I am new to Javascript but fluent in C++ and other languages, I have a query, I made a global variable to hold string information, can the value of this string be assigned to a form input field value? I mean in the 'default value sense' I am just wondering if there is any syntax to accomplish this. EG in my javascript I have the string nameVal; It is a global variable, I would like to know if it is poosible access its value for use in the line below shown with italics, or is it basically always a case of 'type the value in manually yourself' and then rely on events functions to update the field thereafter?
Name: <br><input type = "text" name = "nameField" size = "50" value = my string val here onChange ="this.value=storeVal(this.value, '0')"></input></br>
I have an object whose name is mural. I have assigned the name mural to the title of an anchor element. When user clicks and element I want to store the title of the anchor in a variable called sprite. I then want to access that object whose name corresponds to the sprite variable string.
Here is my code: HTML Code: var mural= new Object(); mural.top='0px'; mural.left=-'510px';
var stamps= new Object(); stamps.top='0px'; stamps.left=-'1886px'; var sprite=$(this).attr('title'); $(".image-holder").css("background-position",'sprite.top, sprite.left');
It's not working because the the variable sprite is just a reference to $(this).attr('title'), how do I make it reference the object? Oh and I know that .cc jquery statement probably wont work, I'm not sure yet of the correct way to have two values that don't need quotations in as the second argument.
I have this problem in xsl wherein i want to access a variable in javascript and use it my xsl. How would i access or use a javscript variable in my xsl file?
I have the following function: function containsurl(index){ var theurl = "[URL]"; .. } I need to use the theurl variable in another function, how can I do that?
Is it possible to print out the variable from within a function? In this particular case, I am trying to show the 'soundfile' variable I set in the playRandomSoundNoWindow function.
In hover, the structure is Code: $("div.x2").hover( function(){ var a = 1;}, function(){ alert(a);} );
If I want to access a that was set in the mouseover part of this structure, or I want to change the value of a from the second function, do I have to create a global variable that can be accessed by both or is there a way to pass this variable back and forth between the two functions since they are both within the hover event?
i have script variables which are generated through a loop and i have a function which should return me the value of particular variable given a key as input to that function Here is how my code looks like:
I have two Select Boxes on my web page, 2nd being populated based on selection of first select box. Now I am suppose to get the selected value of 2nd Select and put it in a link i.e. Code: <a href='abc.html?id=<2nd select box value>
I can get the selected value using Javascript with the following code: Code: 2ndid = form.2ndodf.options[form.2ndodf.options.selectedIndex].value; Where 2ndid is a global javascript variable. How I can use this variable into <a href> tag.
I am trying to access the width variable from my main page. Within the imageinfo.js script functions I can alert() the width value which returns 1024. But I can't seem to pass this variable to my main page or access it directly so that I can use document.write() to write the variable on the page. Whenever I try to call the 'width' variable directly from the main page I get undefined. How can I access this variable? However, with the test code below, I was able to get ducument.write() to write the 'width' variable on the page but now the page doesn't stop loading - there's an endless loop in the code...
I'm trying to pupulate a web page with javascript. I have 2 functions. One that runs on-load so I can populate a dropdown list. The second one to process the selection when the user selects an item from the list. I have a global variable in the top of my javascript that I use in the functions and as long as I set it in it's global scope, everything works fine. But what I really want to do is to pass this into the javascript running on this page via [URL]
I cannot get this to work. First here is what I have that works: <script type="text/javascript"> weekNumber = "00" function processSelection(sel) {..... ... [includes references to weekNumber] .....}
I've got the code to gets the variable passed in properly: var sGet = document.location.search; sGet = sGet.substring(1); // Eliminate the leading "?" var sGetPairs = sGet.split("&") //Get 1st pair var sGetValue = sGetPairs[0].split("="); //Split it var weekNumber= sGetValue[1]; //Save it
Where do I put this code so that I can use it to set the global variable "weekNumber"? I've tried putting this code in the populateList function. I've tried referencing it via window.weekNumber and this.weekNumber. I've spent far too many hours trying to understand this without success. Where to put this code so I can set the global variable weekNumber?
We have a web site provided by the software company that created our vacation rental management software, so, as such, I don't have entire control over the pages -- just bits and pieces. They recently started including jQuery 1.4.4 along with jqueryUI and cookie plugin on the pages and utilizing it a bit (as well as a custom jquery bit of code they wrote up). here's the relevant code (that I have control over):
HTML Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var phoneflat = $.util.getCampaignPhone('MCPH').replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); if(phoneflat=="null"){var DNISPh='88812345678'} else{var DNISPh=phoneflat}
Basically, we have a phone-number tracking system on our Web site, and the toll-free number on our site gets replaced depending on how the MCPH cookie is set. The above code pulls formatted number from that campaign cookie, removes the formatting from the number, and sets the pop-up URL to include the number, passing the number after the "?DNIS=" (which is required for this specific campaign tracking to work properly).
