Array.lenght Undefined ??
Oct 16, 2002
what is the reason for the undefined answer?
var numberstring = "123 456 789";
var matchnumber = new Array();
matchnumber = numberstring.match(/d+/g);
alert (matchnumber.lenght);
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a problem (a simple but incredible problem !). On a form, I have a
Select element which is mulitple.
I tried to get the number of options of this Select but it always return
So I tried :
document.forms[0].mySelect.lenght = undefined
document.forms[0].mySelect.options.lenght = undefined
If I try to get anything else, I get the correct information, but I
can't get the lenght property !!
An idea ?
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Aug 3, 2005
I've written some code:
function onSubmit(form){
for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.lenght; i++){
if (form.elements[i].disabled == 1)
form.elements[i].disabled = 0;
<form action="step3.jsp" method="get" name="myForm"
I want to turn on all of <select> elements on my form by set their field 'disabled' to false. Loop doesn't work. I've tried to get form.elements.lenght's value by putting it to alert box. IE (NS also) said "undefined". Where is the problem?
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Jul 23, 2005
in javascript, is there a way to test if an array is undefined????
for (var x=0; x<10; x++){
if test_array[x] is undefined then x++
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Jul 1, 2009
var allProductIDs = [5410, 8362, 6638, 6758, 7795, 5775, 1004, 1008, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1072, 1076, 1086, 1111, 1112, 1140]; lastProductID = 6758;
for some reason I get a -1 or I guess which is equivalent to not found for this:
I can't figure out for the life of my why because it should find 6758 and that would be index 3. If it's index 3 then I should get back 6758 I would think.
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Dec 11, 2009
I have a homework assignment which is pretty simple. It is a grade calculator that uses arrays to gather the grades from the user. This is what I have for the problematic section:
var homework = new Array(2);/* The grades entered by the user for Homework 1, 2, and 3 */
var project = new Array (3);/* The grades entered by the user for Project 1, 2, 3, and 4 */
My problem is the document.write portion of the code, where it is supposed to return either homework[0], project [0], or exam[0], it instead returns undefined. There is no problem with any other subscript. And yes, it does successfully prompt me for each of the [0] subscripts in the first part of the code. Am I just missing something that is right in front of my face? Does all arrays not start with the [0] subscript?
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Feb 20, 2009
I am working on a very simple code to determine the highest value from an array and also use parallel arrays.
The problem I am having is, when I try to invoke the parallel array namesArray it returns undefined.
I have coded the function so it can be used to find the highest value in more arrays as this is only the beginning of my code. Im not sure if this is what is causing the problems but I have a feeling it is code...
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Apr 5, 2011
The form allows users to enter there details, and when they click on the signup button the following is suppose to happen
1. Thank you note for signing up is displayed, including details they just entered
2. The details entered are stored in an array
3. When you want to view all signups you can click on a signup button and all details are shown
4. The form resets and clears all input fields
I have a form that allows input and functions that validate input, store input, and shows the input and html for the design layout. [code] The two buttons are called signup and members [code]When i run it i can enter all the details and click on signup all the details are still there and then i click on members and it shows all the details i have just entered along side the string signup but it also displays the words 'undefined', so I think there are problems with the array.
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Apr 7, 2009
I keep getting <undefined> when I alert out the value of my array 'fadeimages1'. Using php/mysql I retrieve filenames from a directory and create <INPUT> fields to store the filenames. In the javascript portion of the code, I use getElementsByName() to retrieve all of the <INPUT> fields. I then declare an array, 'fadeimages1'. Next, using a for loop I try to copy the values from the <INPUT> fields into the array 'fadeimages1'. When I alert out the length and value variable for each <INPUT> field, I get the correct filename, but after trying to store the value into 'fadeimages1' array, I get value is <undefined> when I alert it out. BTW, the following code uses 'fadeimages1.push()', but I also tried 'fadeimages1[i]=...'. Both result in <undefined> values.
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May 10, 2009
I use ASP to write the arrays at the start of my page:
<script language="Javascript">
var ArrManu1 = new Array();
var ArrManu2 = new Array();
var ArrManu3 = new Array();
[Code].... populate the second dropdown box. However, when the user selects the first option in the first dropdown box (therefore making the variable "Co" equal to 1), ((ManuArr[Co-1])[i-1]) is "undefined" - why doesn't it add "Bell" to the dropdown?
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Mar 2, 2009
I want to create an associative array dynamically pulling the index values from an array (propertyArray); Associative array is created inside create function and then returned. But after it is returned, I cant use index names to retrieve values. It returns undefined as below code shows.
Code JavaScript:
var propertyArray=["a","b","c"];
function create(){
var array=[];
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Jan 21, 2011
Modifying my code:
I have this C# code that is connecting to database and creating a array(list)
I'm trying to pass it to a javascript function so I can then pass it to a silverlight page so I was able to create this easy javascript that show a aleart box on startup of the list(array)
But I want to do something like this and can't get it:
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Feb 15, 2011
I am trying to understand somecode. I don't think I am understanding everything correctly. Can someone confirm or add to my understanding?
Here is the code, below is my explanation:
- CODE 1 - is saying if the the class subnav_dd is called on an anchor tag on a li, then make the function in the if statement "live". (Live in a sense binds the function to the condition, but unlike bind it allows the condition to be used more then once. ) So if the class subnav_dd is the parent, and has a class of .dis then prevent anything below it from firing. CSS - If code 1 is true, then I will only get the first li to fire, the remaining ones will not.
