Creating And Referencing Previous Variable?

Nov 6, 2009

I'm trying to build a page that shows random, alternating divs, and have looked at this page as an example. However, the issue at the moment is that although the divs display randomly, they do not disappear in order.The finished "page" is to be referenced by another page that I do not have control over. Here is the section of the file containing JavaScript:

<script type="text/javascript">
var curcontentindex=0
var messages=new Array()


I've found very little info on how to reference a previous variable...maybe create an array to store them in, but wasn't sure how to go to the previous value in the array.

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Creating Next / Previous Buttons?

Dec 17, 2010

i got a video page, which has images in it, each image is a link to a different video, i want to make it so when 2 lines of images reached, there'll be a button named Next (or anything, doesn't matter) to lead to the Next page of images, note that i want only the part iwth the images to change while using those buttons, not the whole page,the images are built in this way :


<a title="header=[header] body=[<b>Video Author:</b> Author] delay=[100] fade=[off]" href="#" onclick="ytplayer.loadVideoById('Link', 0)"><img src="photos/1.jpg'" onmouseover="this.src='photos/2.jpg'" onmouseout="this.src='photos/1.jpg'"/></a>

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Referencing Form In Variable?

Feb 10, 2009

i have a simple thing that causes me all sorts of headaches. I have many forms on the same page, and identical items in each form. The same object in each form call the same procedure. So, I'm passing in the form value, such as:

and then in the procedure i do:
function DoMyFunction(formname){

Now i have functions like this all over, problem is getting them to work. Once they work, they work fine. But when i add a new one, it can match an old function (except the object being referenced) and it won't work!

Does anyone know the proper way to reference a form in a function?

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Referencing A Checkbox Via A Variable

Apr 17, 2007

for(x = 1; x < totalCheckBoxes; x++) {
checkBoxName = "document.addProductEditor.journalEdit_" + x;

if(checkBoxName.checked == "true") {
//updatedJournalList = checkBoxName.value + ",";

The problem is that while checkBoxName produces the correct variable, the final if statement claims that checkBoxName.checked has no properties. What am I doing wrong?

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Referencing Array-syntax-like Form Variable

Mar 26, 2007

I am experience some problems reading a form variable from a
Javascript function. The point with this particular variable is that
its name has the following syntax:

<input name="tx_impexp[tt_content:159]"/>

I want to set this var to 1 from my javascript function, so I tried
to execute the following line of code:


Unfortunately the following error come up:

Error: missing ] in index expression

It seems Javascript expects to close down the bracket at the position
marked...An easy solution would be to change my var syntax but the
point is that I cannot since I am using an already made script and I
should not modify it.

Just wandering if this is due to a syntax error defined according to
Javascript specification language or there is something wrong with

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Regarding Variables And Creating A Variable Name?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm trying to create a family tree online that has several other related family charts. I want each person's name and birth year to be stored in javascript variables, then I want to be able to just go through the tree, and put the persons name once, and have it put the appropriate name and birthyear in the little boxes that the css is creating.

var johnname = "John Smith";
var johnbirthyear = "Jan 1 1930";
var janename = "Jane Doe";


So I thought I had it all figured out. I thought that the above would take the id of John that I added, go to the line that sets the name, add john to the word name, and then document write the variable of johnname from the js file. I know you're laughing at me because of course it instead made the value of name to johnname, then wrote the word johnname in the box. I want to go through and be able to just type the persons name in the html for that box once, and have it update with their appropriate info.

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JQuery :: Insert 1 DIV ONLY After Previous DIV, Without Multiplying ALL Previous DIVs

Jan 26, 2011

I'm trying to add extra DIVs after the first one on a page. This is for a CMS with form fields in them. Here is the first DIV:

<div class="OptExtra">
<h3>Additional Option</h3>
<label for="RESAddType">File type (i.e. “CD” or “Download”)</label>
<input name="RESAddType[]" type="text" id="RESAddType" size="48" class="FW" />


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Modify String Without Creating A New Variable?

Jul 30, 2010

String.prototype.trim = function(){
return this.replace(/^s+|s+$/g, "");


It's possible with numbers:

var myNum = 10;
alert(myNum); //11

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Creating Html Link Using Variable?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm using a form data reference, something like P-1234 for example to create a text file and a link to the file. This is during the construction of a new table or table row with javascript. I have an array of one or more references submitted via form using $_POST. On my action page I am creating a txt file P-1234. If I am creating a table ot table row using createElement(), one of the cells will have a link to the file. If the file is created as follows:

$File = $_POST['ref'][$i] . "txt";
After creating the cell
var Cell = document.createElement('td');


I assume the link is inserted using innerHTML? If so, do I just append the filename to the end of the file path like this?