This all works fine and dandy if the jquery and cookie code is all before the above code snippet on the page, but the developers of the software are trying to follow best practices and are loading all the javascript files at the end of the page, and this is far earlier in the page. So there's really no way for me to pull that ".util.getCampaignPhone('MCPH')" as the cookie may not have been set yet, nor is the campaign data ready.
So I'm currently working on a ASP.NET Webforms site and I've run in to a small problem. On my .cs file I have the following Webmethod
[WebMethod] public static string IsJobEditable(int jobid){ try{ string isEditable = "false"; JobsBLL jbl = new JobsBLL(); int jobStatusId = jbl.GetJobStatusId(jobid); //If the jobs is either waiting or being edited it is okay to edit it if(jobStatusId == Convert.ToInt32(ConstantsUtil.JobStatus.Waiting) || jobStatusId == Convert.ToInt32(ConstantsUtil.JobStatus.Edit)){ isEditable = "true"; }return isEditable; }catch (Exception ex){ throw ex; }}
This function in this case will ALWAYS return TRUE as a string. On Aspx page I have the following $(function () { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "Coordination.aspx/IsJobEditable", data: "{jobid:" + jobid + "}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "text", success: function (result) { alert(result);
//This is written out in the alert {"d":"true"} I want this in a variable as a string so I can do a check on it before I do some other actions. The format is not a String so I cannot split on it to retrieve the "true" part. }, error: function (err, result) { alert(err); } });});
As you can see in the comments the value I get back in the Callback method is in to me a weird format. The type is unknown and I need this value to be able to proceed with my entire method surrounding the small portion of the Javascript. Where to access the result variable / data as a var or anything else that will let me put it into a var (as a string).
I have an HTA I built for essentially email generation with tie-ins to our CRM here. I'm trying to make a section of the HTA do a Show/Hide style interaction. Ergo, if the section is relevant, click show to show the modifiable parameters, etc., if it's not, leave it hidden. I got this to work with hyperlinks but wanted to change it to an input button so when I'm processing the values, I can check if the sections is "instantiated" and if so, process; if not, skip. The weird thing is, I'm alert()ing on the reported value AFTER I set it and it is reporting as correct, it's simply not showing correctly in my HTA. Javascript:
Code: function HideContent(d) { document.getElementById(d).style.display = "none";
The goal is for selectedDay to be assigned the value of the system variable Mainpackage.subclass0.subclass1.firstDay and then incremented by two days. Mainpackage.subclass0.subclass1.firstDay needs to be unchanged.
Important system variable in red. To be 'manipulated and used' variable in green. Even with an intermediary, third, dummy variable it doesn't work:
Console log is:
It doesn't work in my webapp : All variables change at the same time.
I am currently writing code to populate a select tag with all the hours of the day. I recently rewrote a function that will populate a temporary select tag based off a time passed in as an argument and then return the temporary select at the end. When I attempt to assign the product to a variable, Javascript gives the error "Invalid Assignment on left-hand side." Have I stumbled onto one of the cases where you can't directly assign variables to each other, or is this a syntax error?
This the line that is giving me an error
eval(select1) = newHours('000');
Where select1 is a variable that contains the name of the day and a number, both of which change depending on input, hence the eval statement. The function newHours returns a temporary select.
I would like to be able to take some action (implemented in a function) when a property is assigned a new value (much a page is re- rendered when, for example, a style is changed). So if I do ...
myObject.myProperty = 5;
I want myObject.myFunction to be called. Is this possible at all?
I see that the cluetip plugin project is on github so, perhaps at some point I'll be able to try implementing this feature myself, and submit a pull request. My team is using the cluetip plugin in a rather exceptional way. Rather than a tooltip like msg bubble that appears on mouseover, we show the cluetip on page load and require the user to dismiss it. We're using these cluetips to communicate new features on our site. After looking at available jquery plugins, cluetip seemed to be best suited for this use (all be it, a rather exceptional use).
The current design allows for this use with just a bit of css work but it limits us to one cluetip visible on a page at a time. Multiple cluetips are not possible because the cluetip div container has a non-unique id and the jquery id selector is used in the plugin code (which means that only the first cluetip in the DOM is ever referenced by the code). I'd like to extend the code to allow for dynamic assignment of the id on the cluetip container which would allow us to render multiple cluetips on the page. Perhaps, this might constitute a new plugin, since this isn't really the intended use of cluetips.
I am trying to search over a string of text to recognize any matches.Problem is that the string of text I am search with is in a variable and I don't think its working to well when putting it into a regExp.Here is what I have.
var newMessage = /myajax.responseText/; var previous = document.getElementById("chat").innerHTML; var matchPos = previous.search(newMessage);