browser refreshes, the page within the Iframe reverts back to the login page and the user has to log on again.Is there a way to keep this from happening if a user clicks the refresh button on their browser?
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Mar 8, 2010
What I've doing wrong, on first click it detects that the div is hidden and makes it visible, button on second click it does nothing:
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Jun 2, 2004
I have a window (it's a modal dialog as well, but let's ignore that for now), where I need to write data into an iframe. Dynamically generated data. This data contains a form, this form is then sent to a server process, which expects it to be latin1 (iso-8859-1). It arrives as UTF-8. I have set the charset both in the container html (which contains the iframes) and the iframe in question to latin1, I once toyed with accept-charset of the form as well, all was ignored. So I started to recreate the experiment step by step.
HTML, meta tag text/html charset=iso-8859-1, FORM directly in it --> data is sent as latin1 Next I put the HTML for the form into its own HTML, put an iframe into the first documented and had its src point to the new HTML. Both the new and the old HTML had charset meta tags. Form was loaded into iframe, sent properly as latin1.
I removed both metatags, we're still sending as latin1. Next I thought it might have something to do with the dynamic nature of the iframe filling. I only assigned the iframe's src at runtime. Still, latin1.
Then I took the final step, and instead of reading an html into the src of the iframe, I wrote the code into the iframe with document.write. Everything LOOKED the same, but the server now receives the form data as UTF-8.
For this experiment I am using IE 5.5 (it is our compatibility base, another browser is not an option unfortunately - I'm a straight firefox man at home), and yes, the content has to be written into the iframe dynamically. I cannot create a temp file that I would load into it, or I would much rather not (it's a rather complex performance issue)
To clarify: Soon as I'm using document.write, all meta tags and or accept-charset (or what it was called) for the form are ignored completely.
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Feb 7, 2011
I am working on a PM system for a website of mine, I want to load a webpage that contains a draft email inside an iframe, and have javascript code outside of the iframe that clicks the Submit button within the iframe. I know this is possible but code such as:
onmouseover="window.frames[0].document.getElementById('submit').click()"; doesn't work.
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Jun 6, 2011
So I have a table with rows and basically I cloned it and then appended it underneath another table. The user can click on the plus button to clone the table (which on the UI looks just like a row of fields) over and over. Next to the plus button I have a minus button that I want to use to remove the cloned table. Here's my code for the add table button:
Basically what I need to do is write functionality for the remove button that when clicked removes the bottom most table. Is there functionality in jquery where you can say "find last occurrence of 'addrow' and remove it onclick"? [code]...
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Apr 9, 2011
I new this is not to hard but I forgot on how to do it.I have this form:
<td>Add Picture:</td>
<td colspan="3"><input name="txtPics" type="file" /></td>
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Jul 18, 2010
I want to show hide a div and its content when show or hide button is pressed. How i can do it. it is a asp.net button and i also don't want the page to postback when button is clicked.
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Aug 4, 2009
I'm trying to do a show/hide on a radio button click and I do have it working, but I'd like to make it more...extensible/independent of hard- coding children elements to show hide.
My dummy html structure is:
I left some commented out stuff at the top of the function, hopefully to give you an idea of what I tried.
In particular:
I was trying to get the first ul (the children to show/hide) on "this" (the radio button clicked). I'd like this to be flexible to where you could add more radio button/children and as long as the structure stays the same, the show/hide functionality works.
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May 6, 2011
I am trying to show a hidden div on click of Image button in asp.net. But It is not working. Below is my code.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#myopenid').click(function () {
$('#optional').css("visibility", "visible"); });
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Jun 14, 2010
I have a menu with a set of links as below the More link opens up a drop down menu that has list of items. I want to be able to drag an item from the drop down and paste it as an item in 'menu 1' and push more rightwards.
<div id='menu1' class="display">
<strong><a href="" id='ribbontext' style="padding-left:10px;" > Overview </a>
<a href="" >People </a>
<a href="" > Facts </a>
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Oct 12, 2010
I would like to have a jsp page with a form consisting of several inputs and selects. When page loads for the first time, there is only one select (with values taken from database), but after clicking on link "add", the subsequent selects are added (using JavaScript and DOM). It seems to be pretty easy task, but I'm not sure how to populate the newly created select with data.
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Jun 20, 2011
The below script is working fine on IE but notin Mozilla
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload=function() {
if (document.getElementById) {
document.getElementById("country").onchange=function() { switchme(this); }
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Jun 20, 2009
I'm trying the JavaScript example on JavascriptKit (url...) for Dynamically populating a JavaScript image slideshow. However, it doesn't work - it sits with the original image. I'm guessing that it's not getting the image array. The instructions aren't clear, so this is what I've tried thus far with no success:
1. Place PHP portion in Head. No joy.
2. Save PHP portion as getimages.php in the dir with the images. No joy.
3. Save PHP portion as getimages.php in the same dir as the page to display the slideshow. No joy.
4. Save the PHP portion without any HTML tags (example code only) as getimages.php in the dir with the images.
In all cases the JavaScript portion is inserted where I want the slideshow.
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Feb 2, 2011
I created two drop downs, where the second one dynamically updates according to first selection. Now I jus have 2 members in first drop down and 20 in second drop down. I hard coded using javascript. But by the end of this year the number increases to 100's, then we cannot hard code it. I use html,javascript,jsp for the webpage. Is there a way to populate the dropdowns with data in a text file where they can update the text file with new members.
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Oct 18, 2011
I have several hundred html links in a file "main.html" pointing to external websites. ie: "external.html"
When a user clicks an external link from within "main.html", I want to bring up "external.html" in all its glory, but with a banner / header across the top (I am guessing iframe is a good option) - so effectively the link will take us to "frame.html", with "banner.html" and "external.html" in an iframe (or alike).
