I want to make it so that when I click on something, it changes what document.onclick does.
This is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do:
Code: <div id="clickme" onclick="document.onclick = function(){ alert ('This should not be alerted on the first click'); }">Click here</div>
However, as you'll notice, the alert box shows up on the first click as well. The only way I have been able to get around this behaviour is to have the first onclick execute a timer that will then set the document.onclick after 1ms, however this seems very messy to me.
I have some code that I want to implement on a page. I've got a form field (SuppRegFee) that I would like to interact with using a checkbox. When the user clicks the checkbox, javascript populates the form field with a dollar amount ($1100). I've got that part working just great:
However, what I also want is that when the user UNCHECKS the box, the total vanishes. Javascript offers the onClick method, but there appears to be no "OnUnClick" method. How might I go about getting this to work for me?
I try to find working example, but no luck.I need this very simply javascript to onClick change value and second click change value back and third click change value again back and so on..
I have a set of checkboxes and I would like to submit the form they are when one of them is checked. It works fine in IE, Netscape, and Mozilla on Win2K, also in Mozilla on the Mac, but does not work in IE 5.2 Mac. When you click the checkbox nothing happens.
Am I doing something incorrectly? Here's the code:
I have a 10 checkboxes. Along with these 10 checkboxes I have 10 images that are associated with each checkbox. What I woudl liek to happen is when I click on one of the checkboxes it selects a class for the img object that will make the image go dim using opacity filter in css. When I untick the checkbox I want the image to go back to being opaque.
I want to enable text boxes if click on checkbox. Here problem that text field and checkboxes in a array. my code is given belowI'm getting checkbox values from database
I am trying to get a checkbox to display an alert when the user clicks the checkbox for "other". Then if they click it again to unchedk it, it should not display the alert again. I keep getting an message that says not an object. Can anyone help me out with this? I have copied the code below for the checkboxes and the code that is in my .js file....
I'm a total n00b to JavaScript (haven't written a single snippet of it yet ). I was wondering how hard it would be to have a checkbox cause the page to be reloaded if it was checked or unchecked.
<input type="checkbox" /> Is JS the best way to do this?
What I want to do is that when I click on a <input type="text" /> tag the checkbox next to it should become checked. I've tried with the help of internet for a couple of hours but I just can't find how I interact with other objects properly to achieve what I want to accomplish.
I'd like to know if its possible to shift a select option field into a simple text field based on a check box filled by user.
I have an asp form that carries a few select options. One of them I'd like to permit free editing if the user selects a check box just biside the select option, so enableing free editing by user.
I have a checkbox in a form. The form is submitted via ajax everytime a users makes any chenges to the drop down menu's in it and returns an updated value. That part is fine. the part I'm having issues with is the checkbox in the form. Initially it is set to checked. The proble I have is that when the ajax script runs it takes the value from the checkbox regardless of whether it is checked or not!
How can I get around this? Is there a way to set an initial value and another checked valus on the checkbox? I've had a look and can't find anyway to do this.
I've been stuck on this for a few hours today, and I can't seem to figure out how to correctly accomplish my task.Objective: Dynamically change the value of a <input type="checkbox" />, thus causing the .change( ) event to be fired, from an outside element, with the checkbox being hidden.So, my code eventually gets to this point:
i would like to declare a variable or input value called "module2" and have its value set at either M1 or M2 based on if a checkbox (called module_2 is selected or not. ie if the box is ticked module2 value="M2" .
i currently have something along the lines of this
I have a form with 3 checkboxes. When user checks one of the boxes, additional fields show beneath the checkbox and the other 2 checkboxes are grayed out (locked). What I want is that when a user checks a checkbox, not only does the other 2 lock, but the text associated with them turn a different font color. I want it to appear as if the other checkboxes and text are being grayed out. BTW - I don't know any java, someone helped me with this and gave me this code so please try to be as specifica as possible.
For the lock function, I am using the following code:
<script language=JavaScript> var U=0;L=1; // (U)nlocked & (L)ocked function doIt(_v) { if(eval("document.bgcheck.c"+_v+".checked")) { if(_v==2){lock(3);lock(4);}
I would really love some sort of javascript observer to automatically add/remove a class to the labels on my page, depending on wether their checkboxes are checked or not. As well as adding those same CSS-classes to the checkboxes already checked on document load.