I have a form with multiple input fields and I'm trying to identify the specific input field that is in focus so that I can display a relevant status bar message.
I have a message array with various entries in it and I'm calling a showStatus() function with an onfocus function from the form itself e.g.
The code in the input form = <input type="text" name="first" size="31" maxlength="20" class="entry" onfocus="showStatus()"/> The showStatus() function so far is =
I'd like to access the array variable of the item that is in focus not only for the message but also for an onblur function to validate input.
If I know that apple exists in above list.How to get index of whole string from the list.Like apple should have the index 1, ball should have 2 and so on.
I am new to Javascript but fluent in C++ and other languages, I have a query, I made a global variable to hold string information, can the value of this string be assigned to a form input field value? I mean in the 'default value sense' I am just wondering if there is any syntax to accomplish this. EG in my javascript I have the string nameVal; It is a global variable, I would like to know if it is poosible access its value for use in the line below shown with italics, or is it basically always a case of 'type the value in manually yourself' and then rely on events functions to update the field thereafter? Name: <br><input type = "text" name = "nameField" size = "50" value = my string val here onChange ="this.value=storeVal(this.value, '0')"></input></br>
Unfortunately that doesn't work. I understand that the index() isdocumentation (though confusing) correctly tells you that the above code doesn't work. Maybe I'm just weird, but I feel that the way .index() is implemented for string arguments is very counter intuitive. I have an expectation that .index() is similar to indexOf() in javascript.
I have an object whose name is mural. I have assigned the name mural to the title of an anchor element. When user clicks and element I want to store the title of the anchor in a variable called sprite. I then want to access that object whose name corresponds to the sprite variable string.
Here is my code: HTML Code: var mural= new Object(); mural.top='0px'; mural.left=-'510px';
var stamps= new Object(); stamps.top='0px'; stamps.left=-'1886px'; var sprite=$(this).attr('title'); $(".image-holder").css("background-position",'sprite.top, sprite.left');
It's not working because the the variable sprite is just a reference to $(this).attr('title'), how do I make it reference the object? Oh and I know that .cc jquery statement probably wont work, I'm not sure yet of the correct way to have two values that don't need quotations in as the second argument.
I have a web application where window A opens window B (same site). B later wants to do something depending on whether the window A, window.opener.document.domain, has changed.
However, there doesn't seem to be a way to actually check whether A has moved to a different domain without triggering (in IE) a security violation and completely aborting the script. If the user has enabled debugging, this also brings up an annoying dialog box.
I'd like to either catch this exception somehow or be able to tell beforehand whether I can access window.opener.* attributes successfully. According to:
the only thing I can do is to *write* to the various attributes.
Can anyone suggest a way to work around this? I am not interested in accessing the location/domain of the new page, just whether the window has left my domain.
I have a form having a field like the following: <input type="checkbox" name="solicitationBean[0].attemptNo" value="" > how to access this in javascript. I am getting error when I access like this: document.formname.solicitationBean[0].attemptNo
I have the below array called "results". When I loop through all document elements I would like to check "field_name" against the "results" array and see if it exists and what index number it is at??
// Split the comma delimited response into an array results = result.split("~"); //Loop through array and populate fields[code].....
I'm getting an error message come up in IE6 when somenone subscribes to my newsletter from my home page (either from the drop down hover box form or the left hand form) here .
After entering a name and email address I get:
A runtime error has occurred....do you wish to debug? Line 4 Error: Unterminated string constant
When I click NO I then get a second small windows popup which says:
A runtime error has occurred....do you wish to debug? Error: Expected ')'
I've looked at lines 4 and 43 of my thanks.php page (the page subscribers get when they fill out the form but before they double optin via the email) and I can't find anything wrong. I guess the first message expects a semicolon and the second obviously a closing bracket. Code:
I am facing a problem in javascript. strdata is a variable of javascript and following is an assignment(hmm a Huge one but unfortunately its not mine code, I am just trying to rectify it) to this varibale.. Now I am facing a run time error(Unterminated string constant).....
I am trying to get the index of a li with a specific class. I know I'm selecting the right object because I can apply a CSS class to it (eg change border colour) but when I try to get the index it returns -1. But I know the object exists as I can alter it. :-s
jQuery(document).ready(function() { var active = $("#tertiarynavigation .bordered").get(0); var num = $("#tertiarynavigation li").index(active); alert("Index: " + num);
I built my website using Stacey app, and have installed the Jquery booklet plugin, but its not working, I get Uncaught Reference Error: $ is not defined. It is the script below that is not Working....
Then when I run I get this error unterminated string literal selectAndUpdate('EA13','GY','210/60R. That means my third value from the db got problem due to the slash right? How to overcome this?
Why does the the following javascript function not work? This is not valid HTML (that is the problem). This works when not passing any arguments to the function. I think I'm required to have all element attribute values in quotes for XHTML standards. I've tried placing my echo statement argument in double and single quotes, and they both do not work. What simple thing am I missing?
in IE only (tested version 7) if var myWord = "English" then it works fine but if var myWord = "Modifier Chau00EEnes" then I get "Unterminated string constant" error.
What fix would you suggest to keep div.innerHTML = "" format?
I'm trying to accessing the Parent window fom a sub window previously opened using window.open.I'm using firebug to t yand debug, and it shows that this DOM entry exists..window.opener.location.href.But trying to access it gives "window opener is null" error.I've tried all these, and get the various errors tagged on the end...
<script language="JavaScript"> //alert(opener.location); // = opener is null //alert(opener.location.href); // = opener is null[code]......