The banner has to be populated with information specific for that "external.html" file. ie: when they click on the link to "external_1.html", the header might have the text "external_1".
So, I am happy with doing this as a one off, but can't see the method to have a single 'onclick' script to pass the required information from "main.html" to "frame.html", and then for "banner.html" to be updated with the text passed from the 'onclick', and to know to call in the correct "external" to populate the iframe.
I will further complicate it by asking if it is possible to have all the scripting required contained within "main.html"?
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Mar 18, 2009
I have a new and seemingly huge new project to work onWe have a database that our database administrator is willing to run a script on nightly.The result of this action will be a CVS file containing information that is specific to my departments needs.At first, I need to present visitors to my site with a way to pear the data down to a more manageable sizePrior to displaying the CSV file contents, I thought I would display a set of column headers with checkboxes. Using the checkboxes, I'd like to give visitors to my site the ability to decide which columns of data they want to hide or display.
After they've made their selections and pressed an "OK" button, I'd like to display the remaining contents of the CSV file as a table in a seperate windowThe next part is very Excel like..At the top of each column, I'd like to include a series of drop down menus that visitors to my site can use to filter the list further.In my case, I don necessarily know every possible value for any given column. For example, imagine that one column contains city, another state and the third contains zip code. I could assume all 50 states in the union, however the actual data might also include Puerto Rico and the US Virgin islands. Or I might assume every zipcode in the US, however the actual data might include zip codes for Canada, etc... For this reason, I would like to populate the drop down menus dynamically.
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Jul 16, 2010
I'm encountering a snag when attempting to dynamically populate multiple dynamic select elements. I have the following object hierarchy Field --> Category --> Expertise which are displayed within a form as select elements, e.g., when 'Field' is changed then the 'Category' is repopulated based on the root index value of 'Field' and then 'Expertise' is repopulated based on the root index value of 'Category'. Below is the code I'm using:
<div class="formRow">
<label class="desc" for="Job_Field">
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Sep 8, 2010
Does anyone happen to know how I would go about populating a text field with x value when a specific image was clicked?
I have a div of 3 images. Each image represents a different color.
When you click an image.. I need a text field to be populated with the color name..
So if you clicked an image that looked like ivory.. textfield would then say ivory.
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Oct 23, 2010
I am using multiple links at the same page with same class(cannot access using id because of multiple links) like
<a class="coupon_link" href="#?stockAlert=45">Click here to get coupon</a>
<a class="coupon_link" href="#?stockAlert=46">Click here to get coupon</a>
<a class="coupon_link" href="#?stockAlert=47">Click here to get coupon</a>
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Jan 3, 2010
If the user selects the early bird special for member (at 100.00) it populates the text field with the value for that row. Or, if the user selects regular registration for non-member it sets the early bird text field back to 0.00 and populates the text field with he value for the regular expression code. At the same time it populates the total field with the total price. I hope this makes sense. How can I accomplish this using JavaScript or jQuery? The text fields are read only. The table is listed below.
Table code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
</head> .....
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Oct 7, 2011
Im trying to use javascript history to resize an iframe when a submit button is clicked inside the iframe.
This is what i found so far.
Us this with iframe:
But im not really sure on how to apply this to my iframe, and i know that the resize part also needs to be edited, but what is missing?
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Jan 22, 2008
I have some default text paragraphs in Microsoft *.doc format. I would like to populate a HTML textarea with the text paragraphs by clicking a button.
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Aug 24, 2010
how to get contents into a textarea based on a radio button selection.
text = new Array()
text[0] = Array('Saab','Volvo','BMW');
text[1] = 'second list';
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May 22, 2010
The main page is called Aj.html. In the 'head' I have mostly some functions to support Ajax call to server PHP (to just 'echo' something so I could see Ajax work). In the 'body', there is a little javascript and a form 'button'. When I click the button, an 'onclick' event causes a function to do the last step or two of the Ajax stuff... and the server PHP element is called... and then my ajax message handler back in Aj.html gets control to just send an alert... and that was the initial experiment ... and it was just so I could see how Ajax works.
Well - then I noticed that the 'button' is only clickable ONE time... And I set about to try to learn whatever I needed to learn to make that button be one that could be used to fire off the Ajax stuff multiple times... But I couldn't get that to work. So, I tried some code to remove the onclick event (during the ajax messaging handling logic in Aj.html) - and then add another onclick event to that same button... but that didn't work. Then, I tried to delete my button altogether - and insert a new button with it's own 'onclick' (which also would fire the ajax stuff) - but that didn't work, either....
Anyway... Now, my biggest curiosity (for the moment, at least) is why I can't dynamically add a button that has the needed onclick stuff to also fire the Ajax stuff... So, I guess I'd like to solve that right now.
What's currently happening is this: when I'm in the part of the code that is defining the dynamic button - and just before that button is added to the form, I define the 'onclick' that is supposed to be a part of that new button... BUT - when that assignment is made, it is almost like javascript is thinking that the request is actually in insert another onclick for the in-progress 'click'... because the new onclick is immediately processed at that point (I don't even make it to the next statement...just boom... the new onclick function is executed).
Also - the new dynamically added button DOES get added okay... but when I click that newly added button, it doesn't fire the Ajax stuff it's supposed to fire (via the onclick for this added button) - instead, it just causes what appears to be like a page refresh ... because the regular button reappears at that point (and then the Ajax stuff will again work off of that 'regular' button).
I'm including the whole script here.
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