I have something like that where I need to repeat x times where x depends on the width of the browser. (Not sure if its a good idea to use a bitmap of width 1 but I could use one that is larger and then use both(e.g., maybe one that is 10 pixels wide and repeat that as needed and let the 1 pixel wide one get the rest(I have some "ends" on the border that I need to display too so it sorta needs to be exact))
Not sure how to do this with js(just learning it) but obviously I just need to get the width of the border and then figure out how many times I need to repeat the code.
I have several issues I am wondering about though. First off is that I have used photoshop imageready to create a roll over menu bar but in firefox when I use the down state it leaves a selection rectangle around the image but in IE it does not do this. It does not look nice in firefox and I'm sure there is some way to prevent it. (for some reason it selects it when you click the menu item and this probably can be turned off using css?)
Another issue, which isn't a big deal, is that I'm using symmetric bitmaps to "cap" the border. I was wondering if it is possible to flip the image using html or js so that I don't have to have a seperate image for it?
I have a project dilemma that is beyond my capabilities.I'm building a web based scoring system. I will input players names and their individual scores. Each of their 12 "station" scores will be placed into 12 text boxes and the total will be added up and placed into a textbox called Score.I've started with only two textboxes to start out and here is what I have (which works).
import javax.swing.JOptionPane; class TriangleArea { public static void main(String[] args)
I am trying to create a program that will run and repeat asking user for another input. The program is work but i cannot get the while loop or to ask user to enter another input to work.
I'm making a website at [URL].. and I'm trying to create a menu using Jquery 1.3.2. Anyways, if you look at the tabs in my header, they have an effect but it only works once. After I mouse over the same tab a second time, they do not animate. I also have a similar menu at [URL].. You may notice the second menu also will fade to a darker gray. If i copy and past that code into my drupal block, it will still only animate one time. Do i need to include something extra because its version 1.3.2??? I also have another Jquery plugin below the header which is called a S3SLIDER. I'm not calling the jquery script up more than once.Here's the code for the Jquery menu at adc-design.com:
I'm new on jQuery. I'm developing an intro transition for a website. I've already done the FadeIn - FadeOut code for the page, here the example [URL].. but I've a little problem.When I click on the home button the animation restart.
In my form I want user to Rate on a scale of 1-6 the importance of 6 questions that they have just answered.How can I Select 1 - 6 from a dropdown but have each selection be conditional...so the same number can't be selected twice.
Is it possible to show the details of each record from the recordset in a show hide way?Each record would have a title - I need the sliding div to show the relevant info when the title is clicked on.Don't know if i've made this very clear so have posted the currect code below. At the moment clicking on any record drops down only the very first record.
i want this animation to start from the beginning but i dont know how to do it.im using scriptaculous framework. here is my animation:[URL].. and here is my code:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> //fade div 1 new Effect.Fade('anim1', {duration: 1, from: 0, to: 1, afterFinish: function (one){ //after finnish 1 //after fade 1 effects
I found this Javascript - it can make a slideshow with transitions, but it starts over from the beginning when it reaches the end. Is it possible to re-code the script, so it won't repeat but just stay at the last picture at the end?
how to repeat a function if the mouse button is held down. As far as I can tell, you have to detect onMouseDown and set a variable, then clear the variable onMouseUp. During this you run a loop to check the variable, and if var_mousedown = True, then repeat.
Since I really (and I mean really) suck at JavaScript, I need some assistance. I have the following onClick event that I'd like to continue to trigger as long as the mouse is held down: onClick="PanXY(-50,0);".
The PanYX function is here: function PanXY(x,y) { map.Pan(x,y); }
However, I'm not sure how this would actually work. So if the mouse is held down while calling onclick the "PanXY" function, will it actually repeat with the values given?
I've looked everywhere for a random number generator which doesn't repeat. Tried loads and none have seemed to work.I'm making a quiz, 5 questions so far.This button, in html, generates the next random Q:But I need a random generator which fires them off only once. Anyone have suggestions for a non-repeating random number gen which will work? Even the one now seems to have some slight error associated with it. The one's ive tried so far haven't worked..
