Accessing Stylesheets From Javascript
Jul 20, 2005
I'm looking for a way to do:
function resetBorder(theObj) { = theObj.class.border;
But it doesn't seem to be as simple as that, I'd like a cross-browser solution, but will settle for IE.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a large table in html created dynamically. This table can grow
to several hundred rows or more. I have the ability to hide or display
individual rows (using = "none") and this works well
in both IE and Firefox.
I would also like to do the same with columns as well. I did some
research and col and colgroup nodes are not supported fully in both
browsers. Also, doing "visibility: hidden" and sometimes "display:
none" don't work correctly. The only solution I know to work would be
to go through each row and set the particular cells in the column using
' = "none"'. With that many rows, this is not
I do have each cell in the column set up with classes. Its easy in
Javascript to set the style of each cell in the DOM. However, I was
wondering if there is a way to set the style of the class itself? For
example, I have the following class defined in CSS:
.columna { display: none; }
Using Javascript, is there a way to change the value of the style of
the class without having to iterate through each row and cell?
Unfortunately I need to support both IE and Firefox, and for
supportability, I would prefer one solution that works on both OS's (I
already have tons of browser dependant code as it is).
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Jul 23, 2005
I have this problem in xsl wherein i want to access a variable in
javascript and use it my xsl. How would i access or use a javscript
variable in my xsl file?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have seen web pages sites, when you drop down a list box, it seems to go
back to the server to retrieve some data without reloading the whole page
(e.g. select make of car and it retrieves a list of models from the server
to populate another list box).
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Mar 4, 2001
Say I have a tag like this
<SCRIPT src="navbar.js?width=580"></SCRIPT>
This is just a very simplified example.
In my navbar.js file, how would I retrieve the arguments such as "width"?
var width = /*?????*/;
document.write("<TABLE width="+width+">");
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Jan 22, 2010
is it possible to load a .css file via .ajax() or .get() ? if so, are those stylesheets just available or do I have to "register" them somehow?
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Oct 22, 2007
I have reason to want to be able to change a Firefox stylesheet rule dynamically. I have found, doing google searches, sites which tell you how to create stylesheets dynamically or just add and delete rules, but none of these pages procedures have worked in my Firefox. Some have worked in Internet Explorer. Most have claimed to be cross browser. An example of one which I had high hopes would work can be found at this link.. The code they give you near the bottom of that page is posted below with the original background color changed to red and some text to see the background color put in the body of the page. In other words I pretty much just pasted the code found their in the head portion of my HTML page.
Attempting to troubleshoot why this code is not working if I use the old alert message method and put an alert message between the lines "var mysheet=document.styleSheets[0]" and the line "var totalrules=mysheet.cssRules? mysheet.cssRules.length : mysheet.rules.length" the mysheet variable region out as being "object CSSStyleSheet", however if I use the newer step through method with firebug it reads undefined. So I am totally baffled. Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
I've been using some code to verify form data quite happily, but i've
recently changed the way my form is structured, and I can't get it to work
Originally :
The form is called "form1", and I have selects called "PORTA", "PORTB" ...
I then had javascript that accessed these selects as below, and it worked
ind = document.form1.PORTD.selectedIndex;
val = document.form1.PORTD.options[ind].value;
dev = document.form1.PORTD.options[ind].text;
My form is now autogenerated, and form data is stored to file, so I now use
an associative array for thte form elements (so that I can loop through them
easily), The form elements names are now :
McuCfg[PORTA], McuCfg{PORTB} and so on
Now, I modified the javascript so that it now uses the McuCfg[] associative
array :
ind = document.form1.McuCfg[PORTD].selectedIndex;
val = document.form1.McuCfg[PORTD].options[ind].value;
dev = document.form1.McuCfg[PORTD].options[ind].text;
When the script runs, I get the error
"document.form1.McuCfg.PORTD is null or not an object"
I have used the same notation that i know works for the "options" array
although that's not an associative array.
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Jan 15, 2006
In my HTML, I have several of the following:
<input type='checkbox' name='right[]' id='right[]' value=Ɔ' />
All are the same except the value is set differently for each one. The
reason for the [] is so I can access the checkbox values as an array on
the processing page (when clicking 'Submit');
However, I want my Javascript code to examine these objects first. My
onclick event handler function (below) is called (I get the 'hi there'
popup), but it does nothing afterward (i.e., neither 'checkbox' alert
appears, and the handler, strangely, seems to return 'true').
I suppose my problem is that I am not specifying the checkbox array
properly. I tried several variations, but I've been working on this
problem alone for several hours and am getting nowhere. Code:
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Feb 8, 2010
I am trying to work out how to access unrecognised CSS properties within stylesheets from JavaScript.
Say I have a stylesheet containing the following:
p {border-radius: 20px;}
Now. The CSS3 "border-radius" property is not recognised by any browsers at the moment. In Internet Explorer I can still access the property as follows:
alert(document.styleSheets[0].rules[0].style['border-radius']); // Alerts "20px"
However, Gecko and V8 don't seem to include the rule in their JavaScript engines at all:
alert(document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0].cssText); // Alerts "p { }"
Does anyone know of any way to access unrecognised rules in these engines? Or even better if there are any scripts or plugins available anywhere that will do this for me?
