Invalid Assignment With Select Element?
Jun 16, 2010
I am currently writing code to populate a select tag with all the hours of the day. I recently rewrote a function that will populate a temporary select tag based off a time passed in as an argument and then return the temporary select at the end. When I attempt to assign the product to a variable, Javascript gives the error "Invalid Assignment on left-hand side." Have I stumbled onto one of the cases where you can't directly assign variables to each other, or is this a syntax error?
This the line that is giving me an error
eval(select1) = newHours('000');
Where select1 is a variable that contains the name of the day and a number, both of which change depending on input, hence the eval statement. The function newHours returns a temporary select.
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Oct 11, 2010
I am trying to assign some value to text filed using jquery.
I am using this code.
Its giving me this error (invalid assignment left-hand side)
If i use this simple statement
This works..
How to assign value to an input filed using jquery.
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Jul 31, 2009
When the page loads there will already be a drop-down on the page, here's an example of the drop down.
<select id="dropdown">
<option value="2121S">Option text</option>
<option value="2122S">Option text</option>
<option value="2123S">Option text</option>
<option value="2121A">Option text</option>
<option value="2122A">Option text</option>
<option value="2121K">Option text</option>
On page load it will evaluate this drop-down and repopulate it determined on their values. If there is an S in any of the values the drop-down will generate an option for 'S' like so.. <option value="s">S Option Text</option> And for the first code example in this post - the Javascript would be able to repopulate the drop-down with the following:
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Oct 13, 2009
I'm having some problems understanding the append() function. What I'd like to do is select an element using it's ID and add a row to the table with a HTML form element. The table is dynamically generated using a Django template ( form.as_table() ) so I'm not able to alter the original HTML markup too much.
If I had a table like this...
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Sep 12, 2010
I'm trying to unselect element or not allow select element to prevent this:
How can i do this? This only happens on FF, on IE8 its fine..
My html:
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Jun 22, 2009
It is possible to make a script that hides the element clicked and this way hide the items I want.
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Dec 17, 2006
All I really need is confirmation for this, but is this:
var variable1 = variable2 = variable3 = value;
The same as and just as legal as this?
var variable1 = value;
var variable2 = value;
var variable3 = value;
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Dec 30, 2009
I have an HTA I built for essentially email generation with tie-ins to our CRM here. I'm trying to make a section of the HTA do a Show/Hide style interaction. Ergo, if the section is relevant, click show to show the modifiable parameters, etc., if it's not, leave it hidden. I got this to work with hyperlinks but wanted to change it to an input button so when I'm processing the values, I can check if the sections is "instantiated" and if so, process; if not, skip. The weird thing is, I'm alert()ing on the reported value AFTER I set it and it is reporting as correct, it's simply not showing correctly in my HTA. Javascript:
function HideContent(d) {
document.getElementById(d).style.display = "none";
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Feb 7, 2011
The goal is for selectedDay to be assigned the value of the system variable Mainpackage.subclass0.subclass1.firstDay and then incremented by two days. Mainpackage.subclass0.subclass1.firstDay needs to be unchanged.
Important system variable in red. To be 'manipulated and used' variable in green. Even with an intermediary, third, dummy variable it doesn't work:
Console log is:
It doesn't work in my webapp : All variables change at the same time.
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Sep 26, 2011
I am new to Javascript but fluent in C++ and other languages, I have a query, I made a global variable to hold string information, can the value of this string be assigned to a form input field value? I mean in the 'default value sense' I am just wondering if there is any syntax to accomplish this. EG in my javascript I have the string nameVal; It is a global variable, I would like to know if it is poosible access its value for use in the line below shown with italics, or is it basically always a case of 'type the value in manually yourself' and then rely on events functions to update the field thereafter?
Name: <br><input type = "text" name = "nameField" size = "50" value = my string val here onChange ="this.value=storeVal(this.value, '0')"></input></br>
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Feb 17, 2007
I would like to be able to take some action (implemented in a
function) when a property is assigned a new value (much a page is re-
rendered when, for example, a style is changed). So if I do ...
myObject.myProperty = 5;
I want myObject.myFunction to be called. Is this possible at all?
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Apr 15, 2011
I see that the cluetip plugin project is on github so, perhaps at some point I'll be able to try implementing this feature myself, and submit a pull request. My team is using the cluetip plugin in a rather exceptional way. Rather than a tooltip like msg bubble that appears on mouseover, we show the cluetip on page load and require the user to dismiss it. We're using these cluetips to communicate new features on our site. After looking at available jquery plugins, cluetip seemed to be best suited for this use (all be it, a rather exceptional use).
The current design allows for this use with just a bit of css work but it limits us to one cluetip visible on a page at a time. Multiple cluetips are not possible because the cluetip div container has a non-unique id and the jquery id selector is used in the plugin code (which means that only the first cluetip in the DOM is ever referenced by the code). I'd like to extend the code to allow for dynamic assignment of the id on the cluetip container which would allow us to render multiple cluetips on the page. Perhaps, this might constitute a new plugin, since this isn't really the intended use of cluetips.
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Dec 2, 2010
There's a box INPUT[code]...
and the corresponding line of [code]...
