Aspnet Form Not Posting From Javascript In Mozilla 1.7
Jul 23, 2005
The following posts back properlty from an "onclick" in IE, but not in Mozilla 1.7. Can anyone explain to me why not? The style class works the same in both environments.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function ClickMe(Cat, Nbr, Nav){
document.forms[0].inCat.value = Cat;
document.forms[0].inNav.value = Nav;
<form name="__aspnetForm" method="post" action="Default.aspx" ....
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Jul 23, 2005
I need to add an input hidden field to an existing form (post).
I have tried a couple things like adding the '<INPUT type=hidden
name=idSelectedURL value=http://server/documents>' to the innerHTML of
the form but it fails. ie
var sField = "<INPUT type=hidden name=idSelectedURL
frm.innerHTML = frm.innerHTML + sField;
also, trying to add an element to the form such as:
var frm = document.getElementById("idForm");
var oField = frm.createElement ('input');
oField.type ="hidden"; = "idSelectedURL";
oField.value ="http://server/documents";
none of these work and give me a javascript error.
I don't think the createElement method can be used from the form
object, only from the document object. still could not get it working.
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Oct 21, 2009
I am looking for sample/ implementation with Jquery.My requirement is I have web form with some controls, once the user click on submit, entire form should Grey out with message as processing .... once the database successful, successful message should bedisplayed and if user clicks on close on message the message should be closed and form needs to be cleared or some thing like this.
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Jan 16, 2011
I have a webpage with a form inside it. Below the form is a div. When you submit the form it executes some javascript that adds a bunch of html to the div. I can step through the code in the Chrome debugger and see my dom changes are there, but disappear as I get to the original tags in the page. Is there anyway to prevent this?
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Nov 21, 2006
I have a table with dynamic html that contains drop down select lists
and readonly text boxes. Dynamic calculations are done on change of a
value in one of the drop down select lists.
For my first iteration the script works fine ( indicating that there
are 33 form variables ). When trying another dropdown select value, the
form elements.length is shown as 33 ( as about ) BUT the script then
crashes with a 'null value' error. I cannot access any of the form
variables - this works in all other browsers and platforms.
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Jul 20, 2005
What is the simplest way to gather data from a form enter it into a
server-side html page?
I'd like a new entry for each new post ...
.... effectively an a html data base
BTW, can this be done purely in html without the use of a scripting
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Mar 26, 2007
It's possible to declare inbut fields outside of a form, is it possible
to post these values to the server? E.g. attach them to the posted form?
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Aug 4, 2011
I have a form and select menus. I am posting it ajax post method and loading the same page with load method as you see in codes. There is a random number genarator. I want to change this random number once a click submit. If i do not load the same page this number does not change. Therefore I use both post and load methods like in demo. However when i do like this there is a problem which is random number have been generated twice somtimes. If you click submit button successively you will see that the number on left top corner sometimes changes twice a click. Why it is so and how can i correct it.
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May 3, 2009
I am trying to take user input and post it to a new page where I can format their input into a table. Here is the begin of my form:
<form action="resumeProcessor.html" method="post" name="resume" onsubmit="return validateSubmission()">
<input name="name" type="text" id="name" value="Full Name" size="75" />
<input name="address1" type="text" id="address1" value="Street Address" size="73" />
From the user input I want to be able to take each of the text fields and format them into a table on the resumeProcessor.html. I however am unable to figure out how to call the values into my code.
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Dec 15, 2009
I am making a small image annotation tool for research purpose. I have many images shown to a <user> and the person has to click on the image to enter further information about the image.
I would like to POST information about the <user> which is same for all images and also some fields containing the image information to php page containing next level of processing (the page is again same for all image and takes the user and image information as POSTed information).
So I was wondering if there could be a javascript function which i can put like onclick=submitform(imgname, imgA etc.) which submits a FORM with user information (same for all images hence not passed) and image information (strings containing info abt the images e.g. name, quality rating etc.) fields to another php page.
I could put forms for each image but I am dealing with hundreds of images here.
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Jul 17, 2010
I have a problem in posting form elements through ajax, what am i doing wrong?
$uid = "username";
$tid = 500;
$photoTiding = "true";
$picName = "picname";
$pid = "pid";
//displaying users pic and textarea to comment.
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Sep 8, 2011
I have a form that would create a post -- everything looks great but my method is post(which is what I want). When I click the submit button, I want to check the form then post, if all fields are cleared for take off. If I have <input type="submit" then regardless of the outcome of my jscript, the form calls the php script that i have listed but if I have <input type="button" then after the script is run and confirms the fields for me, the post doesn't take. Basically, I think what I have to do here is POST with my jscript but I can't seem to figure out how. Am I way off base here or what?
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Jul 20, 2005
can somebody give me a minimal example of how to read xml
file into mozilla AND run some Javascript funcion?
Mozilla can read xml files directly and css files can
be included as well, that works for me.
But I would like to do some operations with the DOM tree.
My question is Mozilla only, I would apperciate some
minimal example (like alert(1)) and especially some
URL pointers.
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Jun 6, 2011
I have a switch/case statement, and when a case is tripped, I'd like to send a name and value to a processing page. I'm very new at jQuery with no javaScript background.
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Jan 28, 2009
I'm trying to create a search form that will post to one of two different URLs (one internal, one external) depending on the selection of a particular field. For some reason, I've never quite got the grasp of javascript ...Basically, the form has two fields. One is the <input='text'> search field, the second would be a <select> field to indicate the type of search to be made (long story, won't go into details here).So let's say the select field name is 'searchType' and the option values are simply '1' and '2'. here's my miserable failed attempt that I reckon is on the right track but with many errors:
function checkSelect() {
var $internal = 'action=""';
var $external = 'action=""';
Then in the <form>, I just do an onSubmit="checkSelect()" ?
