Can't Get It To Show The Other Form, It Only Hides Both Of Them And Displays Nothing?

Apr 5, 2010

i have two forms, one is to register and the other one is to log in. i want to have them on the same page, with the registration form displaying. And just allowing the user to click a link and show the log in form and hide the registration form.This is what i got so far, i can't get it to show the other form, it only hides both of them and displays nothing.

Code JavaScript:
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleview(id) {
 var login = document.getElementById(id);[code].....

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JQuery :: Using ScrollTo, IE Displays Hidden Info Before It Hides?

Aug 10, 2009

I'm nearly done with this client site, and it works well in all the browsers I've checked, but I'd really like to finetune the performance


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For Each In Document.getElementById - Hides Or Displays Content Inside A Div Tag

Jan 15, 2011

I am writing some javascript that when the user clicks on a link, it hides or displays content inside a div tag. I have been trying to add some code that would only allow for one div tag to be displayed at a time.

Here is where I originally got the code [url]

Whenever I run this code I get this error:

This is the JavaScript that runs when the user clicks the link:

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OnClick - Show Image + Link - Displays Whenever The User Selects A Combination

Nov 14, 2010

I opted to use JavaScript & PHP (instead of Flash) to create a sort-of "t-shirt designer" -- basically, it's a gallery-type script that allows users to scroll through t-shirt styles, swap colors, and so on, prior to reaching the actual design tool. And I'm starting to regret.

It's actually working very well so far, except for one thing: I want the t-shirt option that the user selects to link the user to the design tool. The "gallery" already has an image for each possible option that displays whenever the user selects a combination, but I want to make that image is a clickable link.

I have no idea where to start -- I know next to nothing about javascript -- and to accomplish this in Flasjh I'd have to start this stupid basic thing all over again from scratch, and it would defeat the point of not using Flash in the first place, so

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Dynamic Form Displays Variable Number Of New Text Fields?

Nov 23, 2010

I am thomas. This is my first post I have a question. I am trying to make a dynamic form. I have seen this addressed in a few other threads, but it is first of all not exactly like my problem and also, the language of the explanations is not simple enough for me to understand.

I am trying to make a form that has 1 box that asks how many designs a customer wishes to order, then based upon that number, reveals that many pairs of text boxes below; one should be with the label, �name of design, while the other should be with the label quantity of design. That way, if a user enters 4, four pairs of these boxes will appear, asking him specific names and quantities

If I set up a variable quantity to the value of the text box, I think I should be able to loop like,

for x=1; x<=qty.value; x++ but then I am confused about how to make the thing render the text boxes. My primitive knowledge tells me I could do something like document.write. But on another thread I read I saw that I could also use


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JQuery :: Hides ALL Div's On The Page?

Dec 19, 2011

I'm using the code below, but it hides ALL div's on the page. How do itarget just the layer1 div?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>


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PNG Script Hides My Graphics!

Aug 6, 2007

I use the following script to strip the transparent background on PNG images in previous versions of Internet Explorer. However, it started hiding my images, and I can't figure out what changed.

I am very limited in my Javascript knowledge, so please keep your answers simple.

This script seems to be adding other styling to the images and the css settings here override the ones in my stylesheet even though the stylesheet comes after the script in my page. Code:

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Pop Up Hides Behind Main Window?

Aug 3, 2009

I have a pop up that opens for a second then hides behind main window for some reason

<img src="../../../print_this_page.gif" title="Click To Print This Page" width="64" height="64" onmousedown="MM_openBrWindow('{ads_print_href}?item_id={item_id}','printnew','scrollbars=yes,width=950,height=800 ')" />

what i can add to the code so it stays in top. Works on firefox. Issue is with IE8

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JQuery :: Asp:Menu Hides Behind Sildeshow?

Jun 15, 2011

I´m using the asp:menu control and the cycle plugin. No matter what I do, the drop down menu hides behind the slideshow. I´ve tried z-index, z-index !important, div-layout, table-layout, other slideshow plugins, different browsers (FF4, Chrome12, IE9).

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JQuery :: Refresh Div's Contents Actually Hides The Div?

Aug 13, 2011

I'm trying to refresh this div:

echo "<div id='some_div'>".rand()."</div>";

For that, I wrote this jquery code:

setInterval(function() {
$('#some_div').load(location.href+' #some_div>*');
}, 3000);

But now, instead of refreshing the div, it seems to be hiding it.

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Create A Function That Hides Two Divs?

Mar 8, 2011

I've created a function that would hide and show paragraphs from a drop down list, that paragraph contains a link that will show a div containing a map of google. But when I switch to another State on the drop down list I'd like to have the original first paragraph that showed up to disappear. So far, I can only get the <div> that contains the map to disappear.a function that would hide the paragraph and the <div>? Again, Here's the code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">

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Looking For Script That Hides Text Based On URL?

Apr 14, 2011

I am looking for a bit of Javascript that can hide a sentence in my website if the URL contains certain words, most specifically INFO or CERT. Any idea how I can do this?

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Code Which Shows A Div And Then On Click It Hides The Div?

Apr 15, 2010

I have simple code which shows a div and then on click it hides the div but its not working:



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JQuery :: HWhen You Move Mouse Away It Hides?

Apr 2, 2010

On this page:[URL]..when you hover over "Informationen" and "Über uns" you get sub menu shown. When you move mouse away it hides. Normally i have problem with jquery making queue for every single hover i make, and then i just keeps on animating all those hovers. I tried to implement stop() but just cant get it to work properly.

This is the code i am using:


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JQuery :: Ticking The Checkbox Shows And Hides The Div

Aug 6, 2009

This is my first little foray into JQuery, so far i'm impressed, having had very little JS experience, I was able to create the result. I wanted very qucikly and easily!

