Is there anyway to call an executable on a local disk (W2K) with arguments
from javascript? Or from any other language for that matter?
We are trying to create a simple 'portal' page to a group of our c++
applications via a webbrowser. To open the applications however you must
pass them command line options.
How do I create a link on a Web page on my hard drive that will run an executable file on my hard drive?
For example, let's say I create runpoodle.htm and save it to my hard drive, and let's also say I have an executable file on the root of C named c:poodle.exe.
How can I create a link of some sort on runpoodle.htm that will run poodle.exe on c: ?
Better yet, can I specify a data file that poodle.exe will open after it starts?
I use Windows XP Pro, and when I create a simple href anything like this
<a href="file:c:poodle.exe"> Run POODLE.EXE</a>
the result is that Windows opens a security warning box asking whether I want to download poodle.exe....
I have a form button with id="submit". When pressed, ClickGeocode(credentials) is called. This works fine and dandy with: $('submit").click(ClickGeocode) Despite there being no indication that the function takes an argument 'credentials'. So when I want to call the function at some point in my code, I should be able to do something like ClickGeocode(credentials) ... no? However, my issue is that credentials isn't once defined in my code - it is part of Bing Maps function... like so:
function ClickGeocode(credentials) { map.getCredentials(MakeGeocodeRequest); }
So why does it work using .click(), and how can I call the function without user interaction (simply somewhere in my code) even if 'credentials' is not defined?
I embedded a javascript in HTML and tried to open the file using mozilla 1.4 it gave me the following exception in the script on clicking the Submit/Next button. IE was able to execute the script
Function defination function evaluate(form)
Line making the call : <INPUT onclick="if (validate(this.form)) evaluate(this.form);" type=button value=Submit/Next name=B1>
I am using AWM menu and there is functon awmCreateMenu() which creates a menu, but exactly not getting the different arguments to this function. How to get meanings of these parameters? Actually I want to activate or open this menu using an short key like shift+MenuName first alphabet eg Shift + A or Alt + A will also do.
I need to be able to pass a variable to a CSS argument after computing the size of the viewers window height. I am using an alert function to test it, but so far it won't populate.
$(document).ready(function() { var winHeight = $(window).height(); var winWidth = $(window).width();
I am a newbie and am writing a function. I want the function to refer to an arrays elements to get the biggest, but I dont know how to do this.
Here is the code:
what I am trying to do, is get the array elements to be called and give me an answer. Will I need to add the array to the function? It is further down the code after the function at the moment. Or will I need to add the array elements to the function?
I know in different languages (VB.Net,C++,C#) how to pass an argument to function in this code: <html> <head> <script language="Javascript"> <!-- hide function openNewWindow() { popupWin ='[URL]', 'open_window', 'menubar, toolbar, location, directories, status, scrollbars, resizable, dependent, width=640, height=480, left=0, top=0') } done hiding --> </script></head><body> <a href="javascript:openNewWindow();">return to front page</a> </body></html>
I need to add several links in my page, so I need to pass indexes from links to main function, so I can open images in specific folder with indexes filenames. For example in vb Subname("text_to_pass_to_SubName") Public Sub SubName(ByVal function_text as string) End Sub
I have a setup where I need to get the function calling a function, which works fine, I just use arguments.callee.caller.Now I need to take it a step further and get the object that the function belongs too. For example in a onclick="parentObj.someFunction()" parentObj.someFunction calls some other function. I need a way to know that parentObj was involved, just getting someFunction isn't enough because parentObj has properties that are used in someFunction. To make it more interesting lets say I can't pass any more parameters to someFunction, so I can't pass parentObj into it as an argument.
I'm trying to replace an element's style on the fly like this
var sc = document.getElementById("someElement").innerHTML; scorecard = sc.replace("class="thisclass"","style="width:"+width+"px;float:left;margin-top:"+topmargin+"px;"");
where width and topmargin are values that I calculated earlier.This works fine in all browsers except IE. The trouble, I'm quite sure, is with the escaped quotes " in the arguments of the replace() function.What this seems to be doing (in IE) is just just returning the same string sc, but with the quotes stripped off of "thisclass".
I have a main page that opens a pop up window when the user clicks a link. The pop up window is a menu and when the user clicks the item, it populates a form input element on the 'parent' window.
My question is: this new populated form element is the value that I use to change a style.
onchange does not watch this form element because of getelementbyid, so it doesn't trigger the function needed to change the style. onchange works fine if I just manually input a value into the text box.
Any other way to fire the function off when the user picks their selection from the pop-up window? I was thinking I could use window.opener.function()? But how do I pass the form from the parent window? From the pop up window, I don't use this.form, what do I use?something like window.opener.form[0] ?
I'm calling `setInterval(myfunc, 100);`. That function receives one parameter which seems to be -3, 0, 3, 6 or 9. This isn't a problem, but I'm wondering what it is. Does someone know?
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/
I'm a PHP developer that needs to user javascript to open a window prior to a _POST call.
PHP Code: <title>test</title> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function newwindow() { var myForm = document.header; var txtValue = myForm.txtUsername.value; var txtFileName = "lost_logon.php"; [Code]....
I need the to open a new window with arguments attached. For example is the username is bigbob the call should be lost_login.php&user=bigbob. How do I pass the argument?
I'm use prototype quite a lot for ajax calls, but have always used inline onclicks. I'm trying to be less obtrusive by creating event handlers/listeners.I used to do this with the aid of pHp to place arguments into the function (usually via 'while loop'):
What I want is a loop that will call the same function until it reaches a certain number (let's say 10). Then I want the function to take the parameter passed (the number) and use it in the function where ever you see a 1 below. Basically I want it to run on each element of the pub_name array and from the info gathered define a variable based on the number (example: display_pub_name_*). I have run some tests .....
I am trying to create a script that will cover cross-browser limitations in adding event listeners to elements. I have found plenty of resources to add a listener but can't find any way of assigning a function containing arguments. Here is what I have so far:
/* Attach events regardless of browser */
function addEvent(obj, evType, fn) { if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false); return true; } else if (obj.attachEvent) { var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn); return r; } else { return false; }}
/* Contains all attachments to be made on page load */
function load() { item = document.getElementById('toggleControl'); addEvent(item, 'click', toggle);
/* Add event to page load and assign load() function */
addEvent(window, 'load', load);
The actual functions for toggle and runAlert are in a seperate .js file, but are standard functions. the problem is that I can't find a way to perform the equivalent of:
I have an external javascript file with certain attributes defined to open a file in new window, which I use for viewing maps. However I need to define different attributes for the height and width, as I want users to open video clips in smaller windows. What do I need to do? Code:
I use addEventListener and I cannot (or at least don't know how) pass arguments to the function.
Let's say we have a function: function warning(arg1, arg2) {alert('Argument 1: ' + arg1 + ', Argument2: ' + arg2 + '.');}
It's possible to have: onclick="warning('my argument 1', 'my argument 1');" as an html attribut.
But I think it's not posible to do it like this (still the same function): el.addEventListener("click", warning('my argument 1', 'my argument 1'), false);