- CODE 2 - This one is a little tricky. Function ToggleOptions takes 3 variables (target, array, state). The condition is if the div subnav + target have siblings, then check to see how many siblings are there. Put the amount of siblings into an array, then check the state of each sibling. I don't completely the rest of it.
I think if the div subnav is called and something is found in the array then the class dis is either added or removed. Then what? I don't understand why I still need the else that adds a class to #subnav_
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Sep 17, 2010
What is the correct syntax for an nested array where each array element has 3 elements, a number and two text strings?
array = ['1, Old Man, Old Man','2 Black Sheep, Black Sheep',....]
should the text strings be in double quotes("")?
array = ['1, "Old Man", "Old Man"','2 "Black Sheep", "Black Sheep"',....]
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Apr 25, 2011
I am really hoping someone is willing to take the time to read this post and take a minute to take a look at my code. What is happening is there are some matches for a script I made and then an area for segments during an event. If you notice on the segment part of the form is that there is a dropdown that asks for where in the event that segment needs to go. With the Introduction or the different numbered matches. What I need to happen for a subArray I need it to take the introduction, all the matches, and all the segments and order them accordingly. With the introduction first, the matches in order based off there match number and then the segments in between the introduction or matches based off the user's input.[URL]..
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Nov 3, 2010
I am working on a page where the user will select a location from a dynamically generated dropdown list. I was able to create the php multidimensional array (tested and working) from a MySql database using the users information at login, but I'm having problems converting it to a javascript multidimensional array. I need to be able to access variables that I can pass to a number of text fields within an html form.For instance, if a user belongs to a company with multiple addresses, I need to be able to let them select the address they need to prepopulate specific text fields.
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Jul 21, 2011
is this correct
var mid = math.floor((0 + array.length)/2)
from here you could use array.slice to divide the array into two equal sized arrays?
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Apr 10, 2010
This one is throwing me off! Either I am making a stupid mistake or I'm doing it totally wrong I have an array, and I am trying to select unique values from it and assign it to another array. Here is the code:
var flag;
for (i=0;i<=pdfs.length-1;i++)
flag = 1;
for (j=0;j<=pdfs2.length-1;j++)
The problem is that the if (pdfs2[j] == pdfs[i]) statement ends up never being true. There are URL's to pdf files in the array. On the other side, if there is a much easier way to select unique values from an array, please feel free to point it out.
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Sep 1, 2010
I am building a customised javascript prototype to sort an associative array on the array key (in ascending order). Basically, I am separating the array keys into a separate array and then using .sort() to sort the keys and then reassembling the original associative array elements according to the sorted keys array.
The sorting works ok except that when I run the test code below, the outputed sorted associative array has an extra element at the end of the array whose key is the name of the prototype function and the value for that element is the function code itself. Obviously I am misunderstanding something about associative arrays or how javascript prototypes work.
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Nov 19, 2011
I want to have a simple code such that some data is stored in array. When we create a search box it has to give suggestions from the data stored in array.
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May 6, 2007
I'd like to reorganize the third, fourth, fifth and sixth, as well as any
elements thereafter in an array in random order:
var a = new Array('first','second','third','fourth','fifth','s ixth','etc')
In other words, the first, second and third element should remain in
position 0, 1 and 2, while the fourth, fifth and sixth, etc. should appear
in random order.
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Mar 26, 2010
I'm trying to grab values from a set of arrays based on the value returned by my select box.
**Caveat - this is not an area I have any real experience with**
My arrays look like:
Code JavaScript:
I then need to test for each, then associate with one of my fees arrays, then grab each of the values in the array and write those values to elements within my page.
I'm then doing this to evaluate for each degree
Code JavaScript:
I need to first figure out how best to import all of these 60+ arrays and then in each of my conditions pull out each value and write to my page.
There is a unique 1 to 1 relationship between each degree and array so I can't consolidate as the values for each degree differ slightly.
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Jul 23, 2005
This is using Microsoft Windows with IE. I have a form with a text box which I inspect onKeyDown to determine what key is pressed. Also if the page sits idle for a while an alert box comes up. Here's my issue.
If I load the page and wait for the time out a message is written to the staus bar. That works fine. But if I load the page, type one character in the text box and stop all activity the page times out again. But this time after the alert box has fully formed, the status bar quickly receives the message I want there but instantaneously changes to undefined.
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Feb 21, 2006
Looking for clarification of undefined variables vs. error in
JavaScript code.
alert( z ); // this will be an error, i.e. an exception
alert( this.z );
alert( window.z ); // both equivalent, no error, but window.z is
why is it that 'z' alone without the global object generates an error,
shouldn't it also be undefined? for example if i did
z = 0;
the javascript interpreter knows to create a global variable z
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Jun 20, 2007
Has anyone came across a situation or know how the
document.fileCreatedDate property could be throw a JScript Error in
IE6 browsers?
I am using this in a function to help determine an IE browser (with
other properties). It has been reported to me to fail in others
browser. Since it works on other peoples machines I would make me
think is there something that can be done to a webpage that can have
this cause an issue.
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Jul 20, 2005
ns 7.1 on win2k:
i am trying to sniff out the (ax) version of the NS browsers and am
not having any luck. both of the following alert 'undefined':
alert('GeckoActiveXObject=' + typeof GeckoActiveXObject);
alert('GeckoActiveXObject=' + window.GeckoActiveXObject);
it seems very straight forward but the results are puzzling. has
anyone had this same issue? thoughts/suggestions?
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