Everything works with a bang. However, now we need to pass a string out of 2 INPUT values(input name="name" and input name="last"), ie [code]...
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Aug 19, 2011
I want to get the text between the second td. The 83:
> <td
The table hasnĀ“t a id ore something lime that.
Thought of something like this ;)
var kraft_cp = ('tr:has(td):contains("Kraft")');
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a webpage(with a text field and a button) which prompts for a
local file and attempts to load the file in the window if the user
clicks on the button. The javascript code onClick event uses the
location.href property to achieve the desired result. (This loaded
page has some additional functionality which lets them upload the
contents to the server.)
This approach only seem to work for some computers and on others it is
loading a blank page. I have alerts in the code to show that
location.href is correctly reflecting the file location after the
assignment. When it is loading the blank page I see the message
"Opening page about:blank" on the status bar. Iam currently using IE6
sp1 on Win2k. This issue is not just limited to this combination. We
are experiencing issues with IE5.5, WinXP as well.
The code works if I pass a web site address. It only fails if I
attempt to pass a file name(c: est.htm)
Any thoughts on why the blank page is being loaded or how can I go
about resolving this issue.
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May 3, 2010
For my web assignment we have to put in interactive elements into our web pages. The one I'm having trouble is a confirm button for a form, (it doesn't send any info as we have not been taught any php or any form of server side scripting yet). What I have want the button to do is to check that all feilds have been entered info if they then thank the user and close pop up div, if not request the user to enter info into all fields.
My code does sort of I want but doesn't thank the person if it is all filled instead it says please enter info into all feilds and then closes.
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Oct 26, 2011
- Create a function that prompts user for a number.
- Develop the program so that it continues to prompt until it receives valid information.
- Then create a multiplication table that displays the number multiplied by 1 through prompted number.
How to get the function to work.
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Jul 23, 2005
On a SELECT object, I try to set it's value with one of the value of
options, such as selectObj.value="whatever". Sometime it works while
sometimes it won't work at all , using IE6. When we want to set a value to
the SELECT object, have to know it's option index first. Then set
selectedIndex to that index. Is there a quick way to set a select value with
a known value?
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Jul 20, 2005
I a have a div on my page that is absolutely positioned and it's
z-index is 1000. Although it's z-index is the biggest on the page it
appears behind the select elements on the page. How can I make a div
appear on top of everything on the page?
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Mar 12, 2007
What is a cross-browser way to get the size (number of visible items)
of a SELECT element? If that is not possible, how would I determine
if the element was of a MULTIPLE type or not?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have need of a readonly select element that looks and acts disabled to
the user. The problem with the disabled attribute is that the value
isn't passed to the handler, so I'm using readonly. Problem with
readonly is that is allows focus, which when the user highlights, then
hits backspace (as if to change the field), the browser does a
history.back. This is confusing to users. Code:
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Jan 7, 2011
I have a javascript tool in which I can supply a listener function, which has the parameter 'div', which is a dom element. Now I would like to apply $('a.enlargement').fancyzoom({Speed:0,showoverlay:true}); to that div, but I only have the reference. I know about the 'find' function, but that can only be run on a selection object. So how can I do this?
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May 5, 2010
I am trying to create select element using dom and also populate with data comes from database. The element create successfully but not populating with data. The Java code is:
function addItem()
var actnum=document.getElementById("theValue");
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Jul 23, 2005
In our current application we have a page whose sole purpose for existence
is to permit the user to select from a list (subsequent to our login page).
We would like to have the list drop down automatically when the visitor
arrives at the page, perhaps by using the onLoad event to call the dropdown
code. The problem is, the click() event does not drop down the list, as I
would have thought it might.
I can successfully fire other methods using the object.method() syntax. Our
form is named "test," the select is named "sel1," and the code
document.test.sel1.focus() in fact focuses the control,
document.test.sel1.selectedIndex=2 selects the third item, etc. Given that,
I would have thought that would cause a similar
result to clicking the control, i.e., dropdown of the select. Instead, all
that happens is what appears to be a very quick redraw of the selected
value's text (i.e., it flickers slightly).
I've tried preceding the call to click() with a call to focus(), and vice
versa. No joy. I've Googled on several combinations of search terms, but
either there's no information on how to accomplish this or it was deeper
than the 3-4 pages I followed down into each of the search results.
Anybody know if it is possible to do what we want, and if so, could you
point me to a link where I can find sample source?
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Jul 23, 2005
Does someone can help me with the following problem?
I have a SELECT form tag, with some OPTIONS elements. I am using the
following code to detect a click in the SELECT.
document.onclick = fnc_document_click
function fnc_document_click(){
if( == "my_lst"){
How can I avoid the "if" if user click in a area of SELECT out of the
options elements? (The SELECT object is higher than the the goups of
OPTIONS its contains)
In other words, how can detect if the click Iinside the SELECT element)
happens in a OPTION element or not?
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Dec 15, 2011
I have the following code: $('select.interest').change(function(){
var value = $(this + 'option:selected').text();
I just want to get the text of the select element I just changed. However, this is returning the text of the selected value of ALL the select elements on my page.
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