Don't Clear Part Of Form When The "Clear All" Button Is Clicked?
Dec 10, 2011
I have a search form and added the "Clear All" Button functionality...but it clears the last part of the search form display do I only clear the checkboxes at the top of the form only and not at the bottom of the form between the <DIV> tags? I have attached a copy of the JSP page.
I have a client that wants a site for people who are potentailly being abused, often by partners they live with.
He is under the impression that it is possible for there to be a "Button" that deletes the cache when the user presses it rather than going through the procedure of clearing the cache. I can see why this would be a goog thing to have, and wondered of js (or perhaps php might be the way to go)
i need to implement a clear button to clear all the fields in the form, but i am thinking i can just use reset button.
<input type="reset" name="reset" value="CLEAR">
The first thought is that if there is default value reset and clear will become different. My understanding is that reset means to restore the original page before any edits by the user.
It seems like I can use reset button to implement clear javascript button.
I have a radio button and by using .after() I am able to pass the value to radio button dynamically by clicking button.When i click the button for second time I am not able to clear the radio button value and beside it is adding the value which i give for second time.Such as when 1st time if I click button it is adding value to radio button as 10 and when I click second time instead to clearing it is adding beside as to clear the radio button value dynamically before passing it value.I use var u=' ' but not working
I want to write a generic clearForm function to clear the form when the user click CLEAR button.
Here's my attempts, because I want to take care all html controls. I think I need to test if the control is submit button, regular button. But I don't know what I should do on drop down box?
function clearForm() {var i=0; for (i=0; i<InputForm.elements.length-1; i++) {var obj = InputForm.elements[i]; document.write(obj.type); //runtime error: object doesn't support this property or method if (obj.type != "submit" && obj.type != "button") obj.value = ""; }}
I used this button to clear the database. It works perfectly: HTML Code: <input class="clearButton" type="button" value="Erase Data Now" onclick="clearData()"> However, it would be better to put it in a confirm dialog to prevent accidental use. So I used this line to open a dialog box: HTML Code: <input class="clearButton" type="button" value="Clear Data" onclick="confirmation()">
I used this script for the dialog box: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> // Confirm Dialog box from [URL] function confirmation() { var answer = confirm("Are you sure you want to erase ALL data you entered into the fields on this page? Action cannot be undone.") if (answer){ onclick="clearData()"; }else{ onclick="close()"; }} </script>
However, the Code: onclick="clearData()"; is not firing, but the Code: onclick="close()"; works fine, dismissing the dialog box. How do I incorporate the clearData so it works?
I was wondering if its possible to clear a form after the form has been submitted. Like if a user hits the back button, I'd like the form to be blank. Is this possible?
I have a form that is pretty large, so to break it up I hide certain fields unless the information is required.
The problem is this. Lets say that I select that I a have a dog, put in some information in the newly shown fields, and then decide I don't want to say that I have a dog. If I select no to the dog question (the radio button that shows or hides the fields) the information I entered is still there. I need the information in those fields to be cleared when the fields are hidden.
this is the structure of my current HTMl [code]...
If the person says the have a dog, then all fields with class .dog_hidden will be shown, otherwise they are hidden. How can I select all form field types contained within a div of class="dog_hidden" and clear there value (either reset or set to an empty string " ") .
The goal is that every time the fields are hidden they need to be cleared or zeroed. Its important that this information never get put into the database (all fields with a value will be entered).
The javascript below works perfectly using Firefox, but not Opera or IE.I have a button which I would like to clear the text in the input field with.The "onFocus" on the input field works fine in all browsers, but when clicking the "cross.gif"-button, it only works in Firefox.javascript:
I need to learn how to clear form fields when a user clicks on them. Here is the site in question: [URL] They used to work, but then I changed the field value and now it doesn't work on some of the fields (whichever ones I changed). Here is a link to the .js file:[URL]
Do you know why js does not reset this multi select box? <select name="LOB" multiple="multiple" size="5" style="background:#fff3b3;width:150px" > <option value="DP" >DP</option> <option value="DTV" >DTV</option> <option value="HSD" >HSD</option> <option value="PPV" >PPV</option> <option value="RF" >RF</option> <option value="VOD" >VOD</option> </select>
Code: function clearForm(oForm) { var elements = oForm.elements; oForm.reset(); for(i=0; i<elements.length; i++) { field_type = elements[i].type.toLowerCase(); switch(field_type) { case "text": case "password": case "textarea": case "hidden":
elements[i].value = ""; break; case "radio": case "checkbox": if (elements[i].checked) { elements[i].checked = false; } break;
case "select-one": case "select-multi": //alert(elements[i].value); elements[i].selectedIndex = -1; break; default: break; }}}
In part of my form, I have 3 inputs (one textarea and two text inputs),I am validating their value format using AJAX (each input triggers error message on its label in case format is wrong). Also I have one button, "NOT submit button" (type = button).Now, when clicking on the button it must enter the value of those three inputs in my database in case they are true then all inputs values must be cleared. In case AJAX validation is wrong and in case the user clicked on that button, the value of fields must kept as it is.
Actually I can not use submit button because I have it for the whole form and what I am taking about is a part of the form and it's not possible to make nested forms as I know it violates html rules. It's easy to make it if I am taking about submitting button as I can view session values on fields after submission in case ajax returns error.I can clear inputs from Javascript, but it will be cleared on both cases if AJAX validation true or wrong. Each input field has AJAX Error message that will be triggered when the input format is wrong.
i think this will help people a lot, cuz i couldn't find any simple answer by googling 3 hours...i need a very very simple jquery form field is the picture what i need:
HTML Code: <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script>
After a user successfully logs in, I'm hidng the login div, and displaying the 'loggedin' div. However, if someone clicks on logout, the username and password fields still have the login credentials in them. So, I need to clear those text boxes, along with the 'remember me' checkbox.
Here is my code:
I've tried single quotes, double quotes and other variations. Nothing is working.
However, that 'alert' does show the value in the username box.
Here is the code for the login, and loggedin divs and forms:
Just a noobish question here, is it ok to assign the same id, name, and class to each form object as long as they are unique per form object?
I.E. - id="signout" name="signout" class="signout"
I have a dropdown that selects which SET of form fields to complete. However, if i select SET 1 and fill them out, i can change to SET 2 and fill those out and well - and it COMBINES them. totalling 8 fields instead of 4 and 4.How do i clear the contents of the div's everytime the dropdown is changed, so the contents are reset?This has to be applied to many div's, so if someone can point me in the direction, and just make a basic template of how i would go about changing a single div from an onchange event, i cna just apply it to the rest of the DIV's i have.
I am using javascript to load and parse a big xml file (around 1 mb) save some values to an array and draw a picture using google Flot. Unfortunately, this causes the browser to crash! Is there a way to clear the memory of the browser?