Cell.innerHTML = "http://localhost/Project/+File";

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Dynamically Creating Variable Names

Aug 9, 2003

Here's my problem: I need to create a variable name dynamically, made up of a string (say "var_name_") and an integer. Ultimately I want something like this:

var_name_1 = 'whatever value I want'
var_name_2 = 'whatever value I want'
var_name_3 = 'whatever value I want'
var_name_N = 'whatever value I want'

But the actual variable names are determined at run-time, so I can't just hardcode them.

Any suggestions? JavaScript doesn't seem to have a Variable type, so I can't just cast a string into a var...

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Creating Anonymous Function With Variable?

Mar 20, 2010

I'm having trouble with something that I can't explain outside of an example. Code:

$js_info_tabs = json_encode($valid_array);
$script = <<<JAVASCRIPT
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
function changeTo(id) {


I have the code this way in order to consolidate it since I would prefer to do that instead of checking the selected ID and manually checking against all possible IDs (which works flawlessly, it just takes up about 5x the lines and is not modular). What I have above also works, but there is one fatal flaw:

It seems like the anonymous function that is the onclick for each unselected element becomes "return changeTo(tab + '_id')", but I don't want it to be that. I want the argument to actually be what tab is instead of the variable.

What ends up happening is that after changeTo() is called for the first time, any element you click will result in the last element being the selected one, as if it's using the final value of tab as its return value.

This doesn't make any sense, though, since tab is local, and deleting it before the function exists doesn't work. Deleting elem at the end of the for loop doesn't work. I honestly don't understand what's going on or why it doesn't set the new onclick value correctly.

Basically I just want changeTo(tab + '_id'); to turn into changeTo('MYID_id'); instead, but it simply doesn't do that and I can't figure out a way how.

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Syntax For Creating A Variable And Using It Immediately?

Aug 10, 2010

var x = "blahblah".indexOf("blahblah");
if (x !== -1){
// do something with x


Is there some syntax/code structure that allows something like this:

if ( (var x = "blahblah".indexOf("blahblah")) !== -1){
// do something with x


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Creating Global Variable Within Function

Oct 29, 2009

I would like to store a variable then call it back later. I have a variable on line 198
www = ''+this._ad.clickUrl+'';
And on line 321 I try
I've tried so many different options, just won't work. I have even tried to call document.write(window.www);

The code is below.. might be easier to read on [URL]
<title>Integrated Ad Sample</title>
<!-- NOTE MANDATORY jQuery Include -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="[URL]">
</script><!-- Integrated Ad Include-->
<script type="text/javascript"> .....

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Once Set A Private Variable, Test That Object Independently Becomes A Nightmare As The Next Test Is Polluted By The Actions Of The Previous?

Mar 14, 2009

I'm using the standard module pattern and the problem is once you set a private variable, trying to test that object independently becomes a nightmare as the next test is polluted by the actions of the previous.So, the options are to have some reset method (which is horrible), setters on everything (defeats the point) or delete object and re-load script (hideous).

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JQuery :: Creating Php Sessions Variable When A Link Is Clicked?

Aug 16, 2011

I'd like to use $.post to create php session variables on the fly when a link is clicked, and then let the browser follow the href content.


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Dynamically Creating A Unique Variable Name For Elements With Same Class Name?

Aug 31, 2010

I am probably going about this all wrong, but I'm not sure how to do this.Basically I need to create a unique variable name for each element that has the same class name and set each one to zero.I thought I could just concatenate the index value to a variable name to create unique names. Something like:

var toggleTriggerIndex = $('.toggle-trigger').index(this);
var t + toggleTriggerIndex = 0;


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Creating And Writing Variable To Form Input Field

Apr 10, 2011

I am working on a javascript for my blackberry. I am trying to capture the latitude and longitude of that phone. I am able to get the coordinates in an alert box but am having a little trouble writing it to a form input field.

"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<head><title>GPS Testing</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Your device supports GPS locating");
blackberry.location.onLocationUpdate(window.alert("Latitude: " + blackberry.location.latitude + " Longitude: " + blackberry.location.longitude));
var lat = blackberry.location.latitude();
var lng = blackberry.location.longitude();

I am only able to test with Blackberry. I was trying to create a couple of variables with the "var lat =" and var lng =".
With this script I get the alert window and when I click ok it writes "Your device supports ...".