However, I'm having one little niggle...

Here's my code:

This works fine.. ticking the checkbox shows and hides the div. However, if I check the checkbox and refresh the page, the checkbox remains ticked, but the div is hidden. how I can make it work reliably?

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JQuery :: Tabs - All Content Loads First Then Hides?

Jan 12, 2011

I'm trying to get basic JQuery tabs working, using the example shown on this website.If I put the example code on a page by itself it works exactly as intended. However, as soon as I try and incorporate that same code into my site its behaviour changes. The content for all three tabs appears on the one page and then when the page has finished loaded they then eventually hide.

<a href="">Test page</a>

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AJAX :: The Appropriate Div Within The Content-main Div Shows / Hides As Appropriate?

Apr 1, 2011

We are looking to implement something similar to the navigation found at this site: [URL] When you click on ABOUT, CONTACT, or LAB, the appropriate div within the content-main div shows/hides as appropriate. Fancy. I'm happy to read up on this on my own, but I don't really know how they accomplished this, so I'm not sure what to research. Since the page doesn't refresh, I'm assuming AJAX may be involved? Most importantly, I'm very interested in how their URL structure works. It looks like #about is an anchor that they are linking to. I thought about doing it in PHP, which I'm more familiar with, but I'd rather not refresh the page if I don't have to.

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Code To Menu Which Shows And Hides Divs?

Jun 27, 2010

I'm trying to code a menu which when clicking say the 'news' button, a div will appear to the right containing the news, if you then click the button below, say 'information', the news div will be replaced by the 'information' div. I can figure out how to make a single menu item show and hide a div, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it for a whole menu.

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Image Swap Hides All Flash Objects?

Oct 17, 2011

I'm trying to put some code together to create an image-swapping system, that when you click on the image it'll hide the image and replace it with a given iframe vimeo/youtube code...

The swapping part works fine, however when the iframe loads up, it hides all other flash objects in the page, and I can't figure out why.

Here's the JS
function swapvideo(w,h,url) {
document.getElementById('video_code').innerHTML="<iframe src='"+url+"'


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One Grid Displays Numbers, True Or False And Yes Or No, And The Other Grid Displays Letters, True, False, Yes And No?

Feb 15, 2012

I have two grids, they both display buttons. One grid displays numbers, true or false and yes or no, and the other grid displays letters, true, false, yes and no.

The second grid is not displayed in the code (used css to not display second grid buttons (.answerBtns)) Now using the getButtons() function, if the user selects button "1" in first grid (the grid which you have to open using (Open Grid) link, then it should display button "A" in second grid, if user selects button "2" in first grid, then it should displays buttons "A" and "B" in second grid, if "3" then display "A", "B" and "C" and so on.

Now except using if statements and stating which buttons should be displayed and not displayed depending on the button chosen in first grid, is there a more efficent way of coding this so that the display of buttons in second grid depends on what is selected in the first grid?

If it is using an array can somebody show a sample of this in their answer. You can just do it for one example and then I should be able to use that to fill it for the other buttons.

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Keep Form Always In Focus / When Clicking Link To Show Form?

Mar 25, 2009

The trouble is, is that some pages are very long and some are very short, so using offsetTop is obviously not bringing the form into full view ;-( Still keeping all the functions detailed in the code below, how would you adjust the code to achieve the aim of always showing the form, when clicking on the button to show the form, regardless of how long or short the page is please?

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Unable To Scroll Down Ajax Dropdown Box In IE As It Hides / Enable This?

Apr 2, 2011

Unable to scroll down an ajax dropdown box in IE. as doing so causes the dropdown box to hide.

I have been told that I need to have a different DOCTYPE but using a 'scrict' doctype causes the menu to scroll downwards with each item on its own line and not across the top of the page.

This is the working folder I have created with just the bar bones of the page that are affected. code...

Can anyone suggest how I can get this to work on most if not all browsers.

oh, i have previously been told that I should use Jquery for this and the other functions on the page but I tried this at the first stages of setting the page up and it failed to work correctly.

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Accordion Style List That Shows/hides A Separate Div?

May 26, 2010

1 - Accordion style vertical list that expands element (Film # and description) when "+more" link is clicked, and closes the previous open film and description.

2 - Activation of "+ more" shows a photo in separate div, and hides the previous photo that was visible in this separate div.

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JQuery :: Hides Some Divs On Page Load-But Not Fast Enough?

Mar 18, 2010

[URL].. I have used some jQuery to hide two divs (#choices and #review) until a selection of "yes" or "no" is made. My problem is that as the page loads, these div's are displayed for a split second until the jQuery hides them. Can anyone tell me a better way or a fix for the existing code that I am using?

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The Function Takes An Array And Progressively Hides Each Element At Constant Interval?

Oct 29, 2011

I'm having a hard time getting my head round it again. I know it could be more efficient in jQuery, but I'd be happy just to get it working, with an extra variable, in straight js.The function takes an array and progressively hides each element at constant interval, in this case 50ms:

function hide_50(arrayA,visibility,current) {
if ( current == null ) current = 0;
var arrayB=(typeof arrayA == 'string')? arrayA.split(',') : arrayA;


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Function - Compares Two Strings And Then Shows Or Hides A Div Depending On Results Of Comparison

Oct 8, 2011

I have been on this for over an hours now, it is probably something simple and/or stupid, but why doesn't this script work? I have read forums til my eyes are crossed and can't see what I am doing wrong I am new to javascript, but not programming. The point here is to create a function that compares two strings and then shows or hides a div depending on the results of the comparison. I was trying to pass in the name of the two input text boxes containing the text and the name of the div to show or hide (so that it can be used in multiple scenariios.) Right now my error message is that document.getElementById(field1).value is not a function.

Here is the code below..

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