My array contains 15 value I want to random pick 5 value:
How to random pick from all elements with no repeat of the same content. e.g. if myArray[0] is picked then myArray[12] will not be picked again. (because they have the same value "a")
I wrote a .repeat(n) function for strings which seemed to work fine:
String.prototype.repeat = function(n) { // repeats the string n times if (n<1) return ""; if (n<2) return this; for (var aStr = [this];--n>0;) aStr.push(aStr[0]); return aStr.join(""); }
Only I was a little surprised to get "object" (instead of "string") when I tried: alert (typeof ("x".repeat(1)));
I fixed this by modifying ... if (n<2) return this+"";
I want to basically do the following, 1) hide first li, 2) move the first hidden li after the last li (appendTo), 3) show the last hidden li, 4) then repeat (this in theory should give me a rotating slide)This is my code, where am I going wrong and how do I add the repeat? Basically the last statement of show is not happening, I assume I need to place it in a callback, however the previous line does not support a callback.
$(document).ready(function() { var interval = 3500; //time between slides $("#scrolleritems li:first").hide('slow', function () {
This code after remove, repeat value removed. If not want repeat value removed, show a value norepeatvalue, what do I do? $('span b').live('click', function () { $('<p>' + $(this).parent().text().substr(1) + '</p>').appendTo('.list_name'); $(this).parent().remove(); }); $('.list_name p').live('click', function () { $('<span><b>x</b>' + this.innerHTML + '</span>').insertBefore('#auto_box input'); $(this).remove(); }).live('mouseover', function () { $('.highlight').removeClass('highlight'); $(this).addClass('highlight'); });
I have developed a plugin for mutual selection on a list of elements.It works fine if I make those element into mutual list only once. like $("appropriateSelector").toMutualSelect(); that plugin will add click event handler to each element and they remember the whole list by enclosure.
If I add new elements to that list. and do$("appropriateSelector").toMutualSelect(); again. New elements will behave as expected but old ones will have problems. Each old element will have the same handler bind multiple times to them. That will result like toggle two times andmessingup the outcome. How do I prevent this? I am trying to clean up their bound handlers but seems no luck.
I am new in jquery, and don't understand how I can repeat of my created animation. Here example of my code: $("#text_rotator1_1").fadeIn(3000,function(){ $("#text_rotator1_2").fadeIn(3000, function(){ $("#text_rotator1_3").fadeIn(3000, function() { $("#text_rotator1_4").fadeIn(3000, function() { $("#text_rotator1_1").fadeOut(1000); $("#text_rotator1_2").fadeOut(1000); $("#text_rotator1_3").fadeOut(1000); $("#text_rotator1_4").fadeOut(1000, function() { });});});});}); When all 4 elements is faded out, then i want to repeat fade in of all elements.
I'm struggling to find out the correct bit of jQuery to use, so that I can repeat a process 4 times. I am trying to achieve the following: When 1 <a> is clicked, I want jQuery to add the class current to that <a> and the next 4 <a>. All I need to know is the correct selector or filter to use in order to achieve this?
I have a table that has a textfield for inputing numeric values. This field is in a repeated row table. The field id is 'amount'. I want to add all values in the text fields with ID 'amount' and display the sum in a textfield called 'totals' which is in a seperate table but in the same form. I have limited experience with jquery and I actually managed to create and delete a table row from reading posts on stack overflow. I tried using each() but it only works with the first row which is the default row.
However as stated, It only works with the first default row that was loaded with the html. Values I input after adding a row using jquery doesn't get summed up.
What im trying to do is have a count down timer count down to the same time every day. For example, if i set it to count down to July 9th 2010 8:00pm. At 8pm i want it to pause or wait for 30 min. During that time i want it to display some text. After that 30min is up i want to reset it to count down to the same time the next day. (July 9th 2010 8:00pm) ect. I figgured maybe adding 23 1/2 hours to it but i dont even no how to reset this thing, let alone change the time it counts down to.Im not asking any one to do this for me (though i wouldnt hate it) but i really need some direction. All i really think i know is that some functions nned to be placed n the "Else - (if variable = 0) then ........." Here is the javascript im using (it works but does not reset) it also takes some information from php:
// Here�s where the Javascript starts countdown = <?=$diff?>; // Converting date difference from seconds to actual time function convert_to_time(secs)