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Referencing Value

Oct 6, 2004

I'm trying to get a value from a link that a user click on in a pop up window and send it back to the parent window. It's working fine in mozilla and some IE but i'm having problem in IE 5 and some IE 6.

<a href="javascript:opener.document.getElementById('<?php echo $_REQUEST[partid];?>_partremoved').value = '<?php echo $partnum;?>'
opener.document.getElementById('<?php echo $_REQUEST[partid];?>_partinstalled').value = '<?php echo $partnum;?>'window.close();">
<?php echo $partnum;?></a>

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Referencing A <tr> Object

Jul 23, 2005

if i have this code: <form><input type=text name="id1"></form> then with
javascript i can reference this with this.form.id1, how can i reference
something like this:

<tr name="id2">


this.id2 doesn't work

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Referencing A DIV Within A Form?

Oct 29, 2009

whenever I run the below code I am unable to hide my <DIV>. I have posted a previous post regarding hiding DIVs however as this is slightly different I thought I would create a new topic here to allow for easier searching for other users.

The below code works if the DIV is outside of the form however if I enter it within the form nothing happens.

<form name="formcreate" method="post" action="">
<table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<div id="div1">


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Referencing Other Page's Dom

Aug 28, 2007

Is there a way in the Javascript to reference the dom of another page that is online. An example would be if has an element with an id = money can I reference that page with an object that and get a value from the money element and display it on my page. I know this sounds confusing but really i just want to be able to save a xhtml page that is not on my website. Create a input filestream from that page and use data from the filestream to make data on my own page.

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Referencing An Object's Fieldnames

Apr 12, 2006

A have an array of objects defined like this:

var collegas =
[{smtp:'alberic.verhelst@king.dom',voornaam:'Alberi c',famnaam:'Verhelst'},
{smtp:'anita.dierens@king.dom',voornaam:'Anita',fa mnaam:'Dierens'}, etc

I iterate over this array with this code :

for (var i = 0, stop=collegas.length ; i < stop ; i++) {
for (var veld in collegas[i]) {

I would like to check whether a particular veld instance's name is smtp. In
code what I want is this :
if (veld.fieldName=="smtp") { do something ...

But this syntax doesn't work.....

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Referencing Parameters In JS, POST Vs. GET

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to reference the "name=value" parameters sent to my page
(submit'ted from a previous page with a <form>.) in my javascript.

I can do it if my second form is called with a "get" using the property, etc.

I don't know where these parameters are if my second page is called with a

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Referencing A Function Through An Array?

Jun 1, 2010

I am loading a set of icons using an array. The reason for this is that the icon set will be different depending on what some PHP code has given to the JavaScript.

My code currently looks like this.


var things_to_load = new Array();
things_to_load['header_cursors'] = new Array( 'default' , 'pointer' );
things_to_load['header_icons'] = new Array( '../img/triggers/to-roll/undo.png' , '../img/triggers/add.png' );
things_to_load['header_labels'] = new Array( 'undo' , 'add' );


The problem I have is that the click function gives the error "things_to_load.header_clicks[c] is not a function".

This makes sense as presumably the click function is saving the value and not what that value references.

how I can get this code to save the function not the string referencing it?

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OnMouseMove And Referencing A <div Id> Underneath Another <div Id>?

Sep 2, 2010

My functions for mouse_move / up / down all control the movement of a box. So you can click a box and move it anyway. It then snaps to an invisible grid. However there are multiple boxes on the screen so if you move it to a spot where another box already resides, then that box needs to swap places.This is what the mouse_over function tries to do. When I click the first box it stores the position of that box that was clicked. If I release the mouse button whilst hoovering over another box I want the other box to take the stored positions of the first box.However what I think is happening is the mouseover function is applying the new position to the box I'm moving, as I guess this is the first layer the mouse is over.Is there anyway I can reference the layer underneath using onmouseover.

<script language="javascript">
var x;
var y;


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Referencing The Correct Object?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a table which I would like to be highlighted with the click of a button, but I can't seem to reference it correctly. I can make the <td> clickable and function, but when I try to apply it to the button I can't make it reference the td cell, rather than change the background color of the button.The function is:

function roll(obj){ == "pink" ? = "#e5e5e5" : = "pink";


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