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Jun 1, 2009
I have not been codeing for too long. The form submits correctly when the button is pressed bu wheni click enter on keyboard it gives a page not foud error
here is the code
function ByPartNo(){
var strTest = document.form1.search_criteria.value;
if (strTest){
document.form1.action="result_details_by_part_no.asp?mSKU="+ strTest
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Jan 3, 2011
I want to download the records of the output of search criteria to excel. As the fields for search criteria are more than 20. I am submitting the form with POST method rather than GET.
On click of "Download2excel", the hidden variable name1 is set to Yes. so i will check the condition in my code. Once the download is successful, I want to reset the variable.
Here is a sample structure of my code.
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Jul 20, 2005
Is there any documentation or reference for the Mozilla web browsers.
Some of my older Netscape code doesnt work and the IE code still doesnt work ..
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Jul 20, 2005
could you kindly help me to solve a compatibility problem that involves
Internet Explorer and NN/Mozilla.
I created a html page that contains a form (its name is "Modulo") and some
text boxes. After clicking on a button, a popup appears.
I tried to modify the text of "Testo" textbox from the popup windows by
using the following javascript code:
window.opener.Modulo.Testo.value=window.opener.Mod ulo.Testo.value + " This
will be added to Testo textbox!";
The code is correctly run by Internet Explorer and the "Testo" textbox in
the calling html page is successfully updated.
When I try to open these pages with Mozilla, the javascript code that should
update the textbox is ignored. How can I solve this problem?
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Dec 5, 2003
I have looked into creating a javascript that will do a PopUp "Exit Poll" when the client backs out or links forward from the domain. It is a moderated script I found through discussions on this forum.
Now it works great in MSIE5.2.2 on MacOS10.1.5, but I'm finding I better also make sure it works in Mozilla if I have any chance of making it work on the PC side. When i try it in Mozilla, I get Javascript console saying "loadpopup() is not defined"
I've found a couple javascripts that work in MSIE but not Mozilla..this is getting irritating to say the least.
For MacOS10.3 owners using Safari, is the browser compatibility with javascript any better? I feel like I need to get away from MSIE5.2.2 altogether now. And no..I'm not buying a PC. Code:
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May 26, 2007
Need some working sample code to post hidden form data from a php page
to a new popup window. 540 x 500 centered. The popup that I'm calling
already is formatted and has a TITLE:web-2007.php so what I need to do
is to write the values from the PHP page to that popup in specific
Some of the hidden values are also like this format;
<input type="hidden" name="handling" value="<?php echo $_POST["sub"];?>">
<input type="hidden" name="email" value="<?php echo $_POST["email"];?>">
Right now,the hidden input fields are on a PHP page, and I'm calling the
popup from the generated PHP page like so:
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Sep 15, 2011
i am having a few problems with my form and i was hoping someone can help me understand what i am doing wrong. I'm new to java and scripting for forms. Usually i use Simfatic Forms to build my forms but this form requires special coding and work. I'm build a 5 table form with a dynamically add and remove function that will allow the user to add more Rows to the form.
What i would like the add function to do is allow my users to pick from a Dropdown menu how many rows they would like to add to the form from 1,5,10,15,20,25 rows. I have gotten the form to allow the add function of one row only but i cant get the add function to allow the select from list.
when the row repeats it wont repeat the datepicker to a workable map or the number system from 5+ in table ren5 i have the page up on my site for testing purposes so you can see what is going on. Another issue im having is when i submit the form to my formtools it takes all the input info and puts it in one line in the datebase. What im trying to do is have each table submit to its own row in the datebase.
What im looking for is help understanding what i need to do to make this work. I have been reading a lot of tutorials and have been searching a lot of help sites but everything i have read and tried so far will not work for what im trying to do.
I really need help getting this to work in the next couple of days. Here is the link to the page on my server so you can see what is going [URL]..
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Jul 14, 2011
I have an appendchild script that adds an <input> element when a current one is clicked. It then gets posted by a PHP script. Everything works perfectly in IE, but in Firefox, nothing gets posted.code...
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Apr 9, 2009
I'm writing a web page, which should interact with pages on another server using an iFrame. I want to use a form on the parent page to post to the URL on the iFrame and capture the response, without reloading the parent page.
Here are the details:I have a FORM on the parent JSP page, with some session data in hidden fields. The point to note is that the whole session data is on the client side, in encrypted form. This data should be posted to the server for each request, synchronous or asynchronous.Now, I need to call an application on a server on a different domain. For this purpose, I am using an iFrame. The session data in the parent page should also be passed to the application in the iFrame.
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Jul 23, 2005
Everything works fine with Opera and IE, but not with Mozilla 1.7.3 and
Firefox 1.0 PR. When I call a function previously defined inside another
function I've got "function is not defined". Why?
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Sep 27, 2007
I have a strange problem... I have a form with a text area that contains an XML document. This document can be modified by the user.
Once the document has been modified, the user pressed the "Submit" button to submit the modification (onclick=modify())... and go to another jsp page.... in my javascript, I have the following code:
function modify()
myRand=parseInt(Math.random()*99999999); // cache buster
var docXML=document.forms[0].xml.value;
var plist="myRand="+myRand+"&docXML="+escape(docXML);
With Firefox, the problem does not occur.... but with Explorer, the form is not even submitted!!!!! Is there a workaround for this? The XML document is not even very big.
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