What I want is a loop that will call the same function until it reaches a certain number (let's say 10). Then I want the function to take the parameter passed (the number) and use it in the function where ever you see a 1 below. Basically I want it to run on each element of the pub_name array and from the info gathered define a variable based on the number (example: display_pub_name_*). I have run some tests .....
I have an external javascript file with certain attributes defined to open a file in new window, which I use for viewing maps. However I need to define different attributes for the height and width, as I want users to open video clips in smaller windows. What do I need to do? Code:
I have this problem in xsl wherein i want to access a variable in javascript and use it my xsl. How would i access or use a javscript variable in my xsl file?
I have seen web pages sites, when you drop down a list box, it seems to go back to the server to retrieve some data without reloading the whole page (e.g. select make of car and it retrieves a list of models from the server to populate another list box).
I've been using some code to verify form data quite happily, but i've recently changed the way my form is structured, and I can't get it to work now.
Originally :
The form is called "form1", and I have selects called "PORTA", "PORTB" ... etc...
I then had javascript that accessed these selects as below, and it worked fine.
ind = document.form1.PORTD.selectedIndex; val = document.form1.PORTD.options[ind].value; dev = document.form1.PORTD.options[ind].text;
My form is now autogenerated, and form data is stored to file, so I now use an associative array for thte form elements (so that I can loop through them easily), The form elements names are now :
McuCfg[PORTA], McuCfg{PORTB} and so on
Now, I modified the javascript so that it now uses the McuCfg[] associative array :
ind = document.form1.McuCfg[PORTD].selectedIndex; val = document.form1.McuCfg[PORTD].options[ind].value; dev = document.form1.McuCfg[PORTD].options[ind].text;
When the script runs, I get the error
"document.form1.McuCfg.PORTD is null or not an object"
I have used the same notation that i know works for the "options" array although that's not an associative array.
All are the same except the value is set differently for each one. The reason for the [] is so I can access the checkbox values as an array on the processing page (when clicking 'Submit');
However, I want my Javascript code to examine these objects first. My onclick event handler function (below) is called (I get the 'hi there' popup), but it does nothing afterward (i.e., neither 'checkbox' alert appears, and the handler, strangely, seems to return 'true').
I suppose my problem is that I am not specifying the checkbox array properly. I tried several variations, but I've been working on this problem alone for several hours and am getting nowhere. Code:
The scenario is of two different web servers. The parent frame (html page orginates from server 1) has script like function x1() { ..... alert('parent invoked'); .... }
Inside child frame (html orginates from server 2) the html refers to parent script like { ..... parent.x1(); .... }
It throws Microsoft Jscript runtime error: permission denied. I am using IE based on WinCE 4.2 version platform.
I am working on a PHP-script and need javascript to set the value of a hidden field in a form. This field happens to be an entry in an array data[3] according to my example. How can I do this?
Below is listet two PHP-pages: one that doesn't work (to my dismay), and another that does work, but do not use an array entry in the hidden field. Code:
I embedded a javascript in HTML and tried to open the file using mozilla 1.4 it gave me the following exception in the script on clicking the Submit/Next button. IE was able to execute the script
Function defination function evaluate(form)
Line making the call : <INPUT onclick="if (validate(this.form)) evaluate(this.form);" type=button value=Submit/Next name=B1>
I am using AWM menu and there is functon awmCreateMenu() which creates a menu, but exactly not getting the different arguments to this function. How to get meanings of these parameters? Actually I want to activate or open this menu using an short key like shift+MenuName first alphabet eg Shift + A or Alt + A will also do.
Is there anyway to call an executable on a local disk (W2K) with arguments from javascript? Or from any other language for that matter?
We are trying to create a simple 'portal' page to a group of our c++ applications via a webbrowser. To open the applications however you must pass them command line options.
I need to be able to pass a variable to a CSS argument after computing the size of the viewers window height. I am using an alert function to test it, but so far it won't populate.
$(document).ready(function() { var winHeight = $(window).height(); var winWidth = $(window).width();
I am a newbie and am writing a function. I want the function to refer to an arrays elements to get the biggest, but I dont know how to do this.
Here is the code:
what I am trying to do, is get the array elements to be called and give me an answer. Will I need to add the array to the function? It is further down the code after the function at the moment. Or will I need to add the array elements to the function?
I know in different languages (VB.Net,C++,C#) how to pass an argument to function in this code: <html> <head> <script language="Javascript"> <!-- hide function openNewWindow() { popupWin = window.open('[URL]', 'open_window', 'menubar, toolbar, location, directories, status, scrollbars, resizable, dependent, width=640, height=480, left=0, top=0') } done hiding --> </script></head><body> <a href="javascript:openNewWindow();">return to front page</a> </body></html>
I need to add several links in my page, so I need to pass indexes from links to main function, so I can open images in specific folder with indexes filenames. For example in vb Subname("text_to_pass_to_SubName") Public Sub SubName(ByVal function_text as string) End Sub
I have a setup where I need to get the function calling a function, which works fine, I just use arguments.callee.caller.Now I need to take it a step further and get the object that the function belongs too. For example in a onclick="parentObj.someFunction()" parentObj.someFunction calls some other function. I need a way to know that parentObj was involved, just getting someFunction isn't enough because parentObj has properties that are used in someFunction. To make it more interesting lets say I can't pass any more parameters to someFunction, so I can't pass parentObj into it as an argument.
I'm trying to replace an element's style on the fly like this
var sc = document.getElementById("someElement").innerHTML; scorecard = sc.replace("class="thisclass"","style="width:"+width+"px;float:left;margin-top:"+topmargin+"px;"");
where width and topmargin are values that I calculated earlier.This works fine in all browsers except IE. The trouble, I'm quite sure, is with the escaped quotes " in the arguments of the replace() function.What this seems to be doing (in IE) is just just returning the same string sc, but with the quotes stripped off of "thisclass".
I have a main page that opens a pop up window when the user clicks a link. The pop up window is a menu and when the user clicks the item, it populates a form input element on the 'parent' window.
My question is: this new populated form element is the value that I use to change a style.
onchange does not watch this form element because of getelementbyid, so it doesn't trigger the function needed to change the style. onchange works fine if I just manually input a value into the text box.
Any other way to fire the function off when the user picks their selection from the pop-up window? I was thinking I could use window.opener.function()? But how do I pass the form from the parent window? From the pop up window, I don't use this.form, what do I use?something like window.opener.form[0] ?
I'm calling `setInterval(myfunc, 100);`. That function receives one parameter which seems to be -3, 0, 3, 6 or 9. This isn't a problem, but I'm wondering what it is. Does someone know?
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/
I'm a PHP developer that needs to user javascript to open a window prior to a _POST call.
PHP Code: <title>test</title> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function newwindow() { var myForm = document.header; var txtValue = myForm.txtUsername.value; var txtFileName = "lost_logon.php"; [Code]....
I need the window.open to open a new window with arguments attached. For example is the username is bigbob the call should be lost_login.php&user=bigbob. How do I pass the argument?