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Jul 13, 2011
I'm trying to allow the user to change the stylesheet of my website. I can change the stylesheet on a page by page basis (eg. from red style to blue style) but once the user navigates to a different page the stylesheet resets back to the original setting.
For example, when the user visits the site first its set to the red style, they can change it to blue but when they navigate to another page the style goes back to red again where as I want the style to stick across pages. Does anybody know how I can sort this out?
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm, having some problems with this function.
function displayElements()
for (i=0;i<document.forms[0].elements.length; ++i)
I'm trying to loop through the only form (form[0]?) on my webpage and
display all their values. For some reason I'm only being shown the first
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Sep 2, 2010
On the web application that I am working on, we have a "Print Preview" javascript function which opens a new window and displays some html. In our solution, there is some javascript code that loops through the CSS on the page and renders it onto the child window. I ran into an issue that the CSS it generated was wrong, and I traced it to the .cssText property (only available in IE) of the items returned by document.stylesheets.item(i)
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Jan 6, 2006
The scenario is of two different web servers. The parent frame (html
page orginates from server 1) has script like
function x1()
alert('parent invoked');
Inside child frame (html orginates from server 2) the html refers to
parent script like
It throws Microsoft Jscript runtime error: permission denied. I am
using IE based on WinCE 4.2 version platform.
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Jul 23, 2005
I am working on a PHP-script and need javascript to set the value of a
hidden field in a form. This field happens to be an entry in an array
data[3] according to my example. How can I do this?
Below is listet two PHP-pages: one that doesn't work (to my dismay), and
another that does work, but do not use an array entry in the hidden field. Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
I call a javascript function in my page load that accesses an iframe and I get an error. But if I wait till the page completely loads and access the iframe through a click event
everything works fine.
I'm trying to set some of the iframe's properties on page load. Can I do this?
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May 31, 2006
Is it possible to take an ASP textbox that has an attribute of
visible='hidden' and make it visible from javascript? I dont want it
to be visible until data on the page has been entered and thus need a
way to dynamically change its visibility?
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May 17, 2007
How can I access to specific element by javascript and not by using the getElementById method.
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Nov 30, 2010
I'm loading an XML document and grabbing a node with content in it including html. I can't figure out how to grab the src of the first IMG tag that appears in this text string
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Apr 3, 2009
all on the same page that are accessed by the classic show/hide DIV functionality.
So user clicks button 2, which shows story 2, hide stories 1 and 3. (all on the same page).
The issue is that I've been asked to provide a method to directly link to story 2 or 3, which currently isn't possible since you need to load the page, then click the button to show story 2 or 3 (naturally 1 loads by default).
So I'm looking for any method to go right to story 2/3 from a link.
Perhaps I can pass a variable through the URL which executes the function as soon as the new page loads (which would mean a quick double page load but I could handle that)
Here's the function:
var showMe = function(me) {
document.getElementById(me)["style"]["display"] = "block";
}, hideMe = function(me) {
document.getElementById(me)["style"]["display"] = "none";
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Nov 23, 2006
I'm trying to figure out how to access body if it has no name or ID.
<p>example paragraph</p>
<style type="text/javascript">
document.getElementByTagName('body').setAttribute('bgcolor', '#000');
It didn't work. I also tried both of these:
document.getElementsByTagName('body').setAttribute('bgcolor', '#000');
document.getElementByTagName('body').item(0).setAttribute('bgcolor', '#000');
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Dec 8, 2007
I'm trying to access a div within another div, but get an error stating that the firstChild object of the div is not an object. The code I am using is as follows:
<div style="background-color:whitesmoke; width:100px;" onMouseOver="javascript:highlight_row(this)" onMouseOut="javascript:unhighlight_row(this)">div 1<div>div 2</div></div>
function highlight_row(obj)
{ = "block";
function unhighlight_row(obj)
{ = "none";
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Oct 21, 2011
I'm not an ace JSer by any means--the problem I'm about to pose could easily be solved with pointers in C++ (the language with which I am most familiar), unfortunately that is not an option.I am making a webapp using the google visualization API:URL...My problem may be related to the API, but I think it's more Javascript oriented--the Google group for the API is helpful,I have a function, drawDash(), which declares some elements of the visualization, some filters for the visualization, then binds them together and draws them. Now what I need to do is access the elements of one of those vars, specifically a filter, and add/change properties of it with an HTML form.
I've set up an onclick function for a set of checkboxes in my form that calls another function. The problem I face is that I can't really access the filter correctly.[code]So basically, I want to have a function be able to edit the var serviceSearch from another function.
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Jul 22, 2003
Is there a way in Javascript to access a field with [] in it for example
destList[]. I need to have this since the field is a listbox and it contains multiple options. it gets posted to the server and handled by PHP. in order to have all the options submitted to the server the name of the field needs to have a [] on the end of it.
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Nov 30, 2003
I have a page with a link and a DIV with visibility=hidden. The target of the link is to a hidden IFRAME. The link executes a script in the hidden IFRAME. When the user clicks the link, I change the DIV's visibility to visible. Depending on a condition in the script executing in the hidden IFRAME, I want to change the DIV's visibility back to hidden. How would I do this?
document.parentWindow.all("DIV").style.visibility = "hidden"
but it didn't work.
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Sep 7, 2011
This is probably a ridiculously simple task, but I am new to Javascript, so here goes. Is it possible to get the 'id' (and other attributes) of a 'div' area after I have